Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 72157 times)


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The blond vampire's hands moved to the back of Medaka's neck tenderly stroking the girl's hair. The enormous boobs were pressed even further into her, crushing her own that couldn't quite compare in volume, however it was what the newly turned vampire said that distracted her the most.

Preserve his body for sex? or did she love him? The question made her pause all her motions, she didn't even notice as Medaka face came closer or that she was stared at so intensily, that was how deep into thoughts she were. However, that didn't stope her from speaking up.

"He came back...."

The line had no apparent connection to what Medaka asked, or maybe it did have some deaper meaning, but that didn't come to be. Before the blond vampire continued on that train of thought she stopped once more, it was only for an instant, it was clear though that she was aware of her surroundings again.

She gave the blue haired girl an innocent smile, the smile was obviously fake, that much could be gleaned from a single look.

"Does the idea of me being plowed by the part of the male genitalia commonly known as a dick, excite you that much?"


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The Hunter was caught off-guard as the swarm somehow managed to dodge the boulder for the most part, though some of them hadn't managed to dodge. At Rikuyo's remark, Annabeth found herself wondering exactly what she'd been thinking when Ron took another try with the dissolving corpse of the bear, which he proceeded to flail around at them. Regardless, if brute force wouldn't do it...

Looking around for a moment, the Hunter drew the Magnum and fired a single shot above her head, separating a sizable tree branch from a nearby tree depositing it at her feet. Holstering the gun, Annabeth drew her knife and a small firestarter, a shower of sparks resulting from the union of the two tools lighting the branch ablaze. Perhaps it was some quirk of this strange forest, but the fire spread along the branch with surprising speed. Shrugging, the Hunter hefted the blazing branch and charged in, protected by her Nen from the fire and the heat and enhancing the branch just in case, joining Ron in swinging at the swarm, timing her blows to force the bees to choose between getting hit by the blazing branch or the dead spirit bear.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Umbra of Chaos

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Well, that wasn't creepy at all. Nope. Not one bit. And it wasn't just the spider doing things that its anatomy wasn't really designed to do. Rin sounded really clingy. "Well, uhh, it's fine, really! If she's worried I can just open a door back to your place anyways so she can come over. It's not an issue. I'll talk to her if I need to! I'm fine. I think it's better for me to have a place of my own for a bit, y'know?"

She slowly settled back onto the bed although she did scoot a good distance away from the arachnid.


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Mobb Boss

"Sure!" He said cheerfully, but then bit his lip and sulked a bit. "Uh, do you know the way?"


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"One of many perks of having a friend who is a retired spy," Gabriel said with a smile, "And who knows their way around certain circles.  I could be convinced to help . . ."

He gently elbowed Emily with a smile.


"Damn it," Rin all but hissed as Archer decided to "help" Sakura, blocking her path with his body.

His body that was several centimeters taller and kilograms heavier than hers, not to mention he was a Servant.  Rin watched as Archer took the spoon from Sakura and brought it to her lips.   "I'll be really disappointed if you refuse my cooking like this Rin, are you saying I'm a bad chef?" Archer asked her.

Rin felt as if someone had lit her cheeks on fire and said, "I'm not refusing it, I'm just saying I can feed myself." 

She looked between the two of them and asked, "Come on, who other than me would fight this hard and be this stubborn?  Anyone else would have just accepted the bite by now."  Then making a little hissing sound, sounding like an irate kitten, Rin leaned forward and took the bite, chewing it and swallowing it.

"There, happy?" she asked, "And yes, it was good."


Forest felt her face heat up more from the blood she'd just taken.  Gadreel's own blush was really sort of stunning, almost perfect in its imperfections really, and it brought out the color of his eyes.  It was almost enough to distract her from that all too familiar - yet slightly different - smell.

Pristine condition is right . . .

She gestured and asked, "Do you want me to get out so you can change or I could just turn my back . . .?  And . . . bugger, I have wet naps in my car."

She then chuckled at the absurdity of the situation, shaking her head.  "Honestly that," she said, gesturing almost abstractly to Gadreel's groin region, "Always happens to the donor when I feed.  I can't turn it off, and apparently it's kind of an uncommon thing for it to always do . . . that."


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Muramasa Katase

That Mitsuba would request this of her the very night after Kenzo's death was sickening. It was clear to Katase now more than ever that there was something decidedly inhuman about the woman who had just aided her in fulfilling her vengeance. Even humans, disgusting creatures as they so often were, were to her understanding not inclined to ask a widow to fuck them so soon into mourning. Then again, what did she know?

"So soon?" he asked the assassin, tilting his head as his mild voice insinuated unpleasant things about her. "Well, I suppose that is my fault for overestimating the time it would take for you to fulfill your end of this bargain."

In any case, this body was just a puppet. It could do the task without Katase having to disgust herself by paying too much attention to it.


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"My apologies if that offended you, Muramasa-san. It's just that a person like me tends to want to get rewarded for what they achieved relatively quickly. With an origin like mine, I'm not too sure about my future." The Unchained bowed in apology.

"See, I'm a weapon like you. I'm more used to be clad in human body than you, I suppose, but I was originally forged by someone too, and then ran away. My former owner would like to take me back and smelt me down, so I'm always on guard." Mitsuba explained to Muramasa-san in terms that would be familiar to her. "I'm never sure of the future, so leaving behind some legacy is my earnest wish. That's why I want a child. Leave a permament mark in this world. But if you don't want to do it tonight, then I guess I shouldn't pressure you. Though I might have a favor to ask. Can you trade a soul with me?"


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"Ah, can you stop talking like that, it pisses me off! I should've travelled to some remote place like Scotland or Germany, I wouldn't be now pestered by someone who wants to be my groupie or something. You don't want to land outside in the same dumpster like her? Then call me by my name and behave normally."

The brown haired woman threathened the Frenchwoman with defenestration. It started becoming a habit of hers. It probably would be in the interest of the French saint to listen to what she said, but this Jeanne was being so unreasonable that who knows what could happen.

If that magus had any objections about that he would land in a dumpster too.


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Hah, so Ron-chan tried to distract the attention of bees with the corpse while Annie set a branch on fire to make bees choose between two options. Should she really intervene at that point? Nah, maybe wait a bit. See how the fight would unfold. She wouldn't be true to herself if she butted in without any real need.

On another hand swim-or-sink approach wasn't something she aimed completely for. At least in case of Ron-chan. Annie was more disposable. She didn't wish for her death, but didn't particularly care if she lost and died. Well, Ron-chan would probably mourn her, but maybe he would get over that quite soon.


Forced to choose between two options, the swarm decided to take the blunt force of the corpse swang by the Uratha. Some of the swarm indeed dispersed, propelled by the kinetic force, few bees even died from the heat, but some latched on to the corpse and gnawed into its insides. Before those bees separated from the main swarm, they got a clear order. Hide in the corpse and launch a surprise attack on the werewolf. The main body started reforming again mid-air while the smaller body of bees emerged from one of the corpse's orifices and covered the arm of the werewolf, ready to bite and sting in order to take it out. Maybe even manage to gnaw through the skin to spirit ride him.

He would be a splendid addition to the Swarm. Resistance would be futile and the Uratha's strength would only make them more threathening.


A nearby tree awoke from a slumber as one of its branches got severed by someone. Who started a fire. The tree was slow to act and slow in thinking process, so it would take time to evaluate whether those tresspassers were a threat.

Would it stay a neutral party or open a second front against the trio? Only time would tell.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 01:25:23 PM by Kat »


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The blond Saint looke on in confusion as Petra complained about being reminded of who she is, Maybe she dislike being called her titles over her name? Wait. Christianity was an underground organization back then, persecuted by the Romans, perhaps that's why she disliked being called out in public.

Jeanne fully straightened herself as she looked the brown haired Ruler in the eyes. "You do realize Christianity is the state religion of those two places you mentioned. It's the same with almost every country in Europe...but fine I'll call you Petra."


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"See, you can be reasonable!" Petra smiled, though there was something bit unnerving to her smile. "Back to the thing that you brought up. You're stranded here like me, right? That's no problem though I'd be worried if that kept happening. Who knows what could happen with so many around."
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 01:48:38 PM by Kat »


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Exquisite food was hard to come by and a well earned treat for anyone lucky enough to do so. The food in this place was just that, a rare treat that one didn't come by too often and therefore should be enjoyed to it's fullest. Common sense is what most people would call that. Yet. So few actually took the time needed to, being far too caught up in their worries that wouldn't matter in the end.

His girlfriend had calmed down now, or at least restrained herself to a more proper level for the setting. Leaning back in his chair Jin took the time to drink in his surroundings.

"if you run too fast you're going to miss half of what life has to offer."


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There was something unnerving about the way Petra smiled, where she planning some horrible cruelty? No. That can't be. Jeanne cleared the thought from her head, unwilling to go down that path at the moment.

So she returned the smile, trying to be as cheerful as she could in the current situation.

"I've encountered a few more Servants, but they didn't know about a Grail War either..." Jeanne paused here, looking a bit unusre about how to continue. "Petra, can I ask about how He was? It's not every day you meet someone who saw it."


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Shirou Emiya

Shirou sat on the couch and shook his head, but took hold of the concoction anyway. It smelled foul, like Sakura's basement had at one point. He wasn't interested in drinking something that reminded him of the wormpit.

So he simply sat on the couch, moping about Jeanne's apparent disinterest in him in a manner similar to an abused puppy.

"So when'd you get here." He eventually asked, deciding to attempt to make conversation, putting the drink down next to him without drinking any.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka continued to stare into her eyes.  She smiled back, hers in contrast to Shinobu's was far more genuine.  "Its alright if you do not wish to tell me."  Then they became a bit more stern.  "However, you should not lie to me.  Especially when your emotions are calling out to me like this."

"You dont have to tell me if you don't want to.  I am your minion now right?  I cannot harm you."  She said softly, pulling back to a more reasonable distance on her lap, enough that her breasts were no longer pressed against her.  She gently reached out her hand and stroked the blonds beautiful hair as she awaited a response.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 10:31:44 PM by yinsukin »