Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 72163 times)


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Ignoring Rin's complaints about being able to feed herself, the man in red refilled the spoon and brought it back to Rin's mouth. "Rin, you shold relax and enjoy the service you're getting. But if you insist on making such adorable noises...." Archer paused for a moment, seemingly to think about something before he turned to Sakura.

"Do you have any fake cat ears? Don't you think that would fit her? There was a hint of enthusiasm in his question, like he was looking forward to where it may lead.


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Exquisite food was hard to come by and a well earned treat for anyone lucky enough to do so. The food in this place was just that, a rare treat that one didn't come by too often and therefore should be enjoyed to it's fullest. Common sense is what most people would call that. Yet. So few actually took the time needed to, being far too caught up in their worries that wouldn't matter in the end.

His girlfriend had calmed down now, or at least restrained herself to a more proper level for the setting. Leaning back in his chair Jin took the time to drink in his surroundings.

"if you run too fast you're going to miss half of what life has to offer."

Oka Kurosawa

Oka's bottom lip trembled at Jin's words, as if she was trying to hold something in. After a few seconds, she composed herself once more, and nodded with a smile.

"I'll—I'll take that advice to heart, Jin." She told him in a voice that sounded sincere enough.

God, Oka was happy that she'd managed to not burst out laughing at Jin's cheesiness. She didn't want to embarrass him further.

Oka picked up the menu and buried her face in it, quickly scanning each line in an attempt to hide her amusement from Jin. She was mature, damnit! She needed to control herself! She peeked over, and looked at Jin's face to gauge his reaction. After looking at him for a second, she hid back behind the menu, and fumed.

Ohhhh, I know he's getting ready to strike, and make fun of me! Oka thought to herself, upset that she couldn't be more mature like he was.

"Here are your menus, sir and madam." The waiter said having finally returned, startling Oka. Wait, menus? Oka was confused. Then what have I been looking at the entire time…

"Oh, I'm sorry to say, but we don't serve alcohol to minors at this establishment." The waiter paitently informed her, with a tone of voice Oka could swear sounded like he was making fun of her.

It was the drinks menu.

It was the freaking drinks menus.

She put down the menu and lowered her head, not that it would do anything to hide her massive blush. "Th-thanks." Oka said, quietly taking the real menu from him before he left once more. She felt so embarrassed. This was terrible. She felt so fucking stupid. She felt like she was about to cry, too.

"Damnit." She muttered.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Damn it," Rin all but hissed as Archer decided to "help" Sakura, blocking her path with his body.

His body that was several centimeters taller and kilograms heavier than hers, not to mention he was a Servant.  Rin watched as Archer took the spoon from Sakura and brought it to her lips.   "I'll be really disappointed if you refuse my cooking like this Rin, are you saying I'm a bad chef?" Archer asked her.

Rin felt as if someone had lit her cheeks on fire and said, "I'm not refusing it, I'm just saying I can feed myself." 

She looked between the two of them and asked, "Come on, who other than me would fight this hard and be this stubborn?  Anyone else would have just accepted the bite by now."  Then making a little hissing sound, sounding like an irate kitten, Rin leaned forward and took the bite, chewing it and swallowing it.

"There, happy?" she asked, "And yes, it was good."


Well, that wasn't creepy at all. Nope. Not one bit. And it wasn't just the spider doing things that its anatomy wasn't really designed to do. Rin sounded really clingy. "Well, uhh, it's fine, really! If she's worried I can just open a door back to your place anyways so she can come over. It's not an issue. I'll talk to her if I need to! I'm fine. I think it's better for me to have a place of my own for a bit, y'know?"

She slowly settled back onto the bed although she did scoot a good distance away from the arachnid.


Ignoring Rin's complaints about being able to feed herself, the man in red refilled the spoon and brought it back to Rin's mouth. "Rin, you shold relax and enjoy the service you're getting. But if you insist on making such adorable noises...." Archer paused for a moment, seemingly to think about something before he turned to Sakura.

"Do you have any fake cat ears? Don't you think that would fit her? There was a hint of enthusiasm in his question, like he was looking forward to where it may lead.

Sakura Matou

Sakura continued to laugh at Rin's ridiculous antics. She couldn't help it. They were hi-larious. Just totally drop dead funny. She couldn't even tell if they were intended for comedy, or if this sister of hers was just this kind of a weirdo. What was she thinking, hissing at them.

"Hahaha, I don't Archer, unfortunately." She told him with a regrettable voice. She waited just long enough for him to look slightly disappointed before she spoke up again. "However, I can do... This!" She quickly patted Rin on the head and created two large kitty ears, made of black tentacle ribbons. "Tada! What do you think?"

Meanwhile, at the hotel, Sakura found herself unable to compose herself for Liseth due to what was happening at the house, and so the spider simply stood there, bobbing up and down as if it was laughing.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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A look of disappointment crossed the blond vampire's face for an instant as Medaka pulled back on her lap, but it was gone as quickly as it came, leaving room for an indignant look.

"Are you saying I loved him? Do not be stupid, how could I love someone like that. He's insufferable. I hate him, hate him. Get it?."

The vampire went into a rant as she denied the implications of the blue haired girl, not even the bond that now existed between them would be necessary to see that the blond didn't believe her own statements.

As for what the 500 year old vampire was actually feeling, would be hard to describe. It was an intense shift between extremes, but where they really extremes? some say they exist as opposite sides of the coin, that they were in essence the same.


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The two women had already left the apartment, leaving this Shirou and Liam behind. This was better, while he'd rather not come to that, displaying Slim Shady before so many people would expose him. Nay, they were only fools and posed no threat to him. Besides, fools could always be put to use...

The figure slipped away from the corner of the wall, only to resurface below the couch, listening carefully. Ready, always ready...

This city would soon belong to  him. He could wait.


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Muramasa Katase

A weapon like her? Immediately Katase began to feel the twin pulls of competition and sympathy. On the one hand, she so rarely had the opportunity to interact with another intelligent weapon of any kind. On the other hand, she was a sword - other weapons were for breaking so she could slay their wielders. But this one, calling itself Mitsuba for now, didn't seem to want a wielder. It was completely backwards, though if Mitsuba's former wielder wanted to melt her down now that she had already left the Muramasa could see why she didn't want to go back.

She didn't say any of this. She didn't trust Mitsuba enough to share her thoughts on the matter with her right now. But, a deal was a deal. She attempted to reach into her collection of souls and carefully remove one for her temporary wielder, but then her male puppet twitched. "Urk... it appears the girl's spirit has finally awoken," Katase explained in clear discomfort. "I seem to have underestimated her ego. Digesting her will be... complicated."

The demon blade had to turn most of its attention to crushing the will of Misaka Mikoto to dust, and damn it all if the little bitch wasn't stubborn about it. Might have even been able to escape if the girl hadn't been asleep for the initial consumption and thus unable to respond. Still, the girl's defeat would be inevitable. Slow, but inevitable.


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"Oh, right, she wasn't exactly normal after all." Mitsuba commented, thinking of how impulsive she was to kill a burglar in fit of anger. Then the Unchained stuck her own sword into the floor, leaving it there. "That's by the way what I offer you for a soul. I have only one soul, or rather identity I wear to disguise myself, so I cannot trade it away. A second identity is all I'd ask you for today. Probably repairing the bar would be too of a financial drain, so I thought of something. I could forge for myself a new public identity while I could use this identity to get back into my old assassin career. I will wait for your answer when you are finished."

She wondered if the sword was focused enough to hear her offer, but at worst she would repeat it again once Muramasa was done. She now waited in silence, her hands in the pockets of her blue jacket.


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Jin noticed his girlfriend's critical mistake and chuckled. Thinking the drinks menu was the actual menu was only a mistake someone not used to restaurants did. "Haha, you're really eager for that aren't you, I remember that being one of the first things you asked for when you visited me."

Still he might as well poke some fun at her expense, she was the one who said she went to restaurants all the time after all. "The drinks menu is something they usually leave out on every table so that the guests can order it and well drink while they wait for the food. You're not that used to actual restaurants are you?"


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"Really think ya ought to drink that, son," he said to the stubborn drunk redhead. "It'll take the drunk right outta ya."

Still, the vampire shook his head and took a seat himself. These were the sorta innocuous questions that could lead to places the dead didn't really want to answer. Normally, at least. In this strange place he could honestly say he'd only gotten here...

"... about a week or so ago? Not much more than that. It's a mighty strange place, though I gotta wonder why you just assumed I'm not a local."


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"If you really want to talk about it, please not here. The show you put on could have already attracted attention, we cannot be even sure about that. If my companion goes home and you don't mind staying up a bit, we could talk. Assuming I can trust your magus friend on not spilling any beans. He already guesses I'm a Heroic Spirit, if he won't keep my identity secret then I won't bother talking with you about this in his presence. You could come tomorrow without him if you can't be sure about that." Petra explained to the younger saint. Extra precautions never hurt after all.


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"Stubborn child. Just don't regret it if we run into one of things I need to deal with it. I shall not judge if you disengage when seeing one of them." The nobleman sighed, fully aware that the child might have not known what she was getting into. He took the reigns of the horse and galloped together with the young lady where his instincts told the threat could lurk.


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Jin noticed his girlfriend's critical mistake and chuckled. Thinking the drinks menu was the actual menu was only a mistake someone not used to restaurants did. "Haha, you're really eager for that aren't you, I remember that being one of the first things you asked for when you visited me."

Still he might as well poke some fun at her expense, she was the one who said she went to restaurants all the time after all. "The drinks menu is something they usually leave out on every table so that the guests can order it and well drink while they wait for the food. You're not that used to actual restaurants are you?"

Oka Kurosawa

Oka hung her head low and looked like she was about to cry. She felt utterly humiliated. "Yeah…" She said to him quietly, not engaging him in their usual banter. "I guess not…"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Muramasa Katase

"Break it with me so that I can devour it, then," the male puppet said to Mitsuba. On the contrary, the offer was precisely what the demon sword needed right now. An extra boost of power from breaking a fine blade such as that would go a long way toward allowing Katase to subdue the soul of the belligerent murderer locked within her steel. "It will help me fulfill my end of the bargain sooner."

At least she could trust the scraps of her her beloved Kenzo's spirit not to fight their integration into her. He had allowed her to stab right through him, cradled her in his body, and cooked her a fine wedding feast before they were unfortunately interrupted. Lingering on what had been taken from her allowed the Muramasa to renew her assault on his killer.


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A deal was a deal. This was a sword that she converted into a Gadget herself, but ultimately it was disposable. She could recreate it given time and resources. So the woman just cut it with the main body of Muramasa, allowing the sword to devour it. "Hopefully that is of help, Muramasa-san."


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The concerns that the older Saint was showing was understandable, but she was certain that she could make him keep quiet, Shirou didn't seem like the type to spill the beans after all.

"I think I'll be able to convince him not to say anything....That said, your companion. Do you fancy him Petra?." The blond Saint had started moving back to the door as she asked the question, waiting for the brown haired woman to follow her in.