Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 72550 times)


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Oh, so it was just a friendship? That was fine for Petra either, not that she should care much about personal relationships of Jeanne if it wasn't nothing too scandalous. But before she reached the apartment, Jeanne rushed to her and grabbed her in a way that onlookers could possibly misinterpret, after all the brown haired saint did not swing in any way that was abnormal. That Jeanne was faster wasn't a real surprise as she had insight into her true name and abilities too. One was faster while the other had more stamina and endurance. Engaging and wearing down Jeanne if they really had to fight would be likely Petra's strategy.

But right now, Jeanne held her close and confronted her on certain matter. "I guess so, nothing's wrong in looking for a guy! I have my needs too, you know!" Petra blurted out under pressure, red on the face and scowling at Jeanne. "Now release me or I will have to do something that you won't like, I bet."


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The boy that suddenly appeared put her on guard, someone had thrown him out through the window or he may have jumped himself, his behaviour showed that he hadn't tried to kill himself which meant...

The white haired girl gracefully jumped off the horse as she watched the building closely, taking note of anything that might be suspicious. She crouched next to Joshua, her hand about to touch the boy's head in an act of comfort.

"Don't worry, We'll beat up whoever did this." The white girl tried giving the boy a reassuring smile, not knowing how good it was, Illya was better at this kind of stuff.


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Hah, so she could get flustered, for all that talk about wanting to appear normal she was far to stiff and the blond Ruler intended to impart that fact to her. If she got a bit of personal enjoyment out of it, well that just makes it even better.

"Hahaha...And you were telling me to relax. Have you seen how stiff you are? The world isn't out to get you and it won't collapse just because you're hugging a friend." Jeanne kept up the hug as she stood up on her toes, to get closer to Petra's. She then whispered sweetly in the other Ruler's ear. "Or maybe you actually like girls but is too afraid to admit it.....just kidding" With that the blond released the brown haired woman.


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Then I’ll leave the rest to you… be careful.

The child smiled hopefully, his grin for a moment as bright as that of a boy who had already become a man. But as soon as the small girl touched him, something horrifying happened. Without a word, a movement or even a scream, Joshua disappeared, erased from where he stood without a trace.

Even the blood and torn cloth that had scattered around had vanished completely and utterly. As if his existence and all traces of his history had become nothing, no imprint of his being was left standing, even the shards of glass he had broken with his will had vanished, the window anew and unharmed as if gazingdown on the two ominously.

But even if the boy and all his traces had been erased, he did leave something behind. His heart, his wish, his very will was now imprinted on two unlikely heroes. Perhaps they would be the day to vanquish the terrible night that lingered in that building.

Even as he went back, Joshua could only hope. The door opened ominously by itself, the tower’s maw open wide and releasing a foul miasma as if to taunt them into being devoured by its evil, and atop the tower, beneath that glass window that had delivered that boy to them for so little, crimson eyes stared right at them with black cold glee.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 09:42:21 PM by francobull3 »


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It seemed that his cute little Mobb was about to leave Slim Shady’s Range. How troublesome, but there was nothing Slim Shady couldn’t do. But he’d need to be careful, very careful…


Mobb flushed. D-did this mean she was actually interested in him?! Honestly,he only said he’d have to marry her because he thought he could get some intel if he got closer to her. This whole gangstar thing was just a pretext he came up with on the spot, but did she actually like him!?

This reminded him that he never had a girlfriend before, which only made his nervous eyes look away quicker while he rubbed the back of his head in a shy giggle.

“E-erm, well… not much! I used to work at a fast food joint, I guess, but I’m currently unemployed. I wasn’t very good at it anyway. Well, I guess I also used to give kids tennis lessons, I’m quite good at it you know? Never lost a game in my life, nuh uh!”

He stopped and puffed his chest with pride, grinning from ear to ear and hoping that she’d be even more wowed by his amazingness.


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If she had to keep up appearance in front of others right now, Mitsuba would certainly feel disturbed by the sight of a black miasma aggregating in the air and reaching her face, but fortunately there was no need for such face. The stream of aetheric-like energy filled her body, and her quantum mind registered the second Cover. It would be quite adequate for what she planned indeed, but tonight she probably wouldn't use it. She had to reinforce her new Cover further later on, for which she had no time at the moment.

"Alright, I registered it. Tomorrow I will go and find some place where I could move on and assume the new identity. But regarding that, I have still a sort of request. If you plan hang out with me in broadlight, you need to create some consistent 'public face' too. Otherwise people will be suspicious of something and that's the thing I want to avoid at all cost." The Unchained explained to her new ally. Switching back and forth between shells wasn't exactly best idea.

Umbra of Chaos

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The Fae danced across the ground as she moved closer to Breeze. Observation required taking a really good look at everything after all! So Oren got in pretty close. Admiring how the clothing hugged her girlfriend's form so well and occasionally slipping a finger under the shirt or shorts just to feel the firm muscle underneath. Just barely hanging onto the bounds of propriety.

Then she leaped onto the blonde's back. Her legs wrapped around Breeze's waist despite the bit of awkwardness of doing it with a skirt and Oren managed to successfully get a ride on the fit girl. She pulled herself up a bit so that her head was right next to the other girl and tightened her hold a bit. She loved the feeling of toned muscle pressing against her.

"Well, I think Breeze deserves all the attention she gets. She's very pretty, so people should be looking at her already anyways." She rubbed her cheek against the fighter's. "You look really nice."


She noticed it all of course. Lucy had seen it a thousand times before scattered across a sea of lifetimes. The blue eyed girl spun around and pressed a finger to his chest. "Well, I guess we can see if you're still good at it later, right? So come on! Let's go! I bet it'll be pretty fun."

There was that temptation again. Prodding at what he wanted to do so that they didn't just stand around doing nothing. So she tugged his arm a bit and started walking towards the mall again.


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The spirit insects had no choice than tactically retreat for now while avoiding the fragments of earth and taking losses from invisible bullets. But those mammals still couldn't and the air was conveniently as dry as in a desert. It wouldn't take much to start a fire, surrounding them in an inferno and maybe even infuriating spirits of the plantlife. Portion of the swarm died again as worker bees were drained dry from Essence in order to fire a blast of Essence that would ignite the foliage. If they couldn't add them to the Swarm, better to delay them and fight another day.

A bolt of spiritual energy got intercepted nonchalantly by the redhead as she slapped it away. Only for it to hit the three and set it on fire, the spirit flying into a berserk rage and about to assault Rikuyo and Annabeth like a flaming wicker man.

"Ooooopppssss, I really didn't plan that." Was it really an oversight on her part or she endangered everyone in the pit for shit and giggles? "Okay, still wanna to take on the spirit? Or it's my turn to wrap this up? Just keep out those bees and I'll end it. I'm more interested in taking on one of ya if ya wanna me to show off."
« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 03:49:59 PM by Kat »


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He hadn't expected her breaking down like that, nevertheless he tried his best to comfort. "It's alright, nothign bad had happened."

She eventually calmed down and wanted to know what he would recommend. Hmm...there was quite a lot to chose from when he eyed the menu, he wasn't really sure yet what to pick either.

"Chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate...with ice cream." He gave her a smile as he said so. "No actually, think about what you like."

Oka Kurosawa

Oka wiped her eye eyes and giggled at his suggestion. "Hehe... You just want all that fat to go to my butt, don't you?" She leaned her head against his and continued looking through the large menu, holding it up so he could see it too.

"What about this one?" She said, pointing something called the lamb steak with spaghetti for two. "It sounds so romantic to order a meal made for just the two of us." The sapphire-eyed woman looked at Jin with hopeful eyes. 

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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It wasn't even anything ominous. Why did all these kids have to be paranoid about the old remedies? Didn't make a lick of sense, and that was saying something since they were in a magical city and Liam was a vampire. Well, the vampirism made perfect sense but he wasn't about to go into the Testament right here and now.

"Well, suit yourself kid. But that blonde of your's? She don't seem like the killin' sort," Liam said with a little grin of his own. "Of course, eyes can be deceivin'. And you got eyes on that fiancee of your's right firm."


Shirou Emiya

Shirou laughed loudly at that insinuation. They did look like that, didn't they?

"Hahaha, hahaha—haha... I guess we do look like that, don't we? But no, Jeanne is not my fiancee at all. She's just a friend."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Nah, fuck that. She wasn't going to touch that spider even if it was the kindest thing on the planet and could cure every disease known to man. But she nodded anyways. No need to be a jerk about it. "Yeah, that'd be nice. If you need any more payments I can always make them easily. I don't know how much the stuff I gave you was worth here."

But Rin hissing sounded pretty strange. Maybe it was a family thing? When people were close they could get pretty weird.

Sakura Matou

The spider nodded, or rather did the rough approximation of the nod that a spider could do, which amounted to her bobbing up and down a bit. "Yeah, don't worry about that. I'll let you help me pay for stuff since you don't really need to worry about money." Sakura paused for a minute and seemed to be contemplating something.

"Hehe, I think you're the first person I've met who has to worry about money less than me."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Auspicious Breeze

Her face lit up all warm and rosy from the attention, and supporting Oren's weight like that was easy. Breeze didn't stumble even a little bit from it! Nope, she just kept standing straight up and smiling. "Aww, you're sweet!"

But Mordred did have a point. It was pretty chilly out there, so it would be kinda weird to go out in just this. Not that it bothered the Solar much, but people would look at her funny. "Should I wear something else over this then, Mordred?" she asked, tilting her head toward Oren's face and blinking at her fellow knight.



"Your fiancee know you go drinking with a nice lil' lady like that, then?" the vampire asked him with a bemused look. "She's a mighty understandin' sort if she do. Good on you, in that case."

Of course if it were adultery, he'd be paying this lad a visit later. With a hammer. Adulterers didn't need working kneecaps.


Muramasa Katase

"I normally present myself as the woman you saw before," Katase said while her puppet presented the slightest of shrugs. "But if you have a preference for the sake of your new 'Cover,' then speak now. Otherwise I will simply return to that default."

In all honesty the demon sword would prefer not to take that form again. That was the form she first spent time in with Kenzo. There were now memories associated with the feeling of being that girl that she did not wish to linger on. It was... difficult, despite their time together being so short.

Perhaps because it was so short.



A deep growl escapes the 'dire' wolf's throat, laden with meaning that only spirits could pick up on. He'd take on the entire forest at once if it wanted to pick that fight! Come on then, who else wants to be my prey? I'm just getting started!

He was, perhaps, getting just a little too into things. So Ron did a very canine thing and attacked the giant burning tree with his face full of razor sharp teeth.


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Shirou Emiya

Shirou laughed once again. "Heh, of course she knows. You think I'd survive if I went behind her back?" He asked the man. "If so, you're mad. Totally and utterly mad. She'd castrate me."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"I've seen plenty of other fellas in my time without any sort of survival instinct when it come to women," the mobster said, before chuckling a bit. His shoulders shook a touch with it. "So ain't me who's mad on that. Just pointin' out the patterns."

Good; he seemed the nice sort. His fiancee might be a little on the trusting side, but Liam would only have to keep an eye on this one. Besides, it gave him some time to find a bigger hammer. He'd accidentally left the good one behind when he got lost here. It weren't right to break knees with the small ones.


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(Time skip exposition)

That Icy winter breezed by relatively smoothly.  Everyday, Relius would segment his time between observation of the city via long walks, making money from the store and inventing things in the lab.  There were 4-5 prominent projects he worked on during this time.  The first was a cauldron, the second was the blueprints given to him by Theodore, the third was explosives for a “project” that would be carried out later.  The fourth, which managed to be completed over the past weeks was a segment of the lab that he organized specifically for the creation of dolls.

Despite spending a lot of time talking with others in the store, there weren't many noteworthy test subjects walking through his door. The doll and the lost soul from before were the last things of note to pass through, almost as if the gods themselves decreed that nothing interesting would happen to him in the next months.  However, he did notice some strange patterns.  Over time, it became obvious to him that this city, known as the Nexus was a sort of interdimensional purgatory, a place where all conceivable walks of life converge into one place.

It was like being transported into a grand fantasy world.  There was no greater pleasure, no greater sense of exploration, no place better suited to his taste. Naturally, there would need to be a “modernizing” of sorts to move it along from a fantasy realm to a utopia.

Relius Clover

The puppeteer briskly circled his lab table.  Laying on top of the table was his newest creation, a body for the creature known as Theodore.  On the floor were an assortment of papers and pencils.  There were several computers on as well.  He had been working through the night. 

Finally, he stopped walking and pulled out a button from his cape.  With a quick press, the table ascended into an incline much like a bad frankenstein parody.  The mad scientist spread his arms out before placing one on his chest and the other behind his hip.  With a smooth movement, he showed off a graceful bow.

“Behold! This is your new body!  Perhaps some of my best work considering the primitive time we are in.  It is not as sturdy as your old armour but it will provide you a distinct advantage in a fight.”  He said excitedly, coming up from his bow.