Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 72774 times)


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"This city? It does seem like a rather.... exciting place to me, or am i mistaken?"
The Doll said, puzzled at the demonic man's choice of words.
"Well, anyways, i should be on my way. These dont make themselves, heh"
With that, the strange meeting ended, as fast as it began, not without leaving yet invisible marks on the future of this so chaotic city.


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So she did have a sense of humor, well she'd better train the delivery though as it did come of as a bit stiff. But that was a topic for another time, they'd taken enough time and should really go back in, she just hoped there wouldn't be more naked women and demons in there when she got back.

"Please don't make wishes like that, knowing who you are they might come true." Jeanne jokingly complained as she held open the door to the aartment, offering the bown haired Ruler to go in first.



The young girl jumped back as if stung by a bee when the boy suddenly disappeared into thin air. How could such a thing happen? Then she felt it.

A menacing gaze.

whoever was responsible was still here, watching, watching them like prey. the count beside her went on some cliché spiel about "punishing unforgivable evil" or some other thing like that. while he did the young girl got ready.

A bow was conjured up in her hand, from it a hail of deadly arrows were released towards the window where she felt the evil presence was coming from, even if none of them hit, the sheer force behind them would cause a ruckus that would draw out the culprit.


Oka leaned her head againt his, thankfully she stopped crying, he didn't want to see her feel so sad, it felt ´wrong.

"I refuse to answer for the meal that'd might be fun. If you think you can handle all that food." He challeneged her. The meal did indeed look huge, he had no doubts that she would take it if he phrased it like that though.

Oka Kurosawa

Oka patted Jin on the back for his refusal to agree with her accusation.

"Good answer..." She said a bit ominously. "I'd have had to punish you if you would wish an even bigger weight upon my chest… maybe strapping something heavy to your own chest for a week or two." She jokingly threatened him in a good-natured tone. "Don't underestimate an angry woman, Jin. Hehehe."

After that, she became more serious, and a sort of competitive look came across her face. "Heh, of course I can handle my half of the food. I'm Oka Kurosawa, the big eater, after all!" She called herself by this title all of a sudden that she'd never brought up before to Jin. Who knew if she'd actually ever been called that or if she was just making stuff up?

"I'll bet you the cost of this meal I can eat more than you~"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Rin looked adorable with the cat ears, of course she started throwing baseless accusations against him, maybe her self confidence was just that low. Archer sighed as he thought about how he should respond.

"And tell me what you're basing that on exactly? What's so wrong about wanting to see something cute? Don't you agree Sakura?" He turned slightly to the other sister as he adressed her.

Sakura Matou

"Mhm, 100% correct." Sakura agreed wholeheartedly with Archer. "I think our pet cat is making baseless accusations against Senpai's good name." Sakura said as she pulled out a collar from her dimension, and quickly engraved her sister's name upon it and clasped it around her neck. Every time she moved a little bell would jingle. Adorable. She was sure Rin would get annoyed. Hilarious. "Hmmm… Archer, what do you think of this new look? Be honest."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Ignoring the spider was hard but possible. For the most part. It still made her shudder a bit. "Yeah, it's pretty handy, isn't it? Since I don't think there's any real way to track people her I can splurge as much as I want to!" She was just a bit excited about having all that freedom.

It wasn't that Liseth was dying to use her powers. It was simply the knowledge that she didn't have the absolute freedom to use them which bothered her. She should at least show some small bit of gratitude. "Hey, has your spider eaten yet? I've got something for it..."

She took the pillowcase off a pillow, shook it a few times to make sure it was nice and empty, and then she reached in. When she pulled her hand out it had a small sack that had squeaking noises coming out of it. She tossed the captured mouse right in front of the spider as she backed away a bit. "Here you go."


The Fae looked pretty amused at the thought that someone wouldn't want to see Breeze all nice and wet. She leaned in close so that her breath could tickle the other girl's ear as she whispered, "You know, I and a bunch of other girls could really appreciate it if your clothes were nice and soaked. Clinging to your body and showing off while leaving just enough to the imagination."

Oren kissed the edge of Breeze's mouth as if asking her to kiss back. Then she gave Mordred a passing glance and a slight tilt of her had that practically asked, "Why aren't you joining us?" She didn't think that she seemed too possessive. Breeze was nice, and warm, and easy to share.


All that the blue eyed girl gave at the twisting was a glance. She didn't even seem that surprised. In fact, she didn't look surprised at all. Instead she stopped and put a finger to her lips. "Well, if you wanna impress me you should try carrying me to the mall. It would be even better if you were running!"

Sakura Matou, Spider Extraordinaire

"Uhhh..." Sakura wasn't sure how to respond. One thing was certain though. There was no way in hell she was going to eat that mouse. Her spider could do it on its own time. "Hmmm... Well, thanks?" Sakura said. "The spider can eat it later once I release control.  Anyway, um, I'll protect you." Sakura said, and scurried off to the floor, where she started laying down her silk, setting up the basis of a defensive bounded field.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Auspicious Breeze

She did want to please Mordred rather than make her all uncomfortable, but Oren had a good point too there. A good, fun point. After a moment Breeze picked up Oren, gently put her down next to Mordred, and grinned at them both.

Then she rushed off into the clothes, and looked for something that'd just go great with the top and bottom. She came back wearing a black jacket over the shirt, and posed with her fists held up. "And, I'm back! How's this go with it?"



The vampire managed to whistle without extending his teeth. Not that he couldn't get some dandy tunes out of fanged whistlin', mind you. "You got it bad, son. You hold on to that feelin' now, you hear? Don't go straying from that path."

Liam considered breaking the kid's elbow just to be sure, but it didn't have the same panache. He seemed like a decent enough sort that the mobster couldn't justify it much anyway.

Shirou Emiya

Shirou shook his head, unsure of how to really respond. He didn't get what he meant by he had it bad. He had it the best he could possibly have it. There was no  question in his mind that he was unbelievably incredibly lucky to have her again.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Forest kept her back tuned and her hands firmly in her pockets so she wouldn't fidget as Gadreel made himself presentable.  She caught a whiff of that all too familiar salt and musk smell of spent lust and felt her cheeks warm up again slightly.  It was a scent she had smelled thousands of times before with different men, usually when she fed.

Just normally she didn't find herself blushing when she did.  Normally she'd wrinkle her nose, roll her eyes, and either move on or say something insulting or sarcastic depending on the situation.

His blood was so good, I wonder what the rest of him tastes like, Forest thought as Gadreel gathered his weapons and started to move out of the bathroom stall.

"Well then, take us to your vehicle so we may seek out that poor wretch's spawn."

Right.  Violence!  Bloody hell, maybe I should have heeded Gabriel's warnings, she thought with sardonic amusement as she fell into step with him.

As they walked out of the mall, Forest sighed with relief that the sun was mostly set, just leaving rosy streaks in the midnight blue sky.  "So, can you sense them out or should I start reading for those thought patterns again?" she asked as they got to the Camaro and she dug out her keys.  She shuddered, nothing to do with the cold, but the gut clenching thought of having to sense and feel that again.


"And tell me what you're basing that on exactly? What's so wrong about wanting to see something cute? Don't you agree Sakura?" Archer asked, turning towards Sakura as he did.

Rin sighed and said, "Well, you didn't get past your denseness when it came to . . ."

"I think our pet cat is making baseless accusations against Senpai's good name," Sakura said before she placed . . . a collar with Rin's name and a bell on it around Rin's throat.  "Hmmm… Archer, what do you think of this new look? Be honest."

The bell tinkled when Rin glared at Sakura before she forced a smile on her face.  "I'm sure it's bloody adorable, but if you don't take it off . . . I'll rip it off myself," she said, her voice dripping with sweetness.


"So, it's a deal," Gabriel said with a smile before leaning over and giving Emily a swift kiss, as if sealing it.

He stretched out beside her and asked, "So, would you like some dinner?"
« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 03:50:03 AM by Elf »


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The collar truly completed Rin's look together with the fake ears, she was now a splendid example of pure cuteness. If not for one thing, her mood which was rapidly ruining the image of cuteness. "I think it suits her, it would be so much more adorable if she wasn't in such foul mood."

He lowered himself until he was face to face with Rin, his hands grasping her shoulders as he spoke once more.

"You look really cute Rin." He told her while looking into her eyes.


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I think it suits her, it would be so much more adorable if she wasn't in such foul mood," Archer said as he lowered himself until his face was level with hers. 

His warm hands gripped her shoulders as he looked into her eyes.  "You look really cute Rin."

Her cheeks heated up as she bit her lip and looked away for a moment.  "Geeze," she said, not knowing how else to respond to such a thing.


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"And tell me what you're basing that on exactly? What's so wrong about wanting to see something cute? Don't you agree Sakura?" Archer asked, turning towards Sakura as he did.

Rin sighed and said, "Well, you didn't get past your denseness when it came to . . ."

"I think our pet cat is making baseless accusations against Senpai's good name," Sakura said before she placed . . . a collar with Rin's name and a bell on it around Rin's throat.  "Hmmm… Archer, what do you think of this new look? Be honest."

The bell tinkled when Rin glared at Sakura before she forced a smile on her face.  "I'm sure it's bloody adorable, but if you don't take it off . . . I'll rip it off myself," she said, her voice dripping with sweetness.


The collar truly completed Rin's look together with the fake ears, she was now a splendid example of pure cuteness. If not for one thing, her mood which was rapidly ruining the image of cuteness. "I think it suits her, it would be so much more adorable if she wasn't in such foul mood."

He lowered himself until he was face to face with Rin, his hands grasping her shoulders as he spoke once more.

"You look really cute Rin." He told her while looking into her eyes.


I think it suits her, it would be so much more adorable if she wasn't in such foul mood," Archer said as he lowered himself until his face was level with hers. 

His warm hands gripped her shoulders as he looked into her eyes.  "You look really cute Rin."

Her cheeks heated up as she bit her lip and looked away for a moment.  "Geeze," she said, not knowing how else to respond to such a thing.

Sakura Matou

Sakura rubbed her pet sister's head, causing her collar to jingle loudly, giving her a nice relaxing head massage as praise for her good behavior.

"It's the truth Rin." Sakura said with a smile, making Rin's 'ears' twitch. "You can be really adorable, and now is one of those times. Reeelaxxx." Sakura commanded her in a long and drawn out voice. "You'll be glad you did."

So Liseth left. Sakura telepathically said to Archer. She's at some hotel now. What should we do?

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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This one shell was quite taller than what the sword was 'wearing' when Mitsuba encountered her in the bar. Quite tall for a Japanese woman, but not too tall to make any blood relationship between the shell and Mitsuba's future identity implausible. With such a pretty member of a staff she could maybe even aim higher. Maybe run hot springs or a hotel in conjuction with a restaurant or a bar, she could attract more clients to her establishment and expand the business because she bet many would frequent the place just to look at her 'cousin'.

"You stand out a bit, but in a positive way. Clients often have more positive impression of places where the staff is attractive rather than plain. Though if some clients under influence propose to you or ask you to go out with them on a date, I'd prefer if you called a bouncer rather than cut them up. If you don't mind, I will look for someone who could fill that position and not escape with the payment on the first occassion." Her recent bouncer after all have not showed up. Hiring such suspicious looking person was a mistake in hindsight. "There's also question how I should call you as 'my cousin'. Do you have any particular name in mind?"


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"Given how out of shape I'm in this form, I wouldn't bet on that. I couldn't heal your limb if someone cut it off." Petra shrugged and made a quite morbid remark before she made her way back to the apartment.

Her and Jeanne's companions meanwhile seemed to behave civil enough to not leave any further mark on the newly rented place of hers. Divine retribution would follow whether Jeanne would protest or not if the place was more chaotic than before the intrusion.

"We're back. Hopefully we didn't make you wait too long?" There was a slight apology for the time that took them to chat outside.


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The young wolf got pretty cocky challenging whole forest in the heat of the battle. She shouldn't have been the one to talk about lack of care as she was reckless herself, but she didn't want her toy to be broken before she could play with him. Now that the bees retreated, only the flaming walking tree remained. A dull target, the only difference that it was set on fire and more furious than usually.

"I'm bored... Let's get this over with." Not enjoying doing that, she simply joined in the fight to finish it quicker and then knock out Ron afterwards and drag him unconscious body away. She didn't give a crap what Annie would think of it.

As Annabeth fired away at the tree, and Ron launched himself at the spirit, Rikuyo stood still, gathering aura at the end of middle and index fingers of her right hand. She wanted to be done with it, but she couldn't risk the lad getting eviscarated by stray chi attack, so she reined in her urge to finish off as quickly as possible and had to wait several seconds to get it right and attack in focused and precise way. This was troublesome, acting with some care for somebody else wasn't easy.


The tree still did not forget who set it on fire, so even under barrage of those bullets that could destroy its branches but couldn't pierce the main body too easily, it wanted to shift its focus on the redhead if it could, but the persistent Uratha was the main obstacle. One of few upsides of being set on fire was though that anyone trying to bite into you would get touched by flames as well, so as Ron foolishly started biting into it he also started feeling the touch of flame on his hide. Would that really inconvenience an Uratha?


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The blond blond gave her a short glare at the way she compliemented him, it was obviously fake, and the malice behind it was at a level that was just pure silly. In other words, somewhat annoying.

He crossed his arm at the bet she made, clearly not amused. "I don't take bets I know I can't win. So no, don't think so, if you had your way you'd eat my food too."


He joined Sakura in rubbing her sister's hair, it felt really soft to his hands. "If you don't relax you won't get the rest of the dessert" He jokingly threatened her.

Try to be friendly with her, maybe she'll reveal how she got there. There shouldn't be any reasons to provoke her yet as she hasn't done anything offensive yet, so be carefulo ok. He repiled to Sakura.

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She eeped in surprise at the sudden object in her mouth, but Lucy was far more curious than worried. The girl rolled the coin around her mouth with her tongue for a little while. Then, just a little lewdly, she reached into her mouth and pulled it it out. Well, money was money! She'd gotten some through less reputable means than it just being given. "Thanks! That was pretty cool. Can you do that to anything? We could do some funny things with that if you could..."


Oh, right. She felt her ears get a bit warm at that. Sakura could experience what it did or something? She just thought that the other girl was remotely controlling it. Liseth just stayed a bit quiet as she watched the spider move forward and start to weave some silk. "So, uhh, what are you doing, exactly?"


The faithful soldier of Stribog was beginning to consider that he might be getting into a slight rut. It was an idle, niggling thought that he had as he opened the freezer and took out a carton of ice cubes. Whistling a tune he walked over to the bathroom and dumped all of the ice into the already cold tub.

Paladin made sure to shut the door, lock it and the windows, and close the blinds on the window just in case. Then he slowly eased himself into the tub. Ahh, nice and cold. Well, now that he had some peace to think about it the issues of this place were bigger than the criminals and beasts wandering its streets. It was the law! Or rather, the lack of such. Certainly, the reason, logic, and natural law of Stribog filled this place as it did all things, but it lacked order and authority.

He stroked his chin as he considered this and as he did he noticed that his hair had grown quite long. In fact, he had not cut it in quite some time. Was this some hidden vanity of his? Maybe. But he could consider it later. What was he thinking of again? Oh yes, the chaos.

It was his duty to go forth and uphold the law even where others refused it. Not to the point of stripping them of freedom. "Let them be what they are because to be anything else would be fatal," he muttered under his breath. Yet, it was very much clear that without the guidance of true gods or a powerful, just ruler this Nexus would remain in chaos. But at the same time would any other gift to Stribog match that which was once wild and untamed but is now orderly and guided by his justice?

Yes, that was the right course of action! It made perfect sense. As soon as he finished with cleaning himself Paladin immediately dressed and put on his armor and acquired his armaments. He could feel it in his bones. This would be a good day! There were monsters to be slain, innocents to rescue, and sacrifices to be made. A few more steps towards a better world! If he squinted a bit Paladin supposed it wasn't much different from home! And so the loyal follower of Stribog set out.


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"Oren, your customs clearly differ from the place where I spent years before coming here. It is not customary for my..." How best she could put it? "... tribe to show affection so openly in the public. We're sometimes pretty reserved."

Well, that was a stereotype, and certainly she didn't adhere to the stereotype of a calm British person, but that was a good excuse to cover up being more shy about that.

When Breeze returned back though, she stopped focusing on that and shifted her attention to Breeze. "That really suits you! Hmmm, if I had a motorcycle, it would go pretty well with us now." She commented, not paying much heed to the fact that Breeze might not know about motorcycles.