Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 72781 times)


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Sakura Matou

"Magic. Do you want to watch?" Sakura asked cheerfully as she continued to draw her circle. "I'm setting up a protective field that will keep you safe."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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The dark haired girl hummed at Mordred' clarification of why she didn't like having fun. It seemed like she came from an entire society where people din't like having fun! That sounded pretty sad. "You know, Mordred, we should get to know each other better later. I know we both like Breeze, but it's not really a three person relationship if it's just two people kept together because we both like one person. And I think Breeze would like us to get along so..."

But her voice died off a Breeze came back. Just a little smile and brightened eyes and the Fae plastered happiness all over her face almost on instinct. "Yeah, you look even nicer than before, Breeze." Lying, even more than breathing, was second nature to Oren.


"Oh, sure!" A least she managed to sound pretty interested. Because she was. Just a bit. Magic was cool. "So how does it work?"


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"You're really not giving me a choice since you're holding me down," Rin said more as a grumble than anything as Archer joined in on the petting of her head.  She felt her cheeks heat up even more at that.  Damn it, I'm outnumbered . . . And out gunned.

She sighed and said, "Fine, you win, you win.  Could you at least let me go though?  I'd really prefer to feed myself."


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The redhead was taken offguard by the kiss, though it doesn't last long. The sudden change of tack, however, brought a smile to Emily's face. Or perhaps she was a bit more hungry at this point than she cared to admit.

"Certainly," she said with a giggle, "But doesn't dinner usually come before the sex? No matter, the change is a welcome one."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Auspicious Breeze

"What's a motorcycle?" she had to ask first, blinking all confused, before the praise got through her head. "Ah well, I'm glad you both like it! I wonder how comfy it'll be once we get outside...?"

This time she put arms around both ladies and pulled them gently to her sides. "If we're all done here, let's try it out okay? Oh, I mean, after we pay."

Paying was still kind weird for her.



He shook his head in dismissal. "I assure you, Forest, I can detect our prey readily enough. I may have lost a great deal of the gifts given unto me by the Creator when I left, but I can still accomplish that much."

The fallen angel took but a moment to assess the vehicle to which his companion had guided him. It was what the humans often referred to as a 'classic,' to his understanding, though once he inclined his waist enough to see into the passenger side window he had to raise a brow in bemusement. "Well, you do appear to have some taste in automobiles. 'tis a shame regarding my height in this arena of life ..."

He could barely sit down inside the Camaro.



The vampire stood as soon as the ladyfolk returned, nodding to both of them. "Ladies."

Liam tilted his head back toward the vandalized bedroom, and made a quiet show of clearing his throat. "Would you like some assistance cleanin' the place back up, Miss Petra? Your little burglars had a darn fine little party without you - the messy sort, so it'd be a lot to finish yourself..."


Muramasa Katase

As ambitions from would-be wielders went this was rather mild. The demon sword was more typically sought by individuals with grudges to fulfill, or aspiring warlords seeking to command their own personal army of damned souls. Katase had driven them mad and devoured them all equally - their desires were quite a pitiful application of her power.

This one did not offend her with its unbridled mundanity. That Mitsuba was not requesting, or demanding, she make use of her legion of souls to staff the location helped.

"I will attempt to... accomodate your wishes here," said the demon's new puppet. "Though as of it yet I have not decided upon a name. Names are all too readily lost within me."



Despite taking a few bites out of its bark hide, the tree was proving itself to be a rather more stubborn and painful enemy for Ron to face down. Also, the burns were lighting some of his fur on fire. It wasn't long before the werewolf started to back up to give Annabeth, or Rikuyo, or both, some room to get some shots in without worrying about hitting him.


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The blond blond gave her a short glare at the way she compliemented him, it was obviously fake, and the malice behind it was at a level that was just pure silly. In other words, somewhat annoying.

He crossed his arm at the bet she made, clearly not amused. "I don't take bets I know I can't win. So no, don't think so, if you had your way you'd eat my food too."

Oka Kurosawa

Oka brought her hand to her mouth and giggled. "Sorry, sorry, I went too far there." She said to him. "Let's just enjoy our nice meal and each other's company on our half-year anniversary." She brought her hand to the back of his head and idly played with his hair, rubbing his scalp gently at the same time.

"Well, let's order then." Oka said as she flagged down the waiter. "Can we order this?" She said, pointing to the meal for two they'd decided on. "And could I get a virgin piña colada?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"You have plenty of time to think of it. I won't suggest you any name. Making the choice yourself is an important step for making your identity grounded. I'm a different sort of 'demon' for whom fitting in is more of a priority, but in my own opinion interacting with the world at large in a mundane way could be a worthwhile experience for you. It poses its own set of challenges that cannot be resolved by a simple strike, but learning how to overcome them in more indirect ways makes one more proficient warrior. A samurai could be a good analogy. Bushido after all is complemented by more social arts." Mitsuba continued to explain her reasoning why Muramasa should in her opinion adopt a consistent public face, but then dispelled something.

"Though I'm not really someone you'd call a samurai. I'm more like a kunoichi, an assassin who will perform dishonest acts at a fair and reasonable price. I might have to resume that career for a while to get funds to pay off debts and kickstart the new business."


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The young lady must have some magic capabilities as there was no one other explanation why she could manifest a bow and shot many arrows at the building where he could feel the source of evil. Magic was an insidious and dangerous tool in hands of wrong people, so Julius was relieved that the girl was on his side and not an evil sorceress already scheming for world conquest at such tender age.

But there was no time for such deliberations! Even if it seemed as if those potent arrows vanquished the evil presence that they had noticed before, Julius still had a bad feeling about this. He had this premonition that something wanted them to step into the building so it could ambush them. But there was no time to really waste. He felt that his arsenal was better equipped for close quarters combat than the bow of the girl.

"I'm stepping into the lair of the beast. Your bow might not be useful in the interior, so take this please." Julius reached for one of his long daggers that in small hands of the girl could serve as a short sword and offered it as a weapon.


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He could still remember that mournful day like it was yesterday.
He could still feel the cool breeze and warm sunlight stroke him gently atop the highest peak of the watchtower. Today was his daughter’s eighteenth name-day, and yet she would never see this sun light. The moon of his life, his wife, had died giving birth to her, only to claim the child to her cradle among the heavens three days later.
This was yet another reminder of a truth he had learned over the centuries. As strong as one could be, one cannot save everyone, for that wish in itself is a contradiction. People are different and have different needs, to make some happy he would have to compromise on the happiness of others.

That was simply how the world was, and no amount of muscle could change that.
This is why he strived to make the greatest amount of people happy, the reason he had become the Watcher of the Citadel and Guardian Hero of his people.
Even if he couldn’t save everyone, he could still save someone. Twenty years ago, he had lost something very precious, something he could never replace, and for that he would weep. But every day he also gained something. Watching the city from above, he could see the children playing, the merchants haggling, the men courting, the women laughing and the elderly bickering…
The giant smiled. This was the peace he had strived to protect, so as long as he could preserve these smiles, he was satisfied. This little happiness was more than enough to keep the machine that was the Watcher running, and so he prayed to the heavens above that his wife and child were glad as well.
Suddenly, something peculiar caught his eye. Outside the city gates, there was a fair bit of hills and Greenland before reaching the Great Drop. Usually no one ventured outside the forest’s outskirts into the hills, so to see a child sleeping all alone so far away from the gates was certainly a strange sight. Curiosity had the best of him, and before he knew it he leapt.
With a single mighty kick, his leg crashed the wind around him, shattering the sound barrier and propelling him with a mighty thrust, this was the fun part. Flying across the citadel was such a liberating feeling, to soar up in the heavens like the great birds of legend and fly.
It felt wonderful. Then he crashed right into a tree. “Birds of legend my butt.” He groaned.
 The young girl blinked, awaken by the very abrupt and unexpected impact. She turned around and blinked sheepishly at the man who had somehow driven himself into a tower sized tree.
“Oi, what are you doing here, sleeping so late?” He asked, driving his towering body out of the tree like it was paper, or at least he would’ve liked to, but this tree was seriously strong! He struggled to drive himself out, no matter what he wouldn’t give up! How could a hero lose to a tree??? For a second he could’ve sworn her presence felt familiar.
“What are you doing here, in a tree?”

A small child rose from a throne centering an empty castle. Or at least, that is what this desolate tower used to be. Begone were the wondrous decoration and elaborate silks of the Einzbern residence, the taint of machinery had driven all beauty away from the castle. Now all that was left was the color gray, the impending drumming of beating metal and the grinding of gears.
It had only been a few months, but his spirit was already corroding beyond repair. He could have returned to his core and bid his time, that would have been the wisest decision, but he hadn’t. He wouldn’t have it, that wretched jail of cold sorcery that violated his very soul for eons. He would never be contained again.
Compared to that indignation, the demonic energy that scraped at his very being without pause was comfortable. Almost enjoyable.
The child-like mass of muck and filth burst for a second, but quickly reformed and gazed up with its face, nothing but a blue scar running across its head down into a spiral.
“It is time.”
With small steps, he helped himself up and dragged his putrid body out of the infernal palace.

The hero rested above the watchtower, a small girl resting against his back. That night’s veil was spectacularly beautiful. It’s like they were atop the entire world, perhaps they could even touch the stars. The hero smiled and held his hand up in the sky, as if to reach a shooting star.
He made a wish and glanced back to the sleeping girl, stroking her purple hair affectionately. Yes, tonight was a beautiful night.

“I promise, this time I’ll protect you.”

“Kuh…” He groaned, feeling the energies within him crawling and rippling as more eyes opened across the garbage heap that was his body.

He was almost there; these months would soon bear meaning. The blueprints had been precise, his demands explicit. Relius could have betrayed him any time, but he would not. Both knew why.
He sees me as nothing more than a lab rat, a specimen to be observed and inquired upon. He will not use me as a tool, I am too rare to be expendable. As long as he is not bored of this specimen, he will not go against me. Very well, let him have his research. It doesn’t matter to me, as long as I can fulfill my goal.
Weakly, the demon pushed with what little strength he could muster the door, in order to penetrate the puppeteer’s domain.

Confined within the walls of her basement, a girl was surrounded by a mountain of books. Dim candlelight was all that separated this isolated room from total darkness. The flickers of the flame were drowned by the cracking sounds of old pages being flipped, that and the very irritatingly loud sound of bubblegum being chewed.
“Shh! Quiet, Karlheim.” She whispered.

A dark black haired teen, seemingly young with noble features despite his lowborn status was stroking his single pink bang while blowing bubbles of gum. A single piece of glass dangled over his finger, twisting and shifting into all sorts of objects.
“The sages must have erased all traces of records about the surface.” She finally spoke again, almost in disbelief.

“And why would they do that?” He finally spoke up in bored nonchalance, completely uninterested. On that moment, dozens of eyes opened all over his body and he floated towards the girl surrounded by her castle of books. He toppled one of them and pieces of the pile toppled over.
“I… don’t know. But please, you must believe me! I’m sure I saw it; it was a dream but it felt so real!”
For a moment, the girl sounded afraid. “You don’t believe me?”
The many eyed figure sighed and shook his head, dropping down before sitting next to her. He held his hand and looked at her with a bitter, pained expression.
“Look, I’ve been in this so called surface, and I’ve seen it with my own eyes. My own TWO eyes. Ever wondered what happened to them!?”
The half demon spat the last words sourly, and a long awkward silence filled the room. For what seemed like an eternity, only the flickering of the candle’s flame could be heard. Suddenly, she spoke.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to push painful memories to you. I just hoped you could understand… I know. It’s selfish of me, but I feel like this is something I must do. The gods have given me a sign; it is my duty to answer it.”
The poor fella seemed unsure of what to say, but eventually mustered the courage to speak. “…I just don’t want you to get hurt. I-”
Before he could finish (or rather begin) his confession, an earth shatteringly loud crash could be heard from above. It was on that very moment that the two knew that they were screwed. If he found out that they had cut class…
Quick as lightning, the two tried put all the books back were they belonged, but he was faster than lightning and before they could blink, the door behind them blew up.
“YO!” An all too familiar jovial shout roared from behind them, exposing them mid-ridiculous pose and foretelling certain doom.
“H-hey! You’re earlier than usual!” Karl managed to mutter, meanwhile the girl trembled in utter horror, the same type of shivering she’d have when he’d tell her really scary stories when she was a kid.

She hated that, but never did let him know since he seemed to enjoy it so much.
“Yep! Today is the day of the Sky Ceremony, there’s no way I could miss it! Don’t tell me you two were dozing off till’ now. Did I wake you up?” The massive man answered teasingly.
The two looked so pale they might faint any second, but Karl spoke up abruptly. He was dead, so very dead. “No! No! It’s fine! We were just, erm, preparing for the festival! Yes! I was just about to propose a new design for the heavenly dress! See?”
The hero chuckled and simply shrugged, giving his daughter a wide toothy grin.
“Riiiiiight! Well, you know, you DO make a pretty cute couple.” He said, and on that moment 1000 shippers died inside.
“No way!”
“No way!”
Without any further word, the two ran out like the wind and the hero laughed. A few books wouldn’t make a hero like him falter, so he began to put them at place one by one. She sure liked to read, but he didn’t mind. It was always so fun to hear her retell the stories she’d read during the day.
With a mighty blow, he removed the dust from a book’s cover and raised an eyebrow at the strange design before blushing. How scandalous! They’d need to have a talk about that…


Theodore had finally reached the laboratory where the two were to meet. His breath was ragged, full of weak gasps, but it was nothing but an artificial machination. After all, this body didn’t need to eat, sleep, drink or even breathe. In that regard it was more like a machine.

“Hey buddy, you sure kept me waiting. For a second I thought you wanted me a goner, wouldn’t bringing it to me in a nice Christmas package be more convenient?”

The demon circled the body like a vulture, gazing at it with blank disinterest.

“Well well well, what do we have here...”


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Had it worked?

The young girl took in the devastation she had wrought. Several craters could now been seen in the walls of the building, still smoking faintly after the violent barrage. The ominous presence, was gone. No. Weakened, it could still be faintly sensed, but not it's location. This was bed.

The good count must have sensed too as he wanted to head in and to give her a dagger as it would be more effective at close range than her bow. It was a kind offer but also an unnecessary one. She could after all make her own weapons, therefore he might need it more than her.

"Thank you for the kind offer Count Julius, it's a wonderful dagger but I have weapons of my own." She gave him a slight bow for the offer while also rejecting it. To prove her point, the bow in her hand was replaced by twin curved swords of an eastern design. She twirled around, perhaps trying to show off, after spinning around once she stopped and looked at the count, a full on grin on her face.

"Are you ready to beat up the monster who did this?"


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Shirou Emiya

Shirou sighed in relief as Jeanne returned. He didn't trust the irishman in front of him. "Welcome back." He said to her, clearly happy to be with her again. He wished he had that telepathic link Sakura and her had so he could talk to her discreetly.

Oh well.

"We gonna get going, or you wanna stay for a while Jeanne? We should get going relatively soon, or else Sakura will start worrying."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The blond blond gave her a short glare at the way she compliemented him, it was obviously fake, and the malice behind it was at a level that was just pure silly. In other words, somewhat annoying.

He crossed his arm at the bet she made, clearly not amused. "I don't take bets I know I can't win. So no, don't think so, if you had your way you'd eat my food too."


He joined Sakura in rubbing her sister's hair, it felt really soft to his hands. "If you don't relax you won't get the rest of the dessert" He jokingly threatened her.

Try to be friendly with her, maybe she'll reveal how she got there. There shouldn't be any reasons to provoke her yet as she hasn't done anything offensive yet, so be carefulo ok. He repiled to Sakura.


"You're really not giving me a choice since you're holding me down," Rin said more as a grumble than anything as Archer joined in on the petting of her head.  She felt her cheeks heat up even more at that.  Damn it, I'm outnumbered . . . And out gunned.

She sighed and said, "Fine, you win, you win.  Could you at least let me go though?  I'd really prefer to feed myself."

Sakura Matou

Sakura finally released Rin from her grasp enough for her to move her arms. "Hehe, finally. It took you long enough."

No no, you're misunderstanding. I followed her already and she's completely harmless if properly controled. She was able to link a door here to a door in some hotel, but she needed to open it, obviously. If I magically lock all my doors it should be fine.

Anyway, I'm more worried about Rin's fixation on her.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The blond leaned up against the other Saint and whispered in her ear. "See what a nice guy he is, you should thank him later~" Her tone was teasing so you couldn't really tell if she was serious or not.

She then walked over to the couch, Liam had stood up and was trying to make himself helpful again while Shirou appeared clearly happy to see her. The short blond woman turned to Liam and spoke. "It looks like it helped him, thank you...however it's getting late and the two of us should be going. Sakura might kill me if anything more happened to him....ha-hah" The Saint tried laughing it off as a joke, not quite succeding at it.

Jeanne then finally turned to Shirou, she took hold of one his hand and pulled, intending to pull him to his feet. however she used too much force on purpose, making it so that he would fall over on his face if he wasn't paying attention.


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The apartment

It creaked. Once, twice, a hundred times. How dare they, how dare they, how dare they hurt her children!? Teeth and nails grind painfully on the walls and floor as the flesh from within seemed to writhe in pain.

Sealed in a wall of flesh, Joshua was sealed in an eternal slumber once again, waking up in horror and pain only to fall back into the eternal void. It was as if his mind was oscillating back and forth constantly between consciousness and the world of dreams. Thick veins of muscle tissue filled the halls of the rooms above and seemed to melt where the arrows had hit. It was like a giant beehive, a paradise of long forgotten flesh soon to awaken, the air filled with a putrid aroma of spoiled sweets.

Amidst the fiery rubble, the one who birthed this paradise opened its remaining eye and groaned like an ancient door. The beast's wings flapped desperately, but it couldn't take flight. Only about 37% of its body seemed to be remaining, if you could call it as such. The remainder of its body parts and countless limbs were scattered all over, dissolving into the air and being claimed back to the castle.


For no more than an instant, the foul smell seemed to envelop the entire building as its eye glowed a deep pink. She blinked once weakly, and once its eyes opened it stood once again against the window, the entire castle and its form reverted to its original state in less than a second. All rubble, torn flesh and wounded children were back to their original state, and even the slight cut caused by a shard of glass that had pierced a nearby tree seemed to have vanished. It was as if what just happened never happened.

"I will not forgive anyone who harms my lovely children. You disgusting pests... so annoying so annoying... disappear."

The moment she uttered that word, countless insects swarmed out of the hive, revealing hundreds of children sealed within the walls of the beast's haven. Like a deadly black swarm they flew out of their massive hive and clouded the sky before shooting down like deadly lances, dozens of spears made of thousands upon thousands of insects, eating everything in their path without discrimination.

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Ah. Lucy supposed that this would be funny if it weren't so sad. And feeling her up? How rude. And then blah blah blah the world was already mine with a scene change and some immobility on her part. She had heard it a thousand times from far greater men, and once before from a being almost without equal. This must be the delusion of humans, she considered. That they were in control.

Look at his presence and words! As tasteless and bland as the dust in her mouth. The crumbling bones of history's would-be kings stuck between her teeth were more tasteful than this. He must feel in control, she thought. But of course, even a blind and deaf man could feel in control if he thought that all the world was nothing more than what he could reach with his meager hands. This Mobb lacked vision. It made her miss her dear lover from a few lifetimes ago. He had vision and he knew his place. A shame they were separated now.

"You're so... plain. And your claim is empty. I've been promised far more by another, and he was far more impressive on every account." Her mind was already drifting away from this petty encounter. That taste she had been given so long before returning to her. Creation in the palm of her hand. All that was under her dominion.

Well, might as well test something. The eyes of one of her Messengers opened on the palm of her hand, and the little creature began to send little tendrils of influence at the boy's mind. Trying to mine for information.