Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 72858 times)


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Unfortunately, the shirt was still in one piece. Looking mildly disappointed, Rikuyo took it back and put it on herself, still transformed while in the forest. She wanted her shirt to be damaged so she would have excuse to turn on her, but a promise to herself was a promise, so she wouldn't go back on her word. She would fight her later.

"I'm looking for certain someone. I'll borrow Ron-chan. I think it'll be a good experience if he meets my friend. Don't ya worry, he'll be in a good care~" Rikuyo 'assured' Annabeth that no particular harm would come to him.


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A look of dissapointment flashed on the blond saint's face for a moment as her prank failed, there wasn't much she could now...later however was entirely different matter.

She suddenly found herself yanked away by the one she'd tried to prank, the two of them now heading for the door. It looks like they wouldn't be staying after all, Shirou was rather determined to get home.

"Our Apologies, but it appears the two of us are heading back, I wish you both a a pleasant evening , free of demonic encounters~....." the final word getting stretched out as she was pulled out of the apartment in a comical fashion, reminiscent of a Chinese cartoon.

The two of them eventually returned to the mansion after an uneventfull trip, except for the fact that Jeanne had been clinging to his arm the entire way, making sure he didn't trip on his own feet.

As they walked through the frontyard She spoke to him hesitantly, her voice containing a hint of regret. "I'm-... I'm sorry for trying to trip you earlier, you...well you just looked so cute when you were stumbling around." She pressed herself against him further as she spologized, looking up at him with eyes that didn't match her words at all.

Shirou Emiya

Shirou chose to ignore the fact she clearly had ulterior motives and pretended to take what she was saying at face value. The hug, however, was pretty cute and distracting. "It's ok, Ruler." He said and rubbed her head, blushing a bit at their contact. "I was pretty smashed, but let's not tell Sakura just how smashed, ok?" Shirou emphasized the last word and looked her in her light violet eyes seriously.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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A swimpark, how did she manage to find a swimpark in the middle of this. Did he somehow pass through the boundary while he wasn't looking? No that can't be he wouldn't be alive...

"They...they have waterparks here?" The disbelief was clear in his voice, after all how did such a large public place manage to keep open in a place like this?
« Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 10:22:42 PM by Thedoctor »


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The Hunter frowned at Rikuyo's proposition, one hand resting on her revolver as she considered it. At this point, she didn't really have much reason to trust Rikuyo to keep a promise, but she supposed it couldn't hurt to at least try. Besides, it wasn't as if Ron couldn't take care of himself for the most part.

"If I have yer word that you'll watch out for him, then sure," the cowgirl said, reaching back to pet Ron, "Shouldn't be too much trouble for ya. He can take care of himself, but just in case, ya know?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"Yup, everything's gonna be fine. If he was weak I wouldn't bother to get him know my friend. Nah, I won't have him fight her. Maybe take out some small fries if they get in our way." Rikuyo nodded. "Let's go, I don't know where Shinobu exactly is, but we're bound to run into her if we look hard enough."

Some time after the forest and back in the city

Rikuyo and Ron left the forest some time later. Upon leaving it, she supressed her wolf form to lowest levels, her hair shortening again and her features being less rough. She didn't want to neglect her stamina training and she became more fond of her wolf form (as she pretty much came to conclusion that memories of Red Wolf must have been her previous life and that she somehow got reincarnated as her current self.). Plus, probably she would be able to detect Shinobu by scent.

She didn't care about reactions from the public and continued to march through the city. Finally, she picked up Shinobu's scent. Or rather two scents. Whoah, so there was another Shinobu? She remembered how back then she offered her to turn her into a vampire. The redhead wouldn't be surprised if she changed somebody else. Anyone whom Shinobu found worthy must have been interesting. How fortunate then that she brought her own kouhai to show off.

"I think we're getting close, Ron-kun!"

She could feel those two strong scents from the inside of the doughnut shop. A peculiar shop that only sold doughnuts. She found it eccentric that Shinobu only ate doughnuts and drank blood, but whatever. The redhead wasn't a picky eater and she ate stuff from human flesh to vegetables and fruits.

She went in first. She was hugging a bluehaired girl from behind, a girl bearing a similarish scent to her. But there was something more. An aura that was clearly challenging her in some way, and that was hard to ignore for Rikuyo. And she wouldn't do it anyway. The person she was always welcomed opportunities of proving herself in one way or another.

"Howdy, Shinobu! It's been a while! Five months or so? Time flies fast!" The redhead greeted the vampire in energetic way.


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"Okay, the cleaning supplies should be in the kitchen." Petra explained as she went up to pick the burglar's clothes and drop them out of the window like the owner. No way she would keep the around. Looking from the window, the burglar was already gone. Naturally, clothes fell into dumpster. She had to take some precaution to not be bothered again by that crass woman. She was in no mood for dealing with her ever again.

After she was done with taking care of the criminal's clothes, she went back to the kitchen in order to check whether Liam found what he needed.


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"The thing is if that unless they come haunting my street, I won't do anything unless I someone contracts me to. However, you might be interested in something. There was someone who looked for certain person." Mitsuba reached into pockets of her jacket for a photo of the person that D'Arcy was looking for. More like she reproduced one using her Embed and own memory. Muramasa had no reason to suspect that she shouldn't own it.

"I don't have 100 % evidence, but she might be a vampire. And she is some vigilante wannabe. Probably some people from the underworld want her dead for that alone. Or deader than dead. If we track down the person who ordered the hit, maybe I will offer my services. I'll have my money and you will have your souls."


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The building somehow restored itself to perfect conditon, not a speck of dirt remained on it. Whatever could cause something like that was clearly out of the ordinary. The shocking events sisn't stope there as a swarm of insect came crawling out of the building, heading their way with a murderous intent.

The tall count responded in turn by throwing a bottle of water and the proceeded to shoot, scattering the remains. Is that blessed water? The white haired girl thought as she looked on, or maybe it's some magecraft.

As Julius had chosen to try out a ranged attack the young girl stayed back to see the results of it, preparing for them to get closer. She thought about using one of her stronger weapons, but these most likely weren't the true enemy.

"Julius, Judging by how they behave I think they are just minions." She informed the Count of her suspicion.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 12:37:41 AM by Thedoctor »


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"Oh so you want to lie to her~" The blond complained. "Lying is very very bad..." Jeanne pushed him down on the grass suddenly, pinning him down in a way reminiscent of what they had done here earlier in the day.

Looking right into his brown eyes, she smiled at his apparent helplesness. "Now what should I do with someone who's been as bad as you?"


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Some of the new brands here were a touch confusing, but Liam got the gist of it soon enough. He had a couple armfuls of the stuff by the time Petra showed up to check on him, and held it up for her inspection. "Got the good stuff, I think. You learn a thing or two about keepin' house as a bachelor."

Then it was just a matter of getting the wine stains and other junk out of things before they really set in... easier said than done.


Muramasa Katase

The sword's lovely puppet nodded along with Mitsuba's words. Killing people was only an undesirable outcome if Katase had some reason to prefer they live. "It would certainly give you more capital to fix the mess that... witch, left behind in your kitchen. In case you wished to sell the property to fund wherever it is you would prefer to relocate your business - or if you just prefer to reuse this one."

Still, the demon took the photograph into her memory. She would not object to making this corpse into one that did not move.

Umbra of Chaos

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A finger poked Mobb's cheek. There was something slightly vindictive in her voic as sh asked, "Well, are you limited by line of sight? Because I would really like to prank that girl who threw me out of that window. Just a little thing like that and then we can go people watch or something. And, you know, just slip some hot sauce or other stuff into their mouths."


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Relius Clover

Relius retorted with a light smile.  “Well.  It certainly looked like you were enjoying the body with that performance you put on.  Or perhaps you are the type of actor who plays his role so often that you forget what its like to be genuine.  Either way, you should know by now that I love getting some semblance of emotional feedback to my work.”

The scientist looked at the demon splattered all over his lab, his polite smile morphing into a more prideful grin, his cheek muscles more noticeably contorting as he put more genuine emotion into his expression.  If you consider pride emotion.

“At the very least, you must have felt something as you splattered that creature across my lab.”

Medaka Kurokami

Winter was hard for Medaka.  Soon after that night with Shinobu and her new roomates, she finally had time to grieve for her fallen comrades.  She went many nights without sleep, particularly in the first week or two.  The memory of all those who she had failed to protect in that first two days plastered every corner of her mind.  She managed to cope a bit by throwing everything she had into training but it only started helping after the first month.  Even then, their painful memories occasionally assaulted her mind.  It was often little things.  The sight of candles during the holidays often caused her a lot of stress and anxiety and occasionally gave her short but intense bouts of depression.  Even so, it became a little bit easier to deal with over time, to the point where she was able to function normally.  After all, time heals all wounds.

On the other hand, the mere idea of Shinobu, an immortal vampire who could not die, was forever tied to her and powerful enough at least to best her in combat was an endless source of comfort.  Perhaps the best part was when Shinobu would go out with her by hiding within her shadow.  She effectively spend her day chatting with her vampire elder, even if it made her look a bit schizophrenic at times.  Regardless, it was always the best parts of her days.  She may have been a failure but at least she was never alone.

"I want doughnuts!"

"Ok"  Medaka responded casually. "Let me just grab my wallet."

Thats the kind of thing that tends to start it.  Without hesitation, they headed over to the store to get doughnuts.  Shinobu's favorite is one that somehow stays in business from just selling doughnuts.  Although, considering how often they go, its not unreasonable to say they are at least partially responsible.  As they entered the store, Shinobu jumped out of Medaka's shadow, pressing her boobs against her back.

"How much money did you even make during your last...."  Said Shinobu, perhaps curious if they had enough for doughnuts.

Seeing the vampire stuggle to find the words, Medaka tried to fill in the blanks to save her trouble.  "More than enough for doughnuts.  All I did was solve an equation but it pays more than enough to cover for our meals.  But, I kinda wonder why you never get fat even when you eat so mu--"  She said before getting cut off.

"Howdy, Shinobu! It's been a while! Five months or so? Time flies fast!"

The blue haired vampire turned her head to see a girl wearing nothing but a Hawaiian shirt with medical tape covering her breasts.  Between that and the sandles, she looked like a manga character or someone who just came back from a vacation.  Next to her was a man with a super scruffy face.  She assumed he was with her.  She smiled at them with genuine excitement.

"Hi I am Medaka.  How do you know Shinobu?"

Umbra of Chaos

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The armored man was beginning to get the feeling that today was going to be a very strange day. It was the crack of dawn and yet- crash -he was fighting some sort vampiric creature. Possibly a heart construct? The bash from his shield hadn't even sent it reeling! It was already upon him again as if the strike hadn't hurt it at all, but Paladin had seen the same moves a thousand times before.

He sidestepped over the drained corpse of the motel owner as a mass of teeth and fangs lunged past him and crashed into the wall of the building. Then Paladin charged with a sudden burst of speed. His sword sank into the monster's flesh and it wailed as blood froze into spikes and its flesh grew cold.

This close he could smell its meals as it thrashed and struck at him over and over again. His shield held back the brunt of it, sharp fangs doing nothing to the righteous scale, but a few shadowy tendrils slammed into his armor. A jarring feeling that he knew was going to bruise as he struggled to hold the twisting creature in place. Then he let out a wave of chilled air that left frost upon the wall and froze some of its thinner extremities.

That did it! It managed a burst of strength to knock him back, but he had been ready for it. It merely sent him skidding back a few feet as the twitching mass of twisted flesh began to move again as if it wasn't impaired at all. It shifted away from the wall as he drew back and lashed out with a score of tentacles coated in sharp teeth as he began to charge in.

Hah! As if that was enough to impair a warrior of Stribog! The blade of ice sang through the air as it amputated appendages intending to grasp him and covered the stumps with painful bursts of bloody ice. Anything else was irrelevant. They left scratches and dents in his armor, but his shield was left nice and whole as he held it in front of him and crashed into the beast once more.

That numb feeling in his arm meant that the beast had braced itself. The fact that they were currently in broad daylight and covered in dusty plaster meant that he had performed the charge at the right time and was not being eaten right now. Which was good!

He managed to get in one more cut that forced itself wide open with miniature blades of ice before kicking the monster away. And then he realized that he had very nearly missed crashing him and his bloated foe into a young woman. That was quite shameful. Without removing his gaze from the creature that was quickly gaining its bearings he announced, "My apologies, citizen, but unless you are capable of reducing men to meaty pulp and can resist the same force I must ask you to leave while I finish dealing with this creature."

« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 03:54:27 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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"I'm moving elsewhere, of course. People will get suspicious if the bar is run by another proprietor. Let's find some nice, peaceful neighborhood, but operate as assassins in the rest of the city. I'm fed up with this district, so we will have to mingle with Westerners. I hope we both have patience for their strange ways." They probably weren't all obnoxious like that shitty priests. "Well, that's everything for today, I think. If you wish for a bath, I'll prepare one for you. That's one of few luxuries left I can offer to my honored guest."


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"Bachelor? No luck yet in love life or your career has distracted you? You're pretty charming guy, I doubt you wouldn't find someone if you wished so. What is exactly your occupation?" There was a saying that curiosity was a first step to Hell, but the curiosity prevailed, so she asked such a question while helping Liam out with cleaning.