Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 74535 times)


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He shook it his head at the "kid", he was trying to hard. "My name's Jin and this is my girlfriend Oka..." He shook the hand that was offered them "So how long have...."

A chain of explosions cut him short. They were coming from the Gigantor. Panic ensued as the crowd went wild.

Then a figure appeared with dark hair and violet coloured eyes, wearing red and black robes, strapped to his waist was a blade that gave the chills to anyone who looked at it. It was as if it was radiating with darkness. No. It was actually radiating with darkness, a darkness that could cast a shadow upon darkness itself.

? ? ?

Just as planned.

The sheep were scurrying around like the lost lambs they were, lost lambs in need of a shephard. These lost souls were in need of guidance, their behaviour in the face of the unexpected merely solidified this belief. Guidance they would soon have, the stage was set, it was time for his big entry.

Thus he revealed himself to the crowd, standing on top of one of the still standing fragments of the wateslide. His arms stretched outwards dramatically as he adressed them.

"People of the Nexus, Look at what just happened here, A tourist attraction bombed in broad daylight. 'How can this be?'... You ask yourselves, The law will protect us....That's where you're wrong, the law doesn't protect people, it's people who protect the law." He lowered his hands as he paused for a brief moment.

"Now look at the people who are supposed to uphold it, the oh so vaunted Nexus Police force. In truth they're pitifull, they've had their stations destroyed before and now this. They can't  protect themselves and they definitely can't protect you." He looked down, as if thinking.

Then he looked back up, his gaze scanning the crowd, looking into all of their eyes as he continued, in a slightly deeper tone.

"I ask you, can you truly put your lives in their incompetent care?"
« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 06:00:57 PM by Thedoctor »


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka chuckled at the manchild and resisted the urge to pat him on the head. That would just be too mean after all. They hardly knew each other, after all. Oka began to extend her hand, but then…

An explosion.

An explosion at the top of the ride. Oka quickly shifted her position slightly behind Jin, and grabbed several pokeballs, pressing the release mechanisms in one fluid motion, letting out Wormy Haunter and her Bully.

"Do you have Yukianesa, Jin?" Oka whispered at him, ready to turn tail and run if necessary.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Malcolm Kimberlee

While the two were turned away, the scene that unfolded was clearly visible was it happened right before his eyes. How could this happen? Dammit, now he'd never get to ride the Gigantor, and this was supposed to be his day off. All these hours waiting for nothing, great!

And for that dumbass to pop up all of a sudden with some political speech, could the damn terrorists at least try to be subtle nowdays?

"Well damn." He said calmly, glancing at the familiars that girl threw out of her balls. She should've known something looked shady about them.  "Think anyone's hurt over there?"


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"You sound rather eager, were you looking forward to it that much?" The blond vampire teased Rikuyo before letting her go. "I am not in the mood for blood right now as I was getting some doughnuts."

She turned to the couple on the ground. "As amusing at that is too watch, I do want them sometime today." With that she flashed over to were they were crouching, appearing in a blur next to Ron's in a crouching postion,.

"Is he alright Medaka?" She asked innocently, almost like she hadn't thrown the girl at him in the first place.


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Relius Clover

The puppeteer looked up at the ancient man, staring at his soul through the mask.  The raw intensity of his gaze was not at all hindered by the mask placed in between his eyes as he took in the speech of the ancient doll before him.

“It is strange. People spend so much time looking for the puppetmaster that they never even consider trying to cut the strings.  Even those who do figure out this simple insight find it difficult to cut those strings.  You need the right tools, a decent amount of assistance and tactful execution.”
He paused a moment.

“But you know this already.  You understand this fact even more so than I, even if more intrinsically than logically.  I suppose that sort of intelligence is the byproduct of wisdom.”

He turned around and walked over towards the door.  Without facing the doll behind him he spoke.  “You are one of many projects.  For now, my only desire is to observe your impact on the world, the power of the doll I created.  I want to see the entropy that results from chaos.”

He turned his head so that the side of his mask was visible from Vangaurd’s position.  “If we are to take the heavens, this city must grow stronger.”  He said calmly.m Vangaurd’s position.  “If we are to take the heavens, this city must grow stronger.”  He said calmly.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2016, 12:55:08 PM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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The man nodded to confirm that he did indeed have a washing machine. Then he led her to his home. A modest little building that was abnormally cold despite the rather warm weather. There was no hum of an air conditioner but it was still freezing and even the dryer somehow managed to cough up chilled clothes instead of warm fabric.

To Paladin's delight his new ally didn't seem bothered by this in the slightest! As he showed her where the small laundry room and the shower were he made himself comfortable on the couch. A nice coating of frost had covered the fabric. Something he appreciated as he took a pen and began to write down a summary of the latest encounter in his book.


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She only cared about that since a promise was a promise and she kept her word. Otherwise letting Shinobu suck her blood wouldn't even cross her mind. "Of course he is. He'd get up from much worse. Tho I wonder who'd beat up whom, yer or mine kouhai. Medaka seems strong, I can tell that."


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Medaka Kurokami

Impact?  Fight or flight?  So something did happen to him!  "Alright then.  Stay still.  Let me check you for damage."  She said, with visible concern.  She pushed him to the ground and started feeling his body, checking it for visable signs of damage.  She started in vital areas like the heart and lungs but slowly started moving outwards, gliding her hands across every inch of his body, touching everything in his frontal part aside from his genitals.  He was actually pretty muscular.  She could feel the various bumps and curvature that comes with a sculpted body.  However, she never found anything that resembled any sort of damage.

Just then, Shinobu appeared next to Ron in a crouching position. "Is he alright Medaka?" She asked in a surprisingly relaxed voice.  "Well he says he is alright but his heart-rate is pretty abnormal and he is talking about 'impact' as though he was harmed in a fight of some sort."

"Of course he is. He'd get up from much worse. Tho I wonder who'd beat up whom, yer or mine kouhai. Medaka seems strong, I can tell that."

"You say that but unless Warewolf's have a naturally elevated heartrate, there might be something wrong with him.  As much as I love freindly sparing matches, I am not sure if I am comfortable with it unless I knew what was wrong.  For all we know this could be a precourser to a horrible virus."  She said, responding to Rikuyo. 

She got off of Ron and flashed him a friendly smile.  "Take off your shirt.  There is only so much I can do with just touch."  She said somewhat assertively.  Her voice was still mostly dominated by concern.   
« Last Edit: September 29, 2016, 12:55:31 PM by yinsukin »


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Sakura Matou

Sakura blushed instantly at Archer's comment. W-wh-what?! What's that! What's that got to do with your magic being amazing! Sakura was protesting when she heard a hiss of pain from Rin.

"Sorry." She said to her, releasing her grip entirely.

Ar-Archer, listen to me. She said to him as her face got redder and redder. Don't sell yourself short, ok?

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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This was bad, a terrorist attack in broad daylight and it had to happen now of all times. He looked at Oka as he answered her question. "Does it look like I have it on me? I'd rather not fight that man unarmed." Indeed, they had demanded him to hand hand it over when he went in, not wanting to cause a scene he did so, while also telling them exactly what would happen to them if it was even scratched when he got back.

The 'kid' was worried about other people there, that did sound like a better idea to be honest. "Probably, It might be best to check it out."

? ? ?

The crowd had calmed down somewhat, some of them had picked up there phones, to call people, others who were more daring where blatantly filming him. That suited him just fine, in fact he counted on it.

They didn't escape his notice of course. There was a girl who summoned strange by tossing objects on the ground, most intruiging, were those balls used as a medium in a summoning ritual, drastically shortening the process? Or perhaps they store the creatures as energy inside of them, he had certainly heard of such things being possible before.

Thus he strode over, the crowd parting for him, like the sea for a certain man. In but the mere blink of an eye he had reached them.

"Strange creatures you posses, were you intending on fighting me with such a poor showing? While the process behind them getting here is most intruiging, the creatures themselves are...a bit lacking."


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"I heal fast enough that you really don't need to!" he insisted, this time a bit more firmly, hoping that it would convince the well-meaning but really naive vampire that he didn't need her help. Then that damn Shinobu girl egged her on, and oh she misunderstood. "And the impact was with you. Because this one threw you at me."

Ron pointed to the apparently older vampire. Then her words about viruses registered and, what?

"I don't get sick! Also, they kick you out of doughnut shops if you take your clothes off in them."

His face was a bit red now from his frustration.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2016, 04:17:53 PM by Aiden »


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This was bad, a terrorist attack in broad daylight and it had to happen now of all times. He looked at Oka as he answered her question. "Does it look like I have it on me? I'd rather not fight that man unarmed." Indeed, they had demanded him to hand hand it over when he went in, not wanting to cause a scene he did so, while also telling them exactly what would happen to them if it was even scratched when he got back.

The 'kid' was worried about other people there, that did sound like a better idea to be honest. "Probably, It might be best to check it out."

? ? ?

The crowd had calmed down somewhat, some of them had picked up there phones, to call people, others who were more daring where blatantly filming him. That suited him just fine, in fact he counted on it.

They didn't escape his notice of course. There was a girl who summoned strange by tossing objects on the ground, most intruiging, were those balls used as a medium in a summoning ritual, drastically shortening the process? Or perhaps they store the creatures as energy inside of them, he had certainly heard of such things being possible before.

Thus he strode over, the crowd parting for him, like the sea for a certain man. In but the mere blink of an eye he had reached them.

"Strange creatures you posses, were you intending on fighting me with such a poor showing? While the process behind them getting here is most intruiging, the creatures themselves are...a bit lacking."

Oka Kurosawa

Oka almost took a step back before she steadied herself, and looked the evil man directly in the eye. Mustering all her courage, she spoke to him in a fairly calm voice, considering the situation. "Of course I wasn't planning on attacking you. I may be young, but I'm no fool. I know when I'm outmatched." Oka said, momentarily glancing at his sword. "Why are you doing this, anyway? What's your plan." Oka asked him, trying to buy time. For what she wasn't sure. All she could do was pray he'd let them go in peace right now.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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This was just too good, the blond vampire leaned over him, pretending to examine his body. "I have actually heard about a virus like this before that was affecting werewolves." Shinobu turned to look at Ron's face, getting really close as she touched his cheeks before turning around to look at Medaka.

"The virus has a number of symptoms, such as increased heart rates, flushing of the face, deliria and in the most severe cases among males, it causes swelling at their groins." She told the blue haired girl with the most serious voice she could muster


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The man nodded to confirm that he did indeed have a washing machine. Then he led her to his home. A modest little building that was abnormally cold despite the rather warm weather. There was no hum of an air conditioner but it was still freezing and even the dryer somehow managed to cough up chilled clothes instead of warm fabric.

To Paladin's delight his new ally didn't seem bothered by this in the slightest! As he showed her where the small laundry room and the shower were he made himself comfortable on the couch. A nice coating of frost had covered the fabric. Something he appreciated as he took a pen and began to write down a summary of the latest encounter in his book.


Sakura followed him into his apartment and whistled. "You certainly do like it cold, don't you?" She laughed, seemingly completely fine with the extreme climate. "Well that's fine. A cold shower will help wake me up anyway." She waltzed on over to the bathroom and closed the door behind her, before she stripped down completely. She peeked her head out the door and tossed her soiled clothes towards him. "You don't mind starting the wash cycle while I wash up, do you?" She asked him jovially.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Malcolm Kimberlee

Beneath his sunglasses, Malcom's eye twitched. Now he really had the feeling they were looking down on him, ignoring him like that. At some point, the stress just becomes too much, so he couldn't help but be a little irritated. Then the asshole arrived right next to them in the blink of an eye and began to talk some more. Great, very interesting, please tell us more. He'd honestly consider blowing his brains off there and then, but this wasn't a good time, in front of all these witnesses on broad daylight.

He'd just get into more and more trouble, consequences weren't a thing he was fond of but it was how the world worked, so beat it. Besides, it would be bad luck to kill someone before an assignment, and each individual bullet was incredibly expensive. Wasting money over some tryhard dipshit just wasn't something he'd sleep well over.

"Hey, hey, hey. Let's try not to get all high and mighty, can we?"

But it didn't mean he couldn't give him a piece of his damn mind. He wasn't stupid enough to stay in that man's range, he just walked sideways to cover behind Jin, slipping his hand in his pocket to feel the comfortable smoothness of his trigger and daintily removed the safety beneath the pocket. It had just looked like a banana to the security guards, but this was in actuality a gun, concealed inside an illusory peel. Because they wouldn't expect a kid to bring a gun to a water park, his suggestion worked and he was able to bring a tasty snack to the park.

Well, if things went sour he wouldn't be the one eating tasty lead.

"Anyway, I don't really care about this big agenda plan you're trying to fulfill here or whatever. You can pop whatever slide you feel like, anything that rocks your boat. I paid for the ticket and stood in line for god knows how long, and now just look at that poor sorry thing." He said sourly, pointing to the broken water slide, but with a surprisingly calm tone to it, as if he was well aware of the danger he was in and had simply accepted it as an element of his everyday life.

But if he was to die here anyway, he sure as hell wasn't going to give that condescending asshole the benefit of a smooth and easy venture.

"So congratulations, you just ruined a good and honest hard working man's well earned vacation day. I'm pretty sure no one here's going to pick a fight over so little, so please spare me the drivel, I don't want to hear any of it. If you're going to shit on my day off, the least you can do is not waste my time."

With his calm rant done, he took a deep angry sigh and walked away, one hand in his pocket.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2016, 08:16:22 PM by francobull3 »