Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 130130 times)


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The Changeling giggled, unable to help squirming a bit as she felt his seed seeping into her like warm honey.

"I suppose it is," Emily mused, "I doubt you'll mind at this point, will you? That aside, I can't say I'm feeling as patient this time, and I have a way to fix that."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Gabriel laughed at Emily's self-admission of impatience and studied her.

"But I could play with you until then, and that is always enjoyable," Gabriel said as he trailed his hand down to tease some of his essence out of her. 


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Kuro apologized in a dramatic fashion, to the point of collapsing with her head crashing to the floor.
Mordred had a sour mood after whole fight, but maybe she was just damn too nice deep in her heart. "Go look for the medic, Corbin, I will take care of her. I'm not that fragile that I will bleed out by the time you get back here." She limped back to Kuro, using her staff as the crutch. "I'm still cranky about you me slashing and nearly blowing me up, but you got burned so I guess we're even. Take my hand and stand up. You need help too."

Umbra of Chaos

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Liseth gave the other girl a carefree shrug as she ignored the other two. It couldn't be that bad, right? Rin was kind of a weirdo but it's not like her family could be that much worse. "Sure, I guess. That's fine with me."

She went back to finishing her sundae and hoped that the other girl would leave soon. Dante wasn't really a problem. Even if his hair kind of looked like he was a bit too edgy with bleach, he had good taste and didn't look too bad either overall. But the honey-haired woman just felt too nosy and smug for her. It was kind of obnoxious.


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Lone Wanderer:

A down ridden exterior and a man wearing the most garish clothes in the city. What could possibly go wrong?

"Thank you." Jeremy said, walking through the door held open for him. It's not like there was anything else going on. If worse comes to worse, he doubted that this man would be able to actually harm him.

The inside of the store, well, it completely overloaded his senses. It was well taken cared for, the walls and ceiling as pink as a goddamn flamingo. There were shelves of masks of all makes and sorts. Jeremy almost dropped the helmet he had tucked into his left arm out of shock.

"It's...It's a mask store?" the question just had to be stated, even if the answer was obvious.

Cherry Lover

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Sakura and Shirou

Sakura and Shirou watched on as Shinobu continued to flirt affectionately with what they presumed was her girlfriend, in the process answering the question that Shirou had previously posed about the source of the clothes. The way she'd answered and Medaka's reaction to it set the two of them slightly on edge, though, both of them preparing their mental defences to try to fight off any intrusion from the blonde-haired girl.

Before they could say anything, though, Irisviel addressed them all, obviously desiring to leave. And, looking at what she was wearing, they really couldn't blame her, it didn't look warm at all.

"Yes, let's get inside", Shirou responded, noticing that Sakura was feeling a little cold herself.

Sakura, meanwhile, turned to Shinobu, a worried expression on her face.

"Can you read our minds?" she asked, obviously concerned. "Have you been doing it before?"

If she had, Sakura would not be impressed at all. She didn't like having her thoughts and memories put on display.


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Sakagami Kenzo

"I see! I understand, how amazing!" Kenzo exclaimed in amazement. Humans didn't cease to impress him.

Suddenly, he had an idea. He didn't need to put the sake down and spill it, he could put it on the tale vision! And so he did, and still holding the girl close he tried to knock on the magic box lightly to turn it on.
"Helloooo? Tv-san, please wake up! HELLOOOOOOO!? Huh? It's not working..."

Umbra of Chaos

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"This is the Nexus. A city that appears to abduct beings from other worlds and forcibly keeps them here through means that I do not understand. We are currently within an area termed by others as the Asian district. Do you require any form of nourishment to function?" With the smaller construct in hand Erica began to walk out of the alley into the street. Her grip was gentle but firm as she led the boy into a safer place in the district.


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The angel permitted a sigh to escape his diaphragm. "Yes, I suppose we should restrain them in some fashion. I believe at this point they are still and silent from terror alone, rather than a genuine state of unconsciousness."

He nodded his head to Forest and Julius, and went thence to the man behind the counter to see if this establishment had some form of security force on staff who could respond. It was a little disgraceful that they had not, by this point. Unfortunately, it appeared they did not have any such thing, so Gadreel was forced to inquire about some form of cord that could be used as makeshift restraints.

By the time he returned with enough cord the ruffians had made another attempt to escape, which was presumably put to a stop before he arrived.

Muramasa Katase

She frowned in confusion at his behavior. She did this on purpose, you see, because the alternative was to giggle in a most insulting manner at Sakagami Kenzo's naivety about such things. Then again, she was starting to see that his exposure to humans was... limited, in comparison to her own. A blessing in disguise, I suppose. He could be much worse with too many human influences.

Katase knew how humans were. With a few exceptions put aside they were almost uniformly selfish, exploitative monsters who were only good for feeding her blade their blood and souls. The very fact that she even existed as more than an inanimate weapon proved this.

"Perhaps you are pressing the wrong part of it, Sakagami-san?" she finally suggested to him. "You may wish to try the small... round button? It is near the bottom of the box, below the glass."


She was right; that wasn't very long at all. Rikuyo seemed to be handling it pretty well, though. Anne still had her days where she wouldn't talk about home, but was clearly pining for it. Usually when something roughed up her precious hat.

"I was born here, far as my parents have told me," Ron admitted to her. "I think at last one of them came from some other place, but they never talked about it to me. So this..."

He motioned to the buffet around them with his chopsticks.

"Is the only world I've ever known. Well, besides glimpses from movies and comics that find their way here."


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Michael watched with a little wonder as Breeze appeared from seemingly nowhere to crash into the Elemental's manifestation like a golden comet, finding himself being taken back for a moment, remembering a fight with some guy who claimed to have been chosen by a god. They'd still gone down all the same, but they put up a surprisingly good fight nonetheless. Then the moment was interrupted when the Elemental roared, the trees around them coming to blazing life in response, including the one Michael was standing on. Unlike its fellows, however, the immortal's tree barely had time to form its bestial features before a well-placed strike from the staff tore it in half with contemptuous ease, Michael hopping down to ground level. Michael soon found himself dodging and weaving amongst the trees, practically dancing among their blows as he lashed out, sundering their forms with every strike.

Each strike that was aimed at him, filled with blazing intensity and the elemental's fury, posed about as much threat to him as a baby wielding one of those extendable lighters, but of greater interest was the light that was previously at the core of the being, now moving up higher. Michael's grin widened as sudden inspiration struck, the immortal deciding that it wouldn't be fair for him to have all the fun.

Having decided this, the immortal stopped humoring his assailants, laying the last of them low before moving on to assist Breeze with hers.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"Huh, so ya were stuck in this small land since the beginning? Ya know, I think you've changed because your soul wanted somethin' more. Maybe yer wish to know more than this made ya who you're now. Or the Moon itself noticed that and changed you. It's pretty whimsy, ya know." The red head usually didn't think too deep about things, but even she had such moments.

"Ya won't mind if I stuck around with ya for a while? I've my own goals, but I'm really curious about what heights ya can reach if you try. With my help, you will become much, much better at this, Ron-kun!" She declared, grinning in amiable manner.


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Jeanne giggled as she saw Shirou's frenzied look, it was pretty cute how he was reacting this way when Sakura hadn't even said anything earlier. Deciding to end his self imposed misery, the blond spoke up with a soft voice. "Of course there's more to it." She put her hands on his arm, gently gripping them "Please calm down Shirou. Sakura wouldn't have acted the way she did at the dinner if she was actually angry...but if it makes you feel better you can hit me." Jeanne was giving him a small smile the entire time, trying to make him calm down.


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Sakagami Kenzo

"Oooh!" He noted, unable to help but be impressed. What a strange magic mechanism! Humans were truly ingenious creatures. The oni proceeded to do as instructed with haste, and couldn't help but let out a mesmerized gasp.

The black box suddenly turned blacn and white and started making strange noises. It was odd, but it somehow reminded him of the falling snow. He had never seen anything like it.

"So pretty..." He murmured, unable to comprehend just what was happening, or rather that it was happening. It was almost like a dream. The oni lowered to his knees, sat and stared in wonder, but suddenly averted his attention once again to the girl.

Letting his hold wrap her once more, he proceeded to cuddle and snuggle her with affection.


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Kuro noticed somethig at the edge of her vision, was it Corbin shouting for medics? she didn't really know nor care right now. She had something she had to do, that she desperately needed to do. Blondie offered her an arm to get, which Kuro accepted without hesitation and got up. However she kept moving forward and ended up bumping into Mordred.

"I-I'm sorry. I was trying to...I don't know what I was trying to do. Sorry!" Kuro cried out as she hugged the blonde.


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"You couldn't put it better. A proper ruler, or who stands for a ruler in a country, should put interests of the state before those personal ones. And from the lowest peasant to the highest ruler, everyone is  part of a country, and thus the law should be fair and just lest it is tyrannical. Faith, honor and love can rule humanity, but power alone cannot. What is evil and unjust will eventually fall to ruin-" He did nearly finish his speech, but some of those villains tried to crawl away.

"Unforgivable. YOU ONLY ADD TO YOUR SENTENCE!" The hot blooded hero shouted, dropping a nearby plastic trash can on a head of one of escapees. The Jersey Shore douche now couldn't see anymore, his head trapped in the box where trash like him belonged. The other one got nailed down to the floor with his hidden blades, no harm coming to him as he was careful to not harm their sinful flesh. But still, his trousers were pinned to the floor and he couldn't move.

Julius left the fate of others to lady Forest as they were closer to her and she would certainly reach them faster.