Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42327 times)


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Auspicious Breeze

"Ehh? Well, I mean, the actual city of Ysyr is in the mountains too! It's a really nice place," Breeze said with a smile, ignoring how it was a nice place that mutated people who stayed there. "Are the buildings as big where you're from as they are here, Sakura? That's the part that's weird for me. And the cars..."

Definitely steak, though. She could actually read enough of the menu to pick what she wanted, sorta. Mostly. She had to squint a little.



The angel took a deep breath to steady himself when he realized precisely where they were. It would not be the first time he had dealt with something that targeted the newly born or their mothers, both very vulnerable targets in their own right. Gadreel did not grow wroth easily in his old age, but this was one of those things that he could just never adjust to.

"I do not believe our target will reveal itself carelessly, Noel. If you see any ventilation or other openings in the walls then be careful; they may be lurking within the structure itself."

At this point it was too close for him to pinpoint precisely where to look... so they were going to have to be cautious.


Muramasa Katase

Katase loved violence, thank you very much, Mitsuba. That understatement aside, it was a valid concern. A surprising one as well once her wielder brought it up. The demon's puppet frowned at the thought, and moved to stand by the side of her 'cousin.' She spared a smile for the girl with purple hair, bowing politely. "Good day to you."



The werewolf blinked as he was abruptly cock blocked by Shinobu, his sense for danger making the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. He backed up, away from the fight about to break out, just to be safe. And then Medaka was climbing all over him again. Ron just knew this would be a terrible idea if he left the two alone to fight it out and cause mayhem.

But, boobs. They were really nice boobs. "Uhh... in public?" he managed to ask, his brain still stuck on sex for the moment. "I mean, more public?"


Noel nodded quietly, already doing that. She waited for movement, any sign of suspicious behavior at all.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"I'm not really sure. Since I've arrived here I didn't do much aside from working for my rent, so I had no time to research a particular place we could visit. But, I might have a rough idea what we could look for. Are there any ruins from antiquity here? I mean, this place apparently ports stuff without regard for their place and time of origin. And we probably won't have to pay anything for sightseeing too!" Petra proposed as she grabbed Liam's arm to walk around together.


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She was pissing her off. After she interrupted her fun times with Ron she had the nerve to ignore her like that!

"Oi, oi, oi, are ya ignoring me like that? Go choke on those doughnuts, old bat." Ironically, if she counted her past life, maybe she was born much earlier than Shinobu. Either way, insults like that weren't something enough to show in how bad mood she was now. Rikuyo was about to do something that endangered the property around, to put it mildly. Her clenched fist started cracking with energy and her aura was plain visible to anyone. Ron would quickly realize what she probably was up to as she used that kind of stance in the forest to launch that attack that smashed the ground under them.


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the ward

When they stepped into the lair of the enemy, there was nothing that welcomed them with open hostility. It looked like that the staff tended to the place as usual, and there was a nurse nearby in the hall that looked concerned about their arrival. After all, everything seemed fine so why the member of law enforcement accompanied by that ridiculously tall man were doing here? Not all members of the staff had heard yet about their arrival.

Now that Gadreel was closer her, he had slightly better idea of the threat. Some of foul beings, whatever they were, seemed to be moving around, and if no one was alarmed, they must have been hiding well from the sight of mundane people. The atmosphere here was tense and bleak as if drained  from vitality. Whatever thing was behind this, it operated certainly more subtle than their 'mother'.

The worried nurse approached the duo out of worry. "Umm, has anything bad happened? We don't see the law enforcement here much..."
« Last Edit: October 23, 2016, 01:49:40 AM by Sinib »


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Yes, at first the site of a possible hostage made him confused, but the girl had a good point. What if that was all a trickery? Still, it would a bad aftertaste if he struck down a child casually, so he refrained from immediate dispension of justice. They could ignore him until they dealt with the real threat, unless the villain stopped trying to trick and assault them openly.

"Thanks, your words are true. It could be just another scheme of the villain either way."


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"Uhhh, sure. What is that?" Hopefully nothing too eccentric. He had experienced enough weirdness already for his liking. But even if he wished to enjoy some serenity in presence of his family, there was nothing he could do about it. Duty was duty.


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"Hmmm, seithr? Is that your name for radioactive fallout or something? Your civilization sounds as if there possibly was something crazy like a war that involved nuclear weapons." Mordred noted only to realize that Breeze likely didn't know what she refered to. "Oh right, Breeze, you don't know what I mean?"


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Auspicious Breeze

"Ahh, mostly not! My mistress did say there used to be much scarier things out there though; the capital city was founded on a much older one, and something there makes peoples' bodies change if they stay," Breeze admitted, trying to make herself look less dumb by talking about other things she knew. "Actually, does this 'seither' stuff change peoples' bodies too?"

Then the mention of 'airships' got her, and oh, she knew a little about that! "Actually, I think there were airships once upon a time where I'm from... though every time anyone talk about them they called them chariots. But, I'm guessing it was close enough?"



"Huh. Well, not the usual sorta date I'm familiar with, but it sounds like an interestin' possibility," the vampire said with a toothy grin. It didn't show anything of course; he could retract his fangs and even a dentist tearing open his gums wouldn't notice anything off. He knew, he'd had to break a few other vampires' kneecaps for not being subtle enough.

"We're gonna need to ask around, though. I ain't usually the sort who asks directions, but it seems like the sorta thing that needs doin' here."

And so they went, seeking strange old places down the evening streets. It took precious blood for Liam to stay warm, but he didn't want Petra getting too cold or suspicious because he hadn't been. He had to be careful not to get lost, of course, because the city seemed to add new streets and neighborhoods all the time, or shift where the darn things were. "You ought be careful with these streets, Petra. I'm findin' you never know when they'll just up and disappear on ya. Why, just the other evening I went to check out the butcher's place down by 5th avenue, only to find there wasn't a 5th avenue there at all. It's 39th street now, which makes no sorta sense with how they layout roads most places..."
« Last Edit: October 22, 2016, 02:09:30 AM by Aiden »


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"The butcher's? Do you fancy cooking too? I'll admit that I'm much better at cooking fish, but I'm decent at preparing lamb. I honestly have no experience with pork on another hand. I'm one of Messianistic Jews and we still observe such strictures from Old Testament unlike other Christians, so if we go to a restaurant tonight as well after sightseeing, it'll be nice if we find a proper place." The honey haired woman confessed. Honestly, it was quite ironical how Catholicism diverged from practices she upheld. Honestly Copts were closer to how things were interpreted back in her times than other denominations.


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"I know how to, I can say that," he said to her question honestly. It wasn't why he'd gone, mind you; some vampires went to butcher shops to get something to take the edge off. He couldn't do it himself, but it was a good sorta place to meet the young'ins who could. She was Jewish, though? Oh, she was almost one of them pretty girls his mother'd always warned him about when he was alive. "My mother'd have a stroke if she were here right now."

He chuckled a bit, then shook his head.

"Of course we're goin' to a restaurant." He could vomit the food back up in the bathroom after keeping it down for the course of the meal, no problems there. "I'd be a poor date if I didn't pay for food for a pretty lady like you."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Forest rolled her eyes at the two men's small talk and sighed. 

She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered slightly.  The cold air was already zapping all the warmth she'd taken from Gadreel's blood.  She looked back at the hospital, wondering what was going on in there and if she was going to go home alone again.


"Well, don't get too used to it," Rin said with a grin before perching herself on the desk beside Archer.  "However, I generally don't turn away someone in need."


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Relius seemed amused by it from the way he reacted. The mage followed the masked man who left bloody footsteps like the culprit of a bad mystery show. As the door opene. William crossed his hands at the sight

"What to do with it indeed...As much as I am for theatrics. Is it actually wise to keep that much ecplosives right next to your lab, one spark and it all goes boom. Like the Gigantor this morning." He said, referncing the terror attack from the morning. Should be all over the media now.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2016, 06:14:09 AM by Thedoctor »


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Medaka Kurokami

"Well we can-"  She paused abruptly mid sentance.  The glowing hands combined with the battle stance set off alarms in Medaka's head.  She will hurt someone if she fights Shinobu here!  In mere seconds, she jumped to her feet and sprinted towards Rikuyo.  Using the momentum from her speed, the blue haired vampire attempted to use a side kick to strike Rikuyo in back of her legs, right behind her kneecap.  Perhaps since she was striking from behind, she may have a shot.

She didn't care if they fought.  She just needed to get her out of the store.  If she managed to shatter her balance, maybe Shinobu could knock her out of the store through a window or something.


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Methuselah grinned from ear to ear to the point his bloody fangs almost twinkled. He reached for his pocket and showed off his wallet, more importantly the badge in it, to the good old officer.

"Nyo-ho! Never would've guessed, I bet. After digging for weeks, seems like today's my lucky day!" He said in a falsely smug but cheerful tone before striking a pose and flexing as if to appear cool. "Think its made of real gold or something, pretty cool huh?"


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"Hahaha, nuclear weapons..." Sakura laughed at Mordred's comment, as if there was something intensely funny about her words, before her expression suddenly got much more serious.

"It would have been nice if the nukes actually worked, you know? We might as well have been throwing pebbles at the Black Beast for all the good they did us."

Sakura leaned back and smiled again. "It's a bit of a long story though, so let's order our food first, if you want to hear it at all, that is. It's kinda depressing."
« Last Edit: October 22, 2016, 08:04:04 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end