Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42336 times)


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It were as if the world was out to preserve his fidelity, even if he had only a little interest in that. Because now Rikuyo and Shinobu were about to fight, Medaka was getting involved, and everything was about to blow up. And before he could get his head on straight again the younger vampire tried to stop Riku and now there was going to be such a mess.

Power surged through his naked body, and the man Shinobu had been ordering from acted on a sudden urge to flee into the back offices, away from the threat. Ron's body grew more hair, and his muscles expanded as he strode forward.

"I think now is a good time to stop." His voice came out as a predatory rumble while he made to grab Medaka and Rikuyo both by the hair with all that strength he had like this.


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"That's really considerate of you. But weren't we supposed to sightsee first? I think there might be some ruins ahead, see those columns sticking from the ground? They look quite old." Well, she wasn't close enough to see them in detail, but if they were from her age, she probably would recognize that. She had though to be careful and not comment them in a way that suggested that she was overly familiar with them.


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"Lad, you should really go visit some jeweller or prospector. Or wait few days and look for the rust.
It might be pyrite." When he was a boy, the guard once found a shiny gold like rock. To his disappointment, it was just a common rock which resembled the precious metal superficially. It's better to talk some common sense into him now before he gets too hopeful about his finding.


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? ? ?

The boy looked at the two in pain, with tears rolling down his cheeks. The pain in his side was unbearable, what had been done to him was something so brutal and savage he could barely remain sane. The arrows, it had been-

"Clever, clever."

The child sighed and shrugged. It seemed they didn't take the bait after all. Well, this didn't matter much, it just meant he had to do it himself. The trick had already worked once, but fool them twice? Not a fat chance it would appear. It was so sudden, so nonchalant. And just like before, the boy disappeared without a trace and the hive was as good as new, without even shards around.

Could it be that their enemy was this world itself? No. A menacing voice, far older than that of a child yet bearing a close resemblance to it sneered at them and clapped behind them, always behind them even if they turned. And yet, there was no one.

"To think someone would destroy my autonomous defense so easily. You're pretty impressive, good job. But there's one detail you have missed. That little pet project did not serve to keep you out, on the contrary. You will never leave this place alive."

Candles lit up with blue flame instantly, as if animated by a strange force. A castle of wax built upon alien geometrical architectures and insects was revealed, a horrific hive displaying dozens of bodies in each and every crevice. The one where Joshua had once resided was now empty, and while the dim candlelight revealed more than before the upper levels and the overall world was still very dark.

And suddenly, there was a rumbling, like an earthquake.

"For the sake of my freedom, please die quickly."
« Last Edit: October 23, 2016, 12:06:25 AM by francobull3 »


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She found it something hard to believe that there could be someone immune to nuclear weapons. Maybe Sakura exaggarated some story from the past, after all she didn't tell how much time had passed. Or maybe they didn't scale up those bombs enough. Nah, they would just blow up themselves.

"I thought that giant monsters immune to nukes was something only in TV shows. There was this one where giant aliens shrugged off anti-matter bombs, but making giant cyborgs out of DNA of those giant aliens somehow worked out fine. But it's a fiction in my world. I don't think anything physical would survive a nuclear bomb back there." Then Mordred turned to Breeze with an explanation. "I'm not talking about some ordinary bomb here. Going into details would be too long, but the short story is that for a brief moment it creates a small Sun that incinerates a city and leaves cloud looking like a blooming mushroom. The land around the site of explosion gets poisoned for years and survivors die of sickness. Some people believe that it also mutates people in blatant way, but that's a myth."

Well, if they wanted to ever meet a mutant, they already met her. Though naturally she would rather be discrete about it. Wait a moment...

"But Breeze, you don't really look any different from us?"


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Auspicious Breeze

"Black Beast...? Ohh, that sounds like some kind of Behemoth! Really big, scary things at the edge of the world," she said, grinning and shivering as she thought about it. "I could see one of those surviving that... or gods. I know gods where I come from just reform if you destroy their bodies. Demons, too!"

Not that she couldn't make it so they didn't come back, but she preferred not to. It seemed like going overboard. Except when they were really bad.

Then she was talking all about radiation and horrible things and poison and, huh actually this sounded pretty familiar. "Huh... why would anyway want to make something like that, anyway?" she asked, blinking and tilting her head to the side while looking at Mordred.

Who asked a really pointed question. Auspicious Breeze froze up, looking a little tense now. "Ah, that..."

She didn't want to talk about that. She didn't want to make her girlfriend sad by keeping it from her, but she didn't really know Sakura and it'd hurt pretty bad to show her anyway and there'd be lot of blood and they were about to eat. So it was better not to.


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Nodding to Oka as she leaned against his shoulder they started moving. They eventually found their way to a place that sold ice cream, looking at all the flavour, there was really any crazy ones to his mild disappointment. He finally picked strawberry and Oka paid for it as she said she would. "So where are you gonna find cookies?" He said while licking on his cone.



She felt embarrassed, why say such a thing. She met his gaze as she tried to make a devious but failed somewhat. " trying to seduce me with that? You don't really need that to change my world."


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"I think now is a good time to stop."


The werewolf's statement was met by the sound of eating. Eating doughnuts that is. While the escalating chain of events had occured in which a battle had almost broke out that may have destroyed the shop. One figure had remained unmoving, well umoving except for one thing. Her clothed were mysteriously restored to their previous condition. She was eating the doughnuts without a care in the world. It was like she was looking down on them from high above, not feeling the need to engage her self in such trivial matters.

"Are you done?"

Three words. From anyone else they wouldn't have made you pause, but the sheer level of apathy being displayed was astounding.


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Her intention at first was just to demolish the shop in retaliation for the interference of Shinobu. Her apathy was the final push. But Ron stopped Medaka before she could land a hit while Rikuyo was charging her technique and preoccupied mostly with Shinobu back then.

The werewolf grabbed her hair, but honestly it was short now enough that it wasn't a major inconvenience.

"No." She was not done, and expressed that in one simple word. Her attempt to smack the two away with her monkey tail followed that statement. If they tried to take her by surprised, then fine, she wouldn't hold back herself. The tail was like an extension of her body and that was honestly one of easiest to control forms for her. Humans, apes and monkeys were so similar animals after all.


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the ward

When they stepped into the lair of the enemy, there was nothing that welcomed them with open hostility. It looked like that the staff tended to the place as usual, and there was a nurse nearby in the hall that looked concerned about their arrival. After all, everything seemed fine so why the member of law enforcement accompanied by that ridiculously tall man were doing here? Not all members of the staff had heard yet about their arrival.

Now that Gadreel was closer her, he had slightly better idea of the threat. Some of foul beings, whatever they were, seemed to be moving around, and if no one was alarmed, they must have been hiding well from the sight of mundane people. The atmosphere here was tense and bleak as if drained  from vitality. Whatever thing was behind this, it operated certainly more subtle than their 'mother'.

The worried nurse approached the duo out of worry. "Umm, has anything bad happened? We don't see the law enforcement here much..."


"We're simply here to investigate a disturbance,  nothing more." The blond said to the nurse, being careful to give no real information at all. After all, it could be anyone here, and they didn't have enough cops here to quarantine the place if it did turn out to be true.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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She found it something hard to believe that there could be someone immune to nuclear weapons. Maybe Sakura exaggarated some story from the past, after all she didn't tell how much time had passed. Or maybe they didn't scale up those bombs enough. Nah, they would just blow up themselves.

"I thought that giant monsters immune to nukes was something only in TV shows. There was this one where giant aliens shrugged off anti-matter bombs, but making giant cyborgs out of DNA of those giant aliens somehow worked out fine. But it's a fiction in my world. I don't think anything physical would survive a nuclear bomb back there." Then Mordred turned to Breeze with an explanation. "I'm not talking about some ordinary bomb here. Going into details would be too long, but the short story is that for a brief moment it creates a small Sun that incinerates a city and leaves cloud looking like a blooming mushroom. The land around the site of explosion gets poisoned for years and survivors die of sickness. Some people believe that it also mutates people in blatant way, but that's a myth."

Well, if they wanted to ever meet a mutant, they already met her. Though naturally she would rather be discrete about it. Wait a moment...

"But Breeze, you don't really look any different from us?"
Auspicious Breeze

"Black Beast...? Ohh, that sounds like some kind of Behemoth! Really big, scary things at the edge of the world," she said, grinning and shivering as she thought about it. "I could see one of those surviving that... or gods. I know gods where I come from just reform if you destroy their bodies. Demons, too!"

Not that she couldn't make it so they didn't come back, but she preferred not to. It seemed like going overboard. Except when they were really bad.

Then she was talking all about radiation and horrible things and poison and, huh actually this sounded pretty familiar. "Huh... why would anyway want to make something like that, anyway?" she asked, blinking and tilting her head to the side while looking at Mordred.

Who asked a really pointed question. Auspicious Breeze froze up, looking a little tense now. "Ah, that..."

She didn't want to talk about that. She didn't want to make her girlfriend sad by keeping it from her, but she didn't really know Sakura and it'd hurt pretty bad to show her anyway and there'd be lot of blood and they were about to eat. So it was better not to.


"Ehehehe, I'm sure that's what the people thought back then, Mord." Sakura chuckled at her naivety. Not in a bad way, she found it actually rather endearing. "Trust me, the Black Beast was very real and very powerful. It killed about half of Earth's population before we finally managed to put the monster down." She told Mordred, not wanting to get fully into her story just yet.

Sakura then noticed Breeze's discomfort, and made a move to change the focus of the conversation. "You should get this." She said, pointing to an item on the menu. "It's got an enormous steak, a large helping of potatoes, and a nice hearty helping of vegetables." She said with a smile.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Surely, it is. I can't wait to see them born already. Though I'm worried how raising two children will work out in this city even with help of others. This place is so much more violent than Japan..."

This sentiment wasn't entirely an act. While God Machine was insidious, it worked in rather subtle ways only using explosing violence when needed to succeed. But in this city supernaturals tend to use brutal methods for any reason and even without a reason. Well, Katase liked violence, but the Unchained worked out how to humor her without anything escalating.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself first. I'm Minato Mifune and this is my cousin Katase." She referred to her tall "relative". "She's kindly helping me running my business while I'm in this state."

Muramasa Katase

Katase loved violence, thank you very much, Mitsuba. That understatement aside, it was a valid concern. A surprising one as well once her wielder brought it up. The demon's puppet frowned at the thought, and moved to stand by the side of her 'cousin.' She spared a smile for the girl with purple hair, bowing politely. "Good day to you."

Sakura Matou

"Nice to meet you both." Sakura said, standing up herself with some difficulty and bowing to them as well. She then sat back down. "And I totally agree, this city is terrible. Nothing really can be done about that, though." Sakura said, shrugging her shoulders.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Nodding to Oka as she leaned against his shoulder they started moving. They eventually found their way to a place that sold ice cream, looking at all the flavour, there was really any crazy ones to his mild disappointment. He finally picked strawberry and Oka paid for it as she said she would. "So where are you gonna find cookies?" He said while licking on his cone.



She felt embarrassed, why say such a thing. She met his gaze as she tried to make a devious but failed somewhat. " trying to seduce me with that? You don't really need that to change my world."

Shirou Emiya

Shirou smiled at her embarrassed outburst, and cheered internally. He'd finally done it! She was always teasing and messing with him, and he'd finally gotten her back for it!

He decided he might as well carry on a bit.

"Heh, as if I need to try" he said, emphasizing the word try. "This tea will do it all for me, won't it, Jeanne?" He said before he turned around, beginning to masterfully make the tea in a small delicate teapot.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Sadly. It's not like we can wall off troublemakers that are already here and stop them from popping in. I doubt authorities have money to do the first and the second is plainly impossible. We moved here because we heard it's relatively safe here in the district. Nothing much happened here recently, right?" She asked Sakura as if she awaited a confirmation. After all she seemed to had been living here for much longer.


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Oh right, this conversation was quickly straying into more uncomfortable direction. This was an outing, not something tense like interrogation. So it was better to move on. "Oh yeah, maybe they have some lamb. I like such meat as long as it's not too spicy." Mord proposed.