Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42411 times)


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Ah. Well, in that case who was he to interrupt? He knew Rikuyo loved fighting, and Medaka seemed to be holding her own. And this vampire had a point. He might as well go back to what he was doing before. That is to say, Ron pushed back a bit if he could until Shinobu was up against that wall again, chuckling to himself. "No, I can't say I've got any biases there."

He pressed his shaggy head of hair against the vampire. "Have a bit of a thing for light hair, though."


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She felt herself pushed back, back to the wall from before. Unlike earlier there was no agression in it this time. She wrapped her legs against his waist trusting him to hold onto her. He wouldn't it like it if he failed to do so.

"It is natural if you were wondering."


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Muramasa Katase

Her, a good person? Katase must be picking up the art of deception from her current wielder quite well to give that impression. Then again, it could just be that her honest opinion was able to play on this girl's biases. Oh well, the reasoning mattered not. "I must wonder how it stays so... safe, here. Would you happen to know?" her puppet asked the Sakura human. "Nothing a duo of girls needs to worry about, is it?"

She did hope the answer was 'no,' however. The everyday peace was only just tolerable enough because of her current wielder's clandestine murders for hire, and a little more excitement would do the demon blade some good.


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"Never go anywhere in this town without one," he said in a lower voice than before, nodding to Petra. Liam reached into his coat pocket with his other hand and removed a gun he'd gotten off some punks who thought shooting him would actually do something except make him hungrier. He flipped the safety off. "Now, you sure you wanna keep going, Petra?"


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"Ah, yes, I visited a clinic today and received news that they're two girls. Isn't that wonderful?" More effort on her part to care for them, but double the joy. And when they grow up, they could help with her business. Even both types of business if they show promise.


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"I'm sure I can feel safe with a gentleman like you around. And I promise to not get into your way if it gets dangerous." Well, if whoever was down there proved to be too much for him, she had no choice but come clean and beat them up. Though revealing her identity would make any relationship with Liam quite complicated. Unless he was a type of man who actually would be more than happy to hook up with a saint. Maybe she wouldn't tell him she's the first bishop of Rome, but pretend she's her daughter. If photos existed back in that era, she still would have no problem passing for her, there was a distinct resemblance between them two. And it would feel somewhat less awkward, she guessed.


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Hazama stared at the meatbag -in-a-tin with an incredulous, uncomfortable look. He put his palm on his face and shook his head, disappointed. And to think the poor fool almost had a thing going. Then again it must be hard to see when your head is covered by a can. Maybe if he kicked it really hard it would smash his brain into functionality.

"You're kidding, right? Please tell me you're joking. Do I look like some sort of muscle for hire to you? God bless me if I can lift my blanket off me in the morning, let alone bricks." He said sarcastically, holding his arms out in an over the top fashion and squeezing them to make his thin features more glaring than they were.

"Sorry, but phys-ed has never been my forte." Hazama added nonchalantly. However, something did catch his attention. It's not like that massive piece of fail was any intresting, but something about how he was fiddling with that ugly piece of junk intrigued him. Closing his eyes, he smiled and tilted his head in a friendly tone.

"What's that whatchamacallit?" He asked casually, pointing to the strange machine on his wrist.


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So much for trying to get on this codger's good side.  At least he thinks I'm some ditzy teenager, so that's at least something, Forest thought as the old codger went on about dragon rounds and his .50.  Part of her cringed at the excessive use of force, and she used a .44 for the Lord and Lady's sake, but the chance for collateral damage was too high.

Then the dark man's comment about a barrier made her frown. 

She closed her eyes and attempted to send to Gadreel, Are the two of you okay and did Vermilion create the barrier?

Aloud she smiled at the dark man and said, "Well, thanks for the offer at least."


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Noel Vermillion

The short blond woman wasn't pleased that she'd been assigned to interrogate the man she'd saved. The first problem was a very simple one. She sucked at interrogating people. She was probably among the worst on the entire force. And as such, she hated doing it. It was no fun at all trying to be the mean cop and drag information out of people.

In her opinion, they should just hire some professional interrogators.

Secondly, she honestly didn't want to be reminded of what she felt was a complete failure on her part by seeing the civilian who was now probably in the ICU again.

Noel scrunched up as she floated out of the room, following about a foot behind Tar, floating above everyone as to not crowd the building even further.

Henry Barthow

Where did the people in charge get off ordering him to go interrogate a half-dead victim at the hospital anyways? It might've called for a gentler hand than his, whose gruffiness would be testified on by everyone who knew him. But his partner - he still had to make an effort to tell that to himself - had brought him in to begin with after saving his life. Henry would be dishonest to say he wasn't expecting it, but it didn't seem like it was going to help. The man was there, and Noel was there, and the former had, by Henry's reckoning, gotten massacred in view of the latter. What else did the brass hope to hear?

Granted -though dubiously-, Vermillion had perhaps not the most acute mind or reliable account in the block, but she wasn't incompetent, and the alternative wasn't in the best of shapes. So that was their quarry, annoying quest that required them to drive back and forth like factory pumps. It was what he had a car for, but he really didn't like driving so much as he was good at it, and being well-embedded in his muscle memory it had that mysterious effect of casually anchoring the conscious effects of his stress while he was engaged in it (without a cybernetic nightmare chasing his cell or the hounding of similar incidents).

And being busy meant things were worse than they could have been. That they weren't as bad as they had the potential to be yet, he thought as they closed in on their location, was a minor consolation.

The demon didn't see the sterile order and sorting of hospitals with welcoming eyes; the immaculate halls in the depths of his mechanical mind were empty of care, and the methodical operations that came with the white coats detached of any sentiment, human faces working with the systems of humanity to harvest it, bereft of heart. Beyond that, hospitals were vulnerable places to be. It was all too easy to be caught defenseless or held up in the system, for someone to take advantage of the busy minds of the staff and the complicated structure of the practice to get rid of inconveniences.

Henry appreciated the hospitals of the Nexus for their lax registration and record-keeping bar the specification of patients. Almost as much as he appreciated that the sargeant had taken care of talking to the hospital about their coming, and they didn't face many obstacles on the way to the man. Time was a different matter, but at least it wasn't waiting for a consultation. He found he got hungry during those occasions. He was starting to need to bite into something now, actually. Something with actual nutrients.

After the nurse left them with the typical warnings, he opened the door to the intensive care room where they'd find the person they wanted. "Ladies first," he said to Noel.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 03:00:32 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Muramasa Katase

Her, a good person? Katase must be picking up the art of deception from her current wielder quite well to give that impression. Then again, it could just be that her honest opinion was able to play on this girl's biases. Oh well, the reasoning mattered not. "I must wonder how it stays so... safe, here. Would you happen to know?" her puppet asked the Sakura human. "Nothing a duo of girls needs to worry about, is it?"

She did hope the answer was 'no,' however. The everyday peace was only just tolerable enough because of her current wielder's clandestine murders for hire, and a little more excitement would do the demon blade some good.

Sakura Matou

Sakura giggled merrily before she simply began to speak with a huge grin on her face. "Hmm, I wonder..." Sakura said to Katase. She kinda wanted to brag that it was her, but that would be dumb. She was still just a squishy human with good magic powers. She still was nowhere near Faust's level of mastery. So she'd have to keep it secret.

"And congratulations on having twins." She said to Minato, about to talk about her child as well. But then, she got a... an... interesting... message from Jeanne. Sakura suddenly blushed profusely, and almost asked Jeanne if she could watch through her eyes.

No, not here, I'm with people... It was fairly disappointing, really.

Ah, hehehe, is that so? Sakura blurbed out to Jeanne. I'll need to teach him to be less naughty, then.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Come'on Mord, it'll be fun!" Sakura poked her newfound friend. "Unless you're afraid you'll lose..." Sakura said, covering her mouth with her hand as she giggled.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Hospit-Noel Vermillion

"No, of course not!" Noel said to him. "Killing civilians is a huge no! It's our job to protect these people. Just incapacitate them." She said as she materialized two oversized pistols, and fired a shot at a brainwashed slave, causing an explosion to instantly appear and knock them to the ground. "Anything short of lethal force is acceptable, if necessary, though."
« Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 03:37:30 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"A no is a no." His stern expession not wavering for a second. "There a comes a time, a time when you have to make a choice. A choice that will matter more than anything in your entire life. That time isn't today."

With that he continued licking his own ice cream now that his victory was assured.


Even if he had achieved some of his goals, what with recruting certain individuals. There was one crucial thing he lacked. A base of operations. And now he had found it. There was only one problem here, all of the defense systems that were already in place.

He looked up at the daunting castle, the architecture somewhat  resembled the style of the palace back in the capital. Yet the defenses were ironically far greater. 

First up is this barrier

His magic flared up, the very earth itself shook as he was enveloped in a shroud of darkness. The darkness gathered in his fist and he made a sweeping motion.

"Darkness Slash"

A dark wave of energy cleaved through the air and crashed straight into the barrier. A strange sound was made as it crashed into it. For a moment it looked like it would hold, then the moment passed and the wave split it apart with enough force that the entire field collapsed. It continued on it's path until it eventually hit the earth, kicking a lot of dirt high into the air.

"Tchh...I overestimated it, What's the point of making one if it can't even keep bugs out. The old geezers were right though. I'm gonna need to get better at analysing."

The mage continued on, walking past the hole he had just made, the first of many if his senses were right.


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Holding Shinobu up wasn't an issue. He still had the boost of strength from his weird werewolf magic before even if this form was his weakest, and he wasn't exactly weak to begin with. So he held her up against the wall, breathing in her scent full of blood and sugar and lingering arousal, and chuckled. "Kinda saw that for myself already. But even if I hadn't I can tell. No roots of a different shade on you..."

Ron's fingers pressed against the vampire's sides as his mind failed to remember that he should probably not be doing this, for reasons.


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"Well, I do hope it remains that simple. Thank you for the clarification, officer," he said to Noel with a smile stretching across his face. It was most fortunate that he had encountered a principled officer of the law. All too often the exile had seen those given power gleefully abuse and destroy those they were meant to protect with it, for simple expedience. All too often those were other angels, whether from heaven or hell.

We are doing quite well thus far, Forest.

He holstered his gun, lethal as it was, and took to striding quickly across the smooth tile floor to trip and strike the compelled minions of the unholy thing that dwelt in this place. Gadreel readily accomplished this with just his bare hands, and his inhuman musculature and considerable height made keeping up with their approach a simple matter.

Now if you will excuse me, we have patients under a monster's malignant control to incapacitate.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 05:10:50 PM by Aiden »