Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42409 times)


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The hands pressing into her sides felt nice enough, but she wanted something more substantial. Still, the werewolf had pressed her against a wall, she couldn't remember the last time a man had treated her like this. Seeing his naked form and being held like this was making her excited, very excited. Her fangs grew a bit longer and she was sinking into the warm flesh of his neck.


She managed to stop herself before she could draw blood. The vampire felt confused as she had no memory of leaning forward to do it. "Sorry...I am not used to someone else taking the lead like this."


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Auspicious Breeze

"Ahhh, Mordred is too cool to be afraid of that sort of thing!" Breeze was pretty confident about that, or else her girlfriend would never try to spare against her hand to hand! "So of course you'll do it, right Mordred?"


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Muramasa Katase

The human was hiding something from them. Well, no matter; it should not concern them much at all in any event. Katase's puppet kept a hand on the bottom of her umbrella-sheath just in case her appraisal turned out to be inaccurate, but nothing more.

"So is this your first child, Matou-san?"

That seemed to be an appropriate question to ask.


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Sakura Matou

Sakura looked at Katase with a smile, happily answering the woman. "Mhm! It's my first one, and I'm so happy I can barely contain it!"

Underneath her front, however, was suspicion. This Katase woman... She seemed unnaturally tense. Especially how she was clutching her umbrella. If she was on guard, Sakura would remain on guard as well, ready to call for a servant at a moment's notice.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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the ward

If they were normal and aware citizens, a shot from Noel's weapon would have made them unconscious. However, this was little obstacle for their puppet master. Broken faces and concussions mattered little if their limbs could move and the brain could send its orders to them. The human puppet started rising from the ground, and those downed by Gadreel also started recovering.

The entity doubted that would be enough, but any bought second as they had to take care to incapacitate them for good without killing was priceless.


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Uhhh, the peer pressure... Screw looking cool and not selfish, then, maybe at least she would get something out of that on unlikely chance that she would best them both. "Then, can you promise to me you won't flirt with any other girl for whole day?" Well, more like not flirting with Oren, but she couldn't just state it directly.

She didn't trust Oren and swore she that she would find evidence for her villainy and land her in a prison, but increasingly her duties as an Enforcer took more and more time. Maybe she should have hired a PI to help her with such a thing.


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Her blow managed to stagger the vile man for a moment but it was for naught as he healed up soon after. She got sent flying in return, crashing into a wall as her conciousness rapidly faded, she thougth she saw Julius assault the man but she couldn't be sure anyway, it was really dark. Was the floor always this soft?


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Being an Unchained meant that she could express herself however she wished to, so she continued talking with Sakura even if Katase clutching her umbrella made her a bit wary of how the situation would turn out. Minato was even more paranoid than Katase, but could mask it far better. This woman could have some relation to whoever was responsible for keeping local streets clean, but even if she was curious about it, she shouldn't be hasty in solving the mystery.

"It's my first time when I'm expecting children as well, so that's really new experience for me. But I feel anxious about the childbirth though, especially when I have to birth two girls. Oh, and all those expenses, I heard that some stores charge more for products for small children than it's fair. How shameless." Minato shook her head in disapproval. Expecting children wasn't all sunshine and rainbows.


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? ? ?

His eyes widened in surprise. How could a mere human keep up with him so easily? He could understand the child doing that, she had a fair bit of power herself. But to be looked down upon by a human, a mere insect.

"USELESS!!" He roared as the whip cracked around his leg, wrapping it in its holy justice before mercilessly crushing it, sending pieces of his leg crumbling down like a burning sand castle. No matter what creature, the pain should have been enough to incapacitate it. In this world, for a creature like him, that holy diver was anathema. And yet, it did not stop him, he did not even falter.

His heart, his eyes. There was nothing left of what he had once been, whatever this beast was it was fueled only by a fire, a dark determination. No, it was more fair to say the demon was the dark determination. Compared to the pain of having lost his humanity, the pain of  failing to protect the ones he loved... this pain was nothing... NOTHING AT ALL!!

With a beastly, deliberate motion he ripped out his entire leg from the whip's grasp and sent his fist flying at the count's face, attempting to punch his head off with a savage blow.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 10:12:05 PM by francobull3 »


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What a drivel. Maybe instead of asking such questions she would try to overcome her with some more than simple tricks and try something different? Whether they were all real or not, that didn't matter much with her armored and thorny skin. Everything but her face could take lots of hits. Only wailing on her for long time, possesing a great skill at finding weaker spots or powerful special attacks could do the trick. So she just guarded her face with her hands while taking the kick to the belly. It pushed her back, but considerably damaged her opponent's leg. If she just kept doing that over and over she could achieve a pyrrhic victory at best.

"What's the matter? It's all you got in the end? Or I should do you a favor and depower? If you are hiding something better, just use it."

Umbra of Chaos

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The Spirit Vessel paid close attention as the fists impacted the beast and sent it into the air. Despite the tremendous power used it did not seem to have been too injured. Physical force seemed to disperse by a notable degree against the creature's fur. But as it corrected itself in the air Erica decided to take a chance and launched herself into the air after it.

An overhead slam of the Fists sent the beast careening back to Vanguard due to its relative vulnerability in the air, but it took advantage of its sudden momentum by shifting into an even larger hydra. Each head could easily fit a large van into its mouth with room to spare even before unhinging its jaw, and its rushing heads spat forth venom far more potent than the chimera. Even the ones that missed would send caustic smoke into the air.

Compensating. This may take a bit.


Well, that meant start right? Something like that anyways. So she  relaxed into that loose, unassuming lack of stance that Stick Man was almost always in. Then she surged forwards in a sudden burst of fluid motion that lacked any visible wasted movement. She all but appeared in front of the man with her fist reared back to strike his face. A move meant to obscure the second strike coming for his lower body.


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Good grief. He thought as Erica proceeded to launch the beast back. It was only a blur, but quite the  lively one. Did their combined hits that could easily shatter stone have no effect on the creature? In a split second, the blur almost seemed to morph.

It was because of his experience that he could act. Of course, his body was not infallible, there were limitations to his movement. No matter how you looked at it, his motions could not outclass the faster of beings. In a direct confrontation, he would not overwhelm such a creature with speed. One could even call him disadvantaged.

However, the years of experience ingrained in his being had taught him well, the memories of battle long ago still etched in his soul. As long as he could observe the phenomenon, he would not be overtaken by his subconscious. Left, right, above, below. No matter the speed or power, as long as it was visible he would understand and react accordingly. Simply put, his experience and skill would close the gap.

With a mighty stomp the earth cracked below him, and without pause Vanguard delivered a relentless circling motion, kicking the ground away mercilessly to flip the shattered ruble and make a tide of earth rise like a wall. It wasn't much, but it gave him a few split seconds of time to avoid the acid as it melted through the earth. But suddenly, he felt something.

A vibration.

For a second, his eyes opened wide in surprise and he kicked at the remnants of the stone barrier just as the hydra clashed against it, delivering a flurry of earth shattering blows not only on the beast but on the ground itself, kicking himself away to increase the distance. Was he retreating? No. As he dashed back, he also held his palm in front of him as if to command  a halt.

"Wait." He said calmly, and these words for one held far more weight than any he had addressed to the beast prior. Regardless of the answer, he slipped his revealed to be metallic hand in his pocket and reached for something.

Umbra of Chaos

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The beast crashed against the earth, and it was only the strikes of the man that managed to dent its scales. Both Erica and the hydra ceased hostilities when asked. While the owner simply coiled up and rested the Spirit Vessel flitted over across the air and landed next to her companion.

There was something questioning in her eyes as the script in them shifted. The Mantle shifted back into its neutral state in the meantime.


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Vanguard ignored the two of them and pulled out what looked like a smartphone from his pocket. With a few taps, he unlocked it and observed the feed of the cameras. He raised an eyebrow, how troublesome. It was fortunate that both heeded his advice, otherwise he would have probably given in to rage and killed them both.

Damn. Turn your eyes away for a moment, and the castle of cards comes crashing down. How irritating, and to think I was starting to enjoy myself.

Shutting it down, he tucked the device back into his pocket and sighed deeply, tiredly.  Of course, if one looked at him now one would realize this action was nothing but an anomaly. Gazing at these empty soulless eyes and the haunting metal skill of his, one did not need much foresight to realize whatever stood before the two was no human.

The thing turned towards the beast and knelt deeply, bowing not only out of apology, but of respect.

"My deepest apologies, nameless creature. I am afraid there seems to be an emergency that asks for immediate attention. Regretfully, I must deal with it immediately, else the wounds will fester. I'd ask that you allow us to take our leave. Perhaps we can postpone our little game for a more... suitable time."
« Last Edit: November 01, 2016, 02:30:20 AM by francobull3 »


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"Yeah, well, feel free to hit 'em with your bag or somethin' if you see a good opportunity," he told her with only a little bit of humor. It'd be better if he could take care of everything himself, especially with a lady present, but he weren't the sort to say she shouldn't protect herself. That was just foolishness.

Soon they could hear the echo of whispers, clear signs of other intruders here, and ... broken pottery? That's what it looked like to Petra in the dim light of Liam's phone. As they got closer it became clearer. "... make a fortune off that sorta thing." "Who'd pay for this?" "That big school, you know the one."