Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42544 times)


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Boss raised an eyebrow at the japanese sourly. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but her attitude was starting to become tiresome.

"No, but I can keep others from gathering intelligence on you. Do you seriously expect me to just yell out loud the details? Test me if you have to, and we will see from there. I have nothing else to say to you."


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Boss raised an eyebrow at the japanese sourly. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but her attitude was starting to become tiresome.

"No, but I can keep others from gathering intelligence on you. Do you seriously expect me to just yell out loud the details? Test me if you have to, and we will see from there. I have nothing else to say to you."

Sakura Matou

"Heh." The only thing Sakura did was laugh at the man as she got up and began to leave. She had nothing more to say to him. He clearly needed to learn to respect his betters.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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This was too much, her attitude was far too grating. Or perhaps it was out of desperation, honestly he did not know. A shitty nouveau rich kid, looking down on him? It was too much, even a child would know when a joke was taken too far. He grabbed her back and glared at her, growling. None could escape his Black Sabbath, and no matter what happened he could always escape. He was invincible.

"Sit back down, you brat."
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 04:54:19 PM by francobull3 »


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The end of the date left Liam with all kinds of complicated feelings. Not that he felt them in his body or something like that; he was pretty damn dead and had been for a long time now. But he was a vampire and he could still feel things and right now he was disappointed. Disappointed that he hadn't had much success on recruitment, mainly. He couldn't just turn Petra when she wasn't doing anything wrong. So when she kissed his cheek and went away with a job lined up he wondered if he shouldn't just disappear.

We bid farewell, and I walk alone into the cold and empty night. - The Testament of Longinus, Torments 18:8

It'd be the proper thing to do. Liam was a dead thing whose purpose among the living was to punish and tempt, the delicacy of their blood his only payment for this service to the Lord, and to ask for more was a filthy thing that could damn the already damned. He should be alone except for his own kind. That was proper. No more dates for him if Petra wasn't going to trip into a pit of sin.

But he didn't have any of his own kind here. Not yet. So he was just alone, period. He spent that alone time asserting his control over his immediate neighborhood, implanting hypnotic commands into the local toughs to cut down on trouble. The vampire was going to control the whole place from top to bottom soon enough. Sure, he had to beat a few punks and make a few others beat each other, but it weren't any thing. He didn't expect to run into Petra again anytime soon.

So there she was in a handsome uniform, proving him wrong. After a moment's surprise he tipped his hat to her and managed a smile on that face of his, shaven exactly as much as it were when they first met. "Petra. Well, that there explains where you've been the past evenings. Was just getting back from a little transaction myself."

It was his fault for not expecting her to take the graveyard patrol.


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Sakura's expression melted again into a completely calm and collected smile.

"Alright!" She said cheerily. "If you say so, I'll believe you."

She was sure it was clear to Mordred that she knew she was cheating. In the end though, Sakura didn't care. She was entirely, 100% sure of her victory. She could eat three or four of these meals after all. Suddenly, a thought hit her.

"Hey, Mord, before we continue, you need to ask something of me in case you win. It's not fair for you to be the only one to get something from only one of us. Anything's game."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Muramasa Katase

Her current wielder was busy courting some human or another, and seemed bothered by the notion of bringing this Muramasa with her to the event. Were Katase more enamored with Mitsuba, or Minato, or whomever that creature decided to be at the moment then the sword might have argued the matter. It was not safe for her wielder to be away from her in a place like this - or anywhere else. But the truth of the matter was that Katase just tolerated her current wielder out of an unpleasant blend of obligation and curiosity and little more. There was no great love between them.

Parting was no great sorrow.

The demon had her lovely puppet take her away to a less respectable neighborhood, and anticipation made the blade tremble in her sheath. Her wielder was far too measured in her killing. This time apart would give the sword a chance to cut loose. A quick pass through an alley in that dirtier neighborhood and the Katase who accompanied Minato with her umbrella was gone. In her place walked out a more sullen young Japanese woman with a sheathed sword openly by her side.

She walked the streets seeking choice victims to satisfy her needs.


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Auspicious Breeze


So she stopped paying attention to how Mordred was doing and focused on her own meal. It was nice to know she could trust her girlfriends not to lie to her about things. Gave her a nice warm feeling that, okay maybe that wasn't a good feeling to have after that big stew from earlier, but she appreciated it anyway!

There was still a lot of meat here, but she knew she could finish!


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The Hunter was back to strolling through the streets in due time, content with the break and having taken the time to stow the envelope with the money and her only lead on that curious bounty back in the apartment and retrieve a hunting rifle and some rope. She'd memorized the voice on the way back, anyway, so she wouldn't need to keep the tape on her. All the same, a bounty as nebulous as that one probably wasn't one she should focus on right now. Even with the envelope that man had given her, a little extra never hurt, and a nice bounty had recently been put up by some rich suit whose kid tried his luck with a vamp.

Those creatures were definitely something they didn't have back home, but it was of little concern. They usually had a hard time recovering from a missing head or incendiary rounds, and she'd ended up taking a few jobs on them as well. This would just be another paycheck that would likely vanish into replacement clothes, alcohol, and ammo. Though it certainly helped that Ron had somehow managed to stop shredding his clothes when he shifted. They seemed to almost vanish in forms that they wouldn't fit and came back when he shifted back.

Taking a moment to wonder just how on earth that worked, the Hunter continued on her way, humming to herself as she went. With what little info she'd managed to dig up on her target's possible whereabouts, Annabeth made her way to a nice little stake-out location she'd picked out earlier. Not too out of the way, perhaps, but it was still a decent look out spot all the same. Leaving the rifle propped up against a nearby air duct, the Hunter brought a hand up, looking through a hole made with her index finger and thumb, like a kid faking a monocle. A little added Nen and the Hunter could pick out anyone she turned her gaze on on the street below, taking a break from the look out every now and again to check for anyone approaching with En.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2016, 11:53:36 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"What are you talking about? Without your help I wouldn't go as far as I would. Few injured limbs is nothing you should worry about. I'm afraid though I won't be able to get to any doctor without your help." He was really in a sorry state. Probably any monster could finish off that man if a one reared its head there. But his fragility always reminded him of his humanity. Aside from few exceptional humans like Kuro, monsters usually traded something for their capabilities. Many got misguided and strayed from the path of righteousness.

"Seems like my horse got scared away by those events and ran away. I think he's back in the stable where I bought him, animals usually know where to seek safety."

Umbra of Chaos

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Thoroughly unimpressed with the antics of the man, Erica merely stood there. Her thoughts were already split between this meaningless thing and calculating the chances of encountering Her today. Perhaps it would finally happen? She hopes so.


"Ah, yes! That would be greatly appreciated. Although I'm not sure that it's a monster. It may be a demon, some organization, or the work of a malicious power." He sounded rather happy despite the topic, but there was a considering tone in his voice. "But whatever the case I will need you to remain behind me unless you are especially durable."

Paladin clapped his hands together. "As long as you do that I'll promise to shield you from harm. Although I must warn you that if it is either a demon or some other entity you must not be fooled by its form or vessel. Such things are fond of fooling kindhearted strangers."


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To be honest, Mordred wasn't confident she would win against her even using all her resources. But she had a certain idea about what she could wish from Sakura.

"You're strong, so I'm sure you would handle that. There are official bounties issued by organization for which I work. If I win, how about beating up one of people on the list for a discount?" If she won, the authorities wouldn't have to pay full bounty for one of wanted people. If she lose, maybe she could still attract her attention and she'd go beat up one of them for the full bounty. She could turn into a favorable outcome no matter how she fared.   


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She wasn't in particular rush to go back to the doughnut shop. Honestly, she kinda got lost. She was too focused on looting around, and while she could just sense Ron's chi, he was a big guy, he'd manage. To make more it of a challenge, she decided to find the shop without relying on spiritual senses. She transformed back into her monkey form and carried around her shopping bag by lifting it with her tail. That'd be a good exercise. Confident in her power, she cared not that the alley she heeded for looked foreboding for normal people.


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Henry Barthow

The detective chewed on the end of his pen, eyebrows curling with relaxed realization that ah, he was one of those types. That might make this interview easier, but it wouldn't keep him out of danger in the future.

"Okay, now on to the real questions." Henry said, unfolding a note from his pocket and sliding his eyes over it as he continued. "I'm going to read you a physical description of the subject. If it seems incomplete or mismatched to you then speak up. Ahem; 'The perpetrator has a lanky build of above-average height, appearing in his late teens or early twenties, with short, medium-short straight black hair that stuck to his thin and handsome face, sharp and malicious purple or violet eyes, and a silhoette shrouded in dark power, reminiscent of a demon emperor'."

The detective exhaled. What a mouthful. He didn't even have time to pick up a visual reproduction, and they had better than facial composites in the force with telepathic magic. Which they had already used to imprint an image from Noel's memories.

What the heck was that last part about anyways? He ignored it, and squinted past his unneeded note before he resumed the questions.

"What abilities did he exhibit in his spectacle of strength? Was there anything in your exchange with him that stood out? Or some detail that seemed important? Did you notice any quirks that could give him away?"
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 01:08:13 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Muramasa Katase

The first quartet of victims had been simple enough. Two human males in an alley stabbing at each other with knives while the others watched. Perhaps it was some form of blood sport? It was the only reason the chorus of souls in Katase's steel could think of for such a violent display. She, or one of her souls, had read that humans to the West had once killed each other while surrounded by huge crowds who derived entertainment from it.

Truly, this Muramasa had been forged in the wrong place and time.

Their filthy scent offended the senses of her meat puppet, and they were plenty violent enough. The scent of blood being added as she stepped forward and made the men aware of her presence was enough to decide things for her. A minute later Katase stood with that same dripping from its sword and a serene smile across its puppet's face. Four bodies drained of blood and spirit littered the asphalt by its feet.


Its puppet stood there reveling in the satiation of its hunger long enough that the weapon lost track of time. Then someone else came along, a strange woman with a monkey's tail stumbling across the demon's killing ground. The metallic edge of the Muramasa grew cloudy with murderous anticipation, and its human guise turned bright blue eyes to the newcomer. "Ara? Well hello there, monkey girl." Those eyes looked down at her now-bloodied kimono. "Forgive me; I seem to have made something of a mess of myself."


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Bah, its not like he expected much out of this experiment. He had hoped to see some kind of reaction, if only to understand more of this tool at his disposal. At least it made two of the disappointed.

Vanguard shrugged. This pathetic farce was unfitting for both, there was no question of it. He had gotten so used to playing the fool he didn't quite know how else to react to this but simply throw the figurative towel. A shame really, she would have looked cute in it. A shame...

Just as Erica was staring at him with an unimpressed look, he looked down. He didn't quite notice it, or perhaps he did and ignored why. Of course he knew, the true reason for this foolishness. In the end, it all came back to him. It was enough to make him sick.

"Pathetic" He spat suddenly, jarringly changing his mood completely.

"Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. I can tell by the way you're looking at me, I must have hit the bottom rock. Yes, I suppose it's true. But you know, I don't regret it one bit. I suppose I'm just looking for an excuse, but even if it's fake, even if it's a lie, laughing like this isn't unpleasant."

The warrior exhalted. Was this gesture fake too? He did not care, it never mattered to begin with. Even if it was a pretense, it was no less fake than the lies that covered up this world. In the end, there was only one truth. Everything would be cleansed by the fires of destruction. All he could do was oppose this truth with all his being, even if it meant creating more lies.

"I don't want to forget this, no matter what. Because it's a moment that must never be lost, a stardust memory that can never be replaced. It's the one thing I cannot do, even after eons rotting in that abominable. Cold. Disgusting. Lonely..." Vanguard spat these last words, growing colder and colder as he rambled on.

There was a deep seethed anger in his voice, a trembling rage that could never be quenched. But all too soon the fires slipped away, and all he was left with was despair.

"Surely you can tell by looking at my soul, it is crumbling. Slowly but surely, maybe in ten years, or twenty, or even a hundred, the man I once was will become nothing but a shadow and I will crumble into a beast without any intelligence. I do not need sympathy, nor will I ask for pity. This is the price I had to pay to escape that prison, it was my own choice. I could have easily searched for an alternative, but my own impatience closed doors that had once been open. That is my fate. But if I can show this to at least someone, that little foolishness, perhaps that memory will not die with me. I want to experience that memory once more, if I can at least keep her alive, if I can save even this fragment, then there is no reason I can't save everyone. If I can do at least that, surely I will be saved."

For a moment, he seemed truly sad. But the warrior shook his metal heart and gave in to the cold again. There was no need for such emotions, his sentimentality would only bring downfall. The world, everyone, even she depended on him. He could not let his weakness shackle them any longer. Joy, anger, despair, he would strike all these feelings down. If he was a minus, then he would remove everything and go back to zero. Only then, when everything turned to nothing, would he be able to look forward to the future.

"But enough speeches. Words are meaningless, my rambling has spoiled enough of this meal already. It is time to cook."

In the end, it seemed the two had cooked a lot. A large quantity of meals were set on the table, all that was left were finishing touches. There was an appetizing chicken salad with freshly grilled meat as juicy as it was tender. A crispy cooked salmon sat atop a platter, drowned in a generous blanket of herbs and spices with a zesty lemon coating drizzled all over.

The spinach, radish and carrot spinach soul was still hot, perfectly cut cubes of tofu floating in a sea filled with rich aromas, only rivaled by a yam soup with crusty fresh baked bread on the side.

Wild rice, grilled vegetables and a spicy stew dressed a plate. Last but not least, there was a generous scramble of high quality eggs and all sorts of vegetable leftovers, meant to be served as a side dish yet as plentiful as every other entree.

Vanguard and Erica were now working on the dessert at a brisk pace. On one hand, he was preparing a cake filled with a rich and exotic assortment of fruits. On the other, just as he had instructed Erica for the other procedures, he had taught her how to prepare the flan pudding. It was together that they had prepared this fantastic meal, and together they would enjoy it. Vanguard didn't think much of it, perhaps he didn't want to think of anything at this moment. After his recent words, he had been rather silent aside from giving basic instructions.

To open his heart like this, just how foolish could one be? In the end it didn't matter, she probably didn't think much of it anyway. Just what was he hoping to achieve, rambling like this? Could it be that he had wanted to talk to someone all along? No, it was wrong. Relius must have tampered with his soul somehow without him noticing, or perhaps it was this vessel's doing. Either way, this was no important matter so he stopped thinking about it.

After mixing the cake batter generously (and with a giant's vigor, mind you), Vanguard walked up to Erica's mixture and tasted it. If his face hadn't been torn earlier and wasn't currently hiding in a bandaged veil, he would have frowned

"Something is wrong."