Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42608 times)


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Muramasa Katase

Yes, it was.

The demon brought the spear down onto the rooftop below to arrest her momentum, swing back around, and settle into the ground. The transition took merely an instant, and it was followed immediately by its shell closing the distance in a blink. Muramasa blade slashing out toward its victim's long limbs. Legs, arms, anything that stuck out from the center of the body at the absurd length they stretched out from it in that form.

Dismemberment would be an adequate start to this, yes?


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Now that he finally got comfortable, he checked her out.  His eyes quickly did a scan of her, mostly focusing on her upper torso so he wouldn't get caught.  All the while, he kept talking.

“Yeah probably.”  He commented, not being particularly cultural minded.  Here in the Nexus, there really were too many cultures to keep track of, much less actually learn about.  He tended to only know of the general Nexus culture and of those that were related to his friends.  “I hear a lot of different breads come from Italy.  Although, from what I read on the net, there are many different cultures that invent their own breads.”  He added, showing his confidence in his ability to use google.

He finally got a good glimpse at her belly.  OH shit!  Shes already having MORE kids!  Wait, Im not being used for one of those affairs right?  What if her husband is huge?  What if he has superpowers?!  WHAT IF HE HAS BOTH?!  He thought frantically to himself, his thoughts becoming more illogical as he let them loose.

Wait.   Can’t I just ask her?

“So, what are these kids like?  They have got to be pretty if they take after their mother.”  He said, with confidence, trying his best to be smooth with his flirting.


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It would be even more of a dick move to join the city girl in putting this intruder back to her place, but she had standards. 2 on 1 would be too unfair as they seemed to be roughly matched. Just ridding of other bodies quickly would be also no fun, so she maybe would motivate the city girl's opponent into putting even more effort if she really wanted those bodies sadly.

"Man, those bodies will stink soon. Maybe I should burn the rest!" Rikuyo commented loudly enough for the werewolfy thing to hear. She kicked those bodies onto one large pile, extended her hand towards them and she started charging her chi to blow them up.


The countdown started. Once she got to 10, those bodies would go kaboom.

Cherry Lover

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Sakura politely followed the weird armoured man as he went on his patrol, her resolve not wavering in the slightest even as they entered into what seemed to be a rather shadier part of the town. After all, she wanted to protect people, and that meant going into dangerous areas and doing dangerous things. As they entered, Paladin turned to question her on her motives.

"I must admit that I'm curious", he said, "not many people would voluntarily chose to take on such a task in this city. Perhaps at their home worlds where they know what to expect, but here anything from the smallest child to the shadiest of beings can be horrifically deadly. Why would you take such a risk?"

Sakura smiled back at him, confident in her reasoning.

"My husband wants to save people. It's been his dream since he was a child", she said, her smile broadening as she thought of her beloved. "It's a lovely dream, and I want to help him fulfil it."

Umbra of Chaos

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Reeling from the attacks, the length of the beast's limbs worked against it and earned it a cut even with its prodigious speed. Something that would not be repeated as it shifted in an instant into her graceful Fae form to avoid a strike before immediately switching back.

Oren was a flickering mass of shadow as she weaved through the attacks with her copied skill. Strikes that would have surely cut off limbs missed as their target shrunk and shortened. Her dancing movements were enhanced by the bursts of speed and strength only the muscles of the Lycan could provide, and as she moved back and flickered back into a beast once more she began to familiarize herself with her opponent's style.

Ah, weapons were so unfair! She couldn't block a sword like that with her claws. It'd cut her up! So instead she sent cursory swipes at other surfaces. Sending chunks and pieces of the ground at the sword wielder's face. Just to see what would happen. Her ears twitched at the declaration but, well, nothing to do there! Oren wouldn't worry about it.


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Forest was proud at herself for not raising an eyebrow at Noel's fairly obvious pleasure at remembering her little spiel.  The vampire kept expression neutral; not blank, even though it would be nothing to go eerily still.  The handcuffs clinked as she moved her wrists in them.

They were probably enchanted to keep someone from breaking them.

Even though it wouldn't be much for Forest to break her thumbs and slip free.  Not that she wanted to tell Vermilion that.  The girl seemed not to like her and she hadn't even met her. 

Wonder if she has some grudge against Saber?  It's not exactly uncommon knowledge that Saber has a vampire vigilante buddy who feeds her.  Or she has a grudge against telepaths.  Hell, I don't even like being a telepath most of the time . . .

However she stayed quiet as Gadreel asked his question.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 04:08:48 AM by Elf »


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"You sure have your sources. I won't inquiry too deply how you got that information because we're friends." Or more because she was out of her water when it came to investigation. Blackmailing someone about a secret was a decent measure if the relationship between both parties went sour. And even if she was skeptic whether his job was legitimate (after all it's not like he ran some registered business), if he helped bust his competition that was fine. The police couldn't arrest everyone.

"So, did your little birds tell more about those suspicious people, or that's all information we have to work with?"


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"One usually aquires servants to make it easier, wouldn't you agree? Now that we've established that, why don't you show me just how capable you are and figure that out by yourself. I'm sure you could if you only applied yourself a bit. I'm not looking for a bunch of 'yes men' in an attempt to stroke my own ego. That has been the downfall of far too many rulers too count. Too wrapt up in their own arrogance to see the wrold for what it is. "

He stopped walking and turned around to look at her, she was behind him just as he had expected. "If you're waiting for a motive behind it, it's so that I can see what you do when left to your own device." There was no better judge of character after all and if the results were less than satisfactory, it could always be remedied.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 04:39:07 PM by Thedoctor »


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Poffins? He almost wanted to ask but stopped himself at the last second. It's one of those things again. Probably some pokefod made of questionable ingredients. He gave her a lazy nod in response. "Sure poffins, of course it's poffins. How could I forget?" He kept nodding for emphasis.

Oka Kurosawa

Oka nodded knowingly at him. After all, she didn't need to explain what they were, she'd made them a few times before, he'd even tried one and liked it. Mhm. He definitely already knew what they were. No question. His nodding clearly proved that. She wasn't just convincing herself he wasn't bullshitting. Definitely not.

"Well let's get a move on!" Oka exclaimed as she suddenly charged forward, pulling Jin along with her by the hand.

After a while, they got home, and after Jin let them in, Oka ran to the kitchen. She put on her apron, tied it around her waist, and began taking out various ingredients in order to make the perfect poffins. First came the flour, milk, and sugar, which she stirred together into a nice batter, at which point she tossed in the sweet berries. After all, Wormy liked sweet things. He wasn't a fan of the bitterness of some of her berries.

So, after stirring them at juuust the right speed for juuust the right amount of time, Oka poured the concoction into the muffin pan and put it in the oven. She then pranced out to go grab Jin into a hug, after washing her hands, of course.

"Well, they'll be finished soon. You'll have one too, right?" Oka asked him.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 06:03:15 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Muramasa Katase

Debris struck its puppet's face and scraped off precious skin. Katase registered the damage and adjusted her strategy.

The masked helmet formed first, protecting the shell's sensory organs from debris. The mask was smooth and featureless save for the opening for the eyes. The rest of the armor followed suit, and now Katase needn't waste time to protect its meat puppet's body from the flailing efforts of this accursed shapeshifter.

The demon's style changed. The spear's point lengthened and thickened into the blade of a naginata. A series of sweeping one-handed strikes ensued, followed up by cutting swipes with the Muramasa blade when the follow-through carried its armored form into closer proximity.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 05:56:42 PM by Aiden »


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Noel sighed. "Unfortunately, the police force here is just like any other. Some good, some bad, some competent, some incompetent."

She then opened the door to the squad car, and motioned for them to get in the back.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Eh, what was even point to following through with the threat if that mangy intruder didn't care enough to grow desperate? Boringgg. Still, a woman of her word had to stuck to her threats, so after countdown was done, she blowed up the rest of corpses. A bit of waste, but whatever. She sat on the ground, looking at the fight and drinking another soda. She had to admit that this armor thing was kinda interesting. She never could manifest her chi into something not made out of pure energy.


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She was a quick sort. Seems the cat was out of the box. He smiled and shrugged as if to tell her 'you got me,' but didn't actually say anything incriminating. No need to make things more complicated for the girl. Then he nodded. "Well, way I hear it is they got some pretty heavy firepower there. Shotguns and the like; money's let 'em stockpile a bit there. Little more punch than the three we dealt with before. Good thing you got that vest."

The box still had a secret compartment, though. That was safe.


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She was done. Combination of the little dose of herbs and another Contract that guaranteed the minimal amount success at an endeavour helped Mordred eat whole meal, but she reached her limit anyway. Once effects wore out after an hour she would probably feel sick unless she somehow digested enough of the food. In hindsight she should have just gave up, she used those Contracts on such trivial thing and couldn't use them for another 24 hours.

"Ughhh, you're shifting goalposts... If you're so worried about the tie, why won't you do another contest about something else? You can always pick a total stranger as referee if you need one."


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"Eh, I think there was a misunderstanding. I'm expecting children, but I didn't have any kids before." Well, who knew how they would look like. They could also take after her business partner. "Well, I'll know in 4 months, that's when I should give the birth according to the doctor."