Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42643 times)


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Petra whistled, impressed by what he managed to acquire. The gift was one of those full auto shotguns that normally were fired in semi-auto mode as they really required great strength to fully utilize them. Well, she'd stick to lower setting just to not blow up her cover. Anyway, this wasn't a cheap weapon.

"You know how to treat a lady well. Blackmailed an arms dealer for that?" The woman commented on the gift. Folks in the force would be both jealous about her gift and grateful if she redistributed the rest of equipment to them. "You're really resourceful about this considering you work mostly alone, as you claim. I used to be in a gang when I was a teenager, so I can tell. Maybe if the police didn't have open recruitment I would help you out."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Forest's blank poker face twitched as Gadreel had to look down at Vermilion and then his less than graceful entrance into the vehicle.  Then she couldn't help the chuckle that escaped from her lips as she effortlessly ducked in the car.   Having her hands bound really didn't hinder her that much, and even though the back seat wasn't exactly spacious, she could comfortably curl up.

You know, if you're that cramped, you could turn side ways and I could sit in your lap, Forest sent, grinning.

Aloud she said, "You and cars really don't mix, do they?  At least not smaller cars because you're just so . . . big." 


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Sitting in his one room apartment, legs folded and ramen cup ready, the dark lord sipped while watching the latest episode of CSI. What an awesome day, it couldn't have gone any better. He had almost missed the episode, but luckily the bus came just on time. Lucky~!

He'd have to work hard though, just like Horatio. No damn hooligan was going to cause trouble under his watch, no sir! He'd bring criminals to justice, and have them see the righteous path like a shining beacon of light in the darkness. But of course, he'd also get to solve mysteries, fight, and if he was really lucky he might even have a cute female partner he could RIGHTEOUSLY PROTECT.

His eyes were filled with as much marvel as his mouth was filled with noodles. He worked hard, but things would only get better from here. The episode just ended, and so did his soup. In the end, he didn't get to cook the egg. Maybe next time, but now what he needed was a warrior's rest. So without neglecting the brushing of his blood red teeth, stretches and changing into proper pajamas, Methuselah the abyssal fell onto his bed and looked up dreamily.

His smile was victorious, right now he felt like a champion!

Five months later...

"This sucks."

An empty cup of ramen soup slammed against the TV screen, only to bounce off and land on a nearby pile of other ramen cups. In a few months what had once been a proud tiny home had turned into a cavern of the damned, a lair of filth, darkness and oppressive loneliness. A place where dreams were born, only to die cruelly.

Lying around empty bottles and cups, a half naked beast, even more monstrous than in the past, was scratching its butt while lazily watching yet another CSI re-run. Same meal, same job, same old story. What had once been an exciting adventure was now nothing more than a chore.

He was growing sick of it, why couldn't he get a real assignment already!?

He knew of the happenings around Nexus City, surely there must be something going on. But no one seemed to hire him for said jobs. All he got were boring divorce cases where he'd investigate a partner in order to dig dirt, that and politicians. But did anyone come to ask him to spy over massive conspiracies, or work undercover in a secret underground drug trafficking gang? No. Of all things he'd expect a Private Investigator to feel like, he'd have never thought bored would be one of them until now.

The shadowed deity yawned lazily and glanced at the clock. Great, late for another doctor's appointment. Maybe he should get up already, maybe clean up a little around. His doctor didn't deserve to wait, but screw it. At least then he wouldn't be the only one being bored out of his wits.

Suddenly, the phone rang. At least that was new, he didn't get calls often. Stretching tiredly, he wobbled until the phone and answered it. Hopefully it wasn't just some pizza guy.

"Hello, yes?" -

After a while, the dark avatar's eyes widened like hellish caves. Really? Could this be true? If it was a prank, it was in really poor taste but...

He didn't have to think twice over it. Anything better than this trashy monotony, to hell with boredom.

"Yes, I'll be right there!" He answered immediately, and fr the first time in a long while he sounded excited.


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Breeze got crushed by her opponent. Mordred wondered if she'd make any difference if she could still use her Contacts against Sakura. The changeling sighed audibly as her chance to get Sakura pursue one of bounties for a discount went with a wind. But maybe she could still pursue someone for the full bounty.

"Say, are you interested in bounty hunting after all? That way you could make more money with your strength than what you already earn." Would she still be interested?

Auspicious Breeze


Wow. Okay, that was something. Her arm was stinging a bit, and her hand felt like it had been kinda crushed. Breeze winced at her own defeat after staring at her hand a bit. "I uh... I don't normally have this problem," she told them sheepishly while rubbing the back of her head with the other hand. "You're really really strong, Sakura! I guess that means you win."

She'd been looking forward to that dessert, too. She tried not to slump over it.


Sakura shook her hand off and smiled sheepishly. "Ummmm..." Words seemed to be escaping her at this moment. Her smile grew bigger and more sheepish. "Uh, yeah. Sorry about that. I got too into it, and it looks like I may have hurt you a bit." Sakura looked sad as she said these words. "I can still feed you the dessert, if you want. As an apology, you know."

She was feeling too bad about what she'd done to really consider Mordred's offer. In fact, it seemed like she'd barely noticed it, she was fretting so much about what she'd done.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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HospitNoel Vermillion

Noel got into the front of the car and carefully began to do checks, making sure everything was right before she started driving. She looked nervous, somehow. Eventually she got the car going and began their journey back to the police station.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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This made sense. Why else he would walk around fully armored and armed if not because the danger was lurking somewhere out there. And he was in presence of a lady, another good reason. Julius did not sleep well lately, though whether it was because of troubling nightmares or because of the poor quality of his housing was something up to a debate.

"I am Count Julius Richter and I took up a temporary residence here to fight off any monsters and villains that encroach on this district, so it seems we are here for similar reasons. I naturally shall provide any aid that you may need." He introduced himself and offered his help.


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She didn't pay attention to what she just said. Maybe she was too preoccupied with the aftermath of the challenge. As for Breeze, she didn't look too distraught, so I guess actual damage was out of question.

"I won't eat dessert, but I'm going to pay for one, as we agreed together. Do you have any in mind? I can order whatever you like. If what you'd like is not here, we can always go on a walk to a bakery or something more in that vein." She tried to get the attention of both girls so that they wouldn't dwell too much on the outcome.


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"Of course, and why don't you repair my body while you're at it? Walking with your skin melted off, perhaps you should try it someday." Vanguard answered with vitriol. He walked towards the bed, but suddenly there was a ghostly crackle around him and for a second a piece of his aura broke.

He stumbled and gripped his knee, struggling to stand tall for a second. The damage seemed to have been more intense than expected, his soul and memories were slowly degrading ever since he had met Relius. Alas, a product of his observation on his soul, while he did not need a core any longer in order to remain in this world, he was no longer an imaginary figment. He was real, he existed, and because of that the age of his true soul was beginning to catch up and devour him alive.

But all was not as it seemed.

In order for the puppeteer not to turn them into strings, he ate his own memories. Nothing serious or substantial, merely details of her house that would compromise her. What had once been a blurry memory became nothing, without even leaving a trace in his soul. He was aware of this possibility, but if he could help it, he'd rather keep that pure love out of his hands.

He wanted to see how far she would go until she'd break, Relius could prove to be an impediment to that. At least, that's what he thought, but for a second he wasn't so sure. Perhaps it was because he still hadn't kept his promise, or a whim. Either way, it didn't matter. She belonged to him, and he was not one to share. He would protect that hateful doll, because it suited his needs. Nothing more, nothing less.

Tired. That was the one emotion that rang in his mind, an annoying feeling indeed. He sighed and rose back up without much fanfare, before resting on the bed.

"Shall we do it?"


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A fierce growl escaped the Lycan as the change in style unbalanced her for a moment, and she had a few shallow cuts to show for it. Backpedaling, Oren retreated to the edge of the roof before falling right off. She slammed a hand into the building to form a handhold before swinging herself straight through a window.

Glass shattered as she hurtled herself through the abandoned house, and using her copied movement techniques to their maximum capacity as she ran through the building. The other girl had to give up eventually, right?

Muramasa Katase

A sword did not give up. Katase leaped down after her fleeing opponent, the naginata in her right hand taking on the form of a hooked sword with which she caught herself on the windowsill. After pulling herself up with her puppet's legs and one hand she took off in pursuit. It was only the numerous obstacles, and the slight head start of her opponent, that kept her from catching up already. It was soon clear that the demon sword was going to lose its opponent at this rate, which just wasn't appropriate.

So it swung its blade across the ground and sent a surge of demonic energy into it. From that power began to form more puppets, armored figures with mauls and blades to seek its enemy.

find her

They would comb the entire building and cut off every entrance if they could.


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Sakura shook her hand off and smiled sheepishly. "Ummmm..." Words seemed to be escaping her at this moment. Her smile grew bigger and more sheepish. "Uh, yeah. Sorry about that. I got too into it, and it looks like I may have hurt you a bit." Sakura looked sad as she said these words. "I can still feed you the dessert, if you want. As an apology, you know."

She was feeling too bad about what she'd done to really consider Mordred's offer. In fact, it seemed like she'd barely noticed it, she was fretting so much about what she'd done.

Auspicious Breeze

"Ohh, no, no! I didn't get hurt. Just my pride a bit, hehe~." She held her arm like and shook it about with a grin like 'see, I'm okay!' for Sakura's benefit. It wasn't like Breeze wanted her to fee like she had to do something over something that wasn't true. "I'm glad you didn't hold back on me. It just shows how far I still have to go. But I'll definitely have that dessert!"

Mmm, dessert fed to her by cute girls. She could even muster up some hunger still for something like that.


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Relius Clover

For a brief moment, the scientist walked into another room, gathering tools for the adjustments.  When he came back, he was holding a wrench, a screwdriver and a blowtorch.  "Such primitive tools."  He muttered under his breath.  After he placed the tools on the table, he pulled up a chair from underneath the desk.  Then, he got to work, sparks flying as he tinkered with the doll.

"Ah yes.  Be wary what you say in privacy.  Willam has an impressive ability to gather information somehow.  I hypothesized that perhaps he is a telepath of some sort.  However, he could just as easily gather information with advanced spells."  He paused for a moment before continuing. "Based on the data you inserted into my mind, its obvious he has been hiding his true powers from everyone he meets, only displaying a bit for the sake of pride.  It may be possible to manipulate him that way..." His voice was business like, as though talking to a colleague, even though he was partially just thinking aloud.

Sparks continued to fly as the scientist made more adjustments to the doll.  He got up for a moment and hooked some wires to Vanguard.  The wires seemed to be connected to a computer in another room. The moment that action was finished, an enormous smile formed on his face.

"That doll... that girl.  Do you mind bringing her to me?  Based on the visual stimuli you showed me, she seems to trust you.  I meant to capture her earlier, but well, she was with someone else.  She may have data that may prove useful." Relius couldn't help but display a bit of teasing in his voice, as though he was dangling a carrot before a donkey, leading it where he wanted it to go.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2016, 05:50:10 PM by yinsukin »


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Vanguard stared at the ceiling with contempt. Did that puppeteer not know when to shut up? Well, it didn't matter, even his anger was subdued. As if he'd display emotions unwillingly to a fiend like him. His soul, his thoughts, his feelings... they belonged to him. Even the gods could not take them away from him, what could a foolish mortal accomplish? Nothing. His will was absolute.

"So you met her as well? Well, it doesn't matter. My answer is no, at least for now." He answered in a detached, bored tone.


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Forest's blank poker face twitched as Gadreel had to look down at Vermilion and then his less than graceful entrance into the vehicle.  Then she couldn't help the chuckle that escaped from her lips as she effortlessly ducked in the car.   Having her hands bound really didn't hinder her that much, and even though the back seat wasn't exactly spacious, she could comfortably curl up.

You know, if you're that cramped, you could turn side ways and I could sit in your lap, Forest sent, grinning.

Aloud she said, "You and cars really don't mix, do they?  At least not smaller cars because you're just so . . . big."


Forest's flirtatious notion was somewhat... impractical for one such as him. Between his height and his sheer durability it was more likely he would harm the vehicle than anything else. It would be... difficult to keep my head from going through the ceiling at that angle. Or the window. Believe me, this would not be my first time in the back of a police automobile.

It would be the first time he ended up in one for something he had actually done, of course. In any event, he remained in his current position. "The automobile was not made for someone of such prodigious height as myself, alas. At least our driver is sufficiently cautious that we are unlikely to strike any unfortunate impediments in the road."


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Just how durable are you then? It wasn't exactly easy to bite you, Forest thought back at him.  Even with her remarkable regenerative abilities she could be cut and bled as any human.  Just she generally healed up moments later.  And you haven't driven in the right cars that's all. You could probably fit in an SUV or the like.

However to damage the vehicle was something else.

At the words of the driver, Forest looked towards Vermilion and saw just how nervous she was.  She asked in a soft voice, "Hey, Officer Vermilion, is everything okay?"


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Oh, they were gone. The redhead didn't feel like tracking both down as she didn't feel like interrupting and after all she bought dog and cat meat for Ron-kun. So she felt obliged to come back and bring him what she looted. But if the city girl ran into her again, she would want to resume the match At least she had enough decency to feel also mad at interruptions.

"I guess she weren't so uptight as I thought..." Rikuyo commented, got up, and started walking away, unaware that she was observed by a stalker. She had spent enough time being lost and having that little match so she decided to use her senses to track them.

Okay, something smelling of doughnuts and a mutt right in that direction, seems like she found them. When she was close enough, they were discussing something outside the shop but Ron was still naked.

"Oh, why are you the only one who is still naked here?" She asked loudly as she approached the trio with a heavy bag full of loot in one hand and a box that contained a TV set in another.