Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42641 times)


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Relius Clover

Relius paused for a moment, as if pondering something.  Well, he seems to have learned how to resist my vision.  However, this reaction is far too subdued.  She is important to him somehow.  She likely has some value as a pawn.  "Apropo of nothing I suppose" He said, ending the conversation.

The scientist's face returned to a neutral state as he shifted his focus to his adjustments.  For a few minutes, all that was audible was the sounds of sparks flying and the occasional turning of metal.  After a while he stopped.  "The doll.  She appeared in my shop as a customer a few months back.  She was guarding a doll for whatever reason.  I believe she was programmed with the desire to protect something, much like my Ignis.  However, unlike Ignis, she seemed to be lost, clinging to the creature like a stray dog looking for a master."  He said, starting another conversation as he worked.

Umbra of Chaos

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With a moment of quick thinking Oren made her way to the bathroom. She made a disgusted noise as she flushed the toilet a few times and jumped in, her body turning into black goo once more.

Her mass swelled and grew a bit too soon though. And then she got stuck in the pipes. This was pretty uncomfortable! Well, really uncomfortable. Maybe she should have waited a bit more before transforming again? Then the pipes burst as she kept growing bigger. Oops.

In the house the toilet was in the process of spilling water all over the bathroom floor.


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Petra whistled, impressed by what he managed to acquire. The gift was one of those full auto shotguns that normally were fired in semi-auto mode as they really required great strength to fully utilize them. Well, she'd stick to lower setting just to not blow up her cover. Anyway, this wasn't a cheap weapon.

"You know how to treat a lady well. Blackmailed an arms dealer for that?" The woman commented on the gift. Folks in the force would be both jealous about her gift and grateful if she redistributed the rest of equipment to them. "You're really resourceful about this considering you work mostly alone, as you claim. I used to be in a gang when I was a teenager, so I can tell. Maybe if the police didn't have open recruitment I would help you out."


He weren't the sort of guy to give a girl a cheap gift. "Somethin' along them lines. Let's just say the folk of the local neighborhood are gonna be glad to get that stuff off the street." That way he could concentrate all the potential for violence in the hands of those he controlled. From there, well, he'd figure out his next move. Consolidation was more important that speed for something like this. Well, unless you were under attack, but that's where Liam and his bat came in.

"Ya know that explains a lot about you, Petra. I thought you had some that look about you." The vampire nodded his acknowledgment. Then he zipped the bags back up for her once she got the ammo she wanted. "It's why you did so good back there the other night. But I think you'll do more good where you are than workin' for a fella like me."


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Noel ignored Forest studiously, focusing on driving safely. She didn't want any distractions right now. This was difficult enough without conversation.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura shook her hand off and smiled sheepishly. "Ummmm..." Words seemed to be escaping her at this moment. Her smile grew bigger and more sheepish. "Uh, yeah. Sorry about that. I got too into it, and it looks like I may have hurt you a bit." Sakura looked sad as she said these words. "I can still feed you the dessert, if you want. As an apology, you know."

She was feeling too bad about what she'd done to really consider Mordred's offer. In fact, it seemed like she'd barely noticed it, she was fretting so much about what she'd done.

Auspicious Breeze

"Ohh, no, no! I didn't get hurt. Just my pride a bit, hehe~." She held her arm like and shook it about with a grin like 'see, I'm okay!' for Sakura's benefit. It wasn't like Breeze wanted her to fee like she had to do something over something that wasn't true. "I'm glad you didn't hold back on me. It just shows how far I still have to go. But I'll definitely have that dessert!"

Mmm, dessert fed to her by cute girls. She could even muster up some hunger still for something like that.



She didn't pay attention to what she just said. Maybe she was too preoccupied with the aftermath of the challenge. As for Breeze, she didn't look too distraught, so I guess actual damage was out of question.

"I won't eat dessert, but I'm going to pay for one, as we agreed together. Do you have any in mind? I can order whatever you like. If what you'd like is not here, we can always go on a walk to a bakery or something more in that vein." She tried to get the attention of both girls so that they wouldn't dwell too much on the outcome.


Sakura giggled at Mord. "Here'll be fine. And no takebacks, this is your wallet's funeral~" Sakura said to Mord before turning to Breeze.

"So what shall I be feeding you today~"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Considering it's my wallet, I can say when enough is enough. And I'm buying you and Breeze an equal share. It's not a competition anymore." It's no way that she would let Sakura  eat majority whatever they ordered.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2016, 07:34:23 PM by Kat »


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"Did I say I wanted to work for you? After all, they still have an open recruitment." She shrugged. She didn't want to abandon a job for which she received a payment on regular basis. "Alright, let's get down to the business. Where is their hideout? Are we going to just storm in, or is there any route which we could take to ambush them?"


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"Did I say I wanted to work for you? After all, they still have an open recruitment." She shrugged. She didn't want to abandon a job for which she received a payment on regular basis. "Alright, let's get down to the business. Where is their hideout? Are we going to just storm in, or is there any route which we could take to ambush them?"


He wasn't asking her to, but if that's how she wanted to take it... it didn't really matter any. This was the part where he reached into his coat and pulled out a small hand-drawn map of the street, buildings and alleys they might be able to hit. It was a crude little thing, but it worked for visuals. "Alright. They tend to store product in the basements of these three apartment buildings here," he said while pointing to a trio of adjacent ones. "It don't stay there long, just enough to pass it on to distributors on the streets after acquisition. Some enforcers live in them apartments, any weapons they have should be in arm's reach."

He moved his finger along the map. "Across the street's a nicer sort of place, good condos. That's where some of the bosses live. Now, that's gonna be our problem. Do we hit the bosses first, or the muscle? If we hit one it'll spook the other. The only types we'd be able to ambush outside are the low level muscle or dealers round this time of night, and during the day they'd see us coming."


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He gave her a teasing smile in response to her cheeky comment. "No I don't need take you as an amateur....your cooking will speak for itself. So, how long are you planning to make me wait?"


Just as she was about to respond to Medaka's question she was interupted, by the fight crazy woman. She withdrew her hand and stepped back from the werewolf as clothes appeared on his body in a flashing light. "That is because he is a poor man who cannot pay his own debts." She turned back to Medaka as she considered what she should say. Thinking back on that meeting there was something familiar about him. "I had felt like I had met him before, but it was different. He may not look the same."


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It was already producing interesting results. Manipulating me through my pride? Hah, that was rich. For saying all that about how he was great at collecting information, he sure didn't go through his gifts properly. It looks like he'd need to pay the puppeter a visit sooner than he'd anticipited. He turned towards Lucy to give her the instuctions she so desired. "Believe me they will know. Now excuse me there are matters I need to attend to." With that the mage turned on the spot and walked away.

"You are indeed correct about my ability to gather information Relius Clover."

He was there.

Somehow the dark mage had appeared in a corner of the lab.  A corner that had been empty up until the moment he'd spoken. But now he was there, overlooking the scene with his violet eyes.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial
Time-Warp Gabriel

Summer, perhaps my least favorite time of the year, Gabriel thought with a grimace.  The warmth made wearing proper clothing, black slacks and a maroon dress shirt, akin to torture.  He disliked sweating just because he walked from a parking lot into a place of business just because the heat and currently oppressive sunlight.

The only good think about Summer is the clothing women sometimes wear, he thought to himself, admitting that he did like skirts of reasonable length.  He wondered if it was a by product of the time period when he was born or raised, but he wasn't a fan of women walking around half clothed.  A woman smartly dressed could be a thousand times more sensible than a girl running around in what was literally her nickers.

His time in the Nexus had so far been interesting, his dalliance with Emily had ended amicably when she started a relationship with a young woman with an interesting ability.   Which meant he was on his own, a rogue agent if you will.  Which, to his own surprise he was dabbling in intelligence once again.  His "cover" if you will, was at the Romantic Tale, a host club where he got paid well just by spending time with women.  Sure, he did things like sell drinks or whatnot, but most of his time was spent providing pleasant company to lonely women while they bought him drinks in the hopes that he would sleep with them.

Of course, Godmother was appalled by this, but it was fairly easy work and he hadn't accepted an offer for sex yet so he wasn't a prostitute.

It also meant that women, and some men, told him things after enough complements had been played and enough liquor had flowed.  Occasionally dangerous things that he would research on his own.  Depending on the out come, he gave that information for others.  Sometimes he even sold it.

He didn't worry about working later tonight because he was off, so he was going to explore the city and see what sort of mischief he could discover during daylight hours for once.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2016, 10:27:29 PM by Elf »


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Unexpected, but far from surprising. Now days, few things if any managed to catch him offguard, something so trivial wasn't one of them. Although things were starting to seem dire, if the two were acquainted to such a degree, this left him the most vulnerable of the three. If he wasn't careful, he might jump straight into a lion's mouth.

"Did you come to finish me off so soon, or are you just here to gloat?" He asked suspiciously.


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Relius Clover

Relius perked his head up as the dark mage appeared at the edge of the room.  So he has come.  That was earlier than expected.  It seems he prefers the direct approach.  The scientist continued to work, specifically repairs on Vanguard's body.  The important ones were almost passable.


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Medaka Kurokami

"I see."  She said, trailing off into thought.

Medaka rested her head on Ron's, ignoring the flash of light that returned his clothes. He could be anyone, anything.  Its no wonder she felt like that.  Almost on cue, Rikuyo showed up.  "Rikuyo, you could tell that half of my soul was missing right?  Can you track a person's soul as well?"  She asked, turning her head to face her.


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With a moment of quick thinking Oren made her way to the bathroom. She made a disgusted noise as she flushed the toilet a few times and jumped in, her body turning into black goo once more.

Her mass swelled and grew a bit too soon though. And then she got stuck in the pipes. This was pretty uncomfortable! Well, really uncomfortable. Maybe she should have waited a bit more before transforming again? Then the pipes burst as she kept growing bigger. Oops.

In the house the toilet was in the process of spilling water all over the bathroom floor.

Muramasa Katase

One of the puppets, armed with a short sword, soon found the vile mess their so-called opponent had created. The sight caused the construct of demon energy and soul imprinting to step back. A deep seated instinct about cleanliness emerged from within the chorus of damned souls that was the heart and mind of Muramasa Katase, and the demon's shells has to repress the atavistic urge to retch. The core of madness deep within the blade's steel which anchored this collective into a single mind remained rational in the face of this, however.

It sent disposable puppets at the filthy shapeshifting creature rather than dirty itself in that way. There would be no contamination in that manner.