Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42706 times)


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"Even if they get intimidated for now by our action, it's only a matter of time if they gather under a banner of another gang leader, or strike out on their own to form smaller groups. I say we should ambush small fries and undermine the capability of whoever leads them to gain further profits from their endeavour. That could also force their hands to confront us, potentially." Petra commented on Liam's proposition. Of course, the boss of the group could evade them instead of seeking confrontation, but she thought that such a gamble was worth it.


He caught himself nodded along with Petra for a moment there. "Sounds reasonable to me. Even if the bosses get away, they can't do much without the manpower." It would be more work of course, but Liam weren't the sort who shied away with a hard day's work. If that work involved violence. Or talking; he was good at talking. "Since you're the one with a career on the line you can decide how we take them down. Hard and fast obviously, but what condition you want 'em in?"


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Crimson streaks of light followed his eyes as the demon god Methuselah turned around. Crap, he didn't even notice him, and he was usually good at noticing things! But looking at that man, the dark god himself couldn't help but shudder. His look was something he had never seen in a mortal, save once, and he didn't like it any better now.

The dark avatar bared its monstrous fangs and his hair stood menacingly, releasing a pungent aura of darkness strong enough to shake overwhelming fear in the hearts of men. His visage contorted,his claws throbbed and  darkness pulsated in his eyes along with evil energies.

But most terrifying of all was the tremor, the convulsions of raw cannibalistic rage unconstrained in his dark visage. Dark shadows growing over his body as it trembled with what could only be described as divine wrath, causing an earthquake-like rumbling to overwhelm the area around them.

Even a battle hardened warrior would be unsettled by such a terrifying display. Was this the unstoppable beating of the drums calling for apocalypse, the cry of a body aching for blood and gore?

No, it was just the sound of his bones shaking.

D-damn! How am I going to deal with both now? He looks strong, crazy strong. What do I do? Calm down Methuselah, calm down. Breeeeathe, just breeeathe. That's right, just stay positive. Maybe if you assert dominance through speech, he will be willing to listen to reason!

"Fight? This is madness, please step aside. If that monster roams free, many more could die!"


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Lorenzo Remei

Lorenzo was startled at the sudden noise, did he break his ass or something? Alright, alright, he'd get up, and in fact he jumped. Then, he turned around and noticed that the girl looked a little pale, perhaps he shouldn't have scared her like that. And holding her chest like that, it's as if her bones were glass or something. The way she was writhing in pain kinda concerned him, did he push a little too hard? Damn, he'd have to pay for a doctor. At this point, a whore might've been cheaper.

"Oi, oi. You sick or something, little lady?"

Cherry Lover

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Sakura's preference for German still confused Rider a little even now. Her former master could barely even speak the language, and Rider herself only knew it because of her Grail-given knowledge. Still, she was happy to converse in whatever language Sakura wanted, so she replied in the same language.

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea", Rider replied with a smile.

To Rider, it didn't really matter either way. After all, she had no need for either exercise or food. But, if it made Sakura happy, she would happily stroll around for a while until they found a nice place. Besides, for Rider, it was pointless to eat if she didn't enjoy it, so finding somewhere which sold delicious food was always a good plan.


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The blonde saint gently pulled him closer to her. "There's no need for that Shirou. I beat you up pretty bad earlier and Sakura isn't back yet so I think you should have a rest. Actually, that's my wish. Sit down right now. You don't wanna dissapoint me do you? Don't worry, I'll take good care of you~" She made sure to leave no room for complaints.


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The blonde saint gently pulled him closer to her. "There's no need for that Shirou. I beat you up pretty bad earlier and Sakura isn't back yet so I think you should have a rest. Actually, that's my wish. Sit down right now. You don't wanna dissapoint me do you? Don't worry, I'll take good care of you~" She made sure to leave no room for complaints.

Shirou Emiya

Shirou smiled and nodded, "Well, if that's what you want..." He said to her, hiding his disappointment fairly well. It wasn't a huge disappointment. He'd just wanted to be able to say that he'd sodomized a christian saint. Well, and to know how hers felt in comparison to Sakura's.

So he sat down on a nearby chair, and waited for her to do her magic. He hoped she'd start soon. It felt like his dick was trying to rip its way through his pants it was so hard.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Relius Clover

The air of the room suddenly changed.  Relius found his muscles were tensing up on their own.  The sparks stopped flying as he stood up.  His instincts were screaming danger, his mind barely resisting the urge to fight out of desperation. Time seemed to slow as he fought his urge to attack.

No.... Calm down.  He is simply talking.  There is nothing to fear.

He continued to work, the sparks flying once more.  Just in case, he sped up his adjustments and stayed silent.


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The immortal cocked an eyebrow at the man's response, the sudden odor that filled the air smelling of what could best be described as pure evil, though there was something else he couldn't quite place. Though he still couldn't feel any sign of killer instincts from the man, let alone any degree of intent, the shaking that overtook the man was just as curious. He couldn't tell if the man was shaking in his boots or quivering with rage, and the latter possibility conflicted with the earlier data.

Or maybe he's been concealing his own presence well enough that I couldn't detect it?

While he had to admit the latter possibility excited him a little, the fact remained that it seemed that he didn't have the facts straight. Even if he could provide some fun, he still had no business interfering.

"That 'monster' is a shapeshifter," Michael said with a sigh, letting his presence fade once more, "As I said, this fight is between those two alone."
« Last Edit: November 23, 2016, 04:39:13 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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She sat down on his lap, making sure not to put too much weight on the rock hard bulge she noticed he had developed. She got the feeling something was wrong however. It was quite hard to pick up, but he had sounded a bit disappointed earlier.  The french girl leaned closer so that her face was right infront of his. Shirou was pretty cute from this angle, maybe she should do this more often......anyway, there was other things to deal with first.

"Do you really want to take me there ?"


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She sat down on his lap, making sure not to put too much weight on the rock hard bulge she noticed he had developed. She got the feeling something was wrong however. It was quite hard to pick up, but he had sounded a bit disappointed earlier.  The french girl leaned closer so that her face was right infront of his. Shirou was pretty cute from this angle, maybe she should do this more often......anyway, there was other things to deal with first.

"Do you really want to take me there ?"

Shirou Emiya

If the woman had been expecting him to blush or act embarrassed, she would be sorely disappointed. He lazily wrapped his arms around her midriff and nodded affirmatively. "Of course, it's a rare honor to have the chance to sodomize a saint, after all." He said matter of factly, hoping his confidence would throw her off.

"And on top of that, you did want to know who had the better ass, didn't you?" Shirou teased her. Something felt off, though. She felt... extremely light for her size, and he wasn't sure why. Or maybe it was Sakura who was heavy... probably best not to bring it up, however. If the news leaked to Sakura who knew how she'd react.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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There was only silence.

Vanguard's question was met by a stare. His eyes commanded silence. No sounds were made except for the various tinkerings of the puppeter. Yet even they seemed somehow muffled under the intensity of the dark mage.

"You will guide the sheep."

Then the silence was finally broken when he spoke. His statement that was as vague as it gets, yet somehow it carried an air of finality as if it had already been decided long ago.


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Noel Vermillion

Noel nodded, and stepped out of the room.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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So a shepherd, interesting. Still, he had very little reason to accept, but little reason was enough. Whether he was a friend or a foe, he was someone he should keep close. He shrugged and spoke tiredly, this entire charade finally overstaying its welcome.

"And I suppose you do not mean mere cattle when speaking of these sheep. Unless you await poor results, get to the point."


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His expression morphed. It now radiated boundless amounts of....happiness?"To keep the insurgents in line of course! Mhm... yeah a fitting task for someone who lives to be the guiding light."

It was bizzare to say the least. The change in tone and atmosphere was like the difference between Antarctica and the Sahara. It was sickening, the smile he wore. There was nothing pleasant about it. He should be angry, why wasn't he? Was the mood from before just a dream? It just couldn't be, right?"

Umbra of Chaos

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And then Lucy burst out laughing. Her ribs were completely fine and Mammon had fallen back into playing with her hair and looking more expensive than the entirety of the mall. Then she moved so that she was resting on her side and gave him a solid thumbs down. "You're pretty bad at the whole flirting thing. Maybe you should try somewhere else? I'm sure there's a morgue out there for you!" At least her voice was cheery.