Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42721 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

The ancient vampire noticed Vermilion's non-answer, and this time it didn't seem like the girl was being rude.  The young woman was very focused at her task at hand, and the tension in her shoulders was evident.  Forest blinked when she realized that driving made Officer Vermilion very nervous, and that maybe the girl was a new driver.

The idea of being nervous behind the wheel was a foreign one to Forest; she was probably more at home behind the wheel than anywhere else.  At this point in time her beloved Camaro was an extension of herself; when it finally died she would be heartbroken.  Even though the latest models were really sharp, she'd fallen in love with the pony car the first time she saw it on the lot all of those years ago.

She listened to Gadreel's explanation and nodded.  Then she sent back to him, Impressive.  Most impressive.  Also, I'm sorry for what happened back there.  I'm still not used to the officials being able to handle the supernatural, much less knowing about it.  Or working with anyone.  So, I'm sorry about me coming off as a petulant bitch back there.  When this is over, I'll take you wherever you want to go; you don't have to stay with me if you don't want to.  I just want to make sure you're okay at least.

She was mentally kicking herself, but it wouldn't be right to try to force him to stay with her. 

Umbra of Chaos

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"Pffft. That's like telling someone a joke and saying that they don't get your humor. If you're the only one who gets it isn't funny or charming. Those things are dependent on other people." Lucy held a finger in the air and pushed it forward. In unison, several hands from below her copied the motion and let loose a telekinetic shove as if she had pushed him herself.

"And high school is just a place where teens go to learn. Filled with vulnerable girls on the cusp of adulthood. Sometimes."


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Lorenzo Remei

Lorenzo mused happily, not even thinking about her insidious and foolish comment. It didn’t matter what she thought, because he knew as a fact that his techniques were the best in the world. He had honed them himself during years of travels, and they definitely worked the charm back then.

This little kid surely didn’t know what she was talking about. But about this high school...

“Niiiiice, very nice! Heh he he he heh.” He chuckled, holding his chin with his index-bone and grinning from ear to ear. His grin was truly terrifying, just what sort of devious, insidious perverted plots were going on inside his skull?

He held his hand on his hip-bone and posed casually.

“Aye, I am really starting to like ya milady! Well, you’re gonna give me a name or not?”


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Relius Clover

Why did he come here?  The timing is too perfect.  He thought as he wrapped up his work.  There was a moment where the sparks intensified before ceasing all together.

"Well it appears I have finished my modifications."  He said after a moment of silence.  He reached into his pocket and grabbed the orb Willam gave him to communicate with him.  "Pardon me for a moment."

With a powerful stride, the scientist walked to the room where he got the remotes and placed the orb there.  It would be worth examining later. Then, he walked back into the main room with the table.  His footsteps seemed to have more impact in the silent room.  "Do you see what I was referring too earlier?  His gaze is vast, his reach seems to stretch across the city."  Relius commented in a perhaps overly dramatic tone, knowing full well that Willam probably could still hear him.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2016, 05:24:32 PM by yinsukin »


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The drive back to the station was quiet, boring, and completely lacking of any noteworthy events. It had gotten fairly late, so not too many people were on the road. Eventually, the trio arrived at the station and Noel let the two out.

"Alright, we're here, lets get this over with. If you cooperate you'll be out of here tomorrow morning." And so I can finally get to bed, too. She left those thoughts unspoken, though.

She looked at Forest. "Or night, I guess for you. Sorry about that."

Noel then led them into the station to get interrogated and sentenced to whatever punishments they were going to get. She expected Gadreel would get off with a stern warning, considering he was new. She didn't know what exactly they'd do with forest, however. This wasn't the first time she'd been brought in on this sort of charge.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Oh, um... Thanks... I guess." Sakura said awkwardly, averting her eyes. She'd never really considered herself cute, really. She didn't really see how any man would consider a several-ton superhuman monstrosity like herself cute. Other than Tager, but her dad didn't really count. He was even bigger and more ridiculous than her, after all. She could get cool, maybe, but cute?

Tears began to stream out of her eyes, and she didn't understand why.

Auspicious Breeze

"You're welcome!" She said it with a big smile, but then something went wrong.

Oh. Oh crap, did I just make a girl cry?! No no no no, this isn't right! Auspicious Breeze did not make girls cry, that was the worst possible thing she could do right now. Something was very wrong here if just that was enough to make Sakura get upset, and here and now wasn't a good place to ask. So before it could get worse Breeze just moved her chair and sat it down next to Sakura and put a friendly arm around her.


Sakura appreciated Breeze's show of comfort, but she wasn't really feeling sad at all. She had a warm fuzzy feeling in her heart. A good feeling.

"I'm cute, huh?" Sakura muttered. She didn't really believe that it could be true, but if Breeze said so, it must be true. She didn't seem like the sort who would lie.

Knowing it was true made her feel really good, though.

Suddenly, Sakura grabbed Breeze in a hug, and pulled her close with strength that may or may not have been a bit excessive. "Thanks." She said with a smile, still crying.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The immortal looked back at the cute girl with a cocked eyebrow and a curious expression, wondering if he may have overestimated her a little.

She can't feel Oren moving around? I doubt Oren has gotten better at hiding her movements with how that form seems to work. Perhaps she's not used to an unconventional opponent like this.

Before he could deliberate on it further, however, the strange newface made his opinion known in turn. Michael turned back to find him starting to float, that curious aura he felt earlier growing.

Pantheon's sake, I don't have time to deal with you right now.

Frowning, Michael took a moment to ready himself before deciding to go for a simpler route. To take it took a focus to achieve would be incorrect, as this was nothing more than Michael throwing off all the pretense he usually buried that most primal of instincts under. That killer instinct that had been making itself known in man since it had been discovered that throwing rocks at each other hurt. The immortal possessing this, just like anyone else, was not beyond the realm of possibility in any way.

What was impossible about the current moment was just the sheer intensity of that aura Michael was throwing off. It shouldn't have been possible for any one human, but countless years of existence, innumerable battles, and the seas of blood that the immortal had spilled were all part of what had honed it to this level. It was like a living being with how it roiled and thrashed, lashing out at everyone within the vicinity that he restricted it to. For even in this state Michael still had not let its leash slip even a singular inch further than intended, and thus let it rampage about for a few moments, letting it be felt by all nearby, before deigning to focus it on the fool who thought to interfere. In this moment, he held nothing back.

With that, it was as if that presence had almost disappeared for all but the interloper, upon whom all of its countless years of malice were focused. Almost.

Though, perhaps malice was too strong a word. The fool was a nuisance, getting in the way of what was supposed to be a perfectly enjoyable duel, and not much more. Though he said nothing to that end, that aura portrayed that intent clearly.

"Leave," Michael said, resolve ringing clearly in his voice.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Methuselah- The Dark Avatar

That man was truly terrifying, the mere thought that a human could hold such a presence was frightening in itself. But nothing, nothing in the entire world was as horrifying as the killing intent directed by that man.

Except one thing. The thought that the little peaceful happiness he yearned for would be broken by this senseless conflict, the thought that more people, more things could and would be broken if this duel carried on. The thought that a god would be so craven as to let his people go.

That was true terror.

The god rose up in the skies and smiled, and for a second the feelings in his heart did not feel forced. It was snide, it was haughty, and for as much as his dark body could allow it, it was beautiful. With a wave of his arm, his hand circled above him and the darkness collected in it like a flame, all the world’s evils focused into physical form.

“Make me.”

And with an iron fist, he swung his arm and plunged down the black beast on the man like an unholy wave. He felt bad, but he couldn't allow himself to hold back, so deep down he hoped such a terrifying man's bite was at least worth its bark. Hopefully it would just knock him unconscious.


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Muramasa Katase

Well, if those two were going to attempt to kill each other then this Muramasa Katase was certainly not going to interfere. No, she was better than they were about these things - she only interrupted battles between soldiers, not one-on-one duels. No, she waited until one of them was victorious and then devoured the much-more-worthy winner.

Her shell gave them some space,moving into another room in the crumbling home, and cut at the ground beneath her with her blade. "The interlopers are busy now, foolish dragon. Come and face your death."

join us


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Annabeth frowned a little, taking a moment to consider whether she should try to include the guy. On one hand, it would be nice to work with someone else who seemed to have at least some understanding of how this stuff worked, though Ron had certainly picked things up quickly enough. Speaking of whom...

The Hunter's eyes widened as realization flashed before her eyes, Annabeth bringing a palm to her face as she wondered why she hadn't thought of this sooner.

"Well, just got an idea," the tanned cowgirl said, "But we're going to need something of the vampire's. I know someone who can probably track his ass down if we can get something."

No need to mention any more than I need to.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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It was strange to be able to tell the humans everything about the events that had taken place that night. More typically he would provide them with some half-truth or other deception that protected them from seeking out matters too deadly for the uninitiated to handle. While he refrained from answering any questions with regard to his own true nature, he did explain the dangers of tampering with Dainsleif so that they would not be so foolish as to attempt to draw it from its scabbard. Being disarmed for the duration of the interrogation was typical, to his understanding, so he did not wish for misfortune to befall everyone present.

Gadreel's version of events was succinct, dating back to the incident in the shopping mall and proceeding thus to provide context for the presence of the creature in the hospital. This, incidentally, allowed him to alert these law enforcers to the potential presence of more such creatures deriving from the same source. Better that they be on their guard, he supposed, since he was being honest with them.

It took hours as they attempted to catch him in a lie, cross-examining his every recorded statement, but in the end he had no lies to tell. Even if he had they would not catch him in one - his memory was much closer to perfect than the majority of humans could boast. His release came swiftly on the morn', and he chose to take the time to familiarize himself with this area of the city during the time it would take for Forest to be released.

There was much here for the exile to catch up on.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Hmm." She gave the pretense of thinking about it for a little while. Then she looked over to Mammon and poked the demonic entity a few times on the cheek. "What do you think Mammon? Should I tell him my name? Do you think that he deserves it? I'm not sure."

The golden haired girl looked over him, admired her own ring for a moment, and then looked down at Lucy. "He appears poor and incapable of gathering wealth without unneeded consequences. You should not associate with the poor, especially the poor that lack the capacity to grow in wealth in a less overt manner."

Then the blue eyed girl tilted her head at him. "Sounds like a no."


The dragon had begun to come closer and closer to the surface. All sorts of people were popping up! Maybe she could use this to her advantage? So Oren made some distance before accelerating faster and faster, slipping through the earth as fast as this body was capable. And right before she passed the woman from before she just flicked her tail up to slap her forward.


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Lorenzo Remei

Lorenzo pouted, suddenly feeling a little offended by how lightly he was being taken. It seemed he had no choice, he'd have to use that...

"Well if you say so, I guess you'll have to settle with gorgeous. Besides, you don't know what you're on about. Lemme teach you, little lady!"

Suddenly, a spark lit up in his eye sockets, gold shining brighter than the sun. Spinning with glamour and glory, his hands flowed trough the air, moving down and ascending to the skies in a wonderful pose. Then, one hand on his hip and the other pointing his thumb at his heart, Lorenzo grinned wider.

At the same time, the fire from his body began to spread on the ground slightly, circling around him like a flaming vortex.

"I am the one who rules the seven seas, the one who's gloria reigns supreme and who's greatness will be told for generations!"

Crossing his arms in the most fabulous fashion possible to man, he sparkled before crying in macho delight, sparkles and light oozing from him as the world itself shook before his greatness. Or maybe not. Perhaps it was just the sound of a truck passing by.

"I am the one true master of the oceans and king of all seas, I am he who will hold everything the world has to offer in the palm of his hands! I am the bright flame, I am the burning flag, I am the emperor that even death couldn't vanquish!!"

He boasted in a pompous thunderous roar, his arm rising like a glorious phoenix serpent king and pointing to the skies with the grace of a butterfly and might of a 50 ton cannon.


Suddenly, a fiery burst erupted behind him, glorious multicoloured blazing fireworks basking the scene with the glory of Lorenzo! Sadly, fireworks are -still - much less glamorous under the daylight in the middle of a mall. Shoppers passing by gave him strange looks, and some were much more alert, but he didn't notice. Still, his bravado was unfaltering, as burning as his fiery passion.

The blast sent his cape fluttering forward cooly as he posed in this amazing backdrop, the blast was so intense it almost blew both away. No, it definetely blew them away.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2016, 03:42:43 AM by francobull3 »


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"Right! I've 'found' some nice wooden house in the mountains. See, there was those two guys chillin' out there in the night, drinking tea and ranting about some plan I didn't have clue about. Was it world domination or world elimination? Fuck if I care, I kicked out them after I kicked their ass." A fall from such height was most likely fatal even if they put up some fight against her. "Then I started playin' with a button at the wall. And the room started goin; dark and bright. Odd, right?"

The redhead chattered about many trivial things like that while they were geeting close to the base of the mountain. Surrounded by woods there was a large log cabin, Rikuyo's recent 'trophy'. "It's a good place for trainin', isn't? But first, this TV thing! Ya're not goin' anywhere until ya set this up."


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Having finally managed to cool off, he took one of the poffins and put it into his mouth. The taste was hard to describe...but it wasn't bad. He didn't see himself asking for this again however. He slowly chewed it as he thought about it and then swallowed it. "It was ok. What did you even mix into this? It tastest awfully sugary."