Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42866 times)


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Everything happened pretty quickly.  Although, Joe found himself genuinely surprised how strong Rin was.  She managed to pick him up and fight the crazy pyromaniac.  In the end, Lorenzo seemed to win the skirmish.

Joe looked at Rin and raised an eyebrow.  "Sakura?  Whats her number?"  He asked whipping out his smartphone.  Just as he unlocked the device, the pirate let loose an interesting offer.  "I'll pay you 10 000 gold coins by next week, promise. Please?" He glanced at the pirate for a second, taking in his form as he pondered his options.  10,000 coins sounds nice, so long as they are worth something.  But how the hell do I know if its even worth anything?  As he continued to stare at Lorenzo, another thought came to mind.  Nah.  This guy isn't trust worthy.  I mean why look for treasure if you have plenty.

He looked back at Rin.  But then again, I have been trusting her... "Actually, who is Sakura?  Im kinda curious too,"  He said, ready to type the moment she told him.


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"Sakura's my sister.  The one I kind of warned you about.  She collects powerful beings like stamps and she's ridiculously rich," Rin said with a shrug.

She looked at Lorenzo and added, "She's also married and very pregnant."


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Lorenzo Remei

"Oh, good for her!" He replied genuinely, this was sort of touching in a way. A dirty trick, but it was effective enough that even he couldn't really argue against it, even if he'd want to. He thought for a second and gulped, well, would have if he could anyway.

"Troubling a pregnant woman... no, I can't allow that. What kind of sick scoundrel would be able to sleep peacefully at night after doing such a terrible thing!? No way, I won't have any of it. Fine, you win. Just don't stress her out okay?"


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So a pregnant rich lady who strong arms the police with money.  Hopefully she has a sound mind.  Maybe this girl would be a good person to get to know.  Or maybe she is a horrible shadow leader...  Either way, its probably better to listen to the girl who was keeping me alive.

Before the pirate even uttered a word,Joe typed 911 and placed the phone to his ear.  Before he could talk, the phone was knocked out of his hands.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2016, 07:05:15 AM by yinsukin »


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Lorenzo Remei

Before Joe could finish the dial, Lorenzo smacked the phone with his sword with terrifying speed and precision, not as much as grazing one of the man's fingers, and flicked it away onto the ship floor.

"Whoops, my hand slipped." He said nonchalantly, stretching before turning to Rin.

"So, you done now or are you just this petty?"
« Last Edit: December 10, 2016, 06:55:26 AM by francobull3 »


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Rin smiled and said, "I'm done.  Now, why do you need us for this treasure?  You could probably heat the lake until it evaporates with your fire magic.  Why go to all of this trouble with people you've never met?"

She had won; not by power but by cunning.  Or abusing Sakura's position, which Sakura wouldn't mind.


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"Damn pirate..."  He muttered under his breath.  He walked over to the phone on the ground.  The screen was cracked and it wouldn't turn on.  That stupid man had broken the fragile thing.  He turned around and walked back to Rin's side, letting loose a groan at the end.


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Noel Vermillion

Noel sighed at nobody but herself. Today had been a complete, bona fide mess. First that attack upon the water park, then that panicked meeting about the attack, and finally there had been that incident where the sky had turned black for a few seconds. Apparently. She'd been standing out in the hall waiting for Henry to finish doing whatever voodoo clandestine magic he'd been doing with Malcolm.

The woman pulled at her hair in frustration.

"Jeez, why won't he just freaking tell me!" Noel complained. She didn't like this secrecy of his. Every once in a while, he did something that he shouldn't really have been able to do, and he'd never offered up any satisfactory answer.

She reached over and tossed a large package of cereal into her shopping cart.

She then continued walking about, grumbling to herself. She'd noticed that Mordred had called her, but she was sure it was a work related issue, and she just wasn't going to deal with that right now. She'd call her back later, after she had dinner and a bath.

Noel meandered about, throwing this or that into her cart, eventually arriving at the canned goods section. She picked up a large can of canned bread, wondering why in the world anyone would want wet canned bread. Just buy a freaking loaf. As she was putting it back, the can slipped from her hands and went careening down towards the floor.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Lorenzo Remei

"Witch woman. Devil. You'll be the third death of me." The pirate pouted as if he was peeved. "I can't use my maximum output for long, or I'll exhaust my own flames. Even if I could do that, it would be no use. The treasure... I've learned that one cannot get it alone."


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Sakura Matou

Sakura nodded matter of factly. "Of course I did. I have way more than I know what to do with, you know?" Sakura said, tilting her head with a smile. "I like to help out my friends, and I'd like for us to end up friends. You seem like a nice enough guy."

With that, Sakura turned back to the menu, looking at it with wide purple eyes. "Oh man, I don't know what to get!" She said before turning back to him. "What's good here?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Unfortunately, there were cons to cooking all the food at once and eating it in one sitting. That is, Erica no longer had any food. This was troubling. So she scrounged up the last of her funds and planned another cleanup in the more chaotic areas of the Nexus before going out grocery shopping for the second time that day.

The cashier didn't seem too surprised at her reappearance. They had built a sort of rapport or so she would assume. Although perhaps he just didn't care. She took out a cart and began to fill it up with a variety of ingredients as she moved throughout the store before suddenly stopping.

It was Her. Erica was captivated for a few moments. Just watching for a bit. But she suddenly sprang into actions when the blonde dropped the can. She dashed forwards leaving behind a series of black afterimages and bent down so that it would fall right into her hand.

Then the blue haired girl straightened herself and looked at Noel. She gave her a nod of recognition and a genuine smile that came far easier to her face than anything else. "Hello, Noel. How have you been?" One could tell from her voice alone that she meant it when she asked the question. It wasn't simply a throwaway line.


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She giggled at his choice of wording. "You know, the mystery isn't the only thing you might want to unravel." But she could save that for later. Instead, she just gave him another quick kiss on the cheek and led him out of the store with the Messenger's running interference on payment.

It took a little bit but they made it to the quaint little apartment that she was... borrowing. Rather basic, really, but the cards, board games, and vast amounts of wine spoke of her presence.


The exile went along, curious to see how the Adversary lived among the people she so likely expected to rule in time. To rule, and if the texts were accurate, to lose in the end. Another matter that drew his curiosity. There were so many questions he had, and Gadreel was uncertain how honest she was going to be with him about it.

She also had little reason to indulge in deception against him, but that might just be what she desired for him to believe. In any case, he would make up for the theft of clothing at a later point when he had currency with which to repay the store owners.

He removed his shoes to avoid making a mess of the floor, and performed a quick assessment of potential exits and weapons. "A surprisingly humble abode for one of your... status."


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Sakura Matou

Sakura nodded matter of factly. "Of course I did. I have way more than I know what to do with, you know?" Sakura said, tilting her head with a smile. "I like to help out my friends, and I'd like for us to end up friends. You seem like a nice enough guy."

With that, Sakura turned back to the menu, looking at it with wide purple eyes. "Oh man, I don't know what to get!" She said before turning back to him. "What's good here?"


Well, crap, now he really couldn't give it back. He wasn't going to just spurn someone's friendship like that no matter how awkward accepting her money made him feel. But if she thought he was nice he'd try to live up to that for the moment. Ron just had to find a way to earn that money.

While putting the money away in his wallet, Ron noticed one of his cards sticking out and smirked. He'd just wait for them to finish order and he could hand it over while they waited for the food. That would definitely be a way to earn it back.

He looked at the board again to answer her question. "Ah, man, they took the lamb off the menu? Oh well; I'd recommend one of the chicken dishes too if you're not sure. They get that pretty fresh. The lamb was even better, but..."

Umbra of Chaos

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Shoes, socks, and shorts went flying around into a pile of clothes by one of the chairs. "I'm still waiting for my check from big Lucy. Need to make do with some normal things in the meantime."

Lucy took a cup to the water cooler that was full of wine and filled it up. Then she held it up to the angel. It was good stuff. Delicious and more than good enough for getting yourself wasted. "Put the shirt in the pile, Gaddy. Oh, and do you wanna have a drink before taking your nap."


The armored man nodded at the girl's question. It was an understandable one. Most people didn't know that much of demons after all. "The trap will be sprung regardless; what we can do is control how it will be sprung and hopefully gain some insight to it prior to that. If we attempt a cordial response it may return the favor. That would be the ideal setup."

Then he gave both of them a hard look. "A demon is a creature which devours unclaimed souls in this context. It can take on a myriad of forms and will most likely be clever and powerful enough to require a coordinated effort. I cannot tell you the most opportune moment to strike, if I were to do so in the heat of combat it would react instantly. We must rely on the lady to dissuade it from escaping us with an intangible form, and I will take up the task of making sure it will not get to her after the trap is activated and it realizes her use. Lord Julius, you must attack at the most opportune moment while I grapple with it, and if all goes well the creature will perish or at least be forced to disperse. However, if we do not slay it then and there things will become far more difficult.I cannot stress how important your blow will be. If you are not certain that you cannot kill it then do not commit to your strike. I can take whatever punishment it can give."
« Last Edit: December 10, 2016, 10:57:59 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Ugghhh, considering the smell, she really didn't ask what happened. There was also the fact that she ran into one of few people that she didn't feel like meeting in such circumstances. Considering Forest's reputation among the police, it was quite clear that associating with a gangster was more safe than with such an unruly vigilante. On another hand, such sort of people wouldn't likely take 'no' as an answer, most likely, and follow their sense of justice (or what they perceived as the justice).

Petra conspiciously pretended to not recognize Forest. Maybe she would just go away if a miracle happened.


"Me? I'm just someone who's trying to start a legitimate business and I find wankers selling poison to kids.  So I track these tossers down and I didn't like what they wanted to do with me so I defended myself," Forest said with a shrug.

It was the truth.  For all intents and purposes.

Then a third person entered the room, and Forest recognized Petra from that encounter in the mall, but Petra didn't recognize her.

Or is pretending not to recognize me.  Well fuck her, fuck this fucking mick, and fuck these wankers, Forest thought before picking up the suitcase full of Walter White's finest and throwing it at her feet.  "Here, evidence," she said before starting to head out of the room, planning on raiding the safe she got the combination for.  "You're bloody welcome."


It was as the blonde was talking that he got a sense for what he was talking to, if not exactly who. She didn't have any sort of heartbeat even if she looked living. Considering all the blood everywhere that made it pretty obvious that Liam was dealing with another vampire here. This was an opportunity to make a contact and-

Wait, what just happened here?

He looked from the blonde, then to Petra, then back to the blonde as she left. "That someone you know, Petra?" The vampire was frowning now. He could hear her going away from the front door, so the blonde wasn't leaving just yet.

Forest, meanwhile, would find herself dealing with a flight of stairs and a few locked doors on her way to the safe. Because unlife just couldn't go easy for her this once.