Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42876 times)


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So she couldn't pretend to be alive like he could. Good to know. He began to pace around a bit, feeling his body slowly returning to room temperature but wanting to retain a bit of it through friction for now. "Can't say I've been around long enough to hear things about you. Lot of lost monsters around these parts from what I hear, but I don't know much yet."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"There's a lot of things scarier than vampires here," Forest said as she rose to her feet, "Maybe you can ask Petra.  I've apparently got a reputation as a troublemaker."

It irked her to no end.  She had literally saved the sanity of at least a hundred people at the mall, at the risk of her own, and she had been made to pay a fine when she tried to finish the job.  Maybe taking the axe wasn't the best idea, and maybe she should have used more juice to Jedi Mind Trick that geaser, but the worse part was no one wanted to listen to her side of the story.  She knew they had a telepath on the Elite's payroll to confirm her side of the story, but they hadn't.

So she stopped going out at night and fighting the forces of evil.  She wasn't needed.  Wasn't even wanted.  Heat from the stolen blood filled her cheeks as she clinched her fists.  "So, if you wanna stay legit, you might wanna keep your distance."


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Sakura Matou

"Alright, I'll have the chicken!" Sakura exclaimed as she spun around to face the cashier.

"Chicken what, miss? We have many different kinds." The cashier replied would much emotion, as if this was a commonplace occurrence he was tired of.

Sakura turned back and looked at Ron expectantly, waiting for him to answer for her.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"No, I don't think so. I can usually tell when something's not normal. I've sort of feeling that this wasn't just an eclipse. I can't detect what caused this incident, but my gamble is that this wasn't a natural occurence. That's why I wanted to phone people from the force. Maybe they will know more." Mordred shared her suspicions about the phenomenon. "You're sure that you didn't feel anything?"

Auspicious Breeze

"Hm, pretty sure! But I get the feeling that the sun here isn't the sun where I'm from. So I'm probably not as... sensitive?" It was a little odd for there to be more than one sun, but she knew the Demon City had its own sun and that one was green so it wasn't that weird. "But hey, if you say it's nothing good then I believe you!"

She looked from Mordred to Sakura, then back again. "So, are we going on an adventure then?"


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The changeling couldn't help an embarrassed flush at her girlfriend's chiding, part of her wondering why something like this had to happen now of all times. Ordering a sandwich and some orange juice herself, Emily sat there for a few moments before deciding to initiate.

"Well, you've got me on the weirdness," Emily admitted, "But I stand by you needing some fresh air."

Before she could say much more, however, that strange man showed up at their table as if he'd always been there, taking a seat and placing his bottle down. The changeling managed to maintain a neutral expression as he spoke, her irritation swept under the proverbial rug as she gave him an almost amicable look. While that look of knowing something they didn't was clear on his face, Emily wasn't particularly feeling like humoring him.

"Nothing out of the ordinary," Emily said smoothly, her voice lacking even the slightest hint of her minor annoyance, "Though I must admit, there are many places like this we could have visited instead."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Joe really didn't care about all this christian magic stuff.  All that mattered was finding out if this treasure really exists.  If it wasn't going anywhere, they could always just leave right?

Joe mirrored the look Rin gave to the extended brofist. He has NOT earned that. Then, he gave the pirate a skeptical glance and said,  "Yeah!  Will there be enough?  And more importantly, whats the first step to finding this thing?"
« Last Edit: December 11, 2016, 07:29:46 PM by yinsukin »

Cherry Lover

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To Shirou's initial surprise, "Sakura" did not immediately respond to his call.

That's weird, he thought as he continued to approach her.

As the girl continued to hesitate, the nagging doubt only grew and grew. Now that he was getting nearer, he could see that the girl was somewhat taller than his wife and, unlike her, had a green streak in her hair. Further, not only did the sheet on her head have a crudely drawn face and wooden tail, it was actually moving.

By now, Shirou was sure it was not Sakura, and an apologetic look appeared on his face. As he did so, the girl turned around, showing him a face that seemed identical to that of his wife. Nevertheless, despite the similarity, the look of wariness on her face made Shirou sure she was, somehow, a different person.

"Who the hell are you?" she asked.

"Oh, sorry", he said, sheepishly. "I mistook you for my wife. You look almost identical."

Despite the mistake, he was still intrigued. Why did this girl look so much like Sakura?


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Lorenzo Remei

The pirate gave them both a funny look, like they were being stupid.

"Lad, you really think I would be wasting my time here if it wasn't something amazing? Trust me, it's going to rock your balls off and plate them in solid gold. Chicks will love us! With a treasure like that, you'll be set for life, and your parents, and your children and your children's children! Heck, since you two are here, you might as well get started already."

Chuckling, the abominable shipper turned around dramatically and faced the horizon of the open sea lake. Assuming fiery skeletons can breathe, he took a deep breath and crossed his arms.

"As I said, step one requires cooked food. So get moving! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, literally. Look, there's some fish down there. Think one of you can snatch one?"


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To Shirou's initial surprise, "Sakura" did not immediately respond to his call.

That's weird, he thought as he continued to approach her.

As the girl continued to hesitate, the nagging doubt only grew and grew. Now that he was getting nearer, he could see that the girl was somewhat taller than his wife and, unlike her, had a green streak in her hair. Further, not only did the sheet on her head have a crudely drawn face and wooden tail, it was actually moving.

By now, Shirou was sure it was not Sakura, and an apologetic look appeared on his face. As he did so, the girl turned around, showing him a face that seemed identical to that of his wife. Nevertheless, despite the similarity, the look of wariness on her face made Shirou sure she was, somehow, a different person.

"Who the hell are you?" she asked.

"Oh, sorry", he said, sheepishly. "I mistook you for my wife. You look almost identical."

Despite the mistake, he was still intrigued. Why did this girl look so much like Sakura?

Oka Kurosawa

"Huh?" Oka cocked her head it him, with the creature on top of her head mimicking her movement, she said "Do you know Rider, by any chance?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura shrugged at Mordred, and then continued to eat her ice cream. She didn't really care, but she'd help her friends if they wanted her to. "After I finish my dessert, sure." She said to Breeze in between bites.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2016, 09:29:43 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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What the fuck was wrong with this guy? Couldn't he have just kept talking to himself? God. Some people really should learn to keep their noses out of other people's business.

"Sorry. My parents always told me that talking to weird guys with alcohol always leads to date rape." Then she turned back to Emily and gave her a look that roughly translated into 'This is definitely your fault this time.' Nothing ever interrupted them during her dates.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2016, 10:15:13 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Lucy had taken her place on the angel's lap and leaning onto him as she spoke. "Mhm, that's still true. But it isn't about what he likes. It's about proving the point. I will be like the most High. A savior beloved by all, who all are loyal to, who owns and relishes in the hearts of men and keeps them close forever and ever. He's still too in love with showing off."

Instead of taking a sip from her own cup she spilled some on Gadreel and slowly licked it off his chest and neck. "It works because I'm just as egotistical."


Sadly for young Lucy the exile was a much more swift and graceful creature than her current form. He managed to stop her from spilling it... mostly. A little still did get on his neck by the unwholesome limitations of physics. "Well, I suppose if he wished for his offspring to be like unto God then making you human is a sensible route."

Gadreel gently poked the Anti-Christ in the forehead. What a strange sentence to type out. "After all, becoming Most High is the teleological endpoint for humanity anyway."

Umbra of Chaos

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She nibbled on the angel's neck, savoring the lingering taste of the wine. "It is always satisfying to convince someone to sell their birthright for something worth far less." Her lips twitched at the reference she made and the nibbling finally stopped.

"Humanity, after all, has the lovable burden of free will. Their destiny is theirs so long as they hold onto it, and it doesn't take much but some good prodding to get them to let go. I'm really good at that." She poked his cheek for extra effect.


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"There's a lot of things scarier than vampires here," Forest said as she rose to her feet, "Maybe you can ask Petra.  I've apparently got a reputation as a troublemaker."

It irked her to no end.  She had literally saved the sanity of at least a hundred people at the mall, at the risk of her own, and she had been made to pay a fine when she tried to finish the job.  Maybe taking the axe wasn't the best idea, and maybe she should have used more juice to Jedi Mind Trick that geaser, but the worse part was no one wanted to listen to her side of the story.  She knew they had a telepath on the Elite's payroll to confirm her side of the story, but they hadn't.

So she stopped going out at night and fighting the forces of evil.  She wasn't needed.  Wasn't even wanted.  Heat from the stolen blood filled her cheeks as she clinched her fists.  "So, if you wanna stay legit, you might wanna keep your distance."


Well there was a lot of hostility going on right here. Seemed to him like this lady weren't having a good time of this Nexus place so far. And worse monsters than vampires? Well, he didn't like the thought of that. He could believe it though - his world was a mighty nasty place too.

And he knew Petra was keeping secrets from him as much as he was from her. He needed a more direct observation to go on here. After a moment to think it through Liam walked on over and held out his hand. "The name's Liam, miss. Afraid I didn't catch your's."


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The blond vampire stood fast and resisted the attempt from Medaka to pull her away, she couldn't leave, not when this man was so callously insulting them. She glanced at the younger vampire. "Let me go Medaka, you should know who he is."

She then turned back to the tall man meeting his mocking smirk with a neutral expression and a dismissing voice. "I am not going to be provoked by such a childish attempt to deflect the blame away from yourself. You are the one to blame for this and the reason and I am not destroying you is because I respect her wishes, but I suppose such a notion is beyond your comprehension."