Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42887 times)


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"Oh? You may be right, but what of it?" He said, deriding her for her foolishness. What broke once will break again, but what is broken may never break. Perhaps he should carve this lesson on her body, another time.

She really did speak of things she did not understand. His face turned serious, solemn, and the gaze that looked down on the creature was no longer a mocking one, but one filled with disgust. The sort of abyss where the dead lie, and if one stares long enough into it, death would glare back.

"Even if the blame lies in me, you still let it happen without the slightest shred of hesitation. You speak of destroying me and making me regret things, but words without strength are wind. Your threats are merely the ramblings of a coward who would watch her own friend trampled over without any hesitation, if you feel so strongly about my action you should condemn me with your own hands."

For a second, there was less disgust and mocking in his voice, his eyes, and more of a profound sadness. But he quickly discarded such feelings and smiled once more, throwing such foolish notions away with mockery.

"Of course, you would both die. Not that I'd want to, truth be told. Violence just isn't in my nature."


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Medaka's hand dropped as she realized exactly what Shinobu meant.  Truthfully, she thought about the possibility but she didn't want to believe it to be true.  It was too much to process, too many strange emotions to ponder, yet it had happened.

The blue haired vampire placed herself next to Shinobu this time.  Her face grew serious, with eyes that seethed with intense energy.  "Thats enough!  You may do what what you wish with me.  However, you will not insult Shinobu.  She expresses herself in her own way.  It is not your right to decide how a person expresses kindness."

She reached out and held Shinobu's hand, squeezing it tightly the moment she spoke.  Her eyes were passionate, if not a bit sad. "Theodore...."
« Last Edit: December 12, 2016, 02:19:47 AM by yinsukin »


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To the immortal's curiosity, Katase's posture shifted to reveal something he wondered how he hadn't noticed before. That all-too-familiar combination of longing and loneliness that nigh-invariably was left over after losing someone close. In Katase's case, likely her last wielder, and rather recently at that, judging by the intensity. All the same, taking that into consideration, her answer was not at all surprising. After all, Michael was all too familiar with loss himself. He knew of the gap it invariably left in the bearer, that void aching to be filled. He'd felt it over and over again, countless times over his countless years, until he'd eventually grown numb to it.

The immortal knew he'd never forget, all the same, and thus her answer wasn't surprising at all. If anything, it was to be expected.

"Very well," Michael said with a solemn look, "I'd be perfectly willing to wait, seeing as I've got nothing but time. Events have already been set into motion, however. Farewell, Muramasa Katase."

Muramasa Katase

The puppet inclined its head, and moved to leave. That human had earned a reprieve from her wrath, one she gave him while returning her blade to the sheath. Tension left her shoulders as bloodthirst was sealed away, and down she went from the rooftop into the alley where this entire fiasco had begun. By then the armor was gone, and Katase simply appeared to be an ordinary young woman with a sword by her side.

What a disgusting day. It had not the decency to even be over yet.


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Sakura Matou

"Alright, I'll have the chicken!" Sakura exclaimed as she spun around to face the cashier.

"Chicken what, miss? We have many different kinds." The cashier replied would much emotion, as if this was a commonplace occurrence he was tired of.

Sakura turned back and looked at Ron expectantly, waiting for him to answer for her.


Is this girl legit? Well, nothing for it then. He was gonna have to make a more detailed suggestion for her. "What else can you put on the Chicken Kebab on Pita?" The werewolf asked the man. Who liked olives and chicken together, really?

"Lettuce, tomato, onion, and we also have hot sauce, barbeque, and white sauce."

Ron turned back to Sakura. "That sound about right, then?"
« Last Edit: December 12, 2016, 10:21:03 PM by Aiden »


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She nibbled on the angel's neck, savoring the lingering taste of the wine. "It is always satisfying to convince someone to sell their birthright for something worth far less." Her lips twitched at the reference she made and the nibbling finally stopped.

"Humanity, after all, has the lovable burden of free will. Their destiny is theirs so long as they hold onto it, and it doesn't take much but some good prodding to get them to let go. I'm really good at that." She poked his cheek for extra effect.


He tilted the head of his current companion to look her in the eye. Her words bothered him; they were all too similar to those of the infernal legions of his home. However, he could not simply assume her motives for this. Was it spite, or sadism, or something else that drove her to go along with this? "Why waste your time taking what is their's when you could be reaching for one of your own, Lucy?"


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"There isn't a kitchen on this boat, and sort of lacking ingredients for crafting a proper meal.  Plus I really don't think eating a fish out of this lake would be a good idea," Rin said.

Hell going to just look for treasure without being properly equipped or without proper planning was not a good idea.  "We should go back to shore, get some more equipment and a better boat."


Forest blinked at the other vampire seemed to weigh her words and then he held his hand out to her.

"The name's Liam, miss. Afraid I didn't catch your's."

She eyed his hand for a moment before taking it.  Her hand was warm, living warm for the moment, and his was that familiar coolness she knew all too well.  "It's Forest, it's nice to meet you."  She flashed a bit of a smile, and she knew it would actually reach her eyes.

Umbra of Chaos

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Her blue eyes focused on his own and she gave a thoughtful hum. "Well, someone needs to do the job. Whether it be one fallen from grace or a beast from outside the world, the war for the hearts and minds of humans can only be acted through humans. Surely the best person for that kind of job would be someone who enjoyed it rather than someone who didn't, right?"

It was an answer, but it sounded incomplete even to her. 


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The angel's lips quirked up for a moment. "Perhaps." He could concede that much to her. "But why you? Why must it be you? Simply because of who your father is?" He needed to feel that she knew she had more freedom than that. "Or do you actually believe you can win a lasting victory in the end?"


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Huh? Why not? The fact anyone could say no to fish ever was an absurd notion to the pirate. He could use some at the moment himself, if he had taste buds or a stomach. Bleh!

"Aye, aye! Let's do that, milady!" He roared jovially, giving her a friendly slap in the back. "Well, the boat is going to take some time to reach shore. Why don't we sit down and tell some stories for a while"


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Joe looked down.  The ship's engine was done.  It would be a while before they get back to shore.

Ugh this would be so much better if it were just me and Rin.

Regardless, he sat down on the opposite side of Lorenzo, making sure that when Rin sat down, he would be right next to her.  "Sure.  You first.  How about you tell us how you got on that ship?"  He said with a raised eyebrow.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Well, I could have ignored my father. He would have pestered me for quite some time but I would have only died once. And it's not about winning. All things considered, I'm definitely gonna lose, but not trying sounds even worse. We'll have to wait and see what happens then, hmm?" The Messengers crawled out of her body and took seats around the area.

"Maybe it's just because I couldn't stand it up there. I came into a world of straw bearing a torch. And I set it all ablaze, of course. It was wonderful. It was wonderful because it was real, and it mattered, and you knew it did because it made people feel things. But for all the dirt and grime it still had power and light, sometimes even beauty. I don't think I could feel that as much anywhere else. It's so easy to let wounds grow numb and forget some pains, but humans can foolishly hold onto hopes and dreams until time itself ends." Then she sighed with her melodramatics dialed up to the maximum degree.

"But maybe it's, seriously, don't laugh, maybe it's because He and I are the same. Because we so love them that we would give up everything. It could be self-righteousness on my part, that if there is to be a villain then I will bear that burden. Or, just maybe, I'm so twisted that this is my love." She smiled a kind smile that was merely tinged with sorrow. "What do you think?"


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Rin groaned as she realized that the boat was missing it's engine.  Getting it to shore wasn't something she wanted to use all of her prana on, plus such an undertaking would be exhausting.  She eyed Lorenzo and said, "By the way, you're taking responsibility for the boat."

Then she sat beside Joe with a sigh.


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Forest blinked at the other vampire seemed to weigh her words and then he held his hand out to her.

"The name's Liam, miss. Afraid I didn't catch your's."

She eyed his hand for a moment before taking it.  Her hand was warm, living warm for the moment, and his was that familiar coolness she knew all too well.  "It's Forest, it's nice to meet you."  She flashed a bit of a smile, and she knew it would actually reach her eyes.


He gave her hand a firm shake, then let go. "A little strange you can't get your heart tickin' even with your skin flushin.'" Must have been a clan or bloodline weakness of her's or something. Or she really was an entirely different kind of vampire. Hell if he knew. "Might wanna be careful about that. Unless all these folk already know?"

He needed to know if secrecy was out of the bag already with this one, or if he needed to keep that secret for her too. For now anyway.


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"Well, I could have ignored my father. He would have pestered me for quite some time but I would have only died once. And it's not about winning. All things considered, I'm definitely gonna lose, but not trying sounds even worse. We'll have to wait and see what happens then, hmm?" The Messengers crawled out of her body and took seats around the area.

"Maybe it's just because I couldn't stand it up there. I came into a world of straw bearing a torch. And I set it all ablaze, of course. It was wonderful. It was wonderful because it was real, and it mattered, and you knew it did because it made people feel things. But for all the dirt and grime it still had power and light, sometimes even beauty. I don't think I could feel that as much anywhere else. It's so easy to let wounds grow numb and forget some pains, but humans can foolishly hold onto hopes and dreams until time itself ends." Then she sighed with her melodramatics dialed up to the maximum degree.

"But maybe it's, seriously, don't laugh, maybe it's because He and I are the same. Because we so love them that we would give up everything. It could be self-righteousness on my part, that if there is to be a villain then I will bear that burden. Or, just maybe, I'm so twisted that this is my love." She smiled a kind smile that was merely tinged with sorrow. "What do you think?"


He sat, and he listened. It was something he'd always wanted to do deep down inside. He had known the Dark Apostle, the Adversary who heralded the end, was both human and all too Other at once. Gadreel was at once repulsed, and longed for the opportunity to speak with him. To ask him questions about what it was like, why he did what he did, what he thought would happen to him at the end? He got what he wanted, but for how long? To what end? Why?

Why was this necessary? You can do more than this!

It was only when he saw Lucy's face shift in response to his words that he realized he'd been speaking his thoughts aloud. That had not happened to him unwittingly in centuries. But, he carried on with it, a look of sadness overtaking his face. "And then, say you do this - what next? What happens then?"

She was, in a way, his niece. Not in blood; angels were not blood relatives in the sense that humans were. But he could not help but worry. Plus, despite what she was she was still also human. "What happens to you in the end?"


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"Somethings I just chalk up to as 'magic'," Forest said with a grin as she returned the firm handshake, "Now getting your heart to beat is a cool trick.  The supernatural is out of the bag here honestly, and I don't really try to hide it here.  Too late at this point now actually.  You keeping up the Masquerade at this point though?"

She'd been shocked when she had been videoed doing supernatural stuff, and at this point the cops knew who and what she was.