Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 130128 times)


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Muramasa Katase

I should have foreseen this, she silently conceded to herself, rolling her eyes when her current companion couldn't see her face. Still, he was (or should be) quite intoxicated by now with how much he had to drink. Katase began to wonder how long the clearly defective television was going to hold his attention - then he turned his attentions back to her.

"Did you mean it, or me?" she asked, muttering the words against his body while her shell's face was pressed up against him. Again. Something was clearly wrong with her. Clearly.


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo stopped for a second and  put his face (or lack thereof) to face Katase Muramasa directly, the blade.

"Huh? Erm, I mean the tale vision is cool. It is quite pretty, but I didn't mean to devalue you, you're still much more beautiful. I don't think I can ever get tired of looking at you." He said simply, like it was a fundamental truth of the universe.

And then, he had an idea, a wonderful idea! His tone suddenly became much cheekier as his hands took no shame into roaming her body playfully. There was no sensual intent in his touch, rather it was the sort one would expect from a puppy.

"Say, would Muramasa perhaps appreciate a more intimate display? A sword deserves finer entertainement than mere objects, as pretty and amazing as they are. Would you like to honor me to meet your steel with mine sometime?" He asked earnestly.


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Huh. There was a thought. Ron didn't usually think about the why and how of becoming a werewolf; once it was established he couldn't turn people into one just by attacking them he lost interest in the questions. He was more concerned about how to be better at being one than about how he got here. The Nexus never seemed to run out of room, he just hadn't been able to go everywhere in it before. It wasn't safe. That didn't really matter now though, huh?

Her question made him grin and nod. "Hey, as long as your goals don't involve attacking innocent people you can stick around as much as you want. I'm fine with it."

Course, knowing his luck Rikuyo was gonna end up getting into a catfight with Anne and that would be... why was this a bad thing again?


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Rikuyo didn't really understand why people categorized other people as innocent and got particularly offended when their lives were cut short. In nature, everyone was a fair game. It was a dog eat dog world. The only people she absolutely spared were kids since that'd be damn waste of someone who could potentially challenge her in distant future. But she really, really wanted to stal- hang around Ron-kun, so maybe she'd compromise.

"Uh, so you mean I should only eat those people like those you like to hunt and eat?" She asked in a somewhat unsure tone, as if expecting a confirmation. She really wasn't a picky eater, but if she could afford going after less wimpish prey, that usually meant her clashing with gangers and other stronger people. It's not that she saw anything wrong in what they do, it's just few of them were good enough for a warm-up.


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The vampire grinned as she responded to Medaka's accusation. "It was quite obvious what you were thinking Medaka. No I am not telepath, while I do have an array of abilities that is not one of them." The vampire then let go of the blue haired girl as she turned to Irisviel. "I would imagine it would be rather cold in such clothes considering the weather, not that the weather bothers me anymore."

She finally cast a glance at the human couple. "You can rest assured I did not do anything. Even if I had such an ability, I most likely would not use it on you. I am sorry if this offends you in some way but most humans does not interest me anymore."


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"Yeah, it's not really my business. Just you know, if you didn't set up that boundary field and just went outside for a bit to talk, you'd actually attract less attention from people who know enough about the supernatural. And I doubt people who don't know would follow a stranger to spy on her. You're not bad at magecraft, but simpler solutions sometimes work out better."

Damn, why she even bothered. She had no interest in giving any advice to a Tohsaka, and not that she would listen. It was just that such contrived use of magecraft bothered her quite a lot, and she couldn't restrain herself from pointing that out.

Tohsaka in her presence blurted out that she had a sister. Knowing the common practice among magi, probably she they either didn't bother to teach her magecraft or have given her up for some arranged marriage with another family.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka's face continued to be filled with a strawberry red as she realized she had accused Shinobu of something far beyond her abilities.  Vampire's cant read minds!  Shinobu is just smart enough to keep up with her straightforward displays of emotion! 

She turned to the nice couple.  They looked as if they were on edge.  That whole outburst probably frightened them a bit.  She could certainly relate to that kind of i  In response, Medaka dashed over to them.  "I was overreacting.  Im sorry.  I don't think she would do that even if she could.  She said cheerfully, flashing the couple a friendly smile.   "Cmon, lets head back to your apartment.  I want to know more about the true nature of magic.  Cmon, lead the way!"


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Auspicious Breeze

The former gladiator knew the difference between fighting to impress and fighting to win. She had fought to impress a lot of people before, even if her appearance had been a scaly hideous thing. She fought to win a whole lot more though; it was how she lived past her eighth summer. Most importantly, though, Breeze was angry now.

She didn't humor anyone. When she landed after her opening attack her senses screamed the threat of the monster tree thing closest to her before it even finished appearing. A gold-shrouded leg slammed into it, smashing it back and cracking it to splinters all in one smooth move. Another swiped at her from the side, and the Solar spun away from the attack. "Haaaah!" She followed through by using that move to get behind it, and put the momentum of it into a backhand into the burning tree-thing's head.

It didn't have a head after that.

The back of her hand lost some skin, burnt away in patches by the monster's fire. Seeing the scales, unhurt, in the place of the skin her mistress' magic gave her made Auspicious Breeze grit her teeth in disgust and pain and only the terrible golden glow of her aura kept her from crying. Instead, she seethed.

The monsters paused as an impossible fear of the shining monster they now realized was in their midst settled in.

She  reappeared behind unfortunate ones, tore them apart with her bare hands, shrugged off and knocked aside their blows with her arms. A few bigger ones, tougher than the others, got hit more than once and slowed down with every Falling Hammer Strike it took until it stopped moving at all. When Michael showed up he couldn't do more than steal the last few kills from her.

The ones that ran away, fearing Auspicious Breeze more than they wanted to obey their creator.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 03:16:28 AM by Aiden »


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Was he making her uncomfortable with that one? That wasn't a good sign. Still, it could be an opportunity - if she wasn't hunting people who weren't worth the effort, that was great. He nodded to her.

"Yeah, I mean, most people are pretty weak, right?" He said, keeping his voice low so their conversation wasn't overheard by too many people. It was a buffet after all. "People who prey on other people tend to be not so weak. At least they have weapons. So, I hunt them. It's not worth the trouble otherwise."


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"Do not worry, i can function as long as there is sufficient prana. In that regard, my creators truly were geniuses."
Taking the environment in, Coppelius began to adjust to it; if it came down to it, this was not too different from London's magic underworld, just more open about it all.
"I do, however, need materials and a place to stay. I do strive to live like a human would."
Or, at the very least, as he thought a human would. This was an aspect of himself the doll never understood, so he eventually decided to stop pondering it. Yet, at certain moments in his life, he had felt it- a surge of what felt like "life", what felt like it was "right" to call so. They had been brief moments, seemingly random, but they had been there, and he knew that if his existence were to amount to anything, those were the moments he had to pursue.


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Muramasa Katase

Well, Sakagami Kenzo certainly did know the right things to say to a sword like her! Not that he had truly seen her, the real her, unbound by the wood of her finely adorned sheath. He was judging her beauty based on his uncanny grasp of her nature, and on the appearance of her favorite human shell.

"Sakagami-san is too kind," she managed to say before he began to rub her shell's body shamelessly. Her face was red, of course, and her puppet's nerves tingled with feelings sent back to her. It was no more intense than what she had already experienced today, though. She let it pass without comment.

And then, he asked her something absurd. A battle? Her puppet, drawing her from her sheath to cut some hot-blooded man's skin until he bled red all over her? An opportunity to see how this giant of a blacksmith reacted to seeing the true Muramasa Katase, the ravenous devil of the blade?


Her shell shuddered in anticipation without her consent. There was something very different about the heat filling that body now as the Muramasa blade considered the man's offer.


Cut him.

She shook her head, trying to dismiss the urge. "- that is, I wouldn't-"

Cut him now.

Her puppet swallowed heavily in nervous excitement. Her right hand clenched tightly around her hilt. "If drawn from this sheath, this Muramasa Katase may not be able to stop herself from trying to kill you, Sakagami-kun," she confessed to him with some frustration. "And this Muramasa would prefer not to end your life... today."

It was a kind lie.


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"Oh come off of it," the blond muttered to herself as the Jersey brigade started to escape. 

Damn it, if Julius wasn't here, I could easily put all of these wankers to sleep, she thought, sending it to Gadreel as he went and got some restraints.  Julius took care of one, making use of a trashcan in a creative way.  One of the others was trying to escape as well.

There was always that temptation to use her supernatural abilities to troll the wankers, but who knows what the hell Julius had up his sleeve and Forest didn't want another Fearless Vampire Killer on her hands.  So, she figured she'd just show off her martial arts skills and swept the wanker's leg.

He went tumbling and Forest placed her steel-toed boot on his chest and smiled down at him.  "Pain doesn't exist in this dojo at this moment," she said, "Unless you want to change that, you should really stay down."


"You know, for someone who isn't what I am, you're wanting to give me a lot of advice," Rin said with a smile to Petra.  "It's just kind of curious.  You're in the know, but you're not one of us.  Not that I like to be counted among them, bunch of archaic bigots, but it's still curious."

She looked over at Liseth and said, "Just let me know when you're ready and we can go.  You're probably getting exhausted."


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The Changeling gasped, flushing and looking away a bit as Gabriel's eyes raked over her intently. Emily did what she could to try to pout, only to be interrupted by a gasping moan as Gabe teased at where they were joined, some of his essence leaking out as her core clinched in response.

"Ah...h-hey..." Emily trailed off, writhing under him, "F-fine. I just hope you can top our last little intermission."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


  • Hello Darkness my old friend. It sucks to be with you again.
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She checked her watch again. Only three more minutes left until the Pelican would arrive for exfil...

Primary objective of the mission was to find shelter. A strong secondary was to find food. Shelter was the easy part - they passed by a bridge in the dropship, the pilots marking it on the Nav system before continuing on.

Food, on the other hand, was giving the ODST Squad Leader a headache. Her sapper was able to burrow their way into a bar's freezer, but  the coming and going of the kitchen staff prevented them from making off with more than a scrap of food at a time. The small pile on top of a sheet of plastic film behind the dumpster was not nearly enough!

The fairy checked her wristwatch again as a pair of rifleman were carrying out a rather large steak; only two more minutes. Suddenly the sniper squaked in her radio: she saw somebody passing underneath her lamp post towards the alley!


The ODST ordered the two carrying the steak to book it. Unfortunately, they were not fast enough - they were caught out in the middle road as the blonde woman appeared...
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 07:34:15 AM by MissingMandible »


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At last, the vampire managed to find a suitably isolated alley, one placed at a decent distance from any prying eyes. Stumbling in, Seras clutched at her belly as the throes of revulsion at what she'd forced into her body came forth, the blonde bending over as the cocktail came out the way it went in, though it wasn't accompanied by bile or any other normal human signs of these sorts of things. Once the business was over and done with, Seras wiped her mouth off on her sleeve, taking a deep breath that she didn't actually need, and started looking around before she spotted...what?

Before her was a rather curious sight, something she really couldn't compare another experience to, for that matter. A pair of figures, humanoid, if a bit deformed, were carrying a rather large steak between them. Now, what made this truly strange was that the figures in question were only a few inches tall.

...The hell?

Curious, Seras took a tentative step towards them, crouching down to get a better look at the tiny figures.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses