Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42915 times)


  • The God Tongue
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Lorenzo Remei

Lorenzo was enthralled by the girl's story, completely and utterly engrossed by each word spoken to her. He did not notice the water, the sky or even the ship moving, he immersed himself to her tale and experienced it along with her. And then it stopped, all too soon, but it was simply so epic he couldn't help but feel relieved.

"That. Was. Awesome! Amazing, I have yet to hear such an extraordinary tale, even my own exploits dwarf before such a cool epic tale! That man, Zelretch... he really is something. I mean, stopping the moon and saving the world? Fighting a vampiric god!? That is insane! And to think I would meet such a manly man's student. I am honored, lady Tohsaka. Amazing, you are an amazing person! Thank you, I will forever cherish this story as the legacy of a man worth remembering, as I will cherish you!"

Lorenzo burst into laughter and roared merrily. Yes, if a man could challenge a God, what stopped him? The bar was high, but it was no reason to stop jumping. He'd reach for the moon, hold it in his grasp and seize it all. If this great mage could stop the moon from crashing on the world like a tide, what stopped another great mage from bringing the dead back to life?

If he had any lips, he would be smiling right now. Yes, he'd take it back, all of it. They were depending on him too, so he couldn't give up. What kind of half-assed captain would let his comrades go? Always, just as always, death wouldn't stop him.

Lorenzo looked forward,and his voice sounded like it had some form of longing to it, like if her tale reminded him of something equally beautiful, something worth protecting, preserving and cherishing.

"You know, I had a teacher too. He didn't stop the moon or anything so grand, but he taught me how to live as a pirate, and as a man. I...loved him, he was a father to me, to all of us."

For a second, his voice shook a little. It wasn't much, but it seemed even such a foolhardy and larger than life man had small cracks.

"That is why I need this treasure, I need to keep his fire strong, his legacy. Without a legacy, a man is nothing. Living with nothing is no different from being dead."


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Joe simply stared at Rin, completely engrossed in the story she told.  Some of the details went past him, like how the magic worked.  However, he understood the feats in the story completely.

"Wow.  That's crazy.  I hope he is not the norm for your line of work."  Joe commented before the pirate.

He stood silent and listened to Lorenzo speak.  Wait you have to learn how to be a pirate?  Should I even ask about that?  He thought to himself.  Instead of acting on that train of thought, he instead said, "So you have personal reasons to find that treasure..."


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It was that time again. That time when the Hunter decided she needed a drink. Badly.

Certainly, she'd expected her impromptu partner to be weaker than her, but from what he'd mentioned about the vampire, Annabeth couldn't help but wonder if she'd been wrong in expecting more of a fight than what she'd gotten, even if the bounty might have indicated otherwise. Perhaps she'd set herself up for the disappointment, but she was disappointed all the same by what they were up against. A vampire was still a vampire, to be sure, but what they'd just, fought wouldn't be the right word for anything. It was a massacre.

At this point, the Hunter's only real consolation was that she'd managed to amuse herself by taking a page out of that lunatic clown's book and beheading the thing with a business card, and even that was soured by the realization that she'd wasted far too much time chasing that thing down for how quickly it died.

All the same, a bounty was a bounty, and the Hunter felt no guilt about spending at least a little bit of this one on a much-needed drink. Maybe a few. She'd cross that bridge when she came to it.

For that matter, I'm going to need a better information broker while I'm at it. At least someone who could've made chasing that asshole down less of a chore...

With that stewing in her mind, the tanned cowgirl strode into a decent looking bar, ignoring the stares she drew on her way in as she sat down at the bar, looking around out of simple curiosity while she waited for the bartender.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Cherry Lover

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Sakura nodded in understanding at Julius's comment. Whilst knowing what he could do would be very useful to them in a fight, keeping his abilities secret from their enemy was more important.

Then, Paladin responded to her, explaining why they had no option but to spring the trap. Then, he began to explain the plan, suggesting that she act to prevent it from escaping as best as she could whilst Julius would use his weapon to kill it. Whilst Sakura was not entirely sure if she could actually stop the demon if it did take an intangible form, she did know she could attack spiritual beings with her magic, so it was worth a try at least.

"OK, I understand", she said with a nod. "I will do my best to keep it from escaping."


Wait, what? Shirou thought, now thoroughly confused, the nodding sheet on the girl's head only adding to the weirdness of the situation.

Whilst Sakura had once been the master of Rider, that was a long time ago. Further, she hadn't even been in this town a week ago, when the girl claimed she had last met Rider. Was there somehow another Sakura here, too? If so, what was she like?

"Really?" he said, obviously surprised. "Sakura is my wife, and the Rider who was her servant died years ago. We cannot be talking about the same person, but my wife also looks like you."
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 04:21:49 AM by Cherry Lover »


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"That is why I need this treasure, I need to keep his fire strong, his legacy. Without a legacy, a man is nothing. Living with nothing is no different from being dead."

Rin knew how important it was to have a legacy; she had a reminder of this carved into her arm.  It still gave her pain even now.  Sometimes she still fought the urge to chop it off, but she knew she'd have to have a child of her own to pass it to.

After adding her own knowledge to it.

She looked over at Joe.  Unless he had some secret magi heritage he wasn't aware of, he wouldn't produce a good heir.  She needed to find a magi with a good circuit count to do that.  Or just a magi at all at this point.

Rin bit her lip, knowing that this really couldn't go anywhere other than "fun".  Which was nice, but she had the duty and burden of carrying on the Tohsaka name.  Sakura may or may not teach her child magecraft.  She didn't have Rin's burden of carrying on the family line.  Hell, since she didn't have to worry about a family crest, Sakura and Shirou could have several children. 

She did eye Lorenzo, forced a smirk, and said, "Is that true?  Is that why you're looking for the treasure?"


Gabriel sighed as he looked at his phone.  Or rather the simple, non-commental response his godmother had given him when he attempted to check in on her.  He had thought opening a night club would help spur the vampire formerly known as Law Unto Herself out of her depression.  Give her something new to work on that didn't involve violence and death.

It gave her something to do, but, after the initial spark of getting things ready, Forest was irritable and, worse of all, reclusive. He wondered if the only reason she was still continuing the set up was because of all the money she'd sunk into it. 

I need a drink.  I'm off tonight, I can indulge somewhat, he thought to himself as he eased himself into his favorite bar to get beer in Nexus.  Other liquor not so much, but they had some fantastic beers on tap, and because of the heat, beer was a better choice than something harder.

He noticed a lovely young woman, who was scantily clad, looking around.  He gently moved out of her way and set at the bar, eying the tap for anything new.


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If the pirate could look, he looked surprised.

"Aye, why? Isn't it normal for a man to honor his family?" He asked, genuinely expecting an answer.

It wasn't much, but this was the one thing he could still do. His father, his brothers, his crewmates, keeping them close to his heart and carrying on wouldn't bring them back. But this was the only way he could thank them for the precious memories they had given him. He owed each and every one of them his life, so he should live for their sake just as they died for his.

Their greeds, their hopes, their dreams, their lusts, their hungers, their laughter. He made each and every one of them his own, to keep their flame alive. To keep his dream alive. Our dream.

"I also have rent to pay. It's a win-win really. I don't mind the clear sky, but if I'm going to meet my old man I'd rather do so in a warm king sized bed and a cute lass resting in my arms."
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 04:31:45 AM by francobull3 »


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Joe tilted his head at Rin as she gave him a glance.  The biting of the lip didn't look like a good sign but it was too small a gesture for him to really think too hard about.

He looked up, glancing outside of the boat.  It wouldn't be long before they reached the shore.  That story took a while to tell. Heck, if they wanted to, they could probably paddle at this point.

"Well its not the worst motivation.  I hate to admit it but I guess thats me.  Im not doing this for family or anything.  I just want to get out of working my day job."  He said.  It was more venting than anything.  Those stories were far more interesting than anything he had done in his entire life.

Joe stood up.  "Alright, I just realized.  I think we can use some of the rubble as paddles."


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Sakura nodded in understanding at Julius's comment. Whilst knowing what he could do would be very useful to them in a fight, keeping his abilities secret from their enemy was more important.

Then, Paladin responded to her, explaining why they had no option but to spring the trap. Then, he began to explain the plan, suggesting that she act to prevent it from escaping as best as she could whilst Julius would use his weapon to kill it. Whilst Sakura was not entirely sure if she could actually stop the demon if it did take an intangible form, she did know she could attack spiritual beings with her magic, so it was worth a try at least.

"OK, I understand", she said with a nod. "I will do my best to keep it from escaping."


Wait, what? Shirou thought, now thoroughly confused, the nodding sheet on the girl's head only adding to the weirdness of the situation.

Whilst Sakura had once been the master of Rider, that was a long time ago. Further, she hadn't even been in this town a week ago, when the girl claimed she had last met Rider. Was there somehow another Sakura here, too? If so, what was she like?

"Really?" he said, obviously surprised. "Sakura is my wife, and the Rider who was her servant died years ago. We cannot be talking about the same person, but my wife also looks like you."

Oka Kurosawa

Oka took a step back away from this man named Shirou. Wow ok. Stranger Danger She thought, now on alert. That was just a strange thing to say, and this guy seemed a bit off in the head. Rider was obviously alive. No question about that, right?

Back to the matter at hand, Oka

"Your wife? Me? What are you talking about?" She asked, her hand creeping towards her waist.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He let out a long sigh at the accusation. "Maybe I just wanted to enjoy some premium quality wine and wine tastes better when you drink it with someone. I can't guarantee anything except the fact you'll be missing out on a spectacular drink if you leave." So it was a natural ability, that was intruiging. Did that mean she was a supernatural creature or had some heritage of that sort?

"And no I'm not flat, I'm the very peak of perfection!"

Cherry Lover

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Shirou frowned as the girl stepped backwards. It was obvious that he was discomforting her somehow, and he was unsure how to react.

"Erm...", he said, unconfidently, not sure how best to explain things. "Well, my wife, Sakura, looks very similar to you. I mistook you for her at first."

Then, he sighed.

"Sorry if I'm discomforting you", he said, genuinely regretful. "I'm just very confused about all of this. It seems like there must be another version of my wife around, who I've not met yet."


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"A date? What do you mean?" She honestly had no idea what he meant. Curiosity wasn't a virtue (at least in her land), but something bothered her about not knowing what he meant by that word. "Please forgive my ignorance, but I'm a foreigner. I don't know customs of your people."


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At this point of the day she was supposed to meet with a potential customer. Mitsuba has learned over time how to advertise her services in the local internet without getting caught, using proxies and other exploits to hide her identity. She switched to her original Cover and had her other Cover stationed on sort of autopilot to maintain the illusion that "Minato" was just taking rest at her place.

But before she went looking for the blond haired man, she searched for her partner in this whole assassination business. Without a sword it would be foolhardy to meet with someone she didn't know. Fortunately, she was accustomed to how Aether emitted by Muramasa felt, so she didn't have that much problem tracking her down.

"Had fun? I guess you sneaked out because you were bored." As Katase walked through the street she would run into Mitsuba, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed and a slight frown on her face.

Muramasa Katase

The wandering of the demon sword took her past many storefronts and alleyways, and the eyes of her shell took in the sights of humans milling about around them. They were strange creatures to look upon now that her thirst for death was not so acute; why did they take an interest in such things? Why did they drag around their small, weak offspring when there were so many things like her out and about that could hurt them? They were, to borrow one of their terms, weird.

Mitsuba did not catch her off guard, alert to the people around her as Katase was, but she was admittedly not expecting her to be present. She brought her puppet to a halt, and showed her a polite but otherwise meaningless smile. "This Muramasa was quite hungry, yes. Unfortunately there were some rather loud ruffians out and about who interrupted my meal before I could finish it."


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The elder vampire let go of his hand and watched the exchange in silence. It seemed like he was talking from experience going by his mannerism, he was likely far older than he appeared. It could be that he saw something that resembled his own past and reacted negatively to it, it might explain his dismisiveness. Shinobu didn't really have much to say to it however, but one thing that the man who wasn't Theodore said at the end stood out to her.

"You seem to be under the assumption that she needs to kill you, that is quite an extreme stance. Especially when there are always other options."


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The changeling kept her gaze steady, the appeal to companionship falling flat upon her ears in light of the man's demeanor.

"Yes, someone to drink with does make it all the better," Emily said simply, "All the same, you should try people who aren't already occupied first."

With that, she turned to Liseth, offering her girlfriend an apologetic smile, "Yes, that sounds nice."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Jeez, so she really was an idiot. This was the sort of dumb tourist that got herself killed around these parts, no wonder she'd call him a dwarf in the first place. Honestly, it was a bit pathetic, it's not like he felt bad or cared for her, but she looked like the sort of girl one couldn't leave alone. If he did, she might find herself in a ditch with a hole in her head or something. It's not like he'd have trouble sleeping over it, but...

Tsk, whatever. It's not like I have anything to lose.

"Well, pay attention 'cause that's going to be on the quiz later." He said casually, like he had just been asked if the sky was blue.

"You see, when a man and a woman like each other very much, they tend to go out and do stuff together. Yknow, go on walks, watch movies, eat, fuck, whatever. That's called dating. Usually the guy has to pay for the food and place, but business's been doing badly lately so I have to be a little stringy. Capiche?"