Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42973 times)


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The decrepit building seemed to be quite typical for this neighbood. Without a gentle hand of an enlightened ruler this city was bound to go through cycles of prosperity and recession, unable to fully realize its potential. What this place needed was a caring monarch rather than uncaring bureaucracy. The portraits on the wall of the house seemed quite menacing in how they all lacked faces. Was it some ominous foreshadowing to what was about to unfold.

The investigation revealed corpses with their faces taken, still fresh. How horrible. The atrocity committed by that creature was something that could not be forgiven. His ally tried to get the creature to surrender quietly, but Julius himself didn't see any sense in any attempt to bargain with it. By stealing souls of those people it forfeited any right to live!

Julius also mentally noted to avoid this blast of energy that the demon used against the knight. The aristocrat could avoid it, but getting hit by it was not an option as who knew what effects it could have on his body.

There was an opening, but the lady was quick to exploit with her peculiar magic, the darkness opposing the unholy light of this creature. If he rushed to exploit it the moment he saw it, he would get hit by the magic. Not wanting to take such a risk, he focused to time his attack to strike right after the spell struck the creature. If his attack connected too, the demon would be scourged by his holy whip almost immediately after the monster got hit by the magic.


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She titled her head in confusion at his words. How the Green Moon could be gone? If someone blew it up, the whole world would die as the essence of pure magic would rain the destruction on everything and everyone on the surface. In the best case scenario, a handful of survivors could remain, mutated and warped to the point that they would be human no longer. And maybe some Halflings would linger on as that race was immune to any influence of the magic.

Maybe then someone just stole the Moon considering she wasn't sprouting a third arm or growing horns on her forehead.

However, her musings were interrupted by Malcolm who showed her his gun. She didn't recognize markings on the weapon, but she still recognized a work of magic when she saw it. "It has a name?"

But was he a mage like her or just someone who relied on a magic tool? Someone like her could just freely gather magic energy from leylines and shape it into a desired spell. Maybe she didn't look like that, but she was a fully trained mage, and thus didn't need such crutches. Only esteemed Wizard Lords surpassed her in skill. But she didn't feel like she was a teacher material, so she would leave him be if he proved that he wouldn't explode himself from a mishap.


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Sakura Matou

"I wouldn't say that either, Rider." Sakura said, wrapping her arms around her servant's waist. "You're my cute servant, after all." Sakura said with a cheerful voice and no hint of jokingness in her voice.

"So what do you do for a living, Ron?"


The werewolf glanced between the two purple-haired women and kinda wondered at what was going on there. Servant, really? Were they in some kind of relationship that involved roleplaying? He shook his head, because honestly it wasn't his business. What was his business was talking about his business!

"Mostly, I fix things and do little renovation projects for people in the neighborhood. Carpentry, electric, I sometimes even do a little plumbing! Not really a specialist in anything, but with a little time and effort..." He trailed off, smiled, and reached into his wallet to pull out his business card, passing it along the table for them. "... I can always give it a go."

Sakura Matou

Sakura gently pocketed the card after looking at it for a few seconds. "A handyman, huh? I might have some work for you in the future." Sakura said to him cheerfully. With a house as old as hers, little things would often seem to just break down, and as handy as Shirou was, he wasn't able to fix everything. Plumbing seemed to be beyond him.

And sometimes, you just didn't want to deal with your problems yourself.


Work in the future? Well, it looked like today was a productive one for more than one reason now! Ron grinned and quietly pumped his fist by his side under the table. He was already thinking about what it could be she already had in mind. "Looking to renovate a bit for the new addition to the family?"

The drinks came out before either lady could answer. The werewolf murmured a "Thank you," and turned his attention back to Sakura and Rider.

Sakura Matou

Sakura took her drink, muttered thank you to the waitress, and scooted back away from Rider. She didn't like being so close to people. Except Shirou. Shirou was an important exception.

"My husband is quite handy, but he isn't capable of doing everything, and our house is both quite large and quite old, so little things break all the time. I don't like it when he has to spend so much time working to fix the house, and if I have a friend who makes it their business to do this, then I don't think even he'd be able to shoot me down." Sakura grinned, looking at Ron but answering both of their questions at the same time.

Suddenly, her stomach grumbled. She and the baby were hungry. "How long until the food arrives, do you think?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Noel Vermillion

Noel smiled at the thought of one of her favorite activities. "I love cooking, it's so much fun! The act of makig a meal for you and your friends is to die for."

Noel paused.

"I have to admit I'm not very good at it though."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Relius Clover

Relius took out a custom phone he made out of the lab equipment.  I suppose I should alert her to my location.  With a few taps, he opened her contacts and sent her his location.

Cherry Lover

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To Shirou's surprise, the obviously-happy girl responded to his enthusiasm by pulling out a brochure from her bag. It was clear that, despite her young age, she was well-prepared for someone to purchase one of the exotic creatures.

Opening it up, he saw pictures of hundreds of odd creatures, many of which looked very similar to animals from his world. Many of them were clearly unsuitable, such as a few which looked far too worm-like for Sakura's comfort, but many others seemed like they might fit what his wife would like, at least visually. So, seeing a few that were seemingly suited, he took a look at the description, only to be forced to suppress a giggle at the very simplistic, obivously unprofessional wording.

"Cute fire fox. Very smart", said one, the description for what was, indeed, a cute (but rather pricy) fox-like creature called "Fennekin".

It was clear that, as good as the girl was at obtaining these "Pokemon" (presumably by breeding), she was no saleswoman. Still, that only made Shirou feel more sympathetic for her, because she was obviously trying, despite her young age, and the way she'd perked-up when he had actually expressed interest made it pretty obvious that she hadn't been having all that much success. He did have to wonder, though, where she found these things, or how she was feeding and looking after so many different creatures. After all, she didn't seem like the sort of person to mistreat the animals in her care, but there were a lot of them.

Keeping the very-cute fox in mind, thinking to ask what it meant by "fire fox", Shirou continued browsing. He came across another cute fox, this one brown. It was adorable, but also extremely expensive, more than any of the others he'd seen.

Hmm, I wonder what makes this one so pricy? he thought, curious.

Reading the description only confused him further.

"Cute brown fox that can evolve into an incredible eight different types of Pokemon", it said.

Evolve? he thought, confused.

Shirou was no expert in Biology, but he knew enough to know that evolution was a very long-term process, not something that would be relevant for a brochure selling exotic pets. Further, there seemed to be quite a few Pokemon which bore a resemblance to each other, as if one was a younger form, which was in itself confusing.

Looking on further, he found two such Pokemon, Pikachu and Pichu, their images both similar. Looking at the larger one first, he read the description.

"Electric mouse, can be tempermental ", it said.

Deciding it wasn't really what he was after, he moved on to the smaller one. Initially, it looked promising, but the description immediately put him off.

"Electric mouse, can be tempermental", it began, before adding, "hurts itself when it attacks".

Deciding very quickly that he could not live with sending a creature into battle that would harm itself, he moved on, seeing a pair of yellow mice-like creatures called "Plusle" and "Minun".

"Electric mice. They like each other, recommended to buy both", the text said.

Shirou was intrigued. Buying two would mean he and Sakura could look after one each and, whilst it meant extra cost, it was still no more expensive than the cute "fire fox", and was actually cheaper than the weird brown fox whose description was stiill confusing him. Still, he was worried that none of these would be able to fight. Looking further, he saw what looked like a cute dog with fearsome teeth, and a teddy bear with sharp claws. Both of those could, perhaps, fit the requirement for a strong fighter, and both were cheap. Then again, he could perhaps be misjudging the others. After all, if you were to look at Sakura or Rin, you would never be able to tell they were powerful fighters in their own right, even in battle.

Looking up from the pamphlet and at the girl, he began to ask questions.

"Plusle and Minun interest me, but there's not really any information about their fighting skill", he began, suspecting that the girl would know the names of the creatures she was selling. "I'm also interested in Fennekin, and possibly Eeeve, although it's a bit expensive. Maybe Poochenya and Teddiursa too, those look like they could fight"

"Oh, speaking of Eevee, what does this description mean?" he added, turning the pamphlet around and pointing to the expensive brown "fox". "I don't understand how a single animal can be said to evolve into many others."

"Also, where do you keep them all?" he asked, curious as to how a teenage girl could run such a large-scale breeding operation. "Would I be able to meet some of them before I make a choice?"


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"Huh? Of course I'd name her, what kind of man of the west wouldn't name his weapon?" He asked, sort of confused. He twirled it around his finger and juggled it expertly, like he had trained decades to master the art of twirling pistols around.

"A custom magnum revolver with a six bullet chamber. Its innovative designs mixes magic and modern weaponry into a tool of mass destruction. This piece of work packs enough dynamite punch in a single shot to blow off a tree trunk, it's weight is repartitioned with a mechanism to counter recoil..."

He then proceeded to ramble on and on about how awesome his gun was.

Cherry Lover

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Rider frowned as Sakura pulled away from her, feeling a little upset that her master had rejected her affection. Sitting there feeling slightly deflated, she listened to Sakura's explanation, which seemed to make sense, before repsonding to her question.

"It shouldn't be too long", she said, obviously a little deflated. "Kebabs don't take long to make."


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In spite of herself, the bounty hunter couldn't help her face reddening a little as he leaned in closer, fairly sure it wasn't the drink. Yet. This new healing factor, while useful, also had the downside of making alcohol have a significantly lesser effect on her. All the same, his response had her furrowing her brow a little as she thought it over.

"Fair, I guess. So long as they're worth it. You've implied as much, anyway," Annabeth said, drawing back a little to knock back more of her brandy, "Seems you know a lot about this person. Wouldn't happen to have any ideas about their standards, would you? Not that I don't have some standards of my own, but theirs are the important ones here."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Gabriel smiled at Annabeth's flush, wondering if it was his closeness or the alcohol causing it.  Faerie didn't have the same personal boundaries as humanity; it just didn't make sense to them.  They generally more openly and physically affectionate.

"Oh, I know a great deal about their standards, but like them, I keep my own council," Gabriel said with a chuckle.  "I also happen to be a fair hand at reading people.


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The Hunter frowned a little at how troublesome this was proving, but remembering how much of a pain tracking down that vamp had been told her that she didn't want to pass this opportunity up. Allowing a sigh as she finished off her next glass of brandy, the cowgirl rested the glass on the table as she looked the oddly attractive man over.

"Mhm, so what can you tell about me," Annabeth asked, more than a little curious, "And would it be worth for you to share?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Gabriel watched as the cowgirl rested her glass on the table and looked him over.  He didn't flinch or shy away from the scrutiny, in fact he returned it.  There was a soft clunk as he put his own drink down as well.

"Well, first off, you think I'm being troublesome, but yet I'm throwing you off your game.  Secondly, you're a type of supernatural.  That much brandy with your height and body type would have normally shown signs of at least mild intoxication for your height and build," Gabriel said, listing each observation on his fingers.

"You said your name is Annabeth, and from your name and appearance, especially that hat of yours lead me to believe you're a bounty hunter of sorts with a very . . . well, I will politely say 'volatile' reputation.  You also have a lover who you're pretty satisfied with."

He shrugged and took another drink before eying her.  "As to what it would be worth for me to share? Well a fair trade of money for information as well, and I will reduce my rates for this particular chit, and your services for one 'job' at no charge."


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Sakura Matou

"I wouldn't say that either, Rider." Sakura said, wrapping her arms around her servant's waist. "You're my cute servant, after all." Sakura said with a cheerful voice and no hint of jokingness in her voice.

"So what do you do for a living, Ron?"


The werewolf glanced between the two purple-haired women and kinda wondered at what was going on there. Servant, really? Were they in some kind of relationship that involved roleplaying? He shook his head, because honestly it wasn't his business. What was his business was talking about his business!

"Mostly, I fix things and do little renovation projects for people in the neighborhood. Carpentry, electric, I sometimes even do a little plumbing! Not really a specialist in anything, but with a little time and effort..." He trailed off, smiled, and reached into his wallet to pull out his business card, passing it along the table for them. "... I can always give it a go."

Sakura Matou

Sakura gently pocketed the card after looking at it for a few seconds. "A handyman, huh? I might have some work for you in the future." Sakura said to him cheerfully. With a house as old as hers, little things would often seem to just break down, and as handy as Shirou was, he wasn't able to fix everything. Plumbing seemed to be beyond him.

And sometimes, you just didn't want to deal with your problems yourself.


Work in the future? Well, it looked like today was a productive one for more than one reason now! Ron grinned and quietly pumped his fist by his side under the table. He was already thinking about what it could be she already had in mind. "Looking to renovate a bit for the new addition to the family?"

The drinks came out before either lady could answer. The werewolf murmured a "Thank you," and turned his attention back to Sakura and Rider.

Sakura Matou

Sakura took her drink, muttered thank you to the waitress, and scooted back away from Rider. She didn't like being so close to people. Except Shirou. Shirou was an important exception.

"My husband is quite handy, but he isn't capable of doing everything, and our house is both quite large and quite old, so little things break all the time. I don't like it when he has to spend so much time working to fix the house, and if I have a friend who makes it their business to do this, then I don't think even he'd be able to shoot me down." Sakura grinned, looking at Ron but answering both of their questions at the same time.

Suddenly, her stomach grumbled. She and the baby were hungry. "How long until the food arrives, do you think?"


Huh, what was that there? Well given what he'd heard about pregnancies it might just be that Sakura felt really sensitive and didn't like to be touched. It was probably some new development, otherwise someone so familiar with another person wouldn't do something that made them uncomfortable, right? Well, unless they had turned into a monster. He'd know, he was pretty weird those first few months. Ron looked at a painting of some geometric pattern on the wall. Still was sometimes, really; the smell of the kebab had nothing on the smell of fresh human meat.

When the urge passed he turned his attention back to Sakura, smiling apologetically. "Hey, I understand; it makes sense that you'd want to have a little more free time with the husband with the kid on the way. I'll try not to drag him into talking shop too much while I'm there. Anyway, food should be here any minute now."


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In this era and age, Mitsuba kept a phone on herself even if she dressed in rather traditional way. When she was about to give up the search without even starting it, she got a message from the same mysterious man, giving her some tips where to localize him. Still hopefully that contract would be still worth her time.

"Oh, I think our chances of finding our mysterious client just improved. But I think that in the case he planned something dangerous I'd prefer if I wielded you personally for the incoming meeting. If he has hostile intentions after all he will be less careful if he faced one instead of two people." Plus a single person always stood out less than two people.


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The short guy kept rambling about technical details she really didn't care that much about. Her style of magic seemed to be quite incompatible with his. After all, she didn't need any tool if she could create weapons of ice herself.

"Huh, I don't really get that much about guns, but maybe I will show you something since you showed me your magic." I guess a single display of her power wouldn't court a disaster. Pointing at a trash bin and staring at it with ice cold gaze, she encased it completely in a block of ice materialized from magic energy.