Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42983 times)


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"No. Sorry, but I have a full time job, I cannot possibly work for two employers." She shook her head in flat out rejection. Besides, weren't they supposed to go do this 'dating' thing? How silly of him to talk about working during a break.


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Medaka gasped, holding her breath the moment Shinobu said "children."  That smile didn't help either.  The blue haired vampire stood up for a moment and backed away, wondering if perhaps she misjudged the elder vampire.  Even after that, she kept going, talking about how the taste of innocence is best.  It seemed so out of charcter that all Medaka could mutter was, "but..."

Then, another pause.  She stared at Shinobu for a moment.  Just as she opened her mouth to ask a question, the vampire revealed it was all a sick joke.  "....Actually I sneak out every now and then to the forest, you would not believe the number of werewolves there who lurk in wait of some prey."

Medaka let out a sigh of relief.  "Ah I see."

Werewolfs...  She thought of Ron.  It was still hard not to worry about him, especially after what happened with that mysterious man just now.  But really, there was a more pressing matter to address.  She turned around and crossed her arms, only turning her head to face Shinobu so she could gave the blond a somewhat exaggerated petty glare.  "I can't believe you. That was so irresponsible, sucking me into that whole situation with Ron."  She said, feigning annoyance.


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Vanguard chuckled, but suddenly his gaze turned decisive, serious, hollow. It was almost like staring at a dead man, no, at death itself.

"Would you laugh if I told you all three were correct?"


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Looking up from the pamphlet and at the girl, he began to ask questions.

"Plusle and Minun interest me, but there's not really any information about their fighting skill", he began, suspecting that the girl would know the names of the creatures she was selling. "I'm also interested in Fennekin, and possibly Eeeve, although it's a bit expensive. Maybe Poochenya and Teddiursa too, those look like they could fight"

"Oh, speaking of Eevee, what does this description mean?" he added, turning the pamphlet around and pointing to the expensive brown "fox". "I don't understand how a single animal can be said to evolve into many others."

"Also, where do you keep them all?" he asked, curious as to how a teenage girl could run such a large-scale breeding operation. "Would I be able to meet some of them before I make a choice?"

Oka Kurosawa

Oka cocked her head at him and sighed. Jeez, why was everyone so dense about this evolution thing. It seemed like she was the only one in this world who actually knew what the word meant.

"Evolution is when the pokemon reaches certain conditions and changes its form. It can be getting to a high enough level, being traded, coming into contact with radiation, or various other things." Oka said, giving her standard spiel about evolution. Real evolution anyway.

Oka pulled out a pokeball from her bag containing a poochyena and handed it to Shirou. "You throw the ball and then the pokemon comes out. It's simple."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Malcolm Kimberlee

Walking for a while, the totally not dating couple found a nice looking restaurant that apparently offered the best pies in Nexus. A homely looking place with THE TOPS in huge bold letters above the door.

“This place should have some good shit." He mused aloud, scrutinizing it from top to bottom in order to figure out what to complain about. He found nothing. So he dragged his not date along the way and entered, and to his dismay the place looked beautiful. Dammit, how was he supposed to give a shitty review? The food smelled wonderful, and the decors looked legit.

A fancy looking, tall and handsome waiter greeted them with a smile .

“Hey, hey fella, welcome to the Tops. I’m going to have to ask you to hand over any weapons you might be carrying.”

Malcolm frowned and stayed there silently for a bit. Over. His. Dead. Body. The right to arms was a basic human right, he did not trust anyone else to defend him than his gun.

“Why do you need my gun?” He asked suspiciously, appalled by how all of these people seemingly accepted such a horrifying breach of essential rights. What if someone attacked them!?

“Oh, we wouldn’t want anyone to start trouble here. Just a safety protocol, but don't worry. Your weapons will be kept safe and returned when you leave.”

Damn, he had no retort for that. His logic was sound, but even so, he couldn't accept this. The short man and the waiter locked into a stare for what seemed like an eternity, overbearing hostility and an oppressive feeling. It was unlike anything one could imagine, just like two mortal enemies in a shootout, waiting for the other to draw their gun.

“Do you do take outs?” He asked in a flat deadpan tone, defeated, to which the waiter nodded.


Malcolm turned to Anastasia, kind of hopeless and expecting her to do something, anything, or at least say something.

Umbra of Chaos

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The blade was as sharp as it could be, so Meti gently placed it back into the cart with the gentleness one might use with a child before taking out another slightly less sharp blade. The whetstone was immediately put to work. The sword was honed to a perfect edge in mere moments, and the work helped drown out all the chatter.

Meti was only paying a bit of attention to the conversation, but she did hear what the silver haired man wanted. "Why?"


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The former officer left the apartment after putting up the usual Ars seal, didn't hurt being carefull. He'd actually heard someone trying to break in once. Suffice to say they were dealt with swiftly. As he set out, he had a goal in mind. Aquire more pokémon. While it was true he didn't like them quite as fanatically as his girlfriend, they did have their uses. It would most likely also make her happier, which would be beneficial for him. "Ahahahaha" The blond man gave a crazed laugh as he could already envision this evil masterplan of his.

Walking out of the building, he grabbed his phone and made a call to her.

Cherry Lover

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Shirou looked at the girl with confusion as she sighed before beginning to explain what the text next to Eevee meant, totally contradicting everything he knew about what evolution meant. Ultimately, he concluded that it was simply some kind of jargon amongst Pokemon enthusiasts and, with that in mind, he could understand what she meant, although the use of the term "level" was bizarre to say the least, something he felt like he needed to clarify. It seemed like Pokemon could, given certain conditions, change into other, presumably more powerful, Pokemon.

Before he could ask any more, though, the girl pulled out a weird coloured ball from her bag, handing it to him with a rather bizarre instruction.

"You throw the ball and then the pokemon comes out. It's simple", she said.

To most people from his world, even magi, the claim would be frankly extraordinary. The girl was claiming that the creatures were stored in a ball far smaller than they, presumably, were. But, Shirou knew that Sakura was capable of something similar, at least in principle. Presumably, the ball worked as some kind of pocket dimension, providing a hopefully-comfortable space for the creature to reside in.

Figuring that he should give it a try, Shirou threw the ball as instructed and, to his slight surprise, a creature did indeed pop out, a small puppy-like dog with sharp teeth which he knew from reading the brochure was a "Poochyena".

"Impressive", he said to the girl as he bent down to give the puppy a stroke.

"By the way, what do you mean by 'level' when you talk about Pokemon evolving? Is that another piece of Pokemon enthusiast jargon?" he added.


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The immortal couldn't help but return the man's chuckle, amused not at his response, but at his apparent expectation.

To be fair, he doesn't know, but the day a man with an impossible goal rebukes another man's impossible goal is the day that someone is in desperate need of a beating.

"Many things I have been over my years," Michael said, "But a hypocrite isn't one of them. So I'm going to have to go with a solid no."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"Isn't it obvious?" He asked, somewhat surprised.  "I'm a hero, it's only natural for me to want to save everyone. It is the only way I have lived until now, and the way I have died. Of course, I'm not dead just yet, even if it takes a million cycles I won't lose."

To be truthful, he had just lied. He had already spent so many cycles, but he knew this one would be his last. His soul would crumble away as it spun its final dance, that was a fact he could no longer escape.

But it didn't matter, because he was surer of his words than ever, even after an infinity of histories. No, because it had been an infinity of histories, he had no choice but to believe. Even now, envisioning himself failing was something he simply couldn't do.

"This world is dying, no, it would be more fair to say it was dying from the moment it was born. People dancing around like puppets on strings, playing the same songs over and over. It's sickening, even after a million retries the world has yet to learn. Humanity will live on and prosper, only to be fated to fall. All dreams, all tragedies, all happiness, all has been carved in stone eons ago, dragged by puppet strings of our own creation. That is how it has to be, the will of the world hangs on the threads of a broken record, or perhaps you can call it destiny. But in that case, I just need to become stronger than fate itself."

The silver maned beast's monologue could easily be mistaken for the ravings of a lunatic, beyond the workings of a sane mind. And yet, his words carried an unshakable conviction that went beyond human. It was a mad, frightening resolve, a trust in his own words far deeper than any dogma or doctrine. It was as simple as the color of the sky, there was no issue for questioning or debate.

He chuckled, but for a second there was a gleam in his eyes. Something abnormal, something beautiful, something horrifying. "Well, I suppose that might be a little difficult, but why not try?"
« Last Edit: December 24, 2016, 01:28:07 AM by francobull3 »


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Sakura Matou

Sakura nodded at them. Soon sounded good. Her stomach growled, apparently agreeing with her. She rested her hands on her stomach, looked down, and smiled.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2016, 02:32:05 AM by Umbra of Chaos »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Wow. That was... uhh. Yeah. Meti didn't really have many words for that. Well, other than the idea that Vanguard was pretty crazy. Maybe that's just what happened to old people? She held out the blade and let it sing through the air with careful strokes. Or maybe this was one of those prophecy things?

Meti didn't put much stock in prophecies. You could cut them too. She sighed. Some people needed to learn to think less. Wandering minds only distracted you from what was really important, like the things that will perfect your cut! But at this point the sword master felt that she had to respond to all that spiel.

"Are you a hero because you want to save people, or do you want to save people because you are a hero?" She played with her blade a little bit, going through quick, masterful strikes that were impossible for any human to pull off. "And is that really fate, or strings, or anything at all? Some things are just nature. A sword cuts and a man acts, but unless they change themselves fundamentally they still act as a blade and human does."

The sword spun and she exerted herself just a bit as it began to dance, shifting in all directions and even moving in reverse for scant instances. A little workout. "So maybe you're just a slave too? A puppet that can see his strings is still a puppet. A man bound to the tendencies he lived and died with is no more free than one who isn't aware of them at all."

Bleh! Disgusting. She almost thought that she'd forgotten her discourse teacher's lessons. But sometimes you just can't help yourself. Even if she wanted to Meti had to talk and talk. She hoped her sword didn't think she was boring now!


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The Hunter frowned a little, wondering if he was in fact the contact they were talking about. Granted, while the cowgirl didn't care too much, she wouldn't be surprised if the police had a file on her by now. The concerning bit, however, was knowing about Ron. Well, not too concerning. From what she'd seen thus far, it wouldn't be too much of a problem if someone tried to use him as leverage against her.

More concerning, however, was the jab at her hat. Putting a hand on said hat, Annabeth jammed it back onto her head, still frowning.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with the hat," the Hunter shot back, reaching a hand out to catch the third glass of brandy and take a drink, "That aside, that's a decent price. So what's the job?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin eyed Joe, tilted her head and said, "You know I could pick you up and jump off this boat without any trouble, right?"

Then she smirked and said, "If you want to 'treat me like a princess" - her cheeks heated up at this - "then I like jewelry."

She was still blushing as he held her arm and helped her off the boat.


"I didn't say there was anything wrong with the hat.  I said it was distinctive.  There is a bit of difference between the two you know," Gabriel said with a smile as he contemplated about ordering another beer.

He did smirk as she got her third brandy and watched her drink it, admiring the way she moved.  "As to what the job is, I am currently not sure.  It would come in handy in the future."

Or if you can find my depressed surrogate mother a date that meets some of her criteria and I will only charge you half price, he thought to himself.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2016, 02:55:58 AM by Elf »


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The blushing got him every-time.  Rin really was cute.  Still with her snide comment, all he could do is sigh.  "Yeah I don't doubt it." he said with a dry tone. 

He pulled her off the boat as smoothly as he could muster.  "And don't worry, ill buy you some nice gems to match your eyes.  And as much as it hurts my ego, it is a turn on to have a girl who can kick my ass.  Just don't abuse it ok?"  He said with a warm smile.  Well I wanted to buy a new gen system and some games soon but whatever.

He turned to Lorenzo and reached out his hand, extending his smile to the skeleton.  "Cmon Lorenzo.  Ill be sure to make sure you don't drown."

That might have been the first time he called him by his name.