Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43341 times)


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"Well, what I paid before Anne moved in was fine. About half a thousand a month for a studio over a bakery in an okay neighborhood in this city is pretty good." He had to concede that much. "But after? Landlady started expecting double despite the room not getting any bigger. I don't know if that's normal, but given my girlfriend was from out of the city... it was a hard first couple of months. You know, before she found some steady work too."

Sakura Matou

Sakura shook her head at him. "No, that's not normal at all. Your landlady is a scummy woman taking advantage of you. Charging per person is ridiculous. But don't worry! I won't do anything like that, never ever!" Sakura proclaimed. She was proud of being a decent person to her tenants. Suddenly, the car stopped, signaling it was time to get out.

"Well, we're at the apartment, so shall we go check it out?" Sakura asked him, already opening her door.


Ron's smile only had a hint of danger to it. The kind you would expect from someone who'd heard that sort of thing before. "I'll hold you to that." That wasn't really why the hint was there, of course; it as the whole being a flesh-eating apex predator thing. It really wasn't anything personal.

"Lead on then, miss landlady. Missuses landlady?" He shrugged and got out to see the place for himself.


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"You don't take no as an answer?" It still sometimes perplexed her how erratic and eccentric some of humans could be. But she didn't care for the reason why this man acted like that. The only way he could touch the sword would be a situation where the blade cut his greedy hand off. She took a stance characteristic for iaido practicioners. A single misstep and he would get cut down for his audacity.


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"No, you're really don't have to!" There was a hint of panic as Mordred noticed that Sakura was talking about hugging her. It really didn't sound like something safe for her. The imminent danger of getting hugged too strongly for her own health meant that she really couldn't respond properly to Breeze's praise.


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Julius clapped his hands together in a gesture of prayer. He didn't comment on remarks of his allies. Instead, for a little while he was silent and then solemnly said: "May their souls rest in peace. I think they should be given a proper burial before we depart from this tragic place. We cannot just leave them like this."


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"I told you so. There's nothing to worry about." To be honest Malcolm acted a bit as if it was some kind of poisoned food. Did someone try to poison him like that in the past? Some rival, possibly?

Their host was pretty cautious too. "Allergy? I don't think I'm allergic at all. If I couldn't eat every kind of good food then that would be a downer." Sampling new tastes simply brought some variety to her life. She really didn't have much time for entertainment, so a hobby like that suited her. And she could indulge in it no matter where she was. Unless it was some famine afflicted area.


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She got pulled up by Gadreel, his grip was surprisingly firm. Well he did toss the bench earlier so he was actually pretty strong after all, maybe she worried over nothing. Betterto be safe than sorry though.

She cut apart a few stray dogoos that remained while watching Gadreel deal with the giant one. He was doing a pretty decent job, circling around it and gradually cutting it apart, it was rather strange how the wounds he left weren't closing at all. Maybe his sword was magical, it looked pretty amazing from where she was standing.

"Dogoos are actually the most common type monster back in my world. There's even a version of them that has tentacles....yes tentacles, you heard right Gaddy~"

Altough it looked like he doing a decent job on his own she couldn't let him do all fighting, besides she should be the one protecting him anyways. Now that the dogoo was focused on him she could go on the attack. The moment she finished speaking the purple haired goddess dashed forward towards the giant dogoo and jumped, barely manging to land on top of it.


Struggling to stand up she tried to hack it's body while swaying around from all it's thrashing.


"You sound rather intrigued by that variation, Neptune!" Tentacles were one of the stranger fetishes that had emerged from human culture in the past few centuries. Gadreel was still convinced that it was some form of fad that humans would grow out of. Then again humans had the stubborn drive to surprise him again and again no matter how many times he observed their development.

Now Gadreel simply wondered how Neptune planned to avoid being absorbed into the mass of the creature while astride it. Was its surface truly that firm in texture? The fallen angel would admit, even as he carved more of the creature away and leaped away from its thrashing bulk. It appeared to have something resembling an eye, so soon enough he went to aim for those. It would fall apart sooner rather than later, but if it could not aim at the two of them then that would be ideal.

And if that did not work and he was trapped in it, well, he would simply cut his way out.


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"No, you're really don't have to!" There was a hint of panic as Mordred noticed that Sakura was talking about hugging her. It really didn't sound like something safe for her. The imminent danger of getting hugged too strongly for her own health meant that she really couldn't respond properly to Breeze's praise.

Auspicious Breeze

Ohh, why didn't she think of that?! A hug was exactly the right response to this. Sakura was such a smart girl to go for that right away. So the former gladiator moved to join in on that one and squeeze both of them. "Group hug!"

Umbra of Chaos

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And she hit the ground. Hard. Ouch, ouch, ouch. That cold, sharp Meti had been knocked right out of her in that single anticlimactic move. She was still holding onto her swords quite tightly though. "Are we done now? I feel good enough with my body so far."


"Then I'll call you dummy, Dummy." And she patted the smaller girl's head a few times condescendingly. "After all, if names aren't important then I can call you whatever I want, right? So anything I call you should be perfectly fine for your name."


The knight nodded solemnly at the wisdom of his companion's statement. "You are quite right, Lord Julius. They deserve their final rites at least. It matters not who they were in life. Few deserve to die like this and remain unburied. I will see if I can find a shovel. Then we can get started in the front or backyard of this place."


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Vanguard looked at the flawless exchange passively, almost as if bored. Even now he was holding back, and even now she had not learned a thing. A small rabbit she was, but no matter how skillfully she could wave a piece of metal, she still didn't know how to use her body properly. The fact he had outmaneuvered her not once, but twice, only served as a testament to his belief.

Compared to that man, she was still sloppy.

So why would he use her, an inferior product, when he had such a brilliant tool right in front of him? It was simple really. He was experienced, refined, simply put he was already forged. Sure he could melt him down into something to his tastes, but to do so would dull his original splendor. Meti, on the other hand, was brute. Unrefined. He could break her at his leisure, build her anew, nurture her... and nothing of importance would be lost.

"No, no, no, no." He said in a calm, bored tone, clapping slowly as if to applaud them. "You are not done, why it has only just begun."

He walked up to the man and bowed politely, before turning to the girl with the sort of regard one would offer to a piece of meat. And then he smiled.

"You're too soft, Michael. She is a stubborn one, it would take more than a few gasps to teach her more than self delusion. What she needs is a lesson carved in broken bones, like a slab of metal burnt and hammered out of shape until it molds into something of use... would you kindly fight her seriously? You don't need to worry about killing her, at least here."
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 03:44:08 PM by francobull3 »


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"Hey...tentacles is...whoaa there....the most foolproof way of boosting your ratings. The fans go absolutely wild when they appear." The purple haired goddess stumbled around while talking as the blue giant moved. Keeping her balance for more than a moment was proving to be quite the challenge, a challenge fit for the protagonist.

The dogoo itself, was twisting around under the assault from both of them, lashing out with it's feeble attacks that might be enough to deal with the elderly or children. But the two of them persisted hitting it again and again.

it eventually stopped moving as it cried out in pain and evaporated into pixels much like it's smaller brethren. However this was most unfortunate for the goddess of Planeptune who now found herself with nothing to stand on beneath her feat. So she stood for a long drawn out moment in mid air before reality remembered there was something called gravity and she promptly came crashing down onto the ground.

"Owww...I tried so hard but I can't go on anymore...farewell cruel world!" She declared with as much fake drama as she could possibly muster while remaining prone on the ground.

Cherry Lover

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Sakura was obviously exhausted from the fight, barely keeping herself upright. Unlike the other two, she was not particularly religious, and was more interested in protecting the living than honouring the dead. Nevertheless, she had no wish to upset her allies or deny them the right to grieve for the dead in their own way. Unfortunately, though, she was not in much of a state to help.

"I need to rest a while", she said, noticably out of breath. "Using all of my magical energy tires me out."


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Though the immortal returned the bow Vanguard offered, his words were strange to him. For a moment, Michael found himself wondering just what the man had done with his innumerable days, to have such a view. Perhaps his prowess in combat was to be respected, but it seemed that he simply didn't know how crafting a weapon worked beyond the most basic form, the cheapest of worksmanship. All the same, he could agree to a degree with what Vanguard was saying, he was being rather soft on the girl, even if this was supposed to be a test. How easily she'd had the drive knocked out of her was rather concerning as well, though it was just something else to work on at this point. She was still young, after all.

Releasing Meti's blades, the immortal turned away to pick up his staff once more, hefting the length over his shoulder with his posture as relaxed as ever as he used the time to consider what to say.

"Indeed I am," Michael said, turning back to the two, "And it seems that I may have to work a bit harder at it. Chances are simply telling why you lost wouldn't suffice, so I'll let you figure it out for yourself, Meti."

"Though, I have to ask," Michael continued, "Have you forged a weapon before, Vanguard?"

With that, the immortal allowed a moment's focus before casting off every last layer of concealment over his own presence, letting a primal malice refined over long millennia of existence be felt. Forged in the fires of countless battles and quenched in the rivers of blood he'd spilled, this was the presence he let free, roiling and lashing out like a living being at all nearby, though still entirely under Michael's control. Allowing a moment for it to be felt, the immortal focused it down to a razor's edge, his sight only upon Meti now, his focus sharpening until it was as if he were trying to cut Meti open with his intent alone, from her hip up to her shoulder, just as she'd tried to cut him earlier.

Now then, let's see what you've learned.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Lorenzo Remei

Lorenzo just kept hugging his friend, patting her back in order to comfort her. He didn't care if he deserved this or not, or if there was any regret to be had. All he thought was that he was glad he could see her again, and for that he was happy. Then, she suddenly grabbed something from his head, and he realized it felt much lighter than earlier. He turned around to notice that both the blondie was wearing one of his hats. How dare she, the scoundrel, demon, vampire!

"Why you, my precious pirate hat! You're pretty gutsy to steal something from a pirate in broad daylight. Hmph, you can keep it, and while you're at it..."

He tipped his own, badass pirate hat and put a hand on his bony hip to stike an assertive pose. The lightning the fire, everything just screamed testosterone and manliness.With a snap of his fingers, the three awesome and elaborate coats flew off the ground, as if levitating. Did he somehow gain some power of telekinesis! Of course not, but a magician never reveals his secrets.

He had actually concealed some birds inside, it was really just a basic trick. The clothes were now just floating around before falling on each of their respective shoulders, one for each. Then, he laughed maniacally, forming two fireballs in his hands just to show off, because when you can make huge fireballs you like to dangle them in public as much as possible.

With that, he took one of the two remaining hats resting on his beautiful skull and laid it on Medaka's head.

"There ya go! Bwahahaha, I'm one badass frikkin pirate lord!! Soo, how about a a ride?" He grinned heartily before pointing back to his flaming ship with his thumb. "We got a lot to catch up one, besides I gotta repay your cute friend there for taking such good care of you."

With that, he swooshed in a flash of movement and flipped Medaka over wit his big fiery skeleton muscles, lifting the big Medaka over his arms thunder fire flame romance god Lorenzo style. For a second, he sort of felt... strange. Like he was looking back at good old days. Bah, it's not like he could cry over them even if he wanted to. Besides, the idea of having two cuties rest on his arms, it wasn't so bad.

"Your turn blondie, hop on!" He said cheerfully.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 11:28:52 PM by francobull3 »


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"No, you're really don't have to!" There was a hint of panic as Mordred noticed that Sakura was talking about hugging her. It really didn't sound like something safe for her. The imminent danger of getting hugged too strongly for her own health meant that she really couldn't respond properly to Breeze's praise.

Auspicious Breeze

Ohh, why didn't she think of that?! A hug was exactly the right response to this. Sakura was such a smart girl to go for that right away. So the former gladiator moved to join in on that one and squeeze both of them. "Group hug!"


The purple haired girl was far too excited to not partake in a hug, and grabbed Mordred (relatively) gently, pulling the red woman into a close hug, lifting her up off the ground and squishing her (not literally) against her.

"Ah, man, I wish I was this colour too~" she purred out at Mordred as Breeze joined in. "You're soooooo pretty!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Well, what I paid before Anne moved in was fine. About half a thousand a month for a studio over a bakery in an okay neighborhood in this city is pretty good." He had to concede that much. "But after? Landlady started expecting double despite the room not getting any bigger. I don't know if that's normal, but given my girlfriend was from out of the city... it was a hard first couple of months. You know, before she found some steady work too."

Sakura Matou

Sakura shook her head at him. "No, that's not normal at all. Your landlady is a scummy woman taking advantage of you. Charging per person is ridiculous. But don't worry! I won't do anything like that, never ever!" Sakura proclaimed. She was proud of being a decent person to her tenants. Suddenly, the car stopped, signaling it was time to get out.

"Well, we're at the apartment, so shall we go check it out?" Sakura asked him, already opening her door.


Ron's smile only had a hint of danger to it. The kind you would expect from someone who'd heard that sort of thing before. "I'll hold you to that." That wasn't really why the hint was there, of course; it as the whole being a flesh-eating apex predator thing. It really wasn't anything personal.

"Lead on then, miss landlady. Missuses landlady?" He shrugged and got out to see the place for himself.

Sakura Matou

Sakura smiled back at Ron. "Of course! I'm a woman of my word." She said as she led the way into the complex. "And please, Sakura's fine. Matou-san is fine too."


The elevator made its noise, signaling that they'd arrived at their destination, the fifth floor. Sakura walked right out of the elevator up to the door directly across from it, and pulled out a key, unlocking the door.

"Pretty convenient location, isn't it?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end