Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43408 times)


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That fight really did tire the redhead. She got hungry, so she really felt it was time to eat something. Or someone. Not that she really cared about how she would sate her appetite. Rikuyo would follow her instincts and just eat anything that would grab her attention. If someone was unlucky, they would just get eaten, if someone had their lucky day, she would just punch them and grab their food. Possibly someone's life now hinged on her whim. And so she set out to stir further trouble in her search for some grub. Long pork, short pork or something else altogether, she really didn't plan ahead.

So, there was her prey. Someone parked a van, full of delicious food. But now the dilemma. Whether to just take food or jack the van. She never really drove a one. Rikuyo knew from TV that she needed keys for that, so the solution was simple. Knock out the guy, take his keys (and clothes, her clothes weren't in bad shape after the fight, surprisingly, but she could always steal some more) and take the car.

Thus, Rikuyo punched out the guy once he came out of a store, took his belongings and entered the car. There was a half eaten pizza inside, so she nonchalantly started eating it as she started up the engine. Without any disregard for rules she speeding and hit people who didn't move out the way like the bitches they were, leaving some red stain on the white paint of the van. There would have been more casualties if she didn't lose the control of the van and crashed into a wall of a building. "Owww..." She crawled out of the vehicle, her head bleeding as she hit it during the crash. Regeneration was so useful. If the fact that she was speeding didn't alert anyone nearby, then her crash surely did that.


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Sakura stared at Ron's face, taking in his body language and noting that he was still hiding stuff from her. No matter. Not for now, anyway. They'd only known each other for a few hours, being too prying would be highly inappropriate and rude. She'd only act if she found out about him being abused like she was suspecting.

"Well, I'm really glad you like it!" Sakura said with a smile. "How do you feel about 1200$ a month, utilities and internet included?" Sakura asked him, sitting down on the couch. She was clearly exhausted right now and needed to sit down. Could probably do with a small snack as well.


Well, on the one hand that was a lot of money. On the other hand that was everything included and Ron wasn't exactly the sort who would pay taxes now that he had superpowers anyway. Or before, even; most of his income had always been off the books. And it wasn't like he needed to worry about medical costs; his body handled everything on its own.

So after a few moments of counting things off on his hands and doing the math he started to nod a bit. "I'm definitely liking the sound of it. The look of it is nice too."

Ron noted she looked a bit tired, so he had to ask. "By the way, not to pry, but how far along are you anyway?"

Sakura Matou

"About five months. I should pop within the year!" She said, clearly happy about the prospect of giving birth to her child. "And that's great, I'm so happy to hear that! But before we start talking about a contract, do you mind if we stop at a fast food place real quick? I'm really uh, craving a nice burger and fries right now."


"Well, I would wish you luck with that but I suspect you don't need it. With magic, and all." Ron smiled, and turned his attention momentarily to the balcony again. He was going to have to get used to that, he could tell. Then Sakura said something that would be absurd coming from anyone but a pregnant woman. "So soon? Well, I guess it couldn't hurt..."

Sakura Matou


As if to answer for her, her stomach suddenly let out a loud grumble, causing the girl to blush slightly in embarrassment. "Well, uh, let's get going then!" She said, suddenly standing up and almost gliding out of the apartment. Something about how she was moving would seem off to an obvserver.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Wah!" She yelped as she was tossed in the air and thrown on the beast's backside. Oh well, she gulped, it couldn't be so bad.

A few minutes after they got out, a truck smashed right next to them. Nevermind, looks like it wasn't her lucky day after all. She had blinked once or twice while the truck  headed left and right towards them. If it hit them, uh, that would be bad. Probably! Luckily, the truck decided to not chase them and instead hit on the wall next to them. Good, that'll teach it to mess with them!

But if someone got hurt, that would be terrible. She sniffed a bit and noticed that it smelled sort of good inside, while burn people usually smell pretty bad. Trust her, she'd know. Anyways, something did come out of the truck, and it wasn't food. Was she... healing somehow? That was pretty cool, but she did just crash into them. It didn't take much for the sclera of her eyes to darken and for red to slowly crawl up her skin.

Without a moment of hesitation, invisible forces crawled up to her and grabbed the was-injured-girl's legs to flip her over upside down.

"Uhh, are you okay?" She asked her, kinda concerned. Then, she looked back at her wolf fae person friend with a puzzled look "Think she's okay?"


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Oh yeah. Him She didn't think of that Michael guy as someone she would just trust. He struck her as someone obsessed with martial arts to the point obsession, with no higher goals nor distractions allowed into his daily routine. Training to be a perfect martial artist? She didn't give a shit about that. The power and skill was meant to exercise them in a meaningful way. Unshaken dedication to martial arts was probably something that made one's life too empty. Admittedly, she was not the most healthy person, but there were lines she wouldn't cross and she had that disturbing feeling about Michael that he potentially had no moral brakes. She wondered if Breeze realized that. She was a pretty trusting person after all.

"Yeah, I do not appreciate nasty surprises." She nodded in confirmation. "But if you say so, then I will let you. Go ahead."


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Meti's decision as far as mitigating the attack went brought some satisfaction to the immortal, though her apparent reluctance to go entirely on the defensive and wait for an opening was in line with everything else she'd shown him. Before long, however, it seemed that she'd tired of the slower approach to the fight, launching a flurry of blows at the immortal. Smiling, Michael returned the favor, her counterattacks met with responses that served as offense and defense in the same breath. They both reoriented themselves numerous times, weapons little more than blurs and flashes as they danced, coming within mere inches of each other with each exchange yet never touching.

And yet Michael seemed as calm as ever throughout, even through the unrestrained malevolence he was focusing on her. This paradox of calm frenzy stood firm against her wild barrage, yet flowed with every strike, following her as her blades turned away every time the tide of a particular exchange shifted.

I suppose the next step would be to rob her of that room, then...

With that, the immortal's flurry intensified, his movements now intent on boxing her in, slowly chipping away at the room she had to retreat while continuing to meet every attack with a counter of his own. Every attack now came with a feint, every advance with a misdirection, Michael slowly encroaching on her space to see how she'd deal with not having enough to retreat further. After all, even in a real battle, she wouldn't be able to retreat forever, if she was ever driven to do so.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Lorenzo Remei

The skeleton pirate looked down on his comrade curiously before giving her an assured grin. Then again, he didn't have much other choice in the facial expression department. But one thing was sure, he wouldn't lose. Not to her, not to anyone.

"Don't worry Medaka, I got this." He said with cocky confidence before he turned to the blondie and dramatically held out his arms to her, like he was saying come and do your worst.

"No need to be so feisty, a frown won't suit a cute face like yours lass. You might just get wrinkles! 'Sides, if you wanted me to scrath your back, you just needed to ask, no reason to make a fuss. Mhhh, why not try something like: oh please, my great Lorenzo, I implore your grace! Would you be so kind as to relieve me from the aches that torment me back?"

He spoke in an exaggerated voice, the sort of cheeky taunt you'd expect from a big brother bully holding your candy bag right over your head. It's not like he held any ill will against her, in fact he really liked the lass. It's just that he liked teasing her more.

"See? I even made it short and sweet, shouldn't be too hard to spell it out. So why don't we just sit back and enjoy ourselves? There's plenty of drink for all of us, friend!"


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The blonde vampire drew ever closer as she listened to his false bravado, she stopped infront of him as she thought of her options. Medaka clearly didn't want the two of them to fight. On the other Lorenzo had made Medaka sad and that couldn't, no wouldn't go unpunished. The best way of punishing him would then be through a mean in which Medaka wouldn't oppose too...which meant a competition of some sort. Ah yes a competition, that would work excellently.

Shinobu's grin was now bigger than ever as she grabbed hold of Lorenzo's coat and looked him straight in his empty eye sockets as she challenged him. " Lorenzo, I challenge you to a duel. If I win, you stop calling her your Medaka. If you win.... you can go on as you were and I will heed any one request you have."


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"Well, she is rather pretty. Almost unnaturally so, wouldn't you say? But it isn't magic. My Messengers tell me so. So she's becomes an object of interest to me for now. Is that a good enough reason?" She walked a few steps behind William. Almost seeming subdued if not for the smirk on her face.


"Yes! That would be wonderful!" Her entire body was rather animated as she finished her food. She noticed that there was some strange liquid leaking from her eyes as she finished up but that was irrelevant. It wasn't as if such a thing meant anything to her. "Thank you..."

Noel Vermillion

Noel clasped Erica's hands and smiled. "Great!" She exclaimed, super excited. "It sounds super dooper fun, right?" Noel asked, cocking her head.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"How rude!" Sakura exclaimed indignantly to Mordred. "Do you think I'm some mindless gorilla who can't control their own strength? Sure, I can't do it perfectly, but I'd never rip anyone's arm off accidentally!"

Auspicious Breeze

"Ahh, don't worry about Mordred too much. She's too used to our teacher being all rough and scary sometimes." Breeze nodded firmly at this assertion, and then leaned to Sakura to whisper. "It makes her a little jumpy."


Oh yeah. Him She didn't think of that Michael guy as someone she would just trust. He struck her as someone obsessed with martial arts to the point obsession, with no higher goals nor distractions allowed into his daily routine. Training to be a perfect martial artist? She didn't give a shit about that. The power and skill was meant to exercise them in a meaningful way. Unshaken dedication to martial arts was probably something that made one's life too empty. Admittedly, she was not the most healthy person, but there were lines she wouldn't cross and she had that disturbing feeling about Michael that he potentially had no moral brakes. She wondered if Breeze realized that. She was a pretty trusting person after all.

"Yeah, I do not appreciate nasty surprises." She nodded in confirmation. "But if you say so, then I will let you. Go ahead."


Sakura began to gently stroke Mord's tail, feeling the fine red scales glide under her fingers. "They feel niiice~" She said, before returning to the previous issue. "But don't be mean about my strength! I don't like it." She said authoritatively.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Lorenzo Remei

Despite all the fire around them, the air turned chilly at the girl's proposal. On one hand, he had to respect her boldness. The girl had guts, but there was no way he'd give her up after finally finding his lost comrade. He had lost too much in a single lifetime, he would not lose her too. No, he would not lose period.

The skeleton chuckled. Normally, he wouldn't even consider such a thing, but this was different. If he refused a duel so cowardly and gave up one of his treasures without a fight, there was no way he could call himself a captain, let alone a man. Despite that, he could find it in him to laugh. It's not like he could frown even if he wanted to.

"Heh, you've forced my hand. Don't go and cry or regret it later, idiot. Fine, I accept! But if yer going to challenge me, it's only fair that choose the location. You okay with that?"
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 11:06:24 PM by francobull3 »


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She was gently pushed away from him to her dismay but that ended quickly as he mentioned the places of vital interest that he knew off. Despite not knowing where to head she grasped his hand and pulled him along with her. Such a lust for creamy delights, who could possibly match it? No one in existence that is.

"Come on Gaddy we gotta hurry before it's all sold out." They were moving across the former battlefield now littered with dogoo remains, if you could call it remains.  "Oh and watch out for the Dogoo remains, it's slimy and sticky and it gets in everywhere."


There was something else that was of such texture and consistency out there. Considering Neptune's previous appreciation of flexible appendages of dubious origin it made the fallen angel wonder if she was choosing her words to this effect purposefully. It was either that, or Gadreel had spent far too much time around Lucy.

"Do you even know where you are going?" Gadreel did, of course, but he let her lead on for a few minutes before asking that question. Just for fun.


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"Well, I would wish you luck with that but I suspect you don't need it. With magic, and all." Ron smiled, and turned his attention momentarily to the balcony again. He was going to have to get used to that, he could tell. Then Sakura said something that would be absurd coming from anyone but a pregnant woman. "So soon? Well, I guess it couldn't hurt..."

Sakura Matou


As if to answer for her, her stomach suddenly let out a loud grumble, causing the girl to blush slightly in embarrassment. "Well, uh, let's get going then!" She said, suddenly standing up and almost gliding out of the apartment. Something about how she was moving would seem off to an obvserver.


Ron was a really good observer. It came with being a werewolf, especially since he'd focused on his wolf senses from the moment he'd gotten into the apartment. That way he could sniff out and listen for any discreet nastiness that even Sakura might have missed. You never know when some of the contractors around here were gonna cheat you...

That's why you hired long-time locals, preferably. They had ties to keep them honest.

But enough of that. Once they were in the elevator he had to ask. "Are you alright, Sakura?"


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Sakura began to gently stroke Mord's tail, feeling the fine red scales glide under her fingers. "They feel niiice~" She said, before returning to the previous issue. "But don't be mean about my strength! I don't like it." She said authoritatively.

Auspicious Breeze

"I mean you're probably better at controlling it than I am mine, even!" Breeze nodded with much confidence in this opinion. She flexed her arm on that one. "What with having more of it. I'm glad my muscles don't cramp, hehe~."


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"It's too late, how could I have forgotten..."

A bead of sweat, if it could be called that even, rolled down his face. With a furious, desperate but determined face, he grabbed Rafalia's hand and floated away like the wind. He had paid 12$ for an entire package, he wasn't going to let it all go to waste!

For you see, before leaving, the foolish God had put the hot pockets in the oven... only to forget to turn it off!

Rafalia Tredecim

"Whoa, easy there!" The fae huntress beckoned, letting herself be taken by the hasty avatar of darkness on a merry trip to rush out of the hospital. Practically floating along with the erratic but determined missile seeking his freedom and whatever purpose he had taken from his ineffable mind. And apologetically waving to the hospital employees they nearly ran over.

The yelping and outraged screeching of suprised nurses and disturbed patietnts was left behind their unrelenting path. "Sorry, but it seems important!" Rafalia said, pondering their momentum and skipping along to match Methuselah's pace. "You know, I have a mount if you think it'll help."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Umbra of Chaos

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She was losing space. Inconsequential. As long as her swords could move they were as deadly as ever. Finally, she began to stand her ground. If she couldn't use her maneuverability then she would have to become more aggressive. Meti pressed forward with a flurry of blows so perfectly executed that it almost seemed as if a multitude of strikes were converging on Michael at the same time. She let cracks appear on one of her blades, actually touching the staff long enough for the force to harm it, simply to get an edge in.


The beast wasn't taken off guard in the slightest by the whole thing. Her senses were rather impressive after all. Instead she simply watched the body be pulled towards them while jogging her memory a bit. This one was... Oh right! The skin burner.

So Oren did what any sensible person would do in this situation. Her body tensed for but a moment before the mass of fur leaped forwards with her jaws aimed right for crushing the girl's throat.


Erica's cheeks flared red in an instant as the blonde's hands held hers. Her mind had paused for a moment before quickly going back over everything that had just occurred.

"Ah- yes! Yes." The script in her eyes spun a bit faster for a moment. "It sounds like it would be very enjoyable for the both of us. But... but to be absolutely honest spending time with you alone is enjoyable to me. Prolonging such a thing will always be good to me."

Her usually unshakable gaze shattered like glass as she looked away in embarrassment for a moment.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 05:03:25 AM by Umbra of Chaos »