Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43440 times)


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Malcolm Kimberlee

...huh. Okay, so he was right after all. Though this revelation gave a chill down his spine. Now he understood where that shiver came from earlier, that feeling of being probed. He supposed she had to be pretty gullible, to just show something like that to people she just met.

That naivety of hers, it took some guts to have it. Either way, he couldn't dislike it.

Well, whatever. Normally this would be the cue to go all trigger happy, the part where he killed her and got it over with. But he honestly didn't feel it in him this time. It's not that he had any pity for bloodsuckers, but she probably had her reasons. Well, as long as it wasn't business he had no reason to react. That and, she did offer them a favor, giving them a place to stay.

"Tricks, no tricks, doesn't really matter. They all die the same if you blow their head enough times. Though I suppose you'd know that, wouldn't you?"

Malcolm turned to the blondie, and for some reason he smiled. It wasn't smug or condescending at all, in fact it looked slightly friendly. It's like he ironically felt somewhat at ease all of a sudden, all of them had gotten something off their chest. It wasn't much, but it was almost like they could understand one another.

Of course, then he opened his mouth.

"Well, you're both idiots, really." He stretched back and yawned in the most irritating way possible. "I can't imagine how you'd manage to survive this much aside sheer luck. Though I guess it takes one to know one. It's only fair we're sharing the same roof right now. So, how about it? You up for some undead ass kicking later?"
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 03:23:29 AM by francobull3 »


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"They really can't be too dangerous if they manage to leave victims alive. Alright, I've nothing to lose, really. If they're really a threat, then I'll just freeze and shatter them to pieces." Anastasia said indifferently, not really so convinced that those vampires were genuinely threathening to her. Or any competent. After all, monsters she knew didn't leave victims alive.


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Hm, decent idea, exceptional execution.

With her maneuverability neutered, standing her ground was the only real decision available to her, but just how well she switched into that role was worth appreciating. The multitude of blows raining down on him was just as praiseworthy from someone like her, Meti seeming like she was bringing far more blades to bear upon him than she actually had. Truly, progress was being made here, her blades coming ever closer to the immortal's skin. Already, it shouldn't have been possible for Michael to block all of her strikes. Already, she was forcing him to put effort into doing so.

Of course, now that the metal was hot, it was imperative that Michael strike now to start forging the blade, and his next move was made with that in mind.

As a reward for her bladework, the immortal took a step back, reducing a distance outside of both her range but still within his current range to a single step, leaving the tiles where he'd once stood cracked from the force of his movement. In that movement, the immortal's stance had shifted, if such a thing was meaningful anymore to any of the three immortals in the room. From his new position, he allowed only a smirk before launching his attack, that same feeling of prayer radiating from Michael before a flurry of thrusts executed with such skill that one could be forgiven for thinking they were all coming down at once. At the same time, one could've also been forgiven for thinking that the range was just short.

On the latter count, they would undoubtedly be wrong.

Just before the end of each thrust, the staff extended out to half and again its original length, thrusting out further to reach Meti and beyond, each blowing raining down with crushing force. All that was left to see was how she'd deal with this. At the same time, the immortal's blows almost seemed to carry a message. One that could only reach his opponent. One that acknowledged Meti's capabilities, but promised her that she could achieve so much more with the proper tutoring.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 04:24:54 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Forest of the Present

The vampire eyed Malcolm and said, "Or just one that's the right make, right caliber, and properly aimed.  However, I don't know if I can join in a hunt.  I might be dead weight with a couple of magi, plus I'm still trying to get this place open."

She blinked at Anastasia's claim and said, "Well, that cold theoretically work too."


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But once he arrived before the building he was all to accustomed to living under, he realized that his resolve hadn't been the only thing that burned. He stared, along with the horse, his companion, and the dozens of horror struck people looking up at the fiery apartment.

If he had the biological abilities to do so, there would be nothing but cold sweat dripping down his face. His body trembled, his voice shook, but luckily they were far too behind to be noticed by the distracted crowd.

"Aah...alright, I see. I s-see, let's keep calm. Just keep cool and be logical about this, Methuselah. T-t-they say that s-some doctors can change people's f-faces. That's right, r-right? All I need to do is hide and change name... it's fine that way, right? Yes, r-right?"

Rafalia Tredecim

The faerie sucked in air through her teeth, riding out a wince at the vivid crimson and grey clouds that had the building of Methuselah's attention as their epicenter. His anxious trembling on her by comparison dainty lap told her this wasn't exactly what he was hoping to find, although undoubtedly the original target of his haste.

"I hope you have good insurance, because that fire isn't exactly small," Rafalia said, her voice a whisper amid a panicking crowd and the blaring of approaching sirens. Her horse neighed in agreement. "Oh! I could change your face if you want. A little bit. But wouldn't you have to report to your police superiors anyways?"
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 04:10:16 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Muramasa's assistance proved to be useful but honestly too flashy for Mitsuba's tastes. However, she had no time to fuss about the blatantness of what she did. It was more urgent to do something than worry about the Cover. Without hesitation, she stabbed in the direction of the new opponent, intent on piercing the enemy and then lopping off large chunk of its body in order to free herself.


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The pokemon got up, shook himself off, and then looked up at Shirou, standing up against him and wagging his tail, apparently completely unfazed by the experience.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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Shirou quickly realised that his pet was not even remotely fazed by the fall he'd just had, walking towards him and wagging his tail excitedly.  So, he decided against picking the creature up, instead moving to rub and stroke him for a while, before moving to pick up another stick to throw. Realising his previous mistake, Shirou decided to just throw the stick normally once more, reinforcing himself only slightly to add a little more power to the throw.


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Shirou quickly realised that his pet was not even remotely fazed by the fall he'd just had, walking towards him and wagging his tail excitedly.  So, he decided against picking the creature up, instead moving to rub and stroke him for a while, before moving to pick up another stick to throw. Realising his previous mistake, Shirou decided to just throw the stick normally once more, reinforcing himself only slightly to add a little more power to the throw.


Instantly, the pokemon jumped again. However, this time, he didn't launch himself towards the stick.

"Kyuuuuu!" The eevee cried out as it sailed toward Shirou's arms, waiting for him to catch him.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"... that was pretty cool." He had to admit he was jealous. Just a little. Sure he could do all kinds of things, but hovering wasn't one of those. Well there's no use crying over what you don't have, so he just shook his head and followed on after her. Knowing his luck something was going to come along and get them both in trouble.

Might be fun. Or they might just get fast food like normal people; that'd be nice too.

Sakura Matou

Sakura glanced back at him with a smile. "Hehe, you jealous of my awesomeness?" She asked in a jesting tone, aware that he'd figured her out.

Soon, the elevator dinged, and she bounded out to the car ahead of Ron, informing her driver of where they were taking a detour to next. After she finished telling them about that, she opened up the door for Ron and waited for him to get inside.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Hmmpf, this arena was surely filled with people of the lowest standards. Despite that, she had to admit that it did look fairly impressive. As the crowd roared, no doubt in part to her incredibly revealing underwear. She turned to them and thrust out her chest and shook her shapely hips as she spoke to them.

If she couldn't compete with Medaka's bouncy volume in her bunny suit, she'd just have to resort to using more than that. "I am happy for all of your support guys, but do not get any ideas or I will suck you all dry~" Her fangs visible as she grinned at them.

Her grin faded as she became completely still, observing Lorenzo with an empty glare, void of all emotion.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 07:58:07 PM by Thedoctor »


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Relius Clover

Sparks flew as his puppet spear connected with the armour.  In the time it took for him to retract his limb, the girl had already turned around to face Ignis.  Relius smirked in satisfaction.  He raised his arm, causing a puppet hand to spawn from his jacket.  It reached head, the palm impacting the back of the head while the giant fingers of the hand covered her face, cutting off her air supply.

Meanwhile, Ignis took the strike to the torso, allowing the blade to dig into her.  However, she followed through on her attempt to use her limbs rope.  Now that her arms had successfully wrapped around her waist, she tightened them, pulling the girl to her chest.


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Lorenzo Remei

Lorenzo held his arms up high and turned to the roaring cheers of the crowd. This adrenaline, the rushing energy of the spectacle, he loved every bit of it. It's like he was soaring up in the skies to meet the stars, it was simply exhilarating.

Of course, this was just part of the show. He focused back to his lovely challenger, who was now staring at him. How lovely, it seemed she was polite enough to sit back and watch for now. He took a stance, braced himself, but didn't advance for a small while. For now, both were simply observing one another, he took the time to analyze her.

Yes, he saw that look plenty of times. He wouldn't have been able to thrive over the seas for as long as he did if he couldn't tell a warrior's worth. She was definitely, strong, maybe even stronger than him. But this didn't matter in the slightest. He fought to win, and hated losing, but in the end he too had pent up feelings to express.

"Let's dance!" He boomed before taking a dash to the side, circling around her to try to get by her blind spot. He moved like the wind, running faster than a normal man could ever manage, grabbed something from his undercoat and pulled it out to reveal a bottle.

Still running, he crushed the glass with all the strength of his fiery grip and burnt its contents, sending flame and glass flying from the container.  And with a sudden wave of his hand, he threw a powerful fireball at her direction. Meanwhile, his other hand was ready to reach for his blade, prepared for  her assault.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 09:50:09 PM by francobull3 »

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All Lucy did was pout and squirm as she was pulled off. Well, she did whine a bit too. "Master... Don't you want to play with us? I can't believe you're so patient when we were so inviting. But I suppose I can wait." Then she shrugged. And tried kissing the man on the cheek.


It was not the skill of the strike that bothered her as the blows came down. The trick as the staff extended out was the real annoyance. Its efforts showed as her flawless parry led to the blade shattering in a spray of metal as she shifted to the side and forwards.

With her blades broken her only option was to close the distance even further, to the point where even he could not properly use is staff. So she pressed the attack like a women possessed, moving so that blows meant to end the battle only caused fractures and bruises as she all but hugged the more experienced fighter. Her shattered swords flashed out at every possible opening, each one meant to open his throat, or rend his limbs apart, or tear him wide open.


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Medaka+Stadium crowd

Several men from the crowd stood up and whistled at the young blond's erotic appeal to the crowd.  "Ohoho!" A man yelled from the crowd.  "That girls feisty!  My money's on her."  Another shout from the opposite side of the stadium could be heard over the hoots and cheers.  "You can suck me dry any day blondie!"

As the two fighters stared each other down, the stadium's volume lowered a bit.  The hoots and whistles were now partially replaced by the white noise of conversation as the two squared off.  In the meantime, Medaka brought the microphone to her lips.

"You can feel the tension in the air.  That cold glare, that desire to tear into the opponents capabilities!  Only the bold would dare make a move in a stare down like this!"

Just then, Lorenzo shot to the side, breaking a bottle that turned into a fireball that was hurtled at her favorite blond vampire.

Medaka leaned forward in an exaggerated motion, her excited smile spreading even farther across her face.  "And true to form, the great Lorenzo Remei loses to no creature when it comes to a contest of the bold!  How will Shinobu deal with this assault!?"

« Last Edit: February 07, 2017, 12:10:46 AM by yinsukin »