Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43498 times)


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She gracefully shrugged her shoulders before leaning over to hug William from behind. "She thinks she's being a bit clever and brave. Maybe she'll even try to tell a few things to her friends? I love leaving bait for others to follow. They can do it so... thoughtlessly. Besides, there's no harm in playing with a toy every now and then."

"It's not a bad reason at all, master. I'd even consider it a rather good one."


As the serial killer walked around wasting her precious daylight hours as she tried to decide who to kill next she encountered a pretty big problem. Namely, that she didn't know who to kill next! That was a pretty big problem. Usually she had someone on mind. A criminal, or a bully, or some popular kid, or a particularly annoying person. But right now she was out of ideas. Maybe she could stuff in a random one before homework?

Ehh. She'd never get anything done like that. Especially if It was gonna bug her today for a few more. She could never really resist It's little jabs and goads to action. For a moment Jasey just considered and scratched her head. Then she started to hear something that sounded like... yelling?

She looked up for a second and noticed some figure rapidly plummeting down towards her. Would she just splat if she hit the ground? It might have been kind of funny in a morbid sense, but come on, she wasn't that bad a person. Probably.

So she held out her arms and just waited patiently for the girl to land in her arms. The sudden jolt when the dark hair girl finally came down might have pulled around any ordinary person but she was completely fine. And... she's kinda cute.

Well, if people were literally dropping out of the sky into her arms she must be getting lucky in some sense! "Hi?"


Noire's fall came to an unexpected half only a few feet above the ground she had been expecting to splat into. Instead of becoming a mishappen pancake on the ground, instead this normal looking girl had somehow effortlessly caught her.


Noire blinked once, twice, then again. Out of all the possible outcomes she'd been thinking of, this was the one that she hadn't considered at all.

"Umm... hello." Noire awkwardly said to her apparent savior.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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"So... you wanna go on a date some time? I'm Jasey." She had to take her chances when they literally came falling out of the sky! What was the chance of her getting this lucky again? Well, probably a bit high all things considered but she couldn't bet on that.

So the teenager kept a straight face as she gently placed the dark haired girl down. If she said yes that would be great; if she said no then there was no harm done.


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Vanguard smiled gently and bent down in order to pat Meti's head. "Fu fu fu. How fortunate, you seem to have a new caretaker."

There was something eerily wrong about the way he smiled, his eyes and his lips spoke of entirely different stories. And yet, there was something chillingly inviting about these words, the sort of sorcery that only the strong can whisper into others ears.

"I have some business to attend to. I do suggest you leave. It would be quite troublesome for you if my partner caught you two uninvited. A jar of formuline ill suits such formidable actors such as yourselves." He knelt down the two, lowering himself to their stature, yet it didn't make him look any smaller, almost like he was looking down on them.

"You may go with my blessings, good fortune to you both." He said kindly.


Malcolm's fork was stopped right in its track by the heroic Anastasia, who used her great ice magic to protect the pigeon pie from his devious hands. "Tch, damn you." He pouted. This was too cruel.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 06:32:06 PM by francobull3 »


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Now with the feet on the ground the redhead could put up more of a fight. That crash sapped some energy from her so she wasn't at her top shape, but she still had more power for fighting then someone could expect from a person dragged out of a car wreck. Sometimes the best offense was defense, so her response to Oren aiming for her throat was shifting into the form of that spiked lizard which worked so well against Medaka, at the same time shielding her throat with one of arms. She could take a hit from the werewolf like thing and then mercilessly counterattack. Just in case, her other arm started building up energy, so that it would hit Oren hard if Rikuyo managed to exploit an opening.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 08:15:18 PM by Kat »


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"So... you wanna go on a date some time? I'm Jasey." She had to take her chances when they literally came falling out of the sky! What was the chance of her getting this lucky again? Well, probably a bit high all things considered but she couldn't bet on that.

So the teenager kept a straight face as she gently placed the dark haired girl down. If she said yes that would be great; if she said no then there was no harm done.


Noire stared at the girl for a second, before taking a step back with her eyes wide and a completely surprised look. "Wha wha whaaat!?" Noire asked. "What's your deal, why are you so forward?!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Several invisible hands moved forward at incredible speed in order to catch her friend. She couldn't let this happen, no matter what he would protect her, even from herself! After all, that is what friends do, isn't it? They were so fast, she couldn't even see them, which was really annoying.

In this case, she just needed to send them everywhere until they caught her, just tossing all 7 in her general direction and hoping one would reach her. She'd drag her back screaming if she had to, but Oren better owe her an apology for acting out like this for no reason.


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One of her her experience? Was he asking how old she was? Couldn't he see she was in tip top shape? On the other hand, that was actually a good question. How old she was, Histy probably knew, too bad she wasn't here or rather good for her. Wouldn't want to get scolded again so soon.

"Hmmm... I dunno, It's sooooo long ago my memories just kinda blur at a certain point ya know. But I'm preeeetty sure I've never ridden a steed as great as you Gaddy!"


"Well now, it seems you have become the flatterer yourself." His eyebrow lifted in an expression of curiosity, one he had first found his face assuming without prior observation of human faces. Curious in itself, how naturally it came. "But what of other deities? Surely some have been so inclined toward you in your long history."

Gadreel had never been one to turn down other immortals if he found them appealing, even if humans were his preferred sin as his devilish niece would put it.


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Sakura Matou

"Hah, of course not, that'd be silly." Sakura chuckled again, still hiding the fact she was deeply uncomfortable with the fact he seemed to be scared of his girlfriend.

To her, that just seemed...

Wrong. It felt completely alien. Like something that shouldn't exist. The entire idea that it did made her feel physically ill.

Or maybe it was the pregnancy.

Probably both.

She still didn't know how to deal with this. Maybe she'd recommend him a relationship councilor. Counseling was helpful in her experience.

Sakura fell silent for a bit, just fidgeting in her seat, playing idly with her belly button through her clothes.


Ron smiled after first, about to agree with her, but then he sniffed at the air and tilted his head to the side. There was something off about Sakura's scent right now that he couldn't quite place now. It could be the pregnancy of course; that did all kinds of weird things to the body that he could smell. Without turning into a wolf he wouldn't be able to pinpoint it exactly; his senses were only so sharp as a human.

Was there something wrong with what he'd said? Or was there just something going on in her body? "Are you sure everything's okay?"


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Sakura, who had been mostly silent up until now, finally put the two to the ground gently, adjusted her cap, and nodded. "Of course I know what arcade games are. I've never played any though."

Auspicious Breeze

"Arcade... games?" Breeze blinked a few times as she tried to wrap her head around it. They didn't have anything like that where she was from, she thought. Or at Michael's place either for that matter. Or maybe they did and she'd just never seen it? Ohh, or maybe the distant Scarlet Empire had them? "Do you mean like the building style?"

She picked up on some weird things hanging around her mistress.


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Even as the significantly taller lizard-woman walked towards her, the Monster Hunter standing her ground even as she found herself looking up at the woman. Well, granted, while she certainly would've been intimidating under normal circumstances, the effect was somewhat ruins by the fact that she was visibly dripping water with every step.

"Did feel like letting you go without your meal, that's all," she noted, indicating the bucket of fish in her hands, "Do you have somewhere we can store this stuff? I can't let go of the bucket."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"Perhaps you should check again Medaka. His flame has stopped shrinking has it not, in a few hours he will be back to hos usual flamboyant self." She told her blue haired minion and then made her way to the edge of the arena.

The blond vampire walked with a relaxed grace, her fangs exposed and glinting as she made her way over.  "Oh look who we have here... are you not the one claiming he would take both me and my girlfriend?" The blonde leaned forward slightly as she questioned him, giving him an amused grin as well as an even better view of her breasts in the black silky bra that appeared to be in it's original undamaged state once more.


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As the blond's fangs caught his eye, it had occurred to him that this was probably not the best idea.  This could either go one of two ways.  One, she wanted to screw him and he was about to have amazing sex.  Two, she was playfully using her body to drain him of his blood.  Either way, it was too late to turn back now.

"umm yeah." he said, his head and eyes pointed down at her lovely breasts. "That was me." 

On the other hand, the nicely dress man came down from the stairs, joining the two at the edge of the arena.  "Hey!  I bet far more than him!  Where is my reward!?"  he demanded.

Meanwhile, Medaka sighed and said,  “Alright, but I am still a little worried.  Ill hold onto him until he awakes.”  Then, she grabbed his skull and began walking around the arena picking up his scattered limbs.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 01:42:09 PM by yinsukin »


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As the younger vampire was busy gathering parts, Shinobu continued moving closer towards the first man. She spared the second well dressed a single ice cold glare and spoke dismissively. "You are boring." Before continuing on to her original target. As she reached him, she leaned forward until they were eye to eye while resting her hands on his shoulders.

"You are quite brave to show up after saying that~..." Her fangs quite visible as she looked at him with a strange sense of satisfaction. "...So what is it you desire so strongly?"
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 11:34:31 PM by Thedoctor »


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The man averted his eyes from the vampire's and ended up moving to the announcers ass as she bent over.  The moment he realized what he was doing, his eyes shifted again to the wall in fear that the blond would catch that.  She had a point.  What the hell was he doing here?  Its probably not a good idea to mess with someone who can regenerate from explosions.  No, the stupid thing is that he stuck around to let her do as she pleases. "Umm... I uhh wanted to fuck the two of you at the same time.  Do you want specifics?"  he said with an unintentional amount of sarcasm.  Shit!  He shut his eyes, bracing for punishment.

The tall man on the other hand flinched as his gaze met the vampire.  He turned and left without saying a word.

Medaka looked around.  She had already picked up several of his limbs.  There were no pockets in her skin tight bunny suit and she didn't bring a bag with her to the stadium.  With a shrug, she walked over to the edge of the arena, walking past Shinobu and the man.  She placed the skull and the other parts on the floor in a pile.  She could have the elder vampire make her a bag after she was done playing around.


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The blond vampire did indeed notice his eyes straying over to Medaka's ass, but she chose not to comment on it. He only moments later made a sarcastic comment anyway that would make this so much sweeter. Him closing his eyes like that was just too cute, awating a punishment that wouldn't come.

Shinobu looked over at Medaka as she passed them and place Lorenzo's parts in a pile nearby. She really did look stunning in that outfit. It would probably work out best if she was being forward.

"Oh Medaka can you come over here? I have a bit of an issue here. I said that I would reward him but he wants to take both of us at the same time. What should I do?" The vampire sounded like she was giving it actual thought.