Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43524 times)


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Lorenzo Remei

Lorenzo's skull turned to Medaka and he sighed. "I said it's fine Medaka, there's no need for you to tell me or justify anything. Whatever you've done, I won't judge you. I completely under- wait you did WHAT!?"

The boat and everything turned silent at his sudden realization. It was unbelievable, simply unbelievable, if he knew any better he'd think they were trying to make a fool out of him. Medaka was strong, he believed entirely in her, there was no way she'd do something so stupid if she didn't have a good reason. Maybe they were messing with him after all, some sort of sick twisted revenge to punish him for dying in the first place. Well, it was fine. No harm in going along with it.

"Jeez, you're hopeless." He shook his head, almost as if disapproving. "Please tell me you at least traded it for something worthwhile. Like world peace, or better, free meat and alcohol for everyone! Well, I guess they're both the same in the end..."


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka turned her head to face Shinobu as Lorenzo's skull turned to face her.  Then, she sat down on her knees and placed Lorenzo's skull on the wooden floor next to Shinobu's body.  Somehow, it felt wrong to hold it so close.

Her eyes never met his.  Instead, her face was directed towards Shinobu to avoid facing his stare.  With a sigh she looked finally said it,  "I wanted to bring him back to life."

« Last Edit: February 17, 2017, 11:48:46 PM by yinsukin »


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Sakura Matou

"Um, yeah." Sakura lied to Ron. "I'm just hungry, see!" Sakura said, clearly somewhat flustered. Her stomach felt like it was in a knot right now. No good.


She was probably just not comfortable telling him. Which was okay; all things considered they barely knew each other. It wasn't really wise to show too much weakness around new people in Nexus anyway. But if it kept up then he was going to push the point. "Well, if you're sure..."

He smiled, trying to put her a bit more at ease.

Sakura Matou

Sakura smiled back at Ron, awkwardly. "Mhm, once I get some food in my belly, it'll all be fine. Everything will be great." She said, as much to herself as to Ron. Maybe if she said it enough, it would actually be true.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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If it was almost anyone else asking me on a hunting trip, I'd probably accept.  Just not that bloody peck there, Forest thought.

She eyed Anastasia and said, "Well, I could see if there's a place where you can get clothes at a reasonable price here."


Rin blinked at Joe's plea.  Then she bit the straw and took a hasty drink.   It seemed as if her role in life was a guide to someone else. 

She sighed and said, "No, I really didn't have a guide.  I had a shitty priest that was supposed to care for me, but the only thing he really taught me was how to punch people." 

She spun the straw and made it clank against the ice and chuckled.  "Seems like I'm doomed to show people the ropes, but you've lived here all your life, but . . . maybe I can make something out of you where you can defend yourself against a werewolf."


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Gojira stared at the woman, trying to decipher any ulterior motives. Finding none, she deflated with a sigh. The monster turned around, being mindful not to tail-swipe the person who salvaged her food, she pointed to a nearby eight-story building. "I have an apartment there," She said, "Top floor."

Gojira's mood was still sour, but at the very least she has her fish back...


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They arrived at the arcade videogame place. It was filled with coin-operated machines but many of those would seem so alien for Breeze. Maybe just to ease her into whole thing, she should pick something with a premise clearly familiar to her. There was this arcade game that Mordred didn't recognize in her previous world, but which wasn't something unique. The game featured a wide roster of warriors from all around the world and eras, archetypes that you could pick and play to fight through hordes of enemies in a co-operative mode for up to 3 players. Players also could potentially fuck over each other when trying to seize a particular power up, something which added spice to the gameplay. Also ostensibly at the end of each map, a boss awaited.

"I guess we could play this, it's called Monster Crashers. It's a pretty simple but fun game, just pick one of warriors and we could plow through hordes of monsters showing up on the screen. And then defeat the big one at the end of each stage. Though I guess I should instruct you how to play it, Breeze. You heard about arcades, Sakura, so I guess I don't have to explain basics, then?"


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The pirate immediately regretted saying that when he realized Medaka wasn't joking, and his leg wasn't being pulled at all. He had trouble believing it, even more understanding why. He felt conflicted, like a thousand different emotions were swirling inside him. He'd have understood if it was anyone else, he knew the pain and indignation of losing better than anyone. He too would have done the same, probably even more, if it meant he could bring them back.

"You absolute fool. You didn't have to do that, you idiot..." He muttered sadly. Even so, he couldn't accept this. Why? Why him?

He hated it, the fact that he understood made the marrow in his bones broil in shame and fury. It was his duty as a captain, as her captain, to take care of her and bear her burdens, not the other way around! The fact anyone would sacrifice anything for his sake was something he simply couldn't stand. It was the same, the same as back then. Even now not a damn thing changed.

He had failed her, completely and utterly. There were no words to express his shame.


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Though the way Vanguard spoke and the way he smiled spoke of two different stories, Michael didn't have much time to worry about that, the primary reason being Meti deciding to leave. Likely out of worry for her sword cart, judging by her pace. Allowing a bemused sigh and a shake of his head, the immortal followed after her, only to stop at the threshold, as if he'd just remembered something.

"Ah, yes, a parting word, if you will," Michael said, poised at the threshold to the strange training arena, "About what you said earlier, before the little training session. Certainly, the world will only remember results, but what about you?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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For a breif moment, Medaka glanced at Lorenzo's skull.  "Honestly, it wouldn't have been that bad, provided he brought you back.  Helping others gives me the greatest satisfaction in life.  Besides, back in my old world, I willingly sold my being to do just that, albeit with more autonomy.  However, he said he couldn't bring you back and tormented me with your image until he got bored and left."

The young vampire took a deep breath, turning her head to face Shinobu.  "In order to stay strong, I resolved to help him, maybe even save him.  But I failed and now he is dead." she said, her hands tightening into a fist before relaxing into an open palm.  "If I hadn't meet Shinobu, I dont know what would have happened to me."  She flashed her fangs.  "Ever since she turned me into a vampire, ive been her happy companion.  We have been on plenty of adventures already...."

Medaka stopped talking.  Her face turned red as she remembered why she brought this up to begin with.  She shifted in her seat a little bit and nursed her left hand with her right.  "Umm... I lost my virginity.  Well in a matter of speaking."


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"That is more than a word, dear." He said with a kind smile before sending them off. One step, two steps, and soon enough they were away from this little sanctuary.

For a second, his smile turned more perverse, unnatural. He tried to restrain it, he truly did, but even with a hand before his mouth he couldn't help but giggle at the thought. How troublesome, if that William or Relius saw him as such, that would be quite embarrassing, if not troublesome. Even with barriers and thick walls, one could never feel too safe. That William boy was proof that such halfhearted measures just wouldn't do.

Basking in this brief moment of hilarity, he took a deep sigh and looked up, peaceful madness creeping in his voice. "And to think someone would unmask me so easily, how troublesome. It appears I may have aged, but there is yet room to grow. Fufufu... " He walked out of the training room, taking light steps towards the laboratory.

Slave puppets walked up to him and tended to his old wound, pasting new artificial flesh and kneading the metal into an uniform shape until it didn't look like he received a wound in the first place. He took the time afterwards to work his hair into a ponytail and tried some different clothes until he settled for a white coat. Pleased, he made sure his appearance was presentable using a mirror, and then left with a nonchalant stride through the backdoor.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2017, 08:16:22 PM by francobull3 »


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From what the changeling had seen so far, it was pretty standard stuff as far as massive castles went, if a bit on the empty side. After a while, they found themselves in a nicely carpeted hall with a couple of guys who fit the stereotypical mage to a T, something William proceeded to confirm as he detailed some of their antics. Emily had to hold back a frown as an idea occurred to her, not exactly liking the turn her thoughts were taking, but she needed to test the figurative waters nonetheless.

With a moment's focus, the changeling quickly called took a peek at the desires of those two mages, picking out the one with the impractical moat in mind. With another contract, she swiftly reached into the mage's mind, the ease of her task and the nature of the adjustment making it as easy as breathing even without the changeling's not-inconsiderable power. A seductively sweet tendril of thought crept into the man's mind, easily blending in with the rest as that desire for sharks with headcannons was tweaked to the far simpler desire of just plain old cursed water in the moat instead, the mage none the wiser to the changeling's little trick.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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A loud groan could be heard from the blonde vampire as Medaka made her last statement. Why would she just say it like that? So with an annoyed tone she spoke up. "Hey I lost my virginity! What kind of topic is that even?" The blonde paused for a moment before continuing.

"In a manner of speaking? You can give your cherry away as many times as you want, going from that I guess you would be an eternal virgin. Talking about adventures however.... You were so lost when I met you. I had to carry you to the hospital and then I had to save you from the medical staff who were trying to kill you."


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It appeared that the redhead was distracted by something, now that couldn't be allowed. He stopped the tour in an empty hallway and then turned towards Emily, giving the girl a quick kiss on the lips as he pulled her curvy body against his. "Is something bothering you?...." He trailed off as he got lost taking in the beautiful appearance of the girl once more, she looked absolutely incredible.

"Tell me Lucy when was the last time you saw a girl as hot as Emily here?" He spoke out loud this time.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Hmm. Well, every day, actually. Usually in the mirror. Although..." And then she pressed up behind Emily, sandwiching the redhead between her and William. Then her hands slipped in between their victim and the mage as she started to fondle Emily's breast.

"She does have a few assets that I don't."


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"No no no, you're totally supposed to shake the gift before you unwrap it, it's sooo much better like that." Why did he have to be so stubborn about not taking the praise, was his self confdence that low, nah that could't be it. He looked more like the type who felt guilty about something. Yeah that must be it, he even said they threw him out, so he must have done something.

She finished her pussing and looked at him with a feeling of excitement, meeting new friends was always great. Now they just had to seal the deal the best way possible, by playing games of course!

"Now that we settled that, shouldn't you be inviting me home Gaddy? Your evil plan of taking advantage of poor little me would really be easier." The joke was too fun to end now so she kept going with it, having enjoyed his reactions so far.


The fallen angel laughed at her persistent efforts to... do whatever it is that Neptune seemed to do. It was an amusing venture, regardless of its intention. "Do you always coach alleged villains in the best manner with which they might defeat you, Neptune?"

It was at this point that he realized the best manner in which to go about this supposed wickedness he had in mind for the goddess. But first, they had to pay for all of that pudding. "In a moment... perhaps." And then he went to do just that, playing along with the scenario by paying for what Neptune had already eaten - and more packages of pudding besides. Bait, one might call it.

Gadreel looked down to her once he finished. "Now then, what shall I do with all of this extra pudding...?"