Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43570 times)


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"My name is Gojira." The monsterwoman responded, eyes still facing forward.

She actually didn't have a name upon arriving at the Nexus. One of the first few people she encountered yelled out "Gojira!" for whatever reason, and the name just kind of stuck. She is now fond of it, even.

The elevator's doors slid open, revealing a hallway with six doors on both sides. Gojira led Adjutor to one with the number "84" to the left of it. Digging keys out of a hard-to-see pocket, she unlocked the door and beckoned the hoody-wearing woman in while turning on the lights. "I suppose I should thank you for bringng back my food," she said while walking into the kitchenette.The she-monster then turned to face her guest. "Would you care to join me for dinner?"

Hospitality was an alien concept to Gojira, but gratitude was not. Adjutor might be of a...lower species, but she did help her out and that should be rewarded. However, Gojira ate her fish raw, a notion that everyone else seemed not to share. But she has seen cooked fish before - just throw it on a pan on top of a stove. How hard could that be?


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In spite of the confinement, Adjutor managed to hold her composure fairly well, practically feeling her knuckles stinging already in memory of her training. Thankfully, it was over soon enough the doors opening once more to allow them onto what was presumably the 8th floor. The monster Hunter followed Gojira in, eyes going black for a moment as Xarrest's sight kicked in before she turned the light on.

Looking around curiously, the monster Hunter pulled back the hoodie, scanning the room for any sort of magic and finding none.

"Ah, it's fine," Adjutor said, "And that sounds nice. Speaking of which, do you have somewhere to put these? I can't really let go of the bucket."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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The demon waited for an opportunity to strike down whoever came out of the rubble. Thanks to the fact that she could "stand" mid-air thanks to her electromagnetism, she was able to assume her stance as if she was on the solid ground. That would enable to close her distance more efficiently than usual. When Ignis was sent up to investigate, Mitsuba moved down at a high speed in an attempt to cut her down. Muramasa was engulfed with electricity just to make it more powerful, even if the difference wasn't too significant. Everything was a fair game in a conflict with such a threat.


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Clever. Anyone would be caught off guard by that, but even if Oren was so stealthy for such a big moving target, the landshark thing's aura was simply too potent and there was no way Rikuyo's senses could be fooled. Her enemy might not have been aware of that. So this opened up a chance for Rikuyo to exploit at some risk. There was of course the other enemy, but if her gambit played out well she could do a lot of damage to Oren before the second combatant retaliated. The redhead was comfortable enough with switching between her favored forms that she transformed into her half-wolf form as Oren approached and clashed her chi engulfed fist with the lizard's claw. She wouldn't lose easily in the contest of strength.


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"I'm Anastasia." The tall girl introduced herself to the woman with weirdly colored hair. She must have been a wizard, then. It just looked like some result of a minor magical mishap. In some backwater villages peasants would flee from her, and in the most isolated ones they would probably burn her on a stake. She called those familiars friends, but she guessed they were still familiars. The fact that they looked unnatural remained.

"Huh, you do look quite young for someone who has a familiar. You must be good. Are magical beasts like this your specialty?" Anastasia didn't bother to introduce herself as a magician. Maybe the very fact that she recognized them as familiars would be enough. Knowledge on them was restricted for the majority of mundane people.

Oka Kurosawa

"Hi, Nice to meet you Anastasia." Oka said, reaching out to shake her hand. "And um, no these aren't magical. I actually can't cast magic at all. They're really just my friends. They're both pokemon, you see. Wormy here can control fire and burn bad people alive, and Mimikyu up here—" Oka reached up and affectionately patted the pokemon on her head. "Is really really strong."

"Are you a mage, by any chance?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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By any chance? Normally it should have been obvious that she was a one, but the girl claimed she couldn't cast magic at all. How then she tamed those obviously supernatural creatures? She was really, really curious how someone mundane got them. There was probably something more to that than friendship. Like where she found them, for example.

"Uh, yes, I'm one. I can control ice and freeze bad things, so I guess it's kinda like your pet, but our elements are different. Where did you get them?" She said after shaking Oka's hand. She was getting accustomed to people greeting like that, though she still felt a bit out of water.


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That didn't seem really smart but Jasey knew a no when she saw one. Still, it would be kind of a shame if Noire were to die. She didn't seem that bad. So Jasey did take out her phone and pulled up the current map of the Nexus. "Well, I'm not sure how good you are at memorizing but here. You should at least get a general idea of where you want to go regardless of whether you can take care of yourself or not."

Then she just handed the other girl her phone as she kept talking. "You should stay out of all the areas highlighted in red. They're pretty dangerous. Gangers, monsters, and whatever are around there. The green places are the ones that take in strays every night, but they fill up kinda fast so you wanna get there early. And my number is 666-732-9811. If you run into some real bad trouble just call and I'll try to make it as soon as possible."


Noire took the phone from Jasey's hands and quickly scanned the map, memorizing the general feel of it. "Ok, thanks." Noire said, this time genuinely. Maybe she wasn't really that bad, and was just a weird kid. "I'll see you around Jasey. Have a good-" Noire paused, looking up at the sky. "Afternoon."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"I have some coins in my wallet. And there is an ATM nearby. If I run out of cash, I will just withdraw some money, and buy something to get some change. I got you all covered." Mordred wouldn't invite them here if she was unprepared.

"Do you want to watch me and Sakura play first or do you prefer to learn through experimenting with controls?" She asked Breeze. "Don't worry about dragging us down in the game, it's just something for fun."

Sakura shook her head at Mordred's question.

"Uh-uh." She said in response to her question. "I've played enough games to know the basics of controls, you know. Do you have any change? Or does this place use tokens?" She asked, ready to go gather change while Mord explained the basics to Breeze if they needed some.

Auspicious Breeze

"Hmm!" She looked at the controls and tilted her head, a little confused already. "I guess one of you is gonna have to show me what to do, then! I'm in your capable hands." Cute girls' capable hands were always the best kind. Even when it wasn't, well, literally!


"Oh, are you sure you don't want help? At least let me buy any snacks for us." Sakura said again. She didn't like relying on people completely. "And don't worry, the basics are easy. You'll probably just die alot and spend alot of Mord's money, hehe."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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And so the tall creeper of an Angel brought his nefarious plan in motion by bringing the heroine into his fold. In other word he invited her to his mundane looking apartment. Or at least normal at a first glance. On a second look once you got past the kitchen it was filled with weapons hanging on the walls, yup a secret base, Nep was always right.

"It totally looks like an awesome base!" The purple haired goddess went straight for weapons hanging on the walls and took down a broadsword. Swooshing sounds were made as begun swinging it through the air. On the surface it might look like she was just haphazardly swinging it around, but if viewed closer you could see she was switching from stance to stance at a fast pace while also making sure not to hit anything.


"Thank you. I've done my best to give it a certain charm. You may say it is the... beginner's safe house that one acquires after the prologue. I am sure I shall upgrade for space purposes if nothing else sooner rather than later." Grand Theft Auto had been a strange and questionable production by the human species, but one that the fallen angel found perversely entertaining at times. It also provided him with some linguistic references to use for this situation.

Then he saw her testing his makeshift armory for herself. Neptune's enthusiasm was admirable. Her deceptive skill a blade, even more. Gadreel even tapped his left palm with the tips of his right fingers to express it.


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Sakura Matou

"Alrighty." Sakura said. "And one large vanilla milkshake please."

With that, they drove around the drive through, picked up their food, and continued on their way to the other place. As she sucked voraciously on her straw, she took a break to ask Ron a question. "So, are you interested in seeing the other location I can rent?" She asked seriously. She didn't want to waste his time after all.


The werewolf as a bit slower about his milkshake, but since that was all he had he finished it faster than Sakura finished her's. Then he thought back to the apartment she'd shown him. It was pretty spacious, and as far as he could tell it was in a good area. And with his sense of smell he was sure there was nothing lurking in there he should worry about. The only real issue was the balcony.

"Hmm. Not today, no. Now, if it were just up to me I'd sign right now on that one you showed me already." He nodded to make his point clear. "But I do need to talk to Anne first."


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"Oh, are you sure you don't want help? At least let me buy any snacks for us." Sakura said again. She didn't like relying on people completely. "And don't worry, the basics are easy. You'll probably just die alot and spend alot of Mord's money, hehe."

Auspicious Breeze

"Eh? Die?" She blinked at the thought of that. That seemed little extreme! Even for Breeze, and she'd grown up as a slave gladiator killing people with her bare hands to avoid being put down like the ugly mutant reject she'd been born as. "Umm, I dunno if I want to play that then... these people are really brave."

Then she frowned. "Or do you somehow come back after...?"


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"Sure, there should be some general store nearby, I think." Due to the tendency of large malls to explode or devolve into sanity crushing hellscapes, general stores started gaining some popularity as they were generally more low key and a less tempting target for supernatural terrorism. Monsters which usually targeted smaller stores were usually such small fries that she had no doubts that they would just end up as a smear on the wall with Sakura around. Trusting her capable (and much stronger) sidekick, she passed some money to Sakura and then started correcting Breeze.

"You just control them and they don't die. Those people are not real. They're about as real as a painting, but a moving one." Explaining things to Breeze was sometimes a real challenge. Hopefully her explanation was enough on point. 

Umbra of Chaos

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The two strikes clashed with a terrifying sound that made the air scream before both of them were blown away by the force of their own attacks. Oren spun a bit but quickly righted herself as she allowed the earth to solidify beneath her body so that she might steady herself. Oren licked her burnt claw a bit. That actually hurt!

Then the dragon launched herself back at the other girl, quickly bursting out of the earth to snap at the girl's legs before attempting to submerge herself once more.


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Relius Clover

As Ignis appeared, her eyes locked onto the assassin girl.  It seemed as though she was waiting for them.  The moment she was spotted, the girl charged forward with an aura of electricity powering her strike.  With almost no time to react, she raised her arms into an X block, her limbs transforming into blades during the movement.  At the moment of impact, Ignis was pushed back several feet.

With his hands already on the ground, Relius charged his palms with magic.  An ethereal like field appeared on the ground under him, shining through the cracks of the rubble.  Several pillars of large gears appeared around the assassin, traping her between them.  All of the sudden, they began spinning, viciously grinding the body in the center.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 02:29:34 PM by yinsukin »


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By any chance? Normally it should have been obvious that she was a one, but the girl claimed she couldn't cast magic at all. How then she tamed those obviously supernatural creatures? She was really, really curious how someone mundane got them. There was probably something more to that than friendship. Like where she found them, for example.

"Uh, yes, I'm one. I can control ice and freeze bad things, so I guess it's kinda like your pet, but our elements are different. Where did you get them?" She said after shaking Oka's hand. She was getting accustomed to people greeting like that, though she still felt a bit out of water.

Oka Kurosawa

"Oh, I've always had Wormy. He was a gift to me from my grandpa. He may have been a bit strict, but he's actually a pretty cool guy. He wasn't always this big, though. He used to be a little larva only this big!" Oka said, demonstrating his old size. I've caught the others I have at various times. You use these contraptions called pokeballs, you see."

"And wow, you can control ice too?! You're just like my boyfriend then! That's amazing, do you use ars magus as well, or some other kind of magic?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end