Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43658 times)


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Huh, Breeze was not doing bad yet, but it was only a matter of time before she would learn firsthand that she needed some patience to get through further in this game. The goblin like fodder wasn't a real challenge as it was the first stage, but pits with spikes were. "Watch out!" Breeze's girlfriend issued a warning as Breeze got close to one of the death traps. A badly timed jump would mean falling onto spikes and losing, with the game resuming only if she inserted a coin again.

Auspicious Breeze

"Eh?!" And then she fell in the doom pit and died, and let out a whine of dismay at he display. "Uhhh, Mordred, what do I do?!" She couldn't quite read the screen entirely so she was missing some words and she wasn't really sure. She tried pressing more buttons in the meantime.


Sakura, who had been silently enjoying the show of Breeze learning how to play arcade games, finally moved into action and "gently" (not really) slapped Breeze on the back. "It's alright. You just died and got a game over. If you insert another coin likeso..." Sakura said and inserted a coin into the machine, causing the game to resume where she had been previously. "It starts right back up. Pretty neat, right?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Tap tap tap.

Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap.

The vampire was sitting at the living’s room counter, slowly tapping on the glass cup filled with her strawberry-chocolate parfait, just standing there in her apartment being bored.

“Urghhh, so bored.” She pouted, her cheek resting on her hand and threatening to give up and just fall on the table out of sheer boredom. And then it did. Then, she glanced at her window and frowned.

“Jeez, can’t the sun just piss off already?” She sighed, not even able to finish her treat. Days just lasted too long these days. Well, she was used to it by now, but every once in a while, there was that itch that you just needed to scratch out of your system.

Maybe she shouldn’t have murdered a bunch of thugs in this district, now people barely came. She swore she only wanted to off one or two, just snack on a couple of gangsters who thought they were hot shit. But when she saw them pointing their guns at her, spraying hot warm bullets on her helpless flesh, she just couldn't help herself! It’s not like she could avoid it, it was just in her nature to enjoy these sort of hobbies.

Is there really anyone who can escape their nature, of course not! A wolf needs to hunt, a man needs to kill, yknow?

Ugh, now she was really going crazy, rambling about shit she didn’t even care about. Sigh, why couldn’t things just go the way they used to. She just wanted to kill a guy or two, maybe rape a couple. It wasn’t that big of a deal, normal people do it all the time and they get away with it, but when it’s just a wholesome dead apostle trying to enjoy herself a little, oh then you bring the pitchforks?

Well, hrm. Should she kill them first, then rape them, or should she rape them then kill then? Decisions decisions decisions… ah who gives a shit, she’d do both. Ah, maybe she should just move out, it might be a good idea.

Suddenly, she heard a tapping noise, one that wasn't the sound of her spoon. She raised an eyebrow, but suddenly she smelled something familiar, something warm, something delicious. She clasped her head with her hand, and her bored features suddenly turned excited, slowly growing a more and more unhinged smile. It smelled like death, danger, danger. Things were staring to get exciiiiting. Is there blood in the main alley? Who's killing who?  Oh, she had to see...

Yes, yes yes yes yes. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!

Excited like a kid who just realized it was Christmas, she darted for the window leading to the dark alleyway next to her. It was almost dusk, but usually this was a good spot where sunlight didn't reach, and even better, it seemed someone was killing someone! She jumped out of the window and landed right behind the culprit, grinning from ear to ear. Oh, finally she might just have a little fun!

“Oi oi, what’s the deal here?"
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 02:45:49 PM by francobull3 »


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Rikuyo didn't see who landed behind her, but it was a woman's voice and she smelled like a woman.  And smelled like another bloodsucking corpse. But in contrast to this amateur who picked easy targets for his meals, her bloodlust was enormous. In fact she didn't bother to hide it just like Rikuyo right now. "Oh, do ya know this wretch by the chance? Ah, right, probably no one cares about ya, boy."

The redhead released his face and pinned him to the ground with her foot, stepping on his chest. The scream he let out was inhuman even for something that ceased to be human. "He's my evening snack. Any problem with that?" Rikuyo asked in a bit confrontational yet carefree tone. If the vampire wanted to fight over her catch, then why not, as long as the loser couldn't get away in the confusion.


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The vampire smiled innocently at the horrifying scene, shaking her head without minding much of the massacre that guy had to go through. Not really her problem, but this did present a while other set of issues. She really wanted to maim and kill someone right now, to show someone her deep, secret desires.

Well, she could watch a movie later, but it just wouldn't be the same.

Smelling the blood and fear that man emanated, hearing that man's exquisite scream, she couldn't help but feel bliss, a tingling sensation running down her body through her core, begging for her to taste his flesh. Simply put, the mere thought of that man's agony was enough to make her very, very wet.

Ah, but rushing would do no good, she tried really really hard not to rip their intestines out and strangle herself with them.

"Nah, it's fine." She said in a friendly tone. "Though I was getting a bit hungry myself. My name is Costin, do you mind sharing?" She grinned, waiting for a response.


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Marcus leaned back and nursed the tape of his neck with his hand.  "You make it sound like I was doing that on purpose," he scoffed.

He glanced at the young woman before him.  Athletic build, blond hair and... an American accent?  It didn't matter, it sounded good.  There had to be something unique about her body too. He felt strangely... aroused by her presence.  Even beyond that, the burn on her hand was already healed.

"Look, im sorry about your crappy opening day and all, but I have to get moving," he said, attempting to turn around.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 03:24:11 PM by yinsukin »


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"Huh, I normally would tell ya to get lost, but I catch weaklings like those easily. Really, all it took for me was me playing dumb, I did that on a whim. Oh, that's not your loudest scream, right?" She commented on how loud the pitiful victim of hers was. She stomped on his balls with her other foot to amp the volume. "Yup, but don't kill him just yet. Some of vampires turn into ash when finished off. Let's snack on his limbs first, maybe."


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"Heh, you're pretty fucked up." She chuckled at the whole thing. He was just like a gutted pig, all like waaaaaaah and weeeeeh. It was really kinda funny.

She walked up to the poor moron, almost feeling sorry for the soon to be snack. Almost. Sadly for him, the more she heard him scream, the happier she was.

"Hmm, but you know, its not really my style to beat on some poor helpless schmuck." She picked him up by the hair, lifting her up to her level while wearing the hugest, sickest grin. The poor vampire began to scream and struggle, trying to escape out of desperation, yelling at the top of his lungs incoherently, begging for help and forgiveness.

This just confused her, the hell was that idiot on about?

"Forgive? Wait a minute. But I'm not angry or anything." She said in the most casual way possible.

"It's not like you've done anything bad, I'm sure you were just trying to enjoy yourself. I just happen to have different tastes, so I'm trying to act positively about it. I'm simply indulging in a healthy hobby healthily."

She kicked the man's face all of a sudden, interrupting his wails with an ear splitting crunching sound. Not like a vampire would die so easily, even a shitty halfling ghoul could take a lazy kick like that. Not that it mattered considering what she did afterwards.

"You people are all the same..."

Without any mercy or consideration, she just kept stomping on the poor vampire, smashing his bones and crushing his flesh with sledgehammer kicks until they started carving him.


He had only stopped screaming for a moment, but now his horrified cries only intensified, crying and screaming for help until you couldn't even tell if he was saying anything or just wasting his lungs away. With a final crunch, he stopped and she stopped as well, though just a few kicks later. All that was left was a terribly bloodied corpse, wheezing and sobbing pathetically.

"Huh, so you're still conscious, huh pal? I guess I shouldn't skip leg day so often." She said calmly, chillingly calmly in response to her random outburst. Still, it would be bad if he died so early.

She knelt next to the poor vampire and slit her wrist with her nails, spilling some of her blood on the destroyed vampire. A stronger vampire's blood can be used in such ways, while feeding can enhance one's recovery rate a more potent source will yield better results. Taking her blood against his will, his wounds closed and his bones knit back into proper shape, slowly regenerating him and denying the sweet release of death.

"Here, better." She said in a cheery tone before turning to the other one. "Well, that was a nice stress relief. Now that we got our meat all nice and tenderized, what next? There's lots of room where to start, you call dibs on the first bite."
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 04:38:01 PM by francobull3 »


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Hmmphh. Beating on a helpless shmuck? He was helpless regardless when faced against either of them as she bet that this Costin chick was older than whathissmashedintocurbface. Rikuyo whistled in approval as Costin ranted and crushed the weaker walking dead. However, even if it was quite cruel, she didn't quite get why she would waste her precious blood just for that.

"Huh, isn't that wasteful to just give him your blood? I wouldn't let him bite me just to patch him up for more." She shrugged. "But whatever, I guess he can lend me a hand!"

Rikuyo pinned the vampire again to the floor while she raised his arm up. Man, stronger jaws would be really useful here. So she transformed. Thankfully, the dress and the tights she wore were loose and stretchable enough that they wouldn't be ruined if she transformed to one of her bulkier forms. Thus, she transformed into a sun bear like form, one of Asiatic bears that had really strong jaws. Her jaw easily bit off the vampire's right arm. She thought it would taste a bit stale, like a preserved meat, but the limb tasted surprisingly juicy. Probably from the stolen lifeforce that permeated his blood. After she was done devouring his limb alive (screams didn't cease as the vampire couldn't faint from the shock), she licked her fingers clean from the blood. "Huh, did he taste so good or he really needed some seasoning from you?"


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Costin let out a surprised ooh at that girl's sudden transformation. She did find it weird that she couldn't tell what she was from smell, but this might explain it. Just the way she was mauling that man's arm, ripping through its flesh and bone and sending exquisite crimson waves splashing all over was simply ecstatic.

She subconsciously licked her fangs. Aah, she had stumbled on such a magnificent fruit, who could blame her for wanting to bite it?

"Mhh, I wonder. Well, only one way to find out." She said with her usual casual smile before ripping her own arm off, only to hand it to her as if it was the most normal thing in the world. "Just try it and compare. Shouldn't be hard to tell which tastes better. Right buddy?"

The poor helpless vampire groaned and whimpered, far past the point of coherent sanity.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 05:40:52 PM by francobull3 »


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She had seen Noel fight before. If Erica was to win then closing distance would be of the utmost importance. So the Spirit Vessel launched herself forward straight at the blonde as part of the Mantle morphed into the Needle and released a flood of projectiles at Noel.


The blue-eyed girl flew upwards and backwords at the same rate that Erica was charging her. She calmly watched the projectiles approach her, unworried about them. Just before the first of them reached her, a large shimmering energy field appeared in front of her, easily blocking the volleys of spikes.

Simultaneously, her drones had been firing bolts of energy in response, releasing massive volleys at once, which moved towards Erica at lightning speeds.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Uhhhhhhhh, ya really sure?" If she was in Costin's place, she wouldn't share her arm. Rikuyo never considered sharing to such an extent that she would give up an arm for anybody. She still took her arm as one shouldn't look into the teeth of a gift horse.

"Ah well, I'll dig in!" She exclaimed as tore into Costin's severed arm. If she had to compare the two, it was like a difference between a cheap sake and one stolen from an rich man's collection. More potent, juicy and filled up with the lifeforce. She actually replenished quite a lot of reserves she had lost by now in the showdown against that pizza stealing jerk. Ahh, maybe she should just eat her, but on another hand, it had been a while since she met someone so much into eating other people. Maybe it would be a start of a new beautiful friendship instead!

"Can't be compared, to be honest. It's like an aged wine compared to a piss poor alcohol like his." The redhead really, really enjoyed the taste, judging from her face. No homo. "Ya can have the rest of the guy, we could probably find someone more tasty than the newbie."


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That man's word flipped a switch, as if he had just struck a nerve. His vein nearly popped from his temple, and just when he was about to leave, he stopped his pace and put his foot firmly down the ground before turning around.

"Hmph! I wasn't scared at all. I just hate being grabbed like some kid. Stupid woman..."

He grit his teeth and focused back on the man. For some reason that dumb face of his really pissed him off, like he thought he was so high and mighty. Well, he may be right. He let out an annoyed tch and glared at the magician, ready to shoot or flee if he really got serious. He had no chance, but he wasn't going to give that mage the satisfaction.

"What do you want?"


She gave the cowardly guy a good look. Jasey was pretty experienced in fear after all, and she could usually tell what they were afraid of and whether they were faking it or not. And that guy was utterly terrified of skinny over there. Kinda funny.

"Man, you're a pretty bad liar. You were completely terrified of that guy over there. It was actually kinda pathetic. Did you think he was gonna kill you or something? He could probably catch you if he wanted. Should have just taken it head on instead of trying to run."

"Anyways..." She looked at the other guy and raised her arm to shake his. "Hey, I'm Jasey. Noire already knows me for better or for worse."


This was far too easy. The twintailed girl looked away briefly out of embarassment. Now all that was needed was to set the bait. First however he turned to the coward with a dismissive look. "And who are you supposed to be?"

Then he turned back to Noire and took her hand shaking it gently. "Saving a cute girl like you Noire was my pleasure. You may call me William." That only left the culprit. With a sly smile he grabbed hold of her hand and shook it slowly. "Did you truly satiate your lust for blood? A sudden voice spoke to her in her head.


Noire rolled her eyes at the midget's attempts to save face and act brave. There was a line between bravery and stupidity, and he clearly was not aware of this fact. It was important to know your limits. In order to surpass them, you needed to acknowledge their existence.

She totally sympathized with William and Jasey's reactions to his antics. As inappropriate as Jasey's actions were, they seemed to have been a mistake. Probably. Hopefully.

"It's nice to meet you, William." Noire responded, relieved to be hopefully meeting someone relatively normal. After he finished greeting Jasey, she asked her question again. "So, William, have you ever heard of Lastation, Lady Black Heart, or Gamindustri? Or does it not ring a bell to you?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Relius Clover

In a last ditch effort, the assassin used that strange propulsion to maneuver around Ignis.  A powerful slash was delivered to Ignis's hat tails, knocking her down towards Relius and cutting through the saws created by her hat tails.  However, she vanished before she hit her master.

With a graceful leap, the scientist jumped out of the hole.  "I find myself perplexed at your earlier caution," he said, extending his hand outward.  Ignis re-spawned in front of him, except her hat tail was missing.  "You are willing to risk your anonymity for the sake of a mere grudge, but not for money or power?"

For some strange reason, Ignis shut down, causing her body to sag.  A sharp support beam hidden within the rubble pierced her tail, causing even more of it to be severed.  You could not see it from beneith his mask, but Relius's pupils turned to watch the strange phenomenon.  Oh, so she can alter probability?


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"Right, right, it's not a disaster." She petted Breeze on the head as she was in panic over what she should do next time. "You can do over again, and do better next time. Should I join in? You might get bored if you play alone, right?"


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Costin giggled at just how gleefully that girl was chomping down the arm, it was kinda cute. "Fu fu fu, you're such a glutton!" She said with a cheery smile, as if the fact she had just eaten her arm didn't bother her one bit. It was pretty normal, it wasn't that big of a deal. Arms grow back, that's just common sense.

"Honestly, I can't say I really get what you're on about. Things like wine and alcohol never did satisfy me. There's only one drink in the entire world that could possibly quench my thirst."

The ripped stump that was once her arm swelled up and writhed as if coming alive, her entire shoulder felt like it was on fire. Ah, she never did tire of this sensation, this maddening agony was the very proof that she was still alive. Her marrow bubbled and  swirled out of control while his bone popped out of his flesh, reforming his entire arm while small muscle ligaments and nerves appeared over the bone.

This was no mere regeneration, but a curse. It's as if her wound rewind and her flesh turned back to its original form. As the skin reappeared on the bloody mass of bone and muscle, one couldn't help but think that arm looked quite monstrous, with its grisly talon claws and ghastly shaped muscle and flesh.

Costin licked her reforming bloody hand with a peaceful smile, contrasting the terrible member with her pristine moon white appearance.

"Blood. The blood of strife. Only when I'm with someone of equal or greater blood than mine does my soul cry out in ecstasy. Compared to that, the finest of meats is nothing more than flea shit."

Her eyes suddenly glowed crimson and turned to the attention of her dear little meal. His screams were nothing more than low pained moans by now, but the paleness of his skin betrayed the terror he felt at this moment. It wasn't the fear of further agony or the fact he was about to be devoured that scared him, but the sight of that cursed arm that was simply so terrifying. Compared to that monster, he was a saint.

It only took a few seconds for her arm to regenerate, and by that time Costin's smile turned more sinister, perverse, as she considered her options. It was the smile of the devil worn by a girl, baring nothing more than wicked intentions. And then she chose.

"There is no need to. Did you ever hear of the expression: you are what you eat? Let's leave him here, so he can ripen and grow strong, like a fruit ready to be plucked. As he is right now, he isn't even worth killing."

Ah, but if he became stronger and challenged her, that would be wonderful. Like a plump peach, she would bite into him to her heart's content and taste his despair. After all, the best meals are the ones you slowly prepare, as agonizing as it was for her.

"Let's go, I can show you around my house."