Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43770 times)


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"Isn't white a bit boring though? As long as it's something practical, then sure why not. Just let me finish the ice-cream, then we will talk." Rikuyo said as the ice-cream would melt if she didn't finish it. So, she started eating it until she finished.


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O. R. E. N? Whoa, what a clever dragon! He never met such a dragon. One of his uncles told him tales about how the dragons of the ancient times carved gliphs in their lairs, their descendants too degenerated to be capable of such feats of intelligence. That's why they killed them. Farmers complained about stolen cows and goats, and merchantmen lost their profits as the beasts stole wagons with valuable goods just like some magpies. They couldn't reason with them, so someone had to rid off dragons that were more like giant birds. Some even had feathers. Unless some fabulously wealthy knight paid them to steal an egg or two to raise dragons as steads. Those bred in captivity didn't reach as large size as their cousins in the wild, but were still more dangerous mounts than a warhorse.

"You're so smart, Oren! The smartest dragon I've ever seen!" He sincerely praised the large wingless
« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 09:06:59 PM by Kat »


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Yet, the motion which would have thrown the blade off course failed to hinder it at all. It shifted back without the slightest loss of motion to harmlessly parry the other blade. And with that her own hand flicked out and ran along the length of the blade.

Meti had felt it. That hunger and an intelligence behind it. "Absolutely magnificent.That blade deserves a far greater owner, one that can properly satiate its hunger. There is no point in asking you how many you have killed with it. The answer is clearly not enough. I have no more words for you."

"Sword, if you would have me I will do all I can to fulfill your needs. I am Meti. I would ask for your name once I slay the one who improperly wields you." Then she struck. And in that moment Meti displayed the perfection of her swordsmanship. She destroyed 'Meti' and became an extension of her blade itself, all sharpness and hunger. The flurry of strikes that she unleashed were each utterly deadly and relentless in nature.

Muramasa Katase

silly girl

The touch, of course, made Muramasa crave more. It wanted to cut this girl up and devour everything about her and they'd barely gotten started! The puppet took damage, limbs severing only to be yanked back into place and sealed in a haze of red. Katase's edge sought flesh in return as the puppet grabbed at its victim and tried to pull her into the blade.

Umbra of Chaos

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Meti was no stranger to regeneration, and it would take far more than this to defeat her. But instead of striking at the grasping hand she instead used her blade to guide the sword she was yanked towards, gently directing it like a lover would to strike in a place that would not do too much damage.

"You look so lovely in red."

And then her blade lashed out with monstrous speed, severing both arms and cutting apart the hand holding the blade as she leaped back. Then she gripped the hilt of the sword inside her with a certain amount of glee. "You're more than I could have possibly imagined. So hungry..."

Just a little awe. She had never held such a sword before. So alive and powerful.


The dragon huffed and puffed up immensely. Of course she was she smartest! Then she lowered her head. The stranger would have ample oppurtunity to climb up on top of her.


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Huu, Oren wants tme to climb up?, the boy thought as the majestic beast lowered its head. Ah well, he only ever climbed on a top of a dragon to stab it, but it was a good dragon. So he climbed up, looking like a squirrel climbing up an ox in comparison to the creature's gigantic size. Wow, the view was so much better from the top! He scratched Oren on the head as if he scratched a warhorse behind its ears. Except dragons didn't have ears, so near one of Oren's earholes.


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Muramasa Katase


She wasn't even mad about failing to kill this girl now. There was something all too familiar about this scene for Katase, and it was wonderful and terrible and her stupid armless puppet had to cry about it, stumbling back as she began to disintegrate and return to the sword. It was unneeded now while she drank deep of her victim's blood, reveled in the warmth that came from sliding into her soft flesh.

Every little motion meant Muramasa's edge was cutting into her insides, sawing through them like butter. But it wasn't enough. The demon of the blade reached out to its masochistic victim and grasped for her soul.

you broke my puppet

Umbra of Chaos

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Wait. That meant. Ohh. Uh oh. The girl slowly fell to her knees, the movement alone sending agony streaking through her as the blade cut into more and more flesh.

I- it was not my... I have no excuses. Please take from me whatever you want. My life is yours.

There were points where one had to choose what was more important to them. And in this moment Meti consider the will of this blade far greater than she did her own life.


Ahhhhhh. That felt really good. So good in fact that Oren's legs slowly gave out and she thumped onto the ground. And then to the forest's dismay she started to roll around like a massive, destructive dog.


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Why can't anything go right today? Gojira tossed the pan into the sink and dowsed the flaming fish with water, but it was already too late - the apartment complex' alarms were going off, and she can hear the various doors out in the hall opening and closing, the other tenants quickly making their way to the stairway.

Adjutor was on the couch, covering up her ears from the noise. Gojira walked over to her and clasped her shoulder. "Let's ge-," The alarms were too loud, "LET'S GET OUT OF HERE."


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Muramasa Katase

It nearly tore the girl - Meti's - soul right out with that offer. Nearly. This was a feast worth savoring first after all. Besides, it liked hearing such accurate observations like the one this girl kept seeing fit to share with it. Katase could appreciate honest appreciation. Almost as much as it was appreciating the flavor of Meti's pain.


Muramasa Katase brought its own will like an avalanche down onto Meti's, made her grasp the hilt of its blade, and pull it out. Slowly.


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"Whoah!" The lad had to manouver himself as best as he could to not get squashed incidentally. Dragons were dragons after all, still destructive even if this one wasn't doing it on purpose. What a relief though that happened in a forest, far from any other living human. This would be unacceptable if Oren rolled around in the midst of fields, destroying crops!

Umbra of Chaos

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Ah! This felt so strange, so good. The sword's resolve filling her limbs and moving her, as if she was nothing more than a part of it. Yes. This is what she wanted. The pain was inconsequential; it was nothing in exchange for another second of this.



After only toppling a dozen trees Oren stopped and got back up again. Then she tilted her head confusedly before reaching out with her claw and carving the question 'Where are we going?' into the ground. Another display of her finesse.


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Dammit! Now he could almost feel her cruel hold tightening on his neck like a noose. He had only met her a short while, even shorter under his current guise, but he knew one thing better than anyone. Rafalia was scary.

The god gulped before taking flight, carrying her along the skies effortlessly. "Y-yes. Let's go..."

Flying around, he covered his sight with his hand to block the daylight of the sun. Tch, such altitudes were detestable with such brightness about. Perhaps he should pick a place with some shade.

Before long, or rather after a long while, the two were above a lake surrounded by a luscious green forest. Indeed, this was not only a beautiful location, but it would make for an excellent backdrop. One must choose wisely in order to write a well enacted dramatic moment, setting is key for suspense after all.

"Hmm, this seems like a suitable spot" He sighed, feeling an annoying aching on his shoulder. Then, he glanced back on the lake and smiled. "To dump you that is."

In a sudden motion, he flipped upside down without a shred of pity in order to drop the poor fae. Her legs may have been locked around his neck for a long time, but that was precisely why he chose such a roundabout path and high altitude under the harsh beatings of the sun. It would be most predictable to sweat even a little after this journey under such an intense sunlight. Had he truly planned this all along just to get back at her for putting him in such a shameful position?

Truly he was an evil, evil god.



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The boy really felt dizzy, but overcame his nausea. Most of adults would be throwing away the contents of their stomachs over such a rollercaster, but Urho endured. When his vision recovered fully, he noticed the scribble on the ground. Yeah, where they would go?

"Uhhh, maybe it's high time for me to leave the forest, I've been hanging around her for a quite a long time. Promise me one thing, though! Please be careful, I don't want to any farmers get mad at you. They may hire hunters if their crops get trampled!" That would be a really bad thing to happen. Hopefully Oren would listen.


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Ah! This felt so strange, so good. The sword's resolve filling her limbs and moving her, as if she was nothing more than a part of it. Yes. This is what she wanted. The pain was inconsequential; it was nothing in exchange for another second of this.


Muramasa Katase

After a moment's consideration Katase made her new 'wielder' smile and stand. The gaping, bleeding wound began to close as demonic energy replaced the flesh with an approximation of the sword's own creation. It seeped from there into the rest of Meti's body, polluting whatever strange thing was in place of it.

"Hmm... this girl isn't entirely human, is she?" She speculated aloud using the sword girl's own mouth as if she were another of her puppets. "At least, not this flesh."


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If nothing else, the fight that followed proved a curious one to the immortal, not to mention being something of an eye-opener to say the least. Of course, there were screams and running and harried calls to local authorities, but Michael paid little mind as the fight finished as quickly as it began, with the woman armless and the girl run through. Then the woman melted away, as expected, only for Meti to stand again, her wounds seemingly healing over despite having just pulled Katase from her gut.

"No, not quite," Michael said, "Her soul remains human, but the flesh was borrowed from another. Knowing the man who did this, however, I doubt he did this entirely for free. At the very least, I wouldn't be surprised if he could borrow her eyes and ears, and less so if he could control them."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses