Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 83806 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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Hmm. An eevee? The name seemed somewhat fitting for whatever reason. But was this young woman truly so willing to simply sell these creatures? "These animals, they are capable of doing battle, are they not? I have seen one today with another man and I was worried of their potential and the difficulty of acquiring them."


The young woman's hands trembled at the motion. She even felt a little hurt. But, very reluctantly, she handed the sword back over to, err, itself. Then just turned back and surveyed her own cart. It seemed... empty in comparison. "What should I do with it all?"


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Oh it was on now, it was so on. You didn't make a challenge like that to the CPU of Planeptune and expect to walk home tonight, or the entire weekend for that matter. "You could just start talking right now, cause you're not gonna win!" She rushed over to the the sofa and dived into it.

"Ah it's so soft" Neptune squirmed around for a moment before settling in and casting an amused at him. "Will ya stop oggling me and get over here Gaddy. I'd rather beat you fairly and not because you were distracted by me."


He chuckled, and moved to take a seat next to her. "Far be it for me to deprive you of a chance to fail fairly against me, then. I have just the question in mind to present to you." He knew that opponents could become careless once he began to insinuate that their defeat was inevitable. Far more subtle than Neptune, of course.

"As the challenged, you may of course decide the battlefield."


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The young woman's hands trembled at the motion. She even felt a little hurt. But, very reluctantly, she handed the sword back over to, err, itself. Then just turned back and surveyed her own cart. It seemed... empty in comparison. "What should I do with it all?"

Muramasa Katase

At that the puppet smiled in a reassuring manner, and inclined her head to Meti. "We did only just meet, Meti-chan. And now you present to me an entire cart full of other swords laying there together?" She shook her head as her fingers wrapped around the hilt of the Muramasa and returned the weapon to her sheath. "Show me one of them."

She would not be part of some... some arsenal harem, or whatever this was. Katase was better than that. But on the other hand, it did give her an opportunity to observe the quality of the weapons kept and the consistency of their maintenance.

Umbra of Chaos

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She frowned a bit but quickly picked out a sword. It was a katana, taken from one of those monstrous gangsters who really didn't need weapons considering that they could smash walls with their bare hands. It was well sharpened and clean. The blade shone bright from a recent cleaning, and its edge was as sated as a sword could be from all the blood it had spilled.

Meti held it out for the other woman to examine.

Arch-Magos Winter

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He was 'swimming' through the ground? What a peculiar dragon indeed! As they travelled further and further from the forest, the boy also noticed first signs of the civilization. Some sort of a castle? Someone standing on the roof of that structure? Oren leaped on the building.

"Whoa, Oren, be careful!" The boy yelled out as the ground dragon cracked the side of the building they landed on. That portion of the building could not survive if Oren moved in any sudden and forceful fashion. Petting her like a dog was out of question right now.

"Hello, everything's alright?" The boy waved to the old timer. After all, anyone could be startled if a giant wingless dragon crashed on a top of a castle.

The planeswalker had watched the dragon curiously, noting his or her movements with one eye as the other sketched the creature in his notebook, along with the boy on the majestic creature's back. It was quite fascinating, especially how it managed to cling to the side of the building without the entire structure collapsing. Maybe it had hollow bones, or the tower he'd decided to sit and watch from was sturdier than Trivek had first expected.

Trivek waved back to the boy, closing his notebook and brushing some of the dust kicked up by the clambering off his guild robes. "Of course! Hello to you as well young man, and... Master Dragon?" Trivek did a quick bow to both, not knowing just how intelligent the creature was. If it was anything like the great Dracogenius Niv-Mizzet, it would be wise not to insult it in any matter that could not be easily explained as unfamilarity. "Are the pair of you headed into town, by any chance? I could use a ride, and the carriage-taxis seem rather far away at the moment."
« Last Edit: March 15, 2017, 10:38:50 PM by Arch-Magos Winter »


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Muramasa Katase

Katase's took hold of the offered blade and examined it more carefully. Then she sniffed at it, and carefully rubbed her face against the side of it. This was the best way for her without breaking it to get a sense for just how many victims the weapon had claimed already. "My my, but this one is quite content isn't it?"

She smiled for the girl's benefit, and placed the weapon aside. Then she reached in and took another to examine from the bottom, and found a similar condition there. Random selection would assure her that the girl had not simply cherry-picked (as the humans liked to call it) the best of the collection. But this one was just as fine too.

Katase put that one back too, and in a violation of propriety placed a hand on Meti's shoulder. "Why do you have these?"

Umbra of Chaos

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Her face grew just a bit hot at the implicit praise and the contact that was being made. "They were being held by those that didn't deserve them. And they hungered. I just wanted to fulfill that thirst and give them what they deserved. Improving my skill was another concern too of course!"

Meti didn't want her to think that she was leaving something out.


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Muramasa Katase

That... that sounded rather much like some kind of superhero, going around and righting wrongs against innocent weapons that desired only reasonable things. Like killing people, and proper maintenance! What were the odds that this Muramasa would meet someone like this out of the blue? Oh, now she was beginning to wish she had not made that arrangement with Mitsuba before.

But she had. And there were strange spawn growing in the pseudo-demon's body at that which came from one of Katase's puppets. Well, she would worry about that later.

"A worthy goal, then. Forgive my... caution, earlier. I have had poor experiences with wielders in the past. You caught this Muramasa off guard."


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As she emerged through the dark wave of darkness, she found herself charging straight into an empty street. When suddenly a voice was heard from right behind her.

"Darkness Slash!"

The former saint had immediately moved tho the side after his first spell. Using the fact it was obscuring her field of vision to move unnoticed in it's wake and thus passing her as she rushed right through it. Then he moved in behind her and used the same darkness move once more.

Black Heart

The goddess lithely flew around his attack without pause, slashing at him again. "Tornado Sword!" She yelled, coating her sword with rainbow energy and making it larger.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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It was just another day for Nero, training with the strange new limb that had replaced his arm after an incident in Mito Forest. Well, certainly still strange, but not that new anymore, as he'd been training with it and testing the limits of what it could do for a while now. What he'd discovered had been quite promising, but the arm itself was still something he wasn't sure about. Well, at least the damn thing was useful.

By now, he'd worked his way down to the last of a group of Assaults he'd encountered earlier and was rushing in for the killing blow. Just before he could connect, however, the world dissolved around them and suddenly they were in front of a club. In the heat of the moment, Nero paid it no mind, simply grabbing hold of the lizard's shield with the Devil Bringer and pulling it off its feet before stabbing Red Queen through the downed demon and revving the blade. The Assault's head knocked the doors wide open as they zoomed into the club, Nero riding the lizard demon like a belligerent skateboard, right before it exploded into the same black nothing as its fellows before it, the devil hunter coming sliding to a stop and catching his breath.

"Man, if these things weren't self-cleaning, I'd feel sorry for the guy who has to clean up the mess," Nero said, hefting the sword over his shoulder and looking up before stopping short, confused as to why he was suddenly no longer in Mito Forest.

"...Wait what?" was all that got out, the man's confusion growing as his gaze fell upon the two strangers nearby, then to the still-open doors, then back to the two strangers, "Oh, sorry about the door."

With that, he turned around as if to look around the strange club, only to quickly roll the sleeve down over the Devil Bringer and slip on a red glove over the clawed hand.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 08:36:42 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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She looked at him confused for a moment and then burst out laughing. "Hahaha.. .Man I was just joking about the oggling. Yeah while you were busy staring at my underwear, I put in a shooter. Fastest way of settling this wouldn't ya agree?" Neptune asked him, appearing to be mostly amused at the realization she just had.

Umbra of Chaos

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The sword master nodded absentmindedly but her eyes were still locked onto the blade rather than the person. Her hands twitched. "May I... may I clean you, Lady Muramasa?" It was a bold proposition, but also one that that she felt she could support given her skill in the art of treating blades.


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The dark mage showed no visible reaction as his attack only turning to face the counter attack. He raised his left hand, the fist was partly closed with his ndex finger and his middle finger extended as he drew some strange pattern in the air with immense speed. A barrier of the purest darkness appeared infront of him, completely swallowing the white haired goddess' blow.

Meanwhile his right foot had also left the ground in the same instance as he begun making the barrier. He kicked high in the air to the side of the barrier just as it appeared and continued right into Noire's head.


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Oh I like that noise. he thought as he recalled her gasping.  Now that his mind started to wonder a bit, he realized he also liked that cute thing she did where she turned her head away.  It made her fun to tease.

"I live to please," he retorted.  "Now-"

He was cut off by a loud crash.  The door burst open while a man slammed his body into a creature, riding it to its death.  Strangely enough, the monster seemed to dissipate on its death, along with the mood.

Marcus groaned and said,  "Don't worry Forest, ill pay for that..... eventually."

Then, he leaped off his seat and walked over to the strange man.  As he got closer, he balled his hand into a fist and raised it into the air, pointing back towards Forest with his thumb.  "Don't apologize to me," he said.  "She's the owner of this place."

Geez, her luck is almost as bad as mine.


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"I have had very bad influences in my life." The fallen angel was not incorrect to place the blame on such things as he took up his own controller. It was, of course, not the totality of the reasoning behind his own proclivities. It was however the excuse he could give that best minimized how red his face would get. "In any case, let us proceed, yes?"

Muramasa Katase

"Lady...?" the puppet tilted her head in bafflement. Nobody had ever called her that before, at least not after they realized what she really was. She should stop being surprised by this girl, she thought to herself with a reddening face. The puppet averted her eyes and adjusted her stance so her true form was less accessible. "This is an, um, rather public place to ask to do something like that. So soon."

It took some effort not to babble, actually.