Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 84119 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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She nodded fervently, but then she cast another look to her cart. It was almost sorrowful. Somewhat regretful. "I will gladly go wherever you want to! But I need to know what to do with them. I can't just... leave them here alone to be picked at by scavengers."


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Muramasa Katase

"... was that not what you did when you left them here before?" Katase frowned as the thought occurred to her, her eyes searching the area for signs of pedestrian traffic. Humans were loathsome creatures who would do such a thing without a thought. Without even taking the time to slay the owner properly first.

Umbra of Chaos

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Meti's face glowed bright red in shame. "There is a promise of safety here. Cameras and guards to make sure vehicles and property are not stolen. If there was enough of a fuss I would have come and punished the thief personally. If I were to lose one I would kill until I rooted out the rat who took it and then cut them to slivers."

Cherry Lover

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Shirou and Sakura

Shirou also nodded. Julius' idea seemed pretty sound, but Shirou could understand Paladin's objection. At the same time, though, he could see an easy way to avoid that problem.

"A patron would certainly be very helpful. We have been forced to take to bounty hunting to make ends meet and, whilst we would never take a bounty on someone who was not deserving of one, it would be nice to be able to prioritise more important cases", he began, noticing Paladin walk away as he did so.

"Paladin's worries are valid, but I do not think that it would be a problem. It does not sound like you plan for your club to be anything more than a group of like-minded citizens working together as they see fit, and if that is the case then a patron would not be able to force us to do their bidding."


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Sakura appeared just mere moments after her and took position behind her. The man at the gates held himself like knight, both in manner and in posture. Although there was something strained about the whole thing. She chose to remain silent however so that er master may have a chance to speak with him first. As making a wrong assumption could be disastrous.


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Rikuyo, a while later

"I so much prefer simple clothes like that. Practical and easily replaceable." Rikuyo stretched out a bit as a form of exercise as she was now dressed in a black T-shirt and light brown shorts. She really didn't share Costin's fondness for girlier clothes in the end. "So I guess we should start from something. It's getting darker, so I think we can go out now."


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The dark mage showed no visible reaction as his attack only turning to face the counter attack. He raised his left hand, the fist was partly closed with his ndex finger and his middle finger extended as he drew some strange pattern in the air with immense speed. A barrier of the purest darkness appeared infront of him, completely swallowing the white haired goddess' blow.

Meanwhile his right foot had also left the ground in the same instance as he begun making the barrier. He kicked high in the air to the side of the barrier just as it appeared and continued right into Noire's head.

Lady Lonely Heart

"Tch!" She said out loud, visibly annoyed by his tactics. This man was just too damn versatile for her. This annoyance didn't stop her from noticing his attempt to kick her in the head, however. She nimbly ducked underneath his kick, causing it to sail cleanly over her head. In that moment, she expertly swung her sword at his calf, attempting to slice at it.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Despite its stone hardness and stoic gaze, if you could describe this subtle change of facial features you could almost say Vanguard brightened up.

"Ah, lady Sakura! It is good to see you, you've grown taller since the last time I've been in your presence." He said with a smile, only to put his hands on his waist and pouting with a haughty grin.

"Why, is visiting an old friend not business enough for thee? I hope I have not come in an inopportune time, to disturb you would bring me much displeasure."

Sakura Matou

Sakura looked at him with a quizzical eye. "And, pray tell, what old friend are you here to visit then?" Sakura asked him suspiciously.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The purple haired goddess flashed a victorious grin at his embarresed response as she took a controller herself and began the match. "Sure Sure. But do I really look angry? I'm pretty flattered that you think I'm so incredibly attractive." Neptune teased him like the true deviant she was, yes she took great pleasure knowing she had that effect on him. 


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Hmm. An eevee? The name seemed somewhat fitting for whatever reason. But was this young woman truly so willing to simply sell these creatures? "These animals, they are capable of doing battle, are they not? I have seen one today with another man and I was worried of their potential and the difficulty of acquiring them."

Oka Kurosawa

"They are, yes, and it's not hard to acquire them, even without my help. They're all over the place here." Oka said, sweeping her arm across her field of view to emphasize her point. "If you're uh, worried about me selling them to bad people, don't worry. I don't sell to people who are obviously bad guys." Oka nodded to herself. "You don't look bad, so um, what's your name? And do you want a pokemon?" Oka shuffled her feet. "That's usually why people seek me out, you know."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Yup, that's a lot of change. Should be sufficient." Maybe after they're done she should encourage her to put some of that into a bank. Even with a super strength, just carrying that much money on you all the time seemed to be quite inconvenient. She could have emptied space in her bag for something else if she deposited some of her money in a relatively secure bank. It's not like Nexus was a constant warzone. It could improve, but there were relatively calm places here and there.

"Maybe someone who is quite straightforward in a style. To be honest, you're playing the game for the first time, it's no shame at playing it safe for now. Maybe one of those sword wielding warriors?" Mordred pointed at the selection screen.

Auspicious Breeze

"Hey, it's okay if you just push buttons. That's all of what I've been doing so far, Sakura!" It was pretty fun too, before she fell into The Pit. Stupid pit. She would try to break the ground and fill the pit in next time she reached it. Could the game do that? It seemed kinda limited about those things. "Just gotta stay away from the holes..."


Sakura laughed and "patted" Breeze on the back. "Of course you gotta stay away from the holes, silly. That's like basic gamer logic."

The purplehead rapidly scrolled through the character select screen, the characters and their stats flashing by faster than a human would be able to read them. Her eyes rapidly moved back and forth, scanning them at mach speeds. Eventually, she suddenly stopped, scrolling back a few characters before pressing select on a red-cloaked guy with a comically large spear. "I like this guy." She said.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Remarkable, truly remarkable.

She ducked under his kick and took advantage of his supposedly vulnerable position by slicing his outstretched leg. This was tricky, real tricky. He would have been in a real pinch here if hadn't spent years fighting armed opponent's with his bare hands.

Drawing upon every last bit of experience he possesed, the dark mage's body twisted in an almost unnatural way. The hand that had been making the barrier was closest to the ground so he used it to go onto a handstand while kicking off with other leg.

Then came the moment of truth. He reversed the course of his kick downwards, his other leg mirroring the action from the opposite direction. The whole of his focus camed down to that one instant.

His feet closed in, inch by inch, ever closer.

A heartbeat.

Then the sole of feet connected with Noire's blade locking it in place between them.


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"That would be you." He answered plainly, returning her quizzical look. He might have had unreasonable expectations, thinking she could recognize him on voice alone might have been a gross overestimation. Tch, maybe he should have brought the armor along, or at least the helmet.

How fortunate.

Well, she seemed to have a new companion, he didn't recall seeing that one before, and when his eyes averted to the bulge in her stomach, he realized she must have been quite busy. Still, having to explain himself was the last thing he wanted.

"It's me, Vanguard. It's been a while, but I'm glad you seem to be doing well." He said kindly, only to suddenly excuse himself, his eyes faintly shocked like a child who had just caught doing some misdeed.

"Oh, do forgive me. I suppose you would like a more in depth explanation. I do not mind either way, but it would be demonic of me to force a poor pregnant woman to stand there and listen to a speech. Would't you agree?" He asked of her, bowing gracefully as a knight ought to give a lady her proper respects.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 05:24:00 PM by francobull3 »


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"Oh, don't worry, I can handle the little guy I captured just fine. Control and responsibility are one of first things that battle mages are taught." She was after all a pro. Less than 10 % of sanctioned magic users received a full license. Final exams weeded out the majority and those who failed usually stayed students for the rest of their lifes. "You're from a knightly order, right? I don't recognize your heraldry."


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"Uhuh, we're heading straight there! I think. Whatcha think, Oren, can we give the mister a ride?" The young lad smiled widely at the older man in response to his question.