Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 89142 times)


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Joe smiled back at her.  "Id love to see the dining room."


"Well they certainly are nice toys," he added.  He wanted to add in a snide comment, but she kept going and ended up saying it herself anyway, or rather gesturing it.  His eyes followed her gesture towards the cars and suddenly he understood.

"Yeah, I guess they make it look a lot nicer in the movies," he said with a frown.  Then he groaned and said, "Well, until I get a job, I don't mind keeping you company during the mornings.  This place can't be too fun when your stuck here." 

And then im going to find out she has all her friends living here.


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Mordred and the beast

This wasn't promising if she had to bail out them on the first stage. Her spell shook the beast and the rider couldn't anything but hold onto it. So there was their chance. The blinded beast trashed around and the goblin clearly lost as he jumped off the rhinoceros and started running away before Sakura's ultimate finished off the monster. Now somebody just had to kill the goblin before he escaped to clear the Ultimate Finish. Well, she wasn't going to do that. They did what they required to beat the stage and she would let them compete for the bonus.

Auspicious Breeze

She did what she did best once the little green goblin thing went scurrying away. That being, of course, charging in with confidence and beating on him until he stopped moving! It had worked for her before, and she was getting a bit better at figuring out the buttons to push anyway. Then she somehow made something big happen with lots of axes falling down.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin smiled and said, "Fine, let's go to the dinning room.  Plates are up there and flatware are in that drawer over there."

She pointed to each location with a grin.


"I can only watch the Evil Dead movies so many times," Forest said, unable to keep from smiling at Marcus's offer of company. 

Until he leaves.  Because everyone leaves, she thought to herself with a tiny shake of her head.  "And when you're by yourself it gets boring and lonely," she said with a shrug.


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Still smiling, Joe walked to where he was directed and grabbed a plate and fork.  Then, he made his way into the dining room.

"You coming?  Ill need the food so I can eat." 


Marcus couldn't help but reflexively look away at that overpowering smile.  He reached for the door-handle and pulled, opening the car door.  As his foot touched the ground outside the car, he turned back to Forest.  "Well, as you said.  There are plenty of toys here.  We shouldn't get too bored."

Then, he climbed out of the car and waited for Forest to guide him into his new home.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"I'm carrying the food, geeze," Rin said as she followed him holding the wok.  "Here I am doing all the heavy lifting again."


Forest eyed Marcus, grinned, and said, "Well, you did offer to repay me using your body so . . .  I might get creative."

Do not look away!  Do not show that sex makes me extremely nervous.  Do not let him know that it's been centuries since the last time I actually had sex.  Be confident, Forest!  Have some bloody fun for once, for yourself, she thought as she found herself looking away.

Goddamn it, I looked away!

Moving quickly, she walked to the door that would lead into the compound.


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The giant warrior flinched and looked as tense as a man can possibly get. Just what was the meaning of this reaction? It's not like he had been with her for more than a day, he'd have expected a lady like her to show some reserve.

Such a reaction out of nowhere towards him, even for he who had witnessed the birth and death of universes, it was quite strange. He looked at the blonde woman with a mix of helplessness and confusion. The sort of look that said alright, what do I do here?

Still, he looked down, maintaining a certain semblance of composure and spoke with a surprisingly dignified tone, as if trying to keep the upper hand despite the awkward skinship.

"I couldn't have even if I was in a position to do so. Approaching you at an inopportune time would have exposed you and your loved ones to danger. After all, I made an oath didn't I?"


She took his offered hand with uncertainty and stood up. There was a looming threat in her gaze now and it was directed at him, well as threatening as someone so much shorter than him could be. "That is nonsense I could never look down on you Lord Vanguard. Master Sakura values you highly so I won't allow you to view yourself as garbage."

A bright flash accompanied her speech as her clothes were replaced with a dress armor that accentuated her voluptuous frame. "Please stand back Master, I can't allow myself to be looked down upon by a hypocritical man who can't even cheerish the bonds he speaks off."


"Oh do forgive me, I did not mean to look down on you. Though even if I did do such a thing, you'd simply need to grow taller. Should I take this as a challenge?" He said with his usual kind smile, yet he rubbed his temple like he had just gotten a headache. It might be a little difficult for her to do such a thing if she was so eager to rush towards his blade.

If anything, the lack of a head might just make her smaller.

Sakura Matou

Sakura had remained fairly still, simply maintaining her tight embrace while Jeanne and Vanguard began to subtly threaten each other, but as soon as he made his overt threat, Sakura acted swiftly.

Her hand swiftly shot up and slapped Vanguard stingingly in the face, and she looked up at him with a fire in her eyes.

"Stop." She told him with a terrifying, chillingly blank expression, before it shifted into a smile. "Why don't you come in for some tea and a light meal?" She asked him before turning around to Jeanne. "You wouldn't mind, right?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Joe's eyes widened as he realized he was getting too caught up in his anticipation.  He turned around and walked back towards her, gripping the sides of the wok.  "Oh, your right," he said, lightly tugging the wok away from her.  "I can at least do this much."


Marcus raised an eyebrow at her suggestion, but when he caught her looking away, a mischievous smile crept onto his face.  As she scurried away, he rushed up behind her, using a well placed spank to push her forward.

"Well if your place is this big, there will be plenty of places to do it.  Hell, ive always wanted to do it on a car."

It's time to change the game.


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"Whelp! Not my problem. Sorry lad, you're on your own." He said, petting his head in a patronizing way. Then, he got up from his seat. "Well, no reason to stick around for long. Thanks for the advice! Once I get my body back, I'll have a drink with ya."


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Rin grinned as Joe began to help her with the not very heavy wok.  "You know I was just teasing you," she said, "I could have carried it easily myself."

As they walked, she said, "You know, if I would have known, I would have made something a bit more extravagant. Well, there's next time."


Forest felt the sharp slap on her rear end and jumped ever so slightly before spinning around to face that cheeky bugger.

At his words her eyes widened and then she glared.  "Do that again and I will bloody bite you," she said between clinched teeth.


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"I might as well go ahead and look for someone to beat up for us. Unless you're done with her." Rikuyo cracked her knuckles, waiting for a reaction. The now not masked girl was already here, so why not. She could save herself time looking for practice.


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Balhjet Mountains. A windy mountain range located north to the cities, one of impassable barriers that seemingly barred from leaving the city in that direction. The few people who crossed the range just ended up facing the south after their trek. Those outskirts of Nexus also teemed with the wildlife, monsters and unknown horrors that laired in abandoned mineshafts. It was one of places where someone would search for a mythical beast that evaded capture.

Anastasia was serious about the trip. Before she and her companions headed there, she stopped by her apartment to once again used equipment she never needed. A set of armor, consisting of a chainmail shirt, leather armor and a cloak from a skinned wolf pelt, something which she didn't use to blend with the city. Not that it exactly aided her much as her magic was her key asset against monsters, but she wanted to show her serious she was about the task ahead for them.

The sun was slowly setting. "We will rely on your knowledge, Oka, you will most likely spot what you look for faster than I do. I will cover you all with magic and I guess the sir knight may get into the thick of the battle with any monster which wants to pick a fight." And act as a meatshie- vanguard against any opponent trying to close the distance.

Oka Kurosawa

Oka took a deep breath of the brisk mountain air, seemingly unfazed by the temperature differential. She raised her hand in the air and reached out to touch an odd looking tree. "Well, there's a pokemon right here, actually." She said, taking a step back and splashing the "tree" with water, causing it to lunge forward and attack, before Wormy blasted it with an immense blast of fire, causing it to fall over an faint.

"See, there's stuff everywhere, you two. You just need a practiced eye."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Joe smiled.  "Maybe, but it still hits home," he said, pulling his hands away and following her to the table.  "You've already done so much for me and its only the first date."

Wooo I get a second date! He screemed in his mind as he listened to her continue.  His smile grew even brighter at this thought.

As they approached the table, he placed his plate and silver wear down and brushed off a spot for the wok.  Then, he looked back at her and said, "I don't know, it would feel weird to eat really nice food in a nice place like this."


Oh, she is hot when she's mad.

Marcus stared at her for a second, realizing he may have crossed a line.  Either way, he was too stubborn to admit it.  Without giving her too much time to study his face, he walked past her.  As he passed her, he lightly touched her shoulder and said, "Im looking forward to it."

This was probably why he was lonely back home.

After one or two steps, he arrived in a landing, with one staircase leading up and another down.  "So which way is my room?" he asked casually.


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"I am Julius Richter, Lady Irene." He introduced himself in response. "And it is understandable to feel skeptical about my assertions. This neighborhood seems to be clear of horrors that lurk in some parts of the city."


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"Well, you know I generally do cook for myself most nights when I'm not eating with Sakura and her family," Rin said with a shrug.  "Cooking helps me relax actually."

She asked, "Why is it weird? Or are you just so used to carryout?"


Great.  Another one who thinks I'm hot when I'm pissed, Forest thought, but there was a small bit of pleasure at Marcus's thought.

Then there was there his little comment about her biting him.  "Of course you're looking forward to me biting you," Forest said with an eye roll before pointing up stairs.  "You're upstairs.  I'm down stairs.  I'll take you there."

She lead him to the second floor to what seemed to be a guest suite.  There was a large, nice, if simple bedroom decorated in various shades of blue.  Kind of like a nice hotel room.  There was even a bathroom complete with new toiletries and towels. 

"I can show you the rest of the place, if you want," she said, wondering what he will do next.


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"Geez, an adult wanting to be piggybacked. You sure you didn't hit your head too strong when rolling around on ground like a dog?" A woman expecting a kid like him to carry her around. How hopeless. But still he had nothing better to do, so he followed the duo. Also to watch out for Oren because she seemed to be up to no good.