Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 89141 times)


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Joe streightened his back into a standing position and with a frown he said, "Hey, I dont eat out THAT much.  I didn't learn to cook so I could spend all my free-time at Mc Donalds."

He walked back to the kitchen and grabbed a plate and utensils for Rin.  "Maybe our next date can be a cooking day," he said, setting them on the table across from him.  "That way I can take home a bunch of food for work."


Marcus whistled. "Wow, this is nice.  Honestly, after hearing I was stuck here, I never imagined I would end up in a place this nice."

He walked into the room, admiring the quality of the place.  He poked his head into the bathroom, played around with the lamps and even touched the walls.  Finally, he slowly walked over to his bed and pressed down on the bed.  Nice and soft.  He sighed with relief at the thought.  It felt great to feel so welcomed here.  He would be sure to earn his keep.

All of the sudden, he reached down, grabbed the bottom of his shirt, and slowly took it off, revealing his chiseled six pack and well developed chest.  "So, would it be too much to ask for some clothes?" he asked in a polite tone.  "This is kind of all I have."

That should throw her off guard.


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Erica followed the other two to the computer. Of course, it was simple of her to notice the looks that Noel was directing towards the other girl's chest. Although determining whether it was envy, desire, or some mixture of both was not quite within her current capabilities.

But what was within her current capabilities was considering if an alteration in bust size was possible to her. A cursory look at the design of the Spirit Vessel did show such a thing was possible. It was merely an alteration of the shell which would necessitate a slight use of aura. Should she do it?

She leaned in and whispered the query into the blonde's ear. "Noel, are you jealous of Medaka's bust? Or are you merely interested by it? I have noticed several glances that you have directed at

Medaka Kurokami

Medeka's fingers danced across the keyboard in a blur, typing in her insanely long password.    Then, she turned her head to the side to face Noel.  It was at that point she realized what she was really looking at.


She couldn't help but wonder why she was so visably jealous.  The girl had a wonderful body and she clearly wasn't afraid to show it.  Maybe there was something she could do to help her feel more comfortable.  She would have to think about it.  A girl's body image is a delicate thing.

"For the most part, I take my recipes from the shokugeki show," she said calmly.  "However, I also reverse engineer recipes from my friend's favorite restaurants."

Just then, the blue haired girl leaned in and addressed the blonds staring.  This would be a good opportunity to see just how sensitive she was about this issue.

The one who isn’t Sakura

Noel looked at Erica with a visibly horrified expression, as if she’d just exposed Noel’s greatest shame and secret to the world. Her lower lip trembled, and then a tear slowly streamed down Noel’s face.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Rin's eyes lit up at the mention of a cooking date.  She sat down and said, "That actually sounds like a fun idea.  So, when would you like to go on this cooking date?"

She then sat down and waited for him to join her.


"Ah thanks," Forest said as Marcus appreciated his room.  She did chuckle at him even playing with the light fixtures in the bathroom.  "Well, I'm glad you like it."

Well, at least he seems to enjoy it, she thought before he walked over to the bed, tested it and . . . then he took off his shirt.

Forest rubbed her forehead and sighed. And of course he was stripping now, she thought with a sigh, but appreciated the sight of his shirtless physique.  Then she grinned and said, "I kind of like you this way."

Then she giggled and said, "We can go shopping if you want."

Umbra of Chaos

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Oh right! Jasey let go of the other girl with a slightly sheepish expression on her face before shrugging off her blood-soaked coat and placing it onto Costin. "Well, I'm Jasey. Is that your, uhh, 'friend' over there? Oh, and you don't mind if I finish up this building first, do you? There are still people upstairs." She could see their souls.


She squeezed her legs together a bit as she played with this guy's hair. "Well, I'm Oren! I am a Fae, but only sometimes." There was a special bit of emphasis on that final word. Almost a degree of religious reverence slipped into her voice as she said it.


The blue haired girl's eyes widened in shock and immediate remorse. She bowed her head in shame and began to let out a stream of painfully genuine but rapid apologies. Erica finished it off with a, "I'm so sorry, Noel. I will do anything you desire to make it up to you!"

If the Spirit Vessel was crying too it clearly wasn't a conscious thing.


The man nodded at the sight. "I see. But how is it that you tame these creatures, Oka? It would appear dangerous to attempt to do such a thing over time with nothing but your own force of personality and will to aid you."

Paladin had taken to the cold incredibly well. He felt far more comfortable here then he did below in the city. It felt like home.


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"Are you going to trap it in a pokeball or we leave it like that?" Anastasia asked. Leaving it just like that could be wasteful. "Say, do you have enough of these contraptions? I could conjure a storm and we could just harvest those Pokemon which are vulnerable to ice magic. I've mastered my magic enough that you don't need to worry about being exposed to my spells."


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Joe walked to his seat and slowly eased his butt into the seat.  After quickly glancing at the food, his eyes moved to Rin as he said, "Well, I know its kind of soon, but how about tomorrow?  I don't really get too many days off, so if we cook tomorrow, ill have plenty of food for the week."


Medaka immediately became attuned to the blond's cry.  She stood up and looked around, wondering if there was anything in her immediate facility that could calm her down.  Her mind raced, wondering what she could say to calm her down but came up short.  If she had seen more of the girl's personality it would be easy but as of right now there was little she could do.  When it comes to a woman's body words mean very little.

"There is no need to feel sorry, you have a lovely body," she tried to plead.  "Please, I cannot stand to see you cry."  No this was not enough, only action would break through her suffering.

She rushed over to the floating girl strafing past the blue haired one.  "I know nothing I say will make you understand, so please, take this...."

And just like that, she wrapped her arms around the blond and gave her a warm kiss on the lips.


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Medaka's shadow suddenly shifted as something came out of it. It rose up to a height slightly greater than that of the blue haired vampire. It was a blonde woman with bright golden eyes who was now in the process of stretching her limbs while making a satisifed sound.

"Ahh... Nothing can compare to the sweet sensation of a nap after an exhausting sessio-.... What is going on here?" The blonde's mouth was left half open, her fangs left exposed as she took in the scene she had stumbled into.


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The burning undead walked out of the bar, his step as decisive as ever despite lacking direction. No, not quite. Not anymore.

How boring. He sighed, but didn't say anything. Before long, a bird perched on his shoulder and whispered something where his ear should be.

As usual, nothing had changed. He was smiling because he couldn't grow any more infuriated. But it was fine, no, it was better this way. It wasn't bad to dance at an unfamiliar pace, but now would be the time to have this city follow his own tempo. If he waited, he might not have another chance.

"Well then, how about we pay an old friend a visit?"

Huh, whoever lived in this castle must've been very powerful. He could feel the magic energy emanating from that place, it was enough to make his bones tremble. No, perhaps he was just excited. Either way, if his bird was right she was definitely around here.

He walked on the dawn bridge, feeling uneasy over walking to the front door uninvited. If there was a trap, this would be trouble. It's not that his life had any value, he wasn't afraid of dying. If it was life he had to lose, he had lost such already.

"Hello!? Is anyone there?" He knocked over the front gate, though his voice sounded different from usual. No, perhaps it was more fitting to say this was his real voice. It certainly fit his appearance more, that of a corpse that is.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 11:02:37 PM by francobull3 »


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Medaka's shadow suddenly shifted as something came out of it. It rose up to a height slightly greater than that of the blue haired vampire. It was a blonde woman with bright golden eyes who was now in the process of stretching her limbs while making a satisifed sound.

"Ahh... Nothing can compare to the sweet sensation of a nap after an exhausting sessio-.... What is going on here?" The blonde's mouth was left half open, her fangs left exposed as she took in the scene she had stumbled into.

Joe walked to his seat and slowly eased his butt into the seat.  After quickly glancing at the food, his eyes moved to Rin as he said, "Well, I know its kind of soon, but how about tomorrow?  I don't really get too many days off, so if we cook tomorrow, ill have plenty of food for the week."


Medaka immediately became attuned to the blond's cry.  She stood up and looked around, wondering if there was anything in her immediate facility that could calm her down.  Her mind raced, wondering what she could say to calm her down but came up short.  If she had seen more of the girl's personality it would be easy but as of right now there was little she could do.  When it comes to a woman's body words mean very little.

"There is no need to feel sorry, you have a lovely body," she tried to plead.  "Please, I cannot stand to see you cry."  No this was not enough, only action would break through her suffering.

She rushed over to the floating girl strafing past the blue haired one.  "I know nothing I say will make you understand, so please, take this...."

And just like that, she wrapped her arms around the blond and gave her a warm kiss on the lips.

Noel Vermillion

As soon as Medaka grabbed Noel and kissed her, her blue eyes bulged out and she began to squirm, but was unable to break free from the blue-haired girl’s embrace. She simply just blinked rapidly, unable to properly react to the new blond vampiresque girl who’d just appeared from Medaka’s shadows.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Then Medaka started kissing Noel and when she saw the blonde's reaction (which wasn't too different from when Erica had done the same thing herself a long time ago) she reached forwards and used her strength to pry the other girl off of her friend. But that was when Erica noticed the other presence that had emerged from Medaka's shadow.

The soul... it was so large. And it was defined in so many different ways and simply *more* than a mortal's. Erica let go of Medaka and carefully bowed her head towards this entity. "Medaka was attempting to assuage the emotional state of my friend."

A simple answer might be best here.


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"Uh, sure." She said, not really caring who or what she did right now. Instead, she took an arm laying around, probably belonging to one of the guys that went in their way while they fought or something, and toyed with it.

"Hey Riku, want some?" She asked before taking a healthy bite. Honestly, all this dying made her sort of hungry, and it was no good to waste meat (even if it did taste like shit).


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? - At the Castle

"Are you free?"

A dark raspy voice was his only response, it blew by like the wheezing of an old man who was half past dead. No more sound could be heard after, as if the area had gone deathly quiet.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 11:29:59 PM by Thedoctor »


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I see. It must be a riddle. He thought, surprised at the sudden voice. Though honestly, the silence felt far more intimidating. It was a sound he knew far too well.

He chuckled bitterly. If it was the wrong answer, the door would either remain shut or a trap would activate. Either was fine, so in that case it was best to be honest. To be honest, he had felt like he was trapped in a box with no escape ever since that day. It didn't matter if he cried or screamed, so it was best to laugh such things along.

He looked around, searching his surroundings for any possible hint. Scriptures on the walls, notes hidden in brushes, anything. Sadly, there was nothing but a back door.

Frustrating, honestly the pirate was already a bit irritated. Still, one chance out of two wasn't such a bad deal. If it came to such a question, it would be best to be honest. So he bowed curtly and tipped off his hat.

"I'm afraid not! Now, may you please open?" He said, though sarcastic as his tone was, it didn't sound like a casual reply blurted out by chance, but a genuine request following an earnest answer.


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She pulled him into a hug as she saw him tense up for the first time since she met him.

"Calm down Gadreel, they aren't here. If they were here I'd show them what happens when they cross my friends." Her own anger started building as she took in the whole meaning of what he had said.

"And they dare call themselves angels. They're supposed to protect humans. Where are they Gadreel? So I can pull down every last one of them and teach them a lesson!"


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He followed her spinning motion with the ease of a morning breeze. Her leg hit and stopped dead. His limb not moving an inch as she bounced of it.

"You can't overwhelm someone much stronger than you with brute force Noire. You are still fighting me as if your goddess power." Now to see if she was actually smart and would actually get what he was trying to teach. After all, the people you had to literally spell it out for would never amount to anything great.