Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 90908 times)


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Vanguard did not budge or flinch at the sudden slap, though he was surprised. If anything, his respect for her only grew larger, he acknowledged her bravery more than anything in the world.

She has grown, but she has yet to ripen. He thought, stroking the cheek that had just been stricken with a smile. "I did not come here to fight. If I insulted your honor, I apologize. However, don't you think yourself a little arrogant? Someone of your skill would surely know, you cannot defeat me. This battle will only yield my friend much sorrow, and I have no real reason to accept your trifling challenge. Would you humor every babe who came to you with a wooden sword, Jeanne?"
« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 06:12:46 PM by francobull3 »


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The blond snorted at the man's response. He should listen to himself speak, it was incredibly duplicit. "You speak of arrogance yet you're completely full of it. Why wouldn't I accept such a challenge? To not do that would be insulting to the person making it."

A majestic flag materialized in her hand and she asumemd a neutral stance. She couldn't deny that the man seemingly screamed of danger, but she had to do this nonetheless.


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Joe greedily scooped up as much food as he could fit onto his fork and slipped it into his mouth.  The spices blended nicely with the umami of the fish.  Hoping that she would appreciate him savoring the taste, he waited until he swallowed the food to respond.

"How about we go in the morning?" he suggested, keeping his attention mostly on the food.  "If you wait too long the stores can get crowded."


Marcus chuckled and said,  "Don't worry about it.  We are just going to get me a new wardrobe."  Just as he finished the sentience he paused, placing one hand under his chin as he thought.  That's right, girls tend to care more about that stuff, he thought as he looked at her outfit.

Then, he  turned so his entire body was facing the vampire.  "Actually, yeah.  Go ahead."

Umbra of Chaos

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Huh. Was something glaring at her? Jasey turned around to see the other girl and, well, shrugged. "That isn't nearly enough to bother me. If you wanted my attention you should have just thrown a rock or something."

She slipped on her mask for a moment and tried her own way of intimidation. The crushing fear that could still the breath of normal humans flooding the entire room with its malevolence. Then she popped the mask off and approached the other woman.

Then she held out her hand. "I'm Jasey. That was actually kinda fun too."


The girl had attempted to maintain her composure. Medaka was fine. Somewhat. At the very least she was attempting to assuage Noel's concerns. But this was outright molestation for the sake of pleasure! Erica could allow no one to use Noel like that without consent.

But it was true that the entity was certainly fast. She was almost certainly weaker in every other manner as well. Erica exhaled almost unconsciously. She was... afraid. It made her hesitate. Refrain from decisive action. She knew this. It could not be allowed.

Her body didn't even tense. She had no muscles to do that with anyways. Instead she just dashed right at the entity and attempted to use her strength to pull her off with a good deal more force than she had done with Medaka.


Absolutely fascinating. This woman seemed to be one of many talents. There were few hunters or tamers he had known at home that could manage such confidence. Furthermore, if those 'pokeballs' referred to the objects around her belt than she was surely a master in the leading of beasts.

He nodded his head deeply to her. "Forgive me, Oka. I treated you without the respect that your station deserved. Would I be correct in assuming that you are a master in the art of capturing and training these pokemon?"

The man was genuinely apologetic. Such skill deserved praise and acknowledgement.


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Sakura Matou

Sakura shook her head at them. Jeez, this was so predictable from him, but she was a bit surprised about Jeanne. Maybe it was just her being protective of her. She decided she liked that explaination.

Tell me when you guys finish, ok? I'm gonna go check on Rin.

With that, Sakura disappeared into her shadow and popped out at Rin's doorstep. She knocked merrily on the door, rapping her hand lightly across it. "Nee-san, are you there? I came to visit!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Vanguard smiled, nodding as if acknowledging the girl's spirit.

"Very well, if that's your answer, I will make sure you see it to the end." He said confidently, holding his hand to the side and summoning his weapon in a blinding flash of light. Lightning cracked around his body, dancing around his brow, the ground and the magnificent axe before he hit the ground with its blunt edge.

"I won't hold back. Come."


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"What about bagging and tagging it until it wakes up? It doesn't look edible, so I will pass." She poked the strange treelike creature and it seemed to be more like a rock like being in texture than a plant. Probably wouldn't be good to cook in case they had to eat something in the middle of the wilderness. "Would immobilizing them with magic work though? Keeping down in one place so that anybody else could throw a Pokeball at them, maybe."
« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 06:34:45 PM by Sinib »


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"That's so coool! How do you do that!?" Said the vampire with wide eyes. Like, killing intent was a thing, but wow, this was actually pretty intense. Both had such a beautiful aura...

She eagerly awaited an answer, biting on the arm all the while like it was a tasty common snack. "Oh, *munch* how about you by the way. *chew* It's not so bad you know? Meals are tastier when you share them."


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"What about bagging and tagging it until it wakes up? It doesn't look edible, so I will pass." She poked the strange treelike creature and it seemed to be more like a rock like being in texture than a plant. Probably wouldn't be good to cook in case they had to eat something in the middle of the wilderness. "Would immobilizing them with magic work though? Keeping down in one place so that anybody else could throw a Pokeball at them, maybe."


Huh. Was something glaring at her? Jasey turned around to see the other girl and, well, shrugged. "That isn't nearly enough to bother me. If you wanted my attention you should have just thrown a rock or something."

She slipped on her mask for a moment and tried her own way of intimidation. The crushing fear that could still the breath of normal humans flooding the entire room with its malevolence. Then she popped the mask off and approached the other woman.

Then she held out her hand. "I'm Jasey. That was actually kinda fun too."


The girl had attempted to maintain her composure. Medaka was fine. Somewhat. At the very least she was attempting to assuage Noel's concerns. But this was outright molestation for the sake of pleasure! Erica could allow no one to use Noel like that without consent.

But it was true that the entity was certainly fast. She was almost certainly weaker in every other manner as well. Erica exhaled almost unconsciously. She was... afraid. It made her hesitate. Refrain from decisive action. She knew this. It could not be allowed.

Her body didn't even tense. She had no muscles to do that with anyways. Instead she just dashed right at the entity and attempted to use her strength to pull her off with a good deal more force than she had done with Medaka.


Absolutely fascinating. This woman seemed to be one of many talents. There were few hunters or tamers he had known at home that could manage such confidence. Furthermore, if those 'pokeballs' referred to the objects around her belt than she was surely a master in the leading of beasts.

He nodded his head deeply to her. "Forgive me, Oka. I treated you without the respect that your station deserved. Would I be correct in assuming that you are a master in the art of capturing and training these pokemon?"

The man was genuinely apologetic. Such skill deserved praise and acknowledgement.

Oka Kurosawa

"Huh? I'm pretty up there, but I never beat the elite four, so I dunno if I can really call myself a master. I never actually got to fight them, so I don't know if they'd live up to the hype or not." Oka answered casually and without emotion. A few months ago she might have started crying when this subject came up, but nowadays she was past it. Mostly past it. Probably past it. Ok it still bothered her some, but she wasn't gonna get choked up about it anymore. "I am pretty amazing though."

"And Ana, come on, that ruins the fun, right? And if you did that, Mewoth wouldn't be getting any experience and won't get stronger. You have to let them fight, even if you have amazing magic!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Medaka Kurokami

It seems Shinobu was more concerned about her kissing the blond than the paper.  At least she managed to dodge that bullet. Even so, it seems her actions have disappointed the elder vampire in other ways.

Medaka shook her head.  "No, no its not like that," she pleaded, trying desperately to explain her behavior.  "She was upset so I tried to make her feel more loved!  You know I love your body!"

Just as she was about to more properly articulate her explanation, the blue haired girl rush over to Shinobu and tried to pry her off.  Realizing she might incur Shinobu's wrath, the young vampire rushed down from the counter and rested a hand on her shoulder. 

"Hold on!"  That was all she managed to say.


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Rin grinned and said, "Well that sounds like a plan.  So meet here around ten AM then?"

She enjoyed the sight of Joe eating and then heard a familiar knock on the door followed by, "Nee-san, are you there? I came to visit!"

"I'll be back," Rin said with a smile before getting up to answer the door.


"Thanks, I'll be quick," Forest said before jogging off to her private quarters to change.

She grabbed a black skirt that hit just above the knees and a violet spaghetti strap tank top.  The change was quick and she even put on some eye shadow and lip gloss before re-fixing her hair into a fresh pony tail.

Once she was ready she went to go and find Marcus.  "Ready?" she asked.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 07:04:32 PM by Elf »

Umbra of Chaos

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The man shook his head regardless. "You are incredibly humble, Master Oka. You should not underestimate yourself. From what I can see of you there is little doubt in my mind that there are very few who could approach your skill. Your own training must have paid off. I will be glad to learn whatever you would demonstrate."

This was truly divine providence to find such skilled people in the Nexus, especially those of good character. There would be much to learn in the coming days.


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"Oh, right, you have a point. Still, I could grab that other Pokemon along. As a target practice for the Meowth when the tree thing wakes up." Unless that would be just too cumbersome to do. "As for myself, I guess I'm a master in the sense that every journeyman mage who completed their studies is officially titled a Master. But I'm still behind Archmasters in capabilities. It might take few decades more before I'm worthy to be compared to one."


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Oka Kurosawa

"If you want, go for it." Oka said, shrugging. "Sudowoodo is pretty heavy though. I wouldn't do it."

She then turned back to Paladin.

"Oh, um, well of course! I've devoted my life to this, and suffered through some really grueling training, so of course it paid off. It's all thanks to my grandfather though, really. He made it all possible for me."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Oh, right, this was not even my final form. I could turn my aura up more without blowing myself up." Rikuyo wasn't either impressed by what was suffocating for mere mortals. As Jasey held out her hand to Rikuyo, she switched to her wolf form and amped her aura enough that she took on feral looks similar to that form that bridges the human form and the war form of her Uratha half-siblings.  Then she squeezed Jasey's hand as strong as she could, as if she wanted to test the newcomer's gripping strength.