Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 93348 times)


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"I am Julius Richter, Lady Irene." He introduced himself in response. "And it is understandable to feel skeptical about my assertions. This neighborhood seems to be clear of horrors that lurk in some parts of the city."


What rare poise he had for these days. "A pleasure to meet you, Sir Julius." She said before leaned in, brows furrowing pointedly. "What manner of horrors do you mean exactly? Surely this town can't be so stricken as your tone suggests."

Without saying a word yet, the barman slid a menu between them, pushing it Julius's way on the counter.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"Sure," he replied.  "Then-"

He was interrupted by the sound of a knock and the voice of a young woman.  Nee-san?  Iv'e watched enough anime to know what that means!  Thats her sister!?  His mind cycled through images of what she might look like.  After finding out she was pregnant, it was really hard to imagine her face.  Mob boss and pregnant lady don't mesh well when it comes to imagining a person.

"Ok..." he said, watching her answer the door.



Marcus enjoyed watching her form as she exited the room.  Once she was gone, lied down on his bed, sprawling himself out as he gazed at the ceiling.  It really was nice of her to let him stay here.  No one has ever been that nice to him before.  She's letting him stay in her home, all for a little action and some company.  Of course, before his thoughts could become too deep, Forest entered the room again.

He got up off the bed and said, "Wow, that was quick." His eyes widened slightly as they rolled over her new outfit.  "Oh, you look cute."  THere was no sarcasm, no backhanded compliment, no crappy joke, just a genuine compliment to a genuinely pretty girl.

"I kinda miss the pants though," he added after a second or two.


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Sakura Matou

Sakura waited patiently like the good sister she was until Rin opened the door for her, and then burst in, jumping at Rin and grabbing her in a hug, positive her sister would be able to catch her. "How was your day, oh you have a friend over?" Sakura asked in a serious tone that she knew her sister would see right through. "What's his name?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin caught Sakura as soon as she launched herself through the door.

Even though her sister was heavier now, she wasn't heavy enough that she had to reinforce to do so.  She put Sakura back on the ground and answered, "Day was interesting to say the least.  His name is Joe and I just fixed him dinner."

Her eyes narrowed and said, "However, we do have a bit of a problem.  Some undead fire skeleton pirate who I know is going to be an issue later."


Forest saw Marcus reclining on the bed, looking at the ceiling as she returned.  He sat up, looked her over and actually payed her a genuine complement lacking teasing and sarcasm.  Which was nice, she had to admit.

Then she had to chuckle at the fact he missed her pants.  "Thanks, and vampire.  I can book if I want to. Well, it's kind of hot . . . Outside.  Anyway, you ready?" she asked, "Or are you comfortable laying like a slug?"

Umbra of Chaos

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"Ah, your grandfather? Was he your trainer? Oh, and allow me." The man asked this as he walked over to the creature and lifted it up without too much trouble. It was actually surprising heavy, and there was a sturdiness to its form as he carried it for his other companion.


The girl was mostly uncaring as the other woman grew fiercer and stronger. She met the grip head on with equivalent strength, neither being able to outdo the other yet. Then she looked at Costin and smiled. "Eh. I just kind of know how to do it. It's natural. And nah, I owe that kind of stuff to my, uhh, friend."

The spider appeared on her head and instantly devoured half of the offered limb.


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"Oh, what kind of training? I had to swim in freezing temperatures, do my teacher's errands, run away from bears until I learned to kill them with magic and pay off his debts by taking jobs no other journeyman would." Anastasia shrugged as she reminisced her past. Maybe risking her life beyond what was considered the sane norm made her complete her training relatively faster than other apprentices, so she didn't complain much. "I also enlisted for a rudimentary military training because of my vocation as a battle mage. Pushups, situps, a basic weapon training and drill masters whacking you with blunt objects for lagging behind. You gotta know the soldier's life before you assist them on the battlefield."

It seemed that the knight wasn't just all words as he was able to lift that rather heavy creature. "Oh, thanks for carrying it."


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Marcus did not answer with words.  Instead, he flashed her a smile and walked out of the room, expecting her to follow.

The sounds of casual chatter filled the air.  People wearing a wide variety of wardrobes filled the sidewalk of a busy street.  Some were businessmen and women, dressing in sharp clothing to impress.  Others were groups young men and women, decked out in tight trendy clothes, enjoying their nights out.  A few were like Marcus, dressed casually.  He turned his head to Forest. and said, "So, where do you think we should start?"


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Forest actually loved this little Indie part of the Nexus with all of it's little clothing and trinket stores.  Everything here was original almost, nothing like the mass produced products that were sold at the mall or the Emporium of Man.  There were also little restaurants and even a little smoothie bar that she liked to visit.

She looked at her companion and said, "Well, what kind of clothing do you like to wear?  Or are you a jeans and T-shirt sort?"


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Rin caught Sakura as soon as she launched herself through the door.

Even though her sister was heavier now, she wasn't heavy enough that she had to reinforce to do so.  She put Sakura back on the ground and answered, "Day was interesting to say the least.  His name is Joe and I just fixed him dinner."

Her eyes narrowed and said, "However, we do have a bit of a problem.  Some undead fire skeleton pirate who I know is going to be an issue later."


Forest saw Marcus reclining on the bed, looking at the ceiling as she returned.  He sat up, looked her over and actually payed her a genuine complement lacking teasing and sarcasm.  Which was nice, she had to admit.

Then she had to chuckle at the fact he missed her pants.  "Thanks, and vampire.  I can book if I want to. Well, it's kind of hot . . . Outside.  Anyway, you ready?" she asked, "Or are you comfortable laying like a slug?"

Sakura Matou

"Bah, I'll just send Rider to turn him into dust if he bothers you again. Don't worry about it." She said, prancing over to Joe to look him over, peering at him intensely as if she was sizing him up. After a second, she extended her hand to him in a smile. "Hello, my name is Sakura Matou. Nice to meet you Joe."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Breeze claimed the kill as they cleared the Ultimate Finish. She would get some bonus experience points for that. Those two honestly deserved every advantage they could get.

"Alright, we did it!" Mordred exclaimed. Well, it wasn't a feat, but gotta bolster their morale. She hugged Breeze with one arm as she raised the other arm to high five Sakura. Even if she guessed that high fiving her could hurt a bit.



Fucking cash grabbers.


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"Oh, what kind of training? I had to swim in freezing temperatures, do my teacher's errands, run away from bears until I learned to kill them with magic and pay off his debts by taking jobs no other journeyman would." Anastasia shrugged as she reminisced her past. Maybe risking her life beyond what was considered the sane norm made her complete her training relatively faster than other apprentices, so she didn't complain much. "I also enlisted for a rudimentary military training because of my vocation as a battle mage. Pushups, situps, a basic weapon training and drill masters whacking you with blunt objects for lagging behind. You gotta know the soldier's life before you assist them on the battlefield."

It seemed that the knight wasn't just all words as he was able to lift that rather heavy creature. "Oh, thanks for carrying it."

"Ah, your grandfather? Was he your trainer? Oh, and allow me." The man asked this as he walked over to the creature and lifted it up without too much trouble. It was actually surprising heavy, and there was a sturdiness to its form as he carried it for his other companion.


The girl was mostly uncaring as the other woman grew fiercer and stronger. She met the grip head on with equivalent strength, neither being able to outdo the other yet. Then she looked at Costin and smiled. "Eh. I just kind of know how to do it. It's natural. And nah, I owe that kind of stuff to my, uhh, friend."

The spider appeared on her head and instantly devoured half of the offered limb.

Oka Kurosawa

"Oh, it was nothing too inhumane, I just got thrown into pits full of pokemon with Wormy, and we had to beat them all or get hurt." She lifted up her shirt showing off the side of her midriff. On it was a visible scar that looked like it had been an angry wound at some point. "This one here is from when a scyther slashed at me. Some people said that he was way to extreme but I know he just had our best interests at heart. He's the leader of the bug-type gym, and I was training to be his successor until I ran away to find my own path. I was a bit of a difficult granddaughter, ehehehe..."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Ah, was it time to compare training? "Your efforts seem very similar to mine, Anastasia. When I became an initiate of my order our first task was to venture out into the northern wastes naked and survive for six months. It was quite an ordeal. Many of the wild beasts dislike being agitated, and I was never the most perceptive aside from combat."

"Then when I became an officer we were to venture the world and return with a boon worthy of Stribog. It took me more time to drag the dragon back to the nearest temple than kill it. But the worst was undoubtedly when I became an officer. The training lasted at least a year straight, endless combat with one of the lesser Wolves. It was impossibly tiring. But I believe we have all had it hard and seen the fruits of our labors, yes?"


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"You will have to take my word as undressing with an armor on would be inconvenient, but I have some scars on the back." Mortification as a method of punishment did leave its marks. She did not understand at all why some people actually enjoyed it and did that to themselves. Either they were some deviants or religious maniacs or worse, the both. "And I see you're from a bit different cloth than I thought. Not all members of religious orders go that far when it comes to a rigorous training.


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"Bah, I'll just send Rider to turn him into dust if he bothers you again. Don't worry about it."

Joe's muscles tensed as he shrunk in his seat.  His thoughts were as incoherent as they were desperate  Did she say "turn into dust" does this rider person kill people with a rocket launcher or something?!  Or maybe he has some sort of weird exploding superpower?!

Joe's pupil's locked on to Sakura's as she entered his field of vision, following her with precision as she placed herself in front of him.  She was definitely the sister.  There was no doubt in Joe's mind after he watched her size him up.

Still visibly tense, he flashed her a nervous smile while greeting her hand with a shake.  "Ummm.. hello," he said his voice as shaky as his terrible handshake.  "Are you the sister I have heard so much about?"


Marcus raised an eyebrow at Forest and said, "Yeah, my entire wardrobe is gone.  I don't really think it matters.  I just need new clothes at a decent price."  He looked down at his clothes, reflecting on what he usually wears.  "I suppose I'd want something loose enough that I can fight in it.  Id feel helpless in something that's too tight."

« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 09:50:36 PM by yinsukin »


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"Bah, I'll just send Rider to turn him into dust if he bothers you again. Don't worry about it."

Joe's muscles tensed as he shrunk in his seat.  His thoughts were as incoherent as they were desperate  Did she say "turn into dust" does this rider person kill people with a rocket launcher or something?!  Or maybe he has some sort of weird exploding superpower?!

Joe's pupil's locked on to Sakura's as she entered his field of vision, following her with precision as she placed herself in front of him.  She was definitely the sister.  There was no doubt in Joe's mind after he watched her size him up.

Still visibly tense, he flashed her a nervous smile while greeting her hand with a shake.  "Ummm.. hello," he said his voice as shaky as his terrible handshake.  "Are you the sister I have heard so much about?"


Marcus raised an eyebrow at Forest and said, "Yeah, my entire wardrobe is gone.  I don't really think it matters.  I just need new clothes at a decent price."  He looked down at his clothes, reflecting on what he usually wears.  "I suppose I'd want something loose enough that I can fight in it.  Id feel helpless in something that's too tight."

Sakura Matou

"Hehehehe..." Sakura said, giggling at Joe. "Yeah, I'm the much hyped sister, although I don't think I'll live up to the hype that Rin gave me. But please, relax a bit, I expect you probably think I'm some psycho yakuza type, but I'm really just an honest bussinesswoman who mostly rents out houses to people who need it at reasonable rates."

Sakura then took a pause to think about what she had said to make him so nervous. "Oh! Did you think I was sending a hitman after him or something?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end