Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 93331 times)


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The sword master submitted entirely to the will of the demonic blade. Eagerly as well. Meti allowed herself to gleefully slip away, nothing more than a part of the sword. Smooth soul bound to the metal and hunger in her hands, controlling her.

You can do whatever you wish with me.

Muramasa Katase

Well, it was tempting to seek meals of her own like this. Katase had never quite found someone unwilling to put up any resistance at all before, and so her movements with Meti's body were smooth. Smoother than even her own puppets. She could still taste the girl on her edge, delicious life sinking into her steel. Imagine killing someone with this wielder...?

She shuddered, but then shook her head. "We will decide what to do with her at a later time. For now, we should acquire somewhere less exposed to the elements than a cart for my... cousins"

Umbra of Chaos

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The sword master bit her lip. Then she reached out with a hand (a hand filled with will and a sharpness that made her warm) and ran them over the blades. They were simple things, but she could communicate with them, let them recognize the overwhelming killing desire of the sword in her hands.

A sword could not be a hindrance to its wielder. A wielder could not be a hindrance to its sword. This they all knew. And this is what let Meti raise her weapon. They could not be weak, such was their love.

The blade came down with impossible skill. Others might have seen a multitude of simultaneous strikes, but it was merely the unnatural speed and fluidity of the blade as it lashed out and cut every single blade in the cart in half. None at the same time. Each were broken separately.

To her shame her hand was shaking as she finished. She had clipped the cart, sullying the blade in her hand with lesser materials because of her ineptitude. One of her hands moved to cover her face and whatever might be dripping down it.

"I'm sorry."


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Huuu, impressive. She matched her physical strength well. Charging the hand with her aura would be sort of cheat though in that situation. "Oh, so that's why you're not someone to scoff at. Empowered by a god, huh? I'm somewhat different. In my case I'm a god who got herself a human body. I don't have a clue though how I ended up like that. So, do you really want to clear out those small fries down there? Not interested in larger fish? "


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The sword master bit her lip. Then she reached out with a hand (a hand filled with will and a sharpness that made her warm) and ran them over the blades. They were simple things, but she could communicate with them, let them recognize the overwhelming killing desire of the sword in her hands.

A sword could not be a hindrance to its wielder. A wielder could not be a hindrance to its sword. This they all knew. And this is what let Meti raise her weapon. They could not be weak, such was their love.

The blade came down with impossible skill. Others might have seen a multitude of simultaneous strikes, but it was merely the unnatural speed and fluidity of the blade as it lashed out and cut every single blade in the cart in half. None at the same time. Each were broken separately.

To her shame her hand was shaking as she finished. She had clipped the cart, sullying the blade in her hand with lesser materials because of her ineptitude. One of her hands moved to cover her face and whatever might be dripping down it.

"I'm sorry."

Muramasa Katase

The chorus of souls went still and silent in the face of this sudden willfulness. It was a good intention even, the way the girl went about her choice. It was only near the end as Meti's flawless skill faltered beneath the weight of her own heart. How strange. She could feel it physically, giving her a sense for how the girl's body was punishing her for this indecision.

It contrasted all too strongly with her own elation as she shattered each weapon, as she took their strength from them. The Muramasa hardly felt the wood, so sharp was her edge, and instead all that was left was her wielder's sorrow as her loves all died. So she did the only kind thing she knew how to do as a sword. She took whatever joy lingered as Meti's feelings soured her, and put them into that puppet of her's. Then it clumsily wrapped its arms around the girl.

it was quick. their strength will go on to kill many.


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It was risky, he knew, moving about Chinatown while keeping a discreet eye on the movements of Shendu’s dragons. Perhaps even pointless, since it didn’t look like they were going out of their way to antagonize anyone. Shirou pursed his lips as he watched a patrol fly overhead with his enhanced vision. Even so, after what happened with Mia, he didn’t think he’d ever quite forgive him. With a sigh, the freelance magus moved out of the shadows and began making his way through the less populated alleys back to the main street.

He had narrowly avoided being incinerated after his ill-planned stint in Shendu’s palace, thanks to Sakura’s timely intervention. It still felt a little unreal, that she had been the one to save him, after all the time he spent back home trying to keep her separate from the darker side of his life. It chafed bitterly, that he hadn’t been able to help the little girl the massive lizard had taken. The only one who had been saved was himself. He had visited Sakura on occasion after that, at her request, even though that irritating younger version of him was there. He owed her that much, at least. She was doing well for herself, but there was something decidedly off about her. Unfortunately, he didn’t have any idea how to help her with that. He hoped Rin had better luck.

A sound off to the side caught Shirou’s attention. A muffled voice and a scuffling noise, coming from somewhere behind a small noodle shop that had gone out of business just a week ago. He did a quick 360, nobody else was close by.

Moving as quietly as he could - which was pretty quiet, if he said so himself - Shirou moved around the building to discover a rather average looking man holding a woman up against the wall at gunpoint, his hand over her mouth. Several scenarios ran through his mind at once. Rape, mugging, murder, it didn’t much matter. The important, and most dangerous part was removing the pistol. The man could then be dealt with without risking the weapon discharging.

Walking up slowly, the magus focused his prana into his arms and legs, increasing the power in his muscles. Fortunately, neither the man nor woman heard or saw him approach, so focused on each other. Once he was within arms reach, Shirou reached out, grabbed the man’s wrist, and pulled it, along with the gun, away from the woman. At the same time, he brought his free hand up and then back down. Except the hand wasn’t free anymore, but filled with a black and red sword.

Shirou dropped the pistol, severed hand still attached, and smashed his forehead into the man’s face. Shirou saw stars, but the man, caught entirely off guard, fell back and hit ground hard. All this took place in the span of a second.

Shaking off the painful light behind his eyes, the freelancer took stock of the situation. The woman - he now noticed she was older, perhaps in her 50s - was unharmed, and the man was prone, stunned and bleeding profusely from his arm. Letting Bakuya fade into nonexistence, Shirou pulled out his phone and started calling emergency services. He didn’t have anything on hand to stop the bleeding.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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Shinobu was mostly disinterested in her minions attempt to smooth the situation over, not not. Not with such an opportunity. However the fourth woman rushed to her companions assistence attempting to pry the blond vampire away from her. However in her hurried stae, she obviously used more force than she had intended sending Shinobu flying.

what incredible power we have here.

However the vampire maintened her grip on the shorter blonde, sending Shinobu's back crashing onto a table with Noel landing ontop of her.

"That was rather violent of you. You almost harmed your companion." She spoke up to the one who had pushed them there.


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"Uhhh, okay...?" She said, kinda weirded out by all this crazy talk of gods and whatever. "Well, your loss. More for me I guess." She honestly really didn't care, so she focused back on the important bits. The bloody and dead bits. Most of them were just collateral, she didn't know which ones Jasey killed or she killed in her frenzy, nor did she care.

It just wasn't good to waste food, you know? So she just went back to her buffet and started eating the bodies around, draining the floor from its blood along the way.


The demon was looking up at the darkening sky, lying back on a rooftop. Ever since he came to this district, crime had started to dwindle down, which was good. Aside the occasional hooligan he had to slap on the wrist, there wasn't much left to be done, so he started to get a little bored. In a way, he almost missed the occasional demon against which he could test his steel, but he was glad that this place was safe.

The demon yawned and kept chewing at his twig. What a bother, maybe he should consider moving to another district, but there was something pleasant about the eastern ward.

It wasn't just the sake.

Either way, he wasn't going to complain here and now. This peace was pleasant in its own way, but suddenly, he heard a pained scream. His eyes opened wide and he immediately got up. Damn, he shouldn't have thought of that, this was the sort of thinking that caused problems in the first place, like a bad omen.

In the blink of an eye, the demon stepped forward and flashed like a blur. In an instant, he had crossed the distance and landed below, right in the alleyway behind the calico man, the woman and the injured. His gaze narrowed, and his hand neared the hilt of his blade.

"You have three seconds to explain yourself young man." He said calmly.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 12:25:34 AM by francobull3 »


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"Honest business woman?!" That sounds exactly like something a gangster would say!

"Yes" he said bluntly.  It was then he really took in her appearance.  She was really cute, especially for a pregnant lady.  But she didn't look much like Rin.  Her eye color, breasts and hair were completely different from the other magus.

It was just after this train of thought that he finally processed what she said.  "So your a landlord?  For what area?"

« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 12:04:29 AM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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She stiffened a bit at the hold of the puppet. There was little comfort in any of its movements or gestures. It was Katase's voice, blood red and cutting in sound that assuaged her. "Y-Yes. Yes. Tenfold for each of them at least!"

Meti ignored the puppet. Instead she caressed the blade and ran a finger down Katase's perfect edge. It made a fine cut, dribbling blood down the sword. "But I have a promise to keep to you, Lady Katase. That I would satiate your thirst for blood, and I will do so. Would you allow me to take you up for this purpose?"

It sounded formal. Almost like a proposal.


She flinched at the coment made by the entity. That was... Her hands trembled a bit. Never before had her strength been so, so uncontrolled ! It was uncharacteristic of her. Real and genuine perhaps, but a terrible expression of it. Nothing she did could be allowed to harm Noel.

Her expression was downcast as she looked at the girl in question. "I am sorry. I-It was not my intentionto use such force."


"Ah, well who dies doesn't really matter. It just wants souls. And murder. Lots of murder. I don't particularly mind, and it doesn't matter how strong the souls are. They're all the same to It." But she did frown and tap her chin at the question regardless.

"I mean, I've never really fought someone strong before. The strongest thing I fought was Costin and she's cute but unless I just stood there she couldn't really hurt me. Dunno exactly what I'm missing out on here."


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Relius Clover

Relius continued his confident stride forward, not even bothering to look back and address the puppet.  Instead, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Of course, you have to be thorough when you clean up trash.  Besides, it would be rather rude to make you do it on your first job yes?"  His voice was casual, yet punctuated with its normal regal politeness which gave it a sort of matter of fact feel.

A bell rang as Relius opened the door to his shop.  He walked over to the counter, bent down and grabbed a checkbook from a cabinet.  Then with a quick flourish, he wrote a sizable check.  He reached out his hand, expecting the puppet to approach him.

"Here is your payment."


Shrugging, Coppelius took a look at the displayed number; this was hardly a fulfilling experience, but he really could'nt complain to the shopkeeper about it.
"Mind if i ask who those two were?


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Purple Heart


She pulled him into a hug as she saw him tense up for the first time since she met him.

"Calm down Gadreel, they aren't here. If they were here I'd show them what happens when they cross my friends." Her own anger started building as she took in the whole meaning of what he had said.

"And they dare call themselves angels. They're supposed to protect humans. Where are they Gadreel? So I can pull down every last one of them and teach them a lesson!"


... well, this was a first. When was the last time someone comforted him, rather than the other way around? Long enough that his memory of it was quite fuzzy. Even his mind could not contain the particulars of eons with perfect fidelity, and so all he could remember was smells. Certain sounds. A warmth. Gadreel's breath caught unnecessarily.

"... far from here, beyond reach. But, thank you."


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She stiffened a bit at the hold of the puppet. There was little comfort in any of its movements or gestures. It was Katase's voice, blood red and cutting in sound that assuaged her. "Y-Yes. Yes. Tenfold for each of them at least!"

Meti ignored the puppet. Instead she caressed the blade and ran a finger down Katase's perfect edge. It made a fine cut, dribbling blood down the sword. "But I have a promise to keep to you, Lady Katase. That I would satiate your thirst for blood, and I will do so. Would you allow me to take you up for this purpose?"

It sounded formal. Almost like a proposal.

Muramasa Katase

Huh. Was that not the manner in which humans were comforted by one another? Perhaps Katase was merely lacking in practice, and so unsuited to offering it in this way? No matter. It appeared that Meti was truly no ordinary human. The renewed taste of her blood reassured her of this. And then the demon sword spoke again through the girl's mouth.

"That... is a more than generous offer," she said in the same voice with different inflections. It was difficult to obscure her excitement. "And one this Muramasa welcomes."


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Breeze claimed the kill as they cleared the Ultimate Finish. She would get some bonus experience points for that. Those two honestly deserved every advantage they could get.

"Alright, we did it!" Mordred exclaimed. Well, it wasn't a feat, but gotta bolster their morale. She hugged Breeze with one arm as she raised the other arm to high five Sakura. Even if she guessed that high fiving her could hurt a bit.



Fucking cash grabbers.

Auspicious Breeze

"Woohoo!" Breeze held her other arm up in victory, grinning wide as she managed to win the game for them! Sure, Mordred had let her get the finish there, and Sakura had even more let her, but it was the thought that counted. "Now we can... eh? Coin...?"

Her face fell as she manged to read that.


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"You won't learn until you experience it yourself. Mass slaughter has its time and place. Life will get boring without some variety. I've seen enough to know you won't fall to my fists easily." Rikuyo started charging aura in one of her palms. She formed a red colored energy blade. "Draw your weapon. I think it'll fit to use something I made up when fighting another mass killer. If you don't fight me, I can just blow up those people first. That'd be pain in ass, amirite?"

She pointed her other palm at the general direction of those mortals. She could just attack her anyway, but she found certain pleasure into messing with people.


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Purple Heart

She couldn't deny that the feel of his toned body against her was very pleasant. But she couldn't let herself be distracted by that now, Gadreel still needed her.

"I know you're hurting, but please trust me Gadreel., I want you to be happy with what you're doing.... And who you're doing to." The goddess couldn't help but adding the last part to lighten the mood, they needed it.