Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 94900 times)


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Shit. This wouldn’t be the first time Shirou had appeared to be the bad guy to bystanders, but it was the first time said bystander could reach supersonic speeds and was armed with a sword.

No… no, he wasn’t armed with a sword. Shirou’s ability to innately grasp a weapon’s structure at a glance told him there was far more to the newcomer than that. Almost like the sword was actually part of him.

“He was holding that gun to her,” Shirou said, jerking his head at the gun - still in the severed hand - lying on the ground. “I dealt with it, but now he needs help.”

He didn’t take his eyes off the newcomer. Blue hair and eyes, pointed ears, just enough to tell the casual observer that he wasn’t human. None of that interested the freelancer. Everything in him was screaming that this man was wrong… but he was also so right. The closest thing he could compare it to had been Mia’s sword, which he hadn’t been able to properly identify.

The man on the ground behind him moaned pitifully. Shirou wanted to help, but he wasn’t willing to take his eyes off the person before him. If things got violent, he couldn’t afford to be caught off guard.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

At least he's being blunt towards her, that's good, Rin thought, knowing that this was the real test.  If Joe could handle Sakura, then Rin was confident that he could handle anyone else in that house hold.

Even though I want to keep him away from Rider and Jeanne though, Rin thought as she sat back down.  "Rider's a woman," Rin said with a tiny grin.


"Then we should probably get you all the little odds and ends right?" Forest said.  While not as impressive as it was at home, her pocket book was nothing to sneeze at.  Besides, her night club was 80% funded by the money she had collected from mobsters on her little raids. 

She grinned and said, "Hey, since I'm paying can I pick out a few outfits?"

Her eyes met his as her grin curved into a smirk that wasn't exactly pure.

Arch-Magos Winter

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She squeezed her legs together a bit as she played with this guy's hair. "Well, I'm Oren! I am a Fae, but only sometimes." There was a special bit of emphasis on that final word. Almost a degree of religious reverence slipped into her voice as she said it.


"And if you did not hear it before, I am Trivek of the Izzet League of Ravnica, and Guildmage of aforementioned. And I suppose a dimensional traveler as well since a few weeks ago. Though I can't think of a good title for that..." The idle chatter helped distract from her ruffling through his hair like she was looking for something in it. He couldn't be going grey already could he? Then again, considering the prevalence of white hair among the Guild, it was a possibility. Trivek didn't comment on her actions, instead focusing on her words. "So you're some kind of shapeshifter? Not unknown where I'm from."


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Sakura Matou

"Rider isn't a hitman, silly. You know how Rin and I are Magi, right? Rider's one of my magical familiars, called a servant, who I summoned to fight for me. She's really super strong, so whenever we have an issue, Rider's always a reliable choice to deal with it. And she has an attack that's like a laser, thus the disintegration part." Sakura gave Joe a brief summary in a way that hopefully he would understand.

"And I rent properties of all shapes and sizes, I have quite a few holdings! If you're ever looking for a new, make sure to let me know, I'll be sure to give my sister's friend a nice discount! And don't worry, I'm not trying to rope you into some skeevy contract."

Sakura then turned to prance over to Rin, and, then, floating up a bit on her shadows (standing on her tiptoes had been hard since she got pregnant) to whisper something in her ear.

"You found quite a good guy Rin, I like him alot."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Gojira was about to toss the man out the window when Adjutor grabbed her by the shoulder. Then everything was a pitch-black nothingness...

Before she knew it, the pair of them plopped back into reality. It was just outside the building, by a tree. Gojira jerked herself away from the other woman, turning about to face the now-potential threat. "What did you do?!" She snarled.


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The moment Sakura redefined what this Rider person was, Joe immediately pictured Sakura summoning superman and ordering him to fry Lorenzo with his heat vision.  He even added Lorenzo screeming like a maniac as he was turned to dust by this rider person's overwhelming power.  That is so much worse.

"Rider's a woman," Rin interjected with a tiny grin.

Same vision, different gender. Well, at least ill have some eye candy when I die...

"Oh ok," he managed to get out.  Truthfully, he was actually thinking about relocating.  He needed a change of pace and quite frankly, his neighborhood was becoming a bit sketchy.  Just the other day his neighbor was robbed.  But he wasn't sure he negotiate with this "honest business woman."

He got up from his seat and watched Sakura prance over to Rin.  His eye's widened as he noticed shadows pushing her body upward a few inches.  It was in that moment that a thought occurred.  Wait, is she stronger than Rin?!   It doesn't sound like Rin can do that summon familiar thing and if she could, she would have used it to at least scare the crazy pyro pirate from before.

He glanced at her again.  Her arms were pretty skinny, toned even, which was astounding for a pregnant lady.  He wouldn't be surprised if they worked out together.  Well, that was even more of a reason to stay on her good side.  He took a deep breath, allowing his muscles to relax once more.  However, his posture was still visible closed off.


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Noel Vermillion

"Ummmm..." Noel squeaked, trying to interject, but too afraid and confused to really assert herself at all. "I wouldn't have been hurt, you don't need to worry about me. My body is very durable."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Let's play something else now!" Sakura exclaimed excitedly. "I wanna play one of those shooter games where you go bang bang bang pow pewpewpew!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oka Kurosawa

"Wow, you two are from an entirely different world than me, huh..." Oka said thoughtfully, as if this had gotten her thinking. "This city probably seemed so high tech to you two, didn't it?" For her, it had been the opposite. Everything they did here seemed to be in an incredibly inefficient way, down to the power plant. Where she came from, orbital solar collectors were the norm. This hydroelectric plant seemed so boring by comparison.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Marcus frowned and let out an exacerbated sigh.  "Fine, but if we're doing that, lets get it out of the way first," he said, turning his head away from her as he spoke.  He focused on the people walking by to distract himself from the fact that he just turned himself over to her.  "Just so you know, I'll need casual, semicasual and maybe swimming outfits.  Oh, and a suit for a job interview."


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"Alright, we shouldn't just stick to one game. Breeze, you remember what a gun is, right?" Mordred likely already explained her what firearms are some time ago, but she wanted to make sure. "The controller is basically in a similar shape. You point at the screen, pull the trigger, and the machine registers everything."


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"There is a lot of monsters and monstrous people alike. Some weave a web of lies to pull their victims into their plots and machinations, some cow people into submission by threats and fear, and others just prey on the body and the soul. To be honest the first are the most problematic. It takes more than a good weapon and a sharp resolve to crush their nefarious plans." Julius explained the situation to the lady while grabbing the menu to have a look at its contents.


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Urho calmed down now that she finally stopped being a clothless pervert. He was still a bit sulky about the whole incident. "Huh, big deal. I'm a rock sometimes."


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Her complaining was a bit amusing He flashed over to the black haired goddess and stopped her. "Do you really have to complain so much Noire? I only teach people with actual potential. If you were awful I'd have stopped by now. And you aren't, not by a long shot. That you're so damn cute is just a big plus on the side."


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She did not acknowledge her master's words, instead maintaining her focus on Vanguard. He had summoned a giant axe now while lightning crackled around his body. That wouldn't be easy to overcome, he apparently could command lightning as well.

She waited until her master had left the vicinity before making her move, he wasn't going to move from there, leaving it to her to make the first move. It suited her just fine.

Without saying a word the blonde charged like the wind, appearing next to him in the blink of an eye. Her flag spun through the air as she unleashed a rapid flurry of blows upon him.