Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 96589 times)


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"As much as it tempts you, don't catch ones too strong for you to control!" Oka told her. "They won't listen to your commands in battle, making them utterly useless."

She then turned back to Paladin. "Please, don't call me master or teacher or anything like that. Oka is fine. Oka is what I like. Sakura is acceptable too, if you want to be cheeky."

The girl then made an indiscernible motion, telling Wormy silently to start moving. The pokemon happily obliged, carrying the girl around as if he was a flying throne for her.

"Let's keep going then!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"No. I want you to know what kind of Hell may await you if you lose..." Mordred smirked quite devilishly. Out of the trio, only she could come up with such a thing. "How's your math? The loser will have to solve equations!"

That would be honestly a sort of pain of ass for her too, so it was clearly fair.

Auspicious Breeze

"Huuu... I see I'll just have to defeat both of you. Otherwise I'm doomed!" She couldn't let Mordred win, ever. Because math was terrible and Breeze could barely add and subtract to begin with. She could barely read any of her own language let alone whatever it was that math was. She pointed the gun out with steadiness. "Let's do this!"


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Sakura smirked. Math huh. That was easy. No matter what she threw at her, there'd be no trouble. So it didn't really matter if Mordred beat her.

"No! Not math!" She exclaimed melodramatically. "Breeze! We have to team up to defeat the vile Mordred, and stop her from making us do math!"

Sakura put on several coins, and pressed start. The opening cutscene began playing.

"Let's do this!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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Shirou and Sakura

For a moment, Sakura was confused, wondering why Shirou wanted her to watch what seemed to be a simple game of fetch. As soon as Shirou threw the stick, though, Sakura's eyes widened as the Pokemon flew into the air at incredible speed, catching the stick before landing safely on the ground and returning the stick to Shirou, his tail wagging happily all the while.

"Good boy Moko!" Sakura said enthusiastically, clapping at the sight.

Shirou, meanwhile, bent down to retrieve the stick, giving the cute Pokemon a quick stroke as he did so, before releasing the stick again, this time throwing it at a higher angle, and somewhat faster.


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The goddess eventually landed and released him infront of a pizzeria. To be honest he couldn't have her die on him, not when she had opened up so many opportunities. Although he could easily spin that desire to something favourable for him.

"Pizza huh, I guess that will be fine for me but what ever happened to your esteemed healthy diet?" Most likely doinf it just to look good and not because she wanted, judging by how she acted at the mere sight of pizza.

"And I don't think I can allow you to run around and beat monsters as you are now. You would cause great havoc."

Black Heart

"Oh. Um. You're right, of course. I couldn't possibly eat such unhealthy food!" She proclaimed, sadly turning around. Her body language completely disagreed with what she was saying. Her turn was reluctant, and her gaze lingered upon the pizzeria.

She hoped that he'd "force" her to eat there, secretly in her heart of hearts.

"And I'll do what I need to do to get back home. I'm certainly open to suggestions in how I go about it, but I won't allow you to prevent me from doing it at all."
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 04:34:11 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura Matou

Sakura was kinda miffed at Vanguard and to a lesser extent Jeanne, to be perfectly honest. Their little spat was giving her a headache. You'd call them worthless. Sakura responded to Jeanne telepathically, not wanting it to escalate any further. All the while, she opened the fridge and began to randomly pull out various ingredients.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Oooh what do ya mean by tha-- hauu..." The purple haired goddess ley out a paicularly big yawn. Her body slowly fell down completely on him. Her face coming to rest on his broad chest, snuggling against him like the world's biggest pillow. "Mhmm...Gaddy so warm...." Neptune mumbled almost inaudibly as her eyes closed. Only mere moments later the sounds of girl snoring could be heard.


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Her behaviour was quite silly, it was quite clear that her words were fake. While endearing at first, this was getting old. "So pizza it is then." He grabbed her arm and pulled her inside the building with force so great it might kill a normal person, nothing she couldn't handle as he has seen previously. Hopefully she'd get that he was annoyed.

"There's a lot you don't know and you would cause great damage in your ignorance by charging in so blindly. Maybe you haven't realized it yet, but you aren't the top dog here. There may be as many as a hundred people around your level. And for for the record, I was holding back earlier."


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Black Heart

Yay! The goddess was very happy to be pulled inside the building. "Oh, well, if you insist..." She muttered. She didn't really know why she was acting like this right now. It wasn't like she needed to look cool for her citizens here. Maybe she could take a break. Let loose. Just a bit of course, but that would be nice.

"And I know you were holding back, but I'm super weak right now, too. Once I get more shares I'll get stronger. It's not a fair comparison." She protested his assessment of her. "And I do really need to get shares, so how do you propose I gain them if not by helping people?" The girl suddenly began enthusiastically pulling him towards a nice booth she'd spotted in the corner. "Come on, this way!" She exclaimed girlishly and genuinely for once.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 10:37:20 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Their claws clashed again and again, both parried and avoided each others strikes, though both would scratch one another barely, it wasnt enough to deal decisive damage. But Costin had more than a century of battle experience, eventually she got used to their clashes. But just when Riku moved for another attack, she -vanished- !

No, it wasn't right. The claws of energy should have hit her face, but she crouched just at the last second before closing right in and headbutting her face like a spring.


The dark god blushed, shocked at how she could say such a thing casually. Messing with her was one thing,but this was a bit far. He looked away, only to puff his chest and pout.

"Of course. What kind of god would I be if I couldn't keep a single promise?"


While they had brought the man to the hospital, Engetsu was mostly quiet. He didn't ask anything, nor did he try to press matters any further. He only looked at the direction of the hospital, as if ignoring everything else.

After that was dealt with, the demon met back with the man and looked more troubled than before. Facing one another in the steril white hall, it was rather clear that the demon felt conflicted.

"So you really did save that woman..." He muttered, looking at him as if he was studying that man. He had seen many humans, many warriors, and many monsters in his lifetime. He could tell that his eyes weren't that of a killer, or perhaps he gave in to his wishful hopes. Either way, he had but one thing to say.

The demon bowed.

"The way I spoke to you was shameful. I should not have threatened you, for that I apologize."


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Shirou leaned against the sterile white walls of the hospital’s hallway, relieved that they seemed to have made it in time to keep the injured man from bleeding out. The elf-like man was quite fast, and it had required the magus to reinforce his legs for all he was worth to be able to keep up. He wiped some sweat off his forehead. He was gonna need a shower when he got back to the little house Sakura had insisted he stay at for the time being.

Blue Hair walked out of a nearby door and gave the Emiya magus a troubled glance. Shirou pushed off the wall and turned to face him, hiding his trepidation with a carefully manufactured blank look.

Blue muttered something Shirou didn’t quite catch, and then bowed in apology. Shirou blinked, caught off guard. Considering the position he had been caught in earlier, he had been expecting the worst.

“Ah, don’t worry about it. I know how it must have looked to you,” Shirou said, bowing in return. He realized he rather liked this man and his quiet confidence, how he came to help when he thought it was needed. Such traits weren’t very common in Shirou’s experience. “My name is Emiya Shirou. May I ask yours?”
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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The demon's eyes widened quizzically for a second, and the he relaxed and smiled. "Engetsu. You can call me Engetsu." He said kindly. "What brings you to these parts?"


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Shirou gave Engetsu a small but genuine smile. A smile that quickly faded when the man asked what brought him to Chinatown. Honestly, he didn’t really want to get into it. Plus, it was always possible that Blue had connections to Shendu.

“Chinatown feels most like home to me,” Shirou said, banking on his asian heritage to sell the fib. “I don’t come often anymore though. The Dragon Lord and I… do not get along well.”
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].

Umbra of Chaos

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"Of course, Sakura." He gave her a friendly salute before following her and the flying, fluffy looking bug creature.

He tried to ignore the fact that this was the third Sakura this day.


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"People who live like that end up dying and leaving people they care about behind too quickly," Rin said before taking another bite.

She sighed, absently played with the chopsticks by tapping them against the plate, and then looked back at Joe.  "But people like that would also get exploited and then turned into scapegoats."


Forest glared at Marcus as he grinned and chuckled at her, the fannybawbag.  She took a deep but unneeded breath and said, "You are a wanker on a cosmic scale.  What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?  Tackling me like that?  And you're glowing again.  What are you?"