Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 96591 times)


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Joe's attention was drawn to Rin's plate as she absent mindlessly tapped it.  Then, he looked back at his own and realized he had finished his food.  He placed his fork on the table and let out a sigh. "Yeah...." he said, staring at the crumbs remaining on his plate.

He looked at Rin for a second, recalling something she said earlier.  "But then again, we ordinary citizens can be manipulated just as easily right?" he asked before forming a somber smile.  "I mean, its no wonder people in this city are uneasy about the supernatural.  Even in hindsight, we never really know when we are being used."


It was pretty much impossible for Marcus to not have an enormous, satisfied grin plastered on his face while Forest was glaring at him like that.  She really did look stunning when she was angry, especially in that dress.  Now on top of her, he traced his finger along the curves of her dress.  He felt himself hardening as his hips sat atop hers.  "Well I thought it would be more fun if I caught you off guard," he said, the elation clearly present in his voice.  "Besides, I figured it would give you a good taste of how rough I can be."

He sat on her hips and held up one hand, looking at his glowing arm as if he was just realizing it was there.  His eyes dimmed as he thought about how to put his thoughts into words.  "Well, im not a vampire like you," he said, moving that hand to her cheeks and giving that side a gentle stroke.  "But, this power of mine allows me to become just as strong as you are and it gives me access to any powers of yours that I know about."

Just as he said that, the bruise left on his cheek from her punch faded completely.  "In my world, a small percentage of the population developed superpowers based on... spirit I guess," he continued, his eyes looking away from the vampire when he said spirit.  "Is that all you wanted to know?"
« Last Edit: April 04, 2017, 12:58:21 PM by yinsukin »


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Shirou and Sakura

For a moment, Sakura was confused, wondering why Shirou wanted her to watch what seemed to be a simple game of fetch. As soon as Shirou threw the stick, though, Sakura's eyes widened as the Pokemon flew into the air at incredible speed, catching the stick before landing safely on the ground and returning the stick to Shirou, his tail wagging happily all the while.

"Good boy Moko!" Sakura said enthusiastically, clapping at the sight.

Shirou, meanwhile, bent down to retrieve the stick, giving the cute Pokemon a quick stroke as he did so, before releasing the stick again, this time throwing it at a higher angle, and somewhat faster.


The pokemon just as swiftly repeated his previous achievement, grabbing the stick and landing on the ground. However, this time, he didn't give it to them quite so easily, and began to dart away from them, daring them to catch him.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"But what was that you did?" Gojira asked again, simmering down a tad bit.

Adjutor's surprise ability, though being convenient at that moment, caused the Shemonster to be on edge. Gojira may not have been among the brightest of individuals - she still didn't know what she did wrong witht he fish a few minutes ago - but it was easy for her to come up with multiple ways that...shadow thing could be used against her. Again, she had to mentally kick herself for assuming an individual's abilities, especially since she welcomed Adjutor into her home.


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Jeanne barely acknowledged Sakura's words with a nod. Meanwhile Vanguard was making some empty comment about the house looking more spaceous than before. While empty small talk, it did inform the blonde that he had been here before. But when and why?

There was far too little she knew though. Her master and him seemed to have some connection she was unaware of.  Judging by her master's response, she didn't want the two of them to fight, so perhaps it was best to approach this directly. She didn't really feel like being cordial to him but she'd try since Sakura wanted it.

Having made up her mind, the French girl moved in front of Vanguard and bowed deeply.

"My apologies for trampling on your honour Lord Vanguard by calling you my servant. It was meant in jest." She rose up to her full height despite thar she still did not even reach his shoulders. It was almost comical to imagine such a girl had bested the giant once.

"May I ask you a question?"


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Vanguard raised a curious eyebrow at the blonde knight.

"Aren't you already doing that? I can't stop you from speaking." He stated as a matter of fact.


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The pirate was walking around, minding and business and planning his next move, when suddenly he bumped into something, or well, someone. Taking a tep back by reflex, he then noticed the odd looking lad, and swiftly sent his arm forward to catch him by the hand before he fell.

"Huh? Oh, sorry kiddo." he said, kinda embarrassed by how he spaced out. He had gotten so carried away by his plans that he didn't even notice what was right in front of him. "You okay?"


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The pirate was walking around, minding and business and planning his next move, when suddenly he bumped into something, or well, someone. Taking a tep back by reflex, he then noticed the odd looking lad, and swiftly sent his arm forward to catch him by the hand before he fell.

"Huh? Oh, sorry kiddo." he said, kinda embarrassed by how he spaced out. He had gotten so carried away by his plans that he didn't even notice what was right in front of him. "You okay?"


Aimlessly wandering around, the doll suddenly felt himself bumping into somthing. Obviously, not having looked at the street, this was bound to happen; nevertheless, he almost lethagically noticed gravity doing it's work as he tumbled over, and grabbed the extended hand to stop his eventual hard contact with the ground.

"Hm? Oh, yeah..."
Coppelius' answer trailed off as he noticed the hand was just as white as his own, following the voice to take a look at the face of the pirate, a pair of empty sockets met his gaze.
"...huh. Thats new."
« Last Edit: April 04, 2017, 08:07:33 PM by Break »


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A...doll? He thought as he noticed the porcelain quality and joints of the boy. But before he could ponder on it further, he heard the remark and twitched his metaphorical eyebrow.

"Ehh? I'm not taking that lip from a-" The pirate suddenly stopped, realizing that near outburst of anger was unwarranted. "Sorry, I got carried away." He apologized, feeling a bit awkward about it. But at the same time, he was intrigued.

"What's your name, boy?" He asked him casually.


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He followed her to the booth she had so graciously pointed out for them. There was a shift here, perhaps she decided to stop holding back, her pitch had certainly changed. "Then is not now, think about the future but live in the now." He sat down at the table and got comfortable.

"And tell me how would you go about to... help people? How would you know who needed help and with what. Would you wander the streets aimlessly?" He asked these questions because he wanted to see how she would respond to being faced with an unknown. "This city is ruled by gangs. The esteemed government is both weak and corrupt. The only reason they're called the government is because they're what you'd call the biggest gang."


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A...doll? He thought as he noticed the porcelain quality and joints of the boy. But before he could ponder on it further, he heard the remark and twitched his metaphorical eyebrow.

"Ehh? I'm not taking that lip from a-" The pirate suddenly stopped, realizing that near outburst of anger was unwarranted. "Sorry, I got carried away." He apologized, feeling a bit awkward about it. But at the same time, he was intrigued.

"What's your name, boy?" He asked him casually.


Shaking his initial surprise, Coppelius was getting intrigued by this newest surprise of this place. He had seen skeletal golems and the like before, but never had he met a clearly sentient one such as this.

"Me? I'm called Coppelius, rather nice to meet you now."

At this, the doll stretched out his hand toward the skeleton in expectation of a handshake.


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Shit. She shouldn't become impatient and just become faster. There were other ways to bridge this gap. Some insane way indeed. As Rikuyo again staggered from the hit, she did something different this time. Instead of shielding herself with aura like before, she planned to take this hit. If Costin pierced her with claws, then all would be set for Gokuraku Jyōdo. Grab her arm as it was stuck within her torso, and blow up it with the technique. For now she just wanted to land a good hit like that to feel satisfied. Then she would stick to another plan she had in the mind if she could continue the fight.


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For most of her life? But she didn't look younger than him. Did that mean that she had fought them since her early childhood? This was not only peculiar, but also tragic. He did not pick up his vigil until he was almost adult.

"Then I don't have nearly as much experience as you in fighting threats to the common people. I wasn't much younger than I'm now when I first stood up against injustice. 8 years ago rumors started to spread that a noble was growing mad with power, keeping local peasants under his heel. It unfortunately wouldn't be that abnormal if not for the fact that this fear also started infecting dreams of the people. And in my own dreams I saw what he truly was. Not just a monstrous human, but a monster wearing human skin. This sounds like a story where a hero would just challenge the monster in straightforward manner and valiantly defeat it, but it wouldn't be an act of true justice. I wasn't a judge, jury and executioner. I decided to infiltrate the castle and find incriminating proof as the local population was too cowed into submission to report his crimes. Let's just say that I succeeded." Such grim details weren't appropriate for a talk in a public establishment like that. "Unless there is no other way to neutralize a threat, I try to make it so that the authorities bring such fiends to the justice with my support. This is my code as a hunter."


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"If next Pokemon we run into will be as straightforward as this rock snake, then it will be a breeze just with the two of us. I'm ready now to release a defensive spell any time soon. But if there is something else here crawling than Pokemon, we should be on guard for other enemies as well. There is a one more thing I could do." Anastasia declared, as she attempted to sense any Aetheric presence within the area.

"Hey, Oka, can you actually harm spirits with your Pokemon. We might get into trouble if you heed to that area. Or if something contained there comes to us." She pointed at a hill covered with trees, some of them withered. She seemed to be somewhat nervous. "I believe there is something really strong contained inside that hill. A wraith, a nature spirit or even maybe an Abyssal demon. We could just avoid it, but I would feel uneasy if something trapped there reared its head when we fought a strong Pokemon."

That was her sincere opinion as a professional. But then she brought up another issue. "If the ephemeral being there is not corrupted, there is also a chance there might be something suffused with non-dark magic around. Something that could sell if it was useful for other wizards."

Cherry Lover

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Shirou and Sakura

Shirou and Sakura smiled as they watched their cute pet show off his skills, jumping in the air at unbelieveable speed and catching hold of the stick. This time, though, instead of returning it to Shirou, the furry creature began to run off.

"Moko?" Shirou said, wondering what their pet was doing, and if they'd done anything to upset him.

"I think he wants us to chase him", Sakura replied, still smiling, setting off after him.

Nodding and also smiling, Shirou followed after her, both initially keeping to normal human pace, but willing to use a little reinforcement if Moko wanted to speed up a little.


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"Heh, team ups are not a thing in this game, so good luck. I'm pretty confident about my aim. After all, I can kill vampires by shooting light from my finger. That needs precision just like a firearm." Plus she was pretty confident about being able to solve equations as in she surely could grasp that better than Breeze as of now. Not sure about Sakura though. After all she did not have any clear knowledge about her education. "So yeah, let's do it."