Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 96595 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

The magus had realized that Joe had ate all of his food.  Which meant he probably enjoyed it or was just really hungry.  There was a small bit of pleasure in that; that she could still cook a proper and delicious meal. 

She took another bite as she processed his somber words.

"I'm not an ordinary citizen though," Rin said with a shake of her head, "I technically am considered to be a supernatural.  Hell, I even have a log on file with the local law enforcement.  Even though part of that is that they can contact me for freelance stuff.  You know, stuff like building wards, finding missing people, or even working on a way to cross dimensions."


Forest glared as Marcus continued to smile at her as he began to trace his fingers down her slim form.  A tiny bit of pain blossomed at her lip as she bit it to keep from making any responsive sound.  He moved so he was on top of her and she could feel the beginnings of an erection poke her, almost like an over-eager puppy.

"It's bloody obvious that you're not a vampire like me.  You still have a heart beat," Forest said with a huff as she scowled at his comment about being rough, which made things deep inside clench in response. 

A response she mostly ignored as she eyed him and said, "You're a power mimic, as long as you're aware of what powers the subject has."

Which means keep the telepathy quiet for now, she thought.

"Now, do you mimic skill as well?  If so, there's someone you should meet," Forest said with an arch grin.


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"I know," Joe said, staring at his plate, unable to look Rin in the eye.  "But, thats why its easy to admire people like that, the selfless ones I mean.  Besides, your clearly more responsible than the rest with your power.  I would never lump you in with that crowd."


No, Marcus answered in his head.  But as usual, he didn't want to admit to his weakness.  Although, he was pretty close.  If there was anytime that he would break out of his stubbornness, it would be while Forest is wearing that adorable frown.

Marcus felt a buildup of saliva building in his mouth.  "Well, dont worry about that right now," he said, leaning in and giving her a kiss on the neck.  After giving one or two kisses he moved his mouth to her ear and whispered,  "We have a job to do."

His fingers continued to move along her body, this time shifting to the front.  His fingers made small loops around her breasts, as if he were tracing their outline.  Then, he slowly moved inward, making the circles smaller and smaller until his finger touched her nipple.  Once it was there, he gently pressed down.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2017, 01:23:59 PM by yinsukin »


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He followed her to the booth she had so graciously pointed out for them. There was a shift here, perhaps she decided to stop holding back, her pitch had certainly changed. "Then is not now, think about the future but live in the now." He sat down at the table and got comfortable.

"And tell me how would you go about to... help people? How would you know who needed help and with what. Would you wander the streets aimlessly?" He asked these questions because he wanted to see how she would respond to being faced with an unknown. "This city is ruled by gangs. The esteemed government is both weak and corrupt. The only reason they're called the government is because they're what you'd call the biggest gang."

Black Heart

"I see." The goddess said. "That is indeed unfortunate." She suddenly de-transformed, running out of power once again. "So what do you plan on doing about it? If that's the case something must be done. If you're not going to help me I'll do it on my own, it's just the way I am."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The pirate was a bit surprised, he'd never quite seen a living sentient doll like that. Well, he always used to say that nothing was impossible, so there's that. For a moment, he hesitated, but then he took the doll guy's hand and shook it warmly.

"Heh. You can call me Lorenzo. Lorenzo Remei, great captain and scourge of the seven seas." He said in a friendly tone, only to let go and put a hand on his skeletal hip.

"So, whatcha doing?" He asked Coppelius casually.


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She took a deep breath maybe to calm herself or maybe just out of reflex. But she did it nonetheless, perhaps it was just the most natural thing to do at a time like this and she just followed with that.

"What is your affiliation with my master?"

A loaded question, while inquisitive there was also something else to it. A more sinister subtext of accusation.


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Oka Kurosawa

"Oh." Oka said. She hadn't expected him to actually call her Sakura. Why did he do that? The last person to have called her Sakura was... him.

She shook her head. It was clearly just random chance he'd taken her up on that offer, no more. She couldn't get her hopes up.

She turned her attention to Anastasia's (foolish) question. "Of course I can. I'm primarily a ghost type trainer, after all." She said matter of factly. "Mimikyu up here is a powerful spirit herself. Don't make her mad!" Oka warned, the sock puppet on her head wagging a dark shadowy finger along with her, copying her movements. And I have several other pokemon who are super-effective against spirits and ghosts. And of course Wormy here can probably take them out in one hit." She said, stroking him. "Not much he can't these days."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Vanguard raised a curious eyebrow, then shrugged and spoke solemnly.

"I just happened to be summoned here. This world called me, and I heeded its cry, but the one I first met was her. She was the first to offer me a place to stay where I had nothing, a cause even a worthless knight like me, a garbage hero who couldn't keep his word, could fight for. Even if short, she was the first to give me something to believe and raise my blade for, and for that I am grateful."


Obvious, too obvious. She'd leave herself wide open in order to pull something, she could tell from her posture and the look in her eyes. She could easily play along, but that would be too easy. She seemingly lunged for another strike, but it was a feint, and she moved back in the blink of an eye and shot claws of blood from her fingertips to skewer her like spears.



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Amateur? Costin was the one who made just a bad move. While what the vampire did was not completely according to the plan, she just needed to be in contact with her body. And Costin did skewer her with her own blood. Rikuyo smirked as her aura overloaded the claws and was about to flow into Costin's body. This shouldn't be as strong as what she used against Shinobu and Medaka back then, but it would still hurt Costin like hell.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Trivek just trudged onwards, listening into the conversation and trying to forget he had some kind of skin-thief on his shoulders. There really wasn't much he could add to what they were saying anyway.


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Suddenly, pieces of the vampire's flesh bulged and burst like bubbles, seeping powerful chi while breaking her body and ripping her off from her nails. No, perhaps it was more accurate to say she immediately let go as she was blown back, but she staggered and smiled while the bloody spears were stuck in the girl's body.

Crimson energy cracked for an instant, and all of a sudden the vampire's blood exploded inside Rikuyo violently.

"I told ya, you're a fucking amateur." She sneered as her flesh and her bones and ligaments began to crawl back and knead themselves into place, preparing to strike her again. She wasn't done, not even close.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2017, 06:44:02 PM by francobull3 »


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Jeanne's gaze grew harder when the tale unfolded before her. To think it had come to this, how tragic. Pity would be truly misguided here, a fool's errand indeed. And she was no fool. Not yet.


Her voice now much sterner than before cutting through his speech like a blade.

"You're not worthless. Sakura wouldn't react like that if you were a pile of garbage." She marched closer to him, never breaking the glare she was sending. Despite her anger, her guard was completely down, anyone could have landed a blow on her now.

"So cut me down right now or whatever, but cease this nonsense. You're amazing. I would never, could never do the things you do. The way you handle yourself and that Halberd is out of this world."


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He merely waved his hand for her to stop her pointless ranting. "Firstly you begin with dropping the mentality of trying to solve everything in one hour. Sorry, that's not happening. And when did I ever imply I wouldn't help you? In fact I'm doing it right now by pointing out what you're doing wrong." She was being far too hasty.

"Before you can solve a problem you'd need to know what the problem is and you don't know that right now. But you happen to have the solution to that right here."

He pushed the menu over to her. She really needed to eat, that was probably why she was rushed. "You can decide what we're having Noire, and don't think you can get away with something light. You'll have it even if I have to feed it to you."


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"Ew, gross." Urho commented as Oren turned those hands back into grey goo. "I don't know what you mean. It's just a thing I do. I was born like that and my uncles never said anything why I'm like that."


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He merely waved his hand for her to stop her pointless ranting. "Firstly you begin with dropping the mentality of trying to solve everything in one hour. Sorry, that's not happening. And when did I ever imply I wouldn't help you? In fact I'm doing it right now by pointing out what you're doing wrong." She was being far too hasty.

"Before you can solve a problem you'd need to know what the problem is and you don't know that right now. But you happen to have the solution to that right here."

He pushed the menu over to her. She really needed to eat, that was probably why she was rushed. "You can decide what we're having Noire, and don't think you can get away with something light. You'll have it even if I have to feed it to you."


Noire rubbed her temple and sighed. "You're right, I know... But, I just... I have an entire country's worth of people to tend after. It's my entire life. It's been my life for more than fifty years. And I have a duty to get back to them as fast as I can." Noire answered honestly, her guard completely down for once. She fidgited with the menu, looking over it.

"Well, then, I'll be ordering the supreme pizza with triple toppings." She told him before what he'd said dawned on her completely, causing her to blush. "And you're not feeding it to me, no matter what!"
« Last Edit: April 05, 2017, 10:12:36 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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One of her arms was blown away. Some of her organs damaged and few bones cracked from the internal outburst of energy. Crap, she miscalculated. To focus on healing her insides she simply she stopped the bleeding of her stump. She had to take some more gamble to land some hits. It's not like she would just give up after such a beating. Rikuyo planned to close the distance, so she pulled off something that maybe would catch Costin off-guard. She charged chi in her stump to propel herself into Costin and body slam her violently.