Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 96596 times)


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The pirate was a bit surprised, he'd never quite seen a living sentient doll like that. Well, he always used to say that nothing was impossible, so there's that. For a moment, he hesitated, but then he took the doll guy's hand and shook it warmly.

"Heh. You can call me Lorenzo. Lorenzo Remei, great captain and scourge of the seven seas." He said in a friendly tone, only to let go and put a hand on his skeletal hip.

"So, whatcha doing?" He asked Coppelius casually.



The doll opened up quickly to the pirate indeed.

"Thats rather long, but nice to meet you, Lorenzo Remei, great captain and scourge of the seven seas. As for me, i am really just doing odd jobs right now. So there are seas near here?"


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Shit, fast! Costin smiled from ear to ear in the most unsettling way possible and braced herself for the tackle, swinging her arm with a monster's strength in order to punch Riku in the face.


The pirate chuckled and gave Coppelius a hearty slap on the back, pulling him closer.

"Of course! Though you can find them ashore all over the place, the greatest seas are often the ones found... in men's hearts."

Damn, that really sounded better in his head. " *ahem* Anyways, what sort of jobs do you do? You seem pretty capable."
« Last Edit: April 05, 2017, 11:51:48 PM by francobull3 »


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The pirate chuckled and gave Coppelius a hearty slap on the back, pulling him closer.

"Of course! Though you can find them ashore all over the place, the greatest seas are often the ones found... in men's hearts."

Damn, that really sounded better in his head. " *ahem* Anyways, what sort of jobs do you do? You seem pretty capable."
"Are you... are you coming on to me?"

Chuckling at the skeleton's sudden outburst of romanticism, Coppelius couldnt help but start getting infected with the positivity even while taking a stab at it.

"Well, not sure if he'd like me to tattle about the details, but recently i've been procuring... certain materials for the owner of the shop down the road."
« Last Edit: April 06, 2017, 12:51:23 AM by Break »


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Vanguard blinked, then frowned. This was too much, there was only so much foolishness he'd expect a single mouth to release.  "You really are hopeless." He sighed before chuckling bitterly.

"Well, I don't dislike it. I can really tell, you're a good person. The world would be a safer place with more knights like you." He said, this time with an earnest smile. "Though there is one thing. I did not speak up until now, but do refrain from calling me lord. Such titles are reserved for owners of land and worthy knights, but I am no such thing. I just happen to be a hero who once lived as a tool of justice, belonging to all yet not baring a single belonging. That is all."


"I see..." He said, unsure of what actually to say. His frown seemed sad, as if he understood where he was coming from. Still, while he could only do so much, he could do something. "If you have nowhere to go for the night, I can give you a place to stay at my inn. It's not much, but there is warm food and a safe bed." He said in earnest, mustering a positive smile with the sort of grace you'd expect from old characters of yore.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2017, 01:02:54 AM by francobull3 »


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For most of her life? But she didn't look younger than him. Did that mean that she had fought them since her early childhood? This was not only peculiar, but also tragic. He did not pick up his vigil until he was almost adult.

"Then I don't have nearly as much experience as you in fighting threats to the common people. I wasn't much younger than I'm now when I first stood up against injustice. 8 years ago rumors started to spread that a noble was growing mad with power, keeping local peasants under his heel. It unfortunately wouldn't be that abnormal if not for the fact that this fear also started infecting dreams of the people. And in my own dreams I saw what he truly was. Not just a monstrous human, but a monster wearing human skin. This sounds like a story where a hero would just challenge the monster in straightforward manner and valiantly defeat it, but it wouldn't be an act of true justice. I wasn't a judge, jury and executioner. I decided to infiltrate the castle and find incriminating proof as the local population was too cowed into submission to report his crimes. Let's just say that I succeeded." Such grim details weren't appropriate for a talk in a public establishment like that. "Unless there is no other way to neutralize a threat, I try to make it so that the authorities bring such fiends to the justice with my support. This is my code as a hunter."


"You had your share of trials from the sound of it. Ones faced with dignity," Irene retorting, holding her glass in her palm but refraining from drinking as she listened. The vampire hunter didn't know this man who spoke as though he was from an old era, but she was familiar with the feelings he espoused. With how limiting they could be as well, but that was not a proper thought at this time.

It was fortunate that the monsters she chased were not a frequent occurrence, but from Julius's tone he was in a worse boat. Their respective experience as a bane to abominations might not have such a wide discrepancy, but the ambiguous quality of his account left her with more questions than answers. It was easy to take his word as figurative, but it didn't appear that way, and he didn't sound like a kind to be easily swayed by dreams.

"Is that all what you've done since? Aside from being a good samaritan - you are the type, aren't you?" She spoke evenly, watching the man with analytical calm. "It takes dedication to risk your life, it goes without saying it takes a lot out of you, and it eats into the years like a hungry wolf."

She didn't raise her glass, but left off at those words like a toast.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2017, 05:35:28 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Umbra of Chaos

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Armored hands came together as he considered the issue. "It is a difficult situation. My blade may cut spirits, but if this spirit is the one of these snowy peaks its retribution would surely be terrible. I could stand in these snows naked for days. Any paladin of Stribog could. Yet even I would hesitate in angering a spirit of great magnitude in a natural habitat as grand as this."

He kept a hand on his blade regardless.

"But if we were to do so I would wish to attack it the moment it emerged. To force it on the defensive and cut it down as quickly as possible is the safest bet."


"Mhm. I see, I see. So I come from primordial chaos, rock boy came from somewhere, probably some mountain spirit or somesuch, but what about you, Mr. Pervert?" She squeezed her legs a bit as if reminding him of his position.


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Rin sighed and said, "They are admirable, but . . . " She shrugged, not wanting to outright admit that she'd been one of those left behind by one of those selfless people.

"Of course I'm responsible.  If I was careless there would be really horrible consequences."


Forest heard Marcus's internal admission and the fact he didn't like to admit his weaknesses out of pure stubbornness.  She was about to comment on that when his warm lips brushed across her neck.  And then they did it again, and again, temporarily short circuiting her thought process and causing her to gasp.

She found herself relaxing as he whispered in her ear while his fingers danced across her form before shifting to her breasts.  The small loops he made caused her to squirm ever so slightly until his circle was tracing around her nipple.  Her lips parted as the nipple grew stiff and pointed right before he pressed down on it.

The blond wiggled again, looking away before looking back at him.  "N-no intercourse," she whispered, remembering her firmly decided rule before she came in here, "B-but other play is fair game."

With that, she danced her hands over his broad shoulders before tracing down his back.


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"Heh, team ups are not a thing in this game, so good luck. I'm pretty confident about my aim. After all, I can kill vampires by shooting light from my finger. That needs precision just like a firearm." Plus she was pretty confident about being able to solve equations as in she surely could grasp that better than Breeze as of now. Not sure about Sakura though. After all she did not have any clear knowledge about her education. "So yeah, let's do it."

Auspicious Breeze

"Okay!" She put some coins in, too, to get ready to go. Breeze had a natural talent for anything that involved fighting, even if punching things was her specialty. Even if she'd never fired a gun before, she'd pick it up fast! And that would be enough for her to get scary good at it. It came with being Exalted apparently.

Or at least, her kind of Exalted. Some were more like Oren and took shapes by skinning or eating people. Or other weird things (not that Oren was weird).


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Joe tilted his head at Rin's response.  That confirms it.  She definitely has a history with this kind of person.

He stood up, grabbing the plate as he ascended.  He looked down at her face from the temporary height boost.  "Oh, so you won't do anything because you can't?" he asked with a grin.  It was about time he messed with her, even if only for a second.

Her hands caused his back to tense, even as he let out a relaxed sigh.  Her soft hands felt nice on his body.  Plus it felt like an eternity since he had experienced a similar feeling.

"Wow, thats mean," he retorted, pulling his hand away from her breast.  "But I guess it will be easier to deal with getting caught this way...."  After he trailed off for a moment, he found himself absentmindedly running his hand across her belly.  There was actually more muscle here than he origonally thought.  He began throbbing with approval. 

Its time to get rid of these..

"Well, since your denying this virgin his prize, how about you take off my pants instead?"  As he asked her the question, he grabbed her by the wrist.  With a forceful pull, he yanked her up into the standing position with him.


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"Oooh what do ya mean by tha-- hauu..." The purple haired goddess ley out a paicularly big yawn. Her body slowly fell down completely on him. Her face coming to rest on his broad chest, snuggling against him like the world's biggest pillow. "Mhmm...Gaddy so warm...." Neptune mumbled almost inaudibly as her eyes closed. Only mere moments later the sounds of girl snoring could be heard.


Well, that was unreasonably endearing from her. Once the young goddess had settled in to sleep Gadreel released a sigh. "It appears your transformation was somewhat tiring..." He mused about that, softly, so as not to awaken her. Then he wrapped his arms around her and made himself comfortable. It was not as though he had anywhere in particular he needed to be for now. Or ever had to go to the bathroom.


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Rin grinned and said, "I actually speak from experience. What, you don't take responsibility for your actions?"

With that, she finished her last bite and reached for seconds.  "Like the fact that I need to eat more because all the energy I expended today because of stupid flaming skeleton."


Forest grinned at Marcus's little complaint on her condition before he pulled them both to her feet.

She said, "And maybe I want to enjoy your virginity for a little while before I take it."

Her indigo eyes met his as her hands trailed to his chest and down to the waist band of his pants.  Nimble fingers unfastened the fly before gently pulling the article of clothing down.  "Now, let's see what we have here," she said before looking down, curious to see if he had a reason to be so cocky or not.

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"Mhm. I see, I see. So I come from primordial chaos, rock boy came from somewhere, probably some mountain spirit or somesuch, but what about you, Mr. Pervert?" She squeezed her legs a bit as if reminding him of his position.


Mr. Pervert. The name stung. He wasn't some Ravnos hedonist who'd fuck torture or snort or all at once anything they got their hands on. "Please, just call me Trivek. I come from Ravnica, City of Guilds. A different plane of reality from this one, I suppose you'd call it."


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"Hey, don't assume things about me like that, Miss Pervert!" The one who was a pervert was surely her, given how reluctant she was to wear anything without fooling around first. Primordial chaos? Her brain was in chaos. "Do I look like a spirit? I can't pass walls, you know."

The old(er) guy talked about some dimensional planes and shit he really didn't understand. "Some planes? What do you even mean? You two are weird."
« Last Edit: April 06, 2017, 02:45:21 PM by Kat »


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She couldn't stop at this point to move out of the way of the punch. All she could do was to press forward and try to hit her as she was about to be hit in the face. So she twisted her body just enough to hit Costin with her legs. Maybe even her blow would connect before the vampire managed to reach her face. Afterall legs were longer than arms.


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"I am doing what I am best at. It is unfortunate for my family that their eldest son is a traveller who adheres to his sense of justice rather than carrying other responsibilities of a noble. It would be truly a tragedy for the line if not for my younger brother and sister. They are more down to Earth than I ever was. Even if there seems to be no way of return, I am not worried about who will inherit my fortune." The count was enough self aware to know that they could have been more productive ways of helping people than his methods as a rich man. Well, now formerly a rich man. "That said, I also travel around. That is not just because my enemies would not just come to me. The world on its own is filled with wonders to behold."