Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 96608 times)


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"Eh, I wonder. She doesn't feel like something from the Aether. If Mimikyu was an Aetheric spirit, I would have already noticed that so up close. "I wouldn't be so optimistic. Such spirits can take many forms and incarnations. We cannot be sure with what sort of thing we will have to deal here with it."

It seemed as if Paladin on another hand was more pessimistic than her in a way. "A nature spirit would be actually a desirable outcome. Maybe her Wormy would have elemental affinity against it or in the worst case scenario at least match it. But with Abyssal creatures things would be more unpredictable. They're creatures of chaos, passions and other unrestrained emotions. Not only body but one's mind could be at peril if we lower our guard."


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Joe originally planned on taking his dish to the kitchen but he stayed put, holding the plate in his hands.  His eyes darted to the side in response to Rin's retort.  "Does work count?"

Realizing he was still hungry too, he sighed and sat back down, gently placing his plate in its spot.  "Yeah, he was a lot to deal with," he added, thinking of how off the walls that guy was.  "He was actually a lot nicer than I expected."


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Rikuyo's leg pounded into the vampire's chest and crushed its bones, hitting her with such impact she coudn't help but cough her own bile and blood. No, this wasn't enough, this wasn't nearly enough! The pain should be enough to stop anyone, but she was a monster, she was immortal, this was nothing but pleasure to her.


She grabbed the girl's leg with her clawed hands and her teeth bared in the sickest grin imaginable as she spun her around, using all her strength and every muscle in her body to gain momentum and SLAM her on the wall.


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Owowowow. That spinning made her sense of balance out of whack. Ahh, fighting as a human wasn't easy. But becoming a hybrid could make it too quick. Serious dilemma. Yeah, she had to find some balance... wait, there was a way! She was a human, but humans were animals too, so she could add more human to herself so she could be more human while she fought as a human. Nothing much would change, but maybe her murderous insticts would further sharpen. After all, there was no as malicious animal as humans. Maybe except for dolphins. But becoming a dolphin would be cheating. So proud of those sea bastards.

As Rikuyo got slammed into the wall, something about her changed. The shift was quite subtle, but those with sharp perceptions would notice that she seethed with more malice and ill will than usual.


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"HAHAHA!! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIEEEEE!!!" She squeed in pleasure at the sudden urge of killing intent. Blood burst from her leg and molded over it, turning it into a blade, a spear as hard as steel more than capable to cleave a man in half with a kick. She didn't even care or see what was in front of him, she just started kicking and kicking and kicking whatever was around her, most likely skewering and slashing Rikuyo along the way. It felt good, it felt amazing. It was like Christmas, sex, nutella and a day at the spa all at once!

Except with murders, aka BETTER!


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"Don't be silly! Does it look like I have the heart for that?" He answered in a snappy yet cheerful tone. "Well, look, I don't mean to bug ya about it, but I could use a pair of extra good hands. I'm planning to do a heist, see, but honestly, doing it alone is really no fun. How about it partner? If you want, I'll share the loot with ya, 50/50."

At that moment, who could tell what was stranger. The fact anyone would speak of a robbery in broad daylight (evening technically, but semantics), or the fact he was so casual about it.

"Well, if you're intrested. I'm not going to force ya into it or anything kiddo. Whether you want to make a quick buck and help a poor old man is all up to you."


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"Oh really?" He reached over and lifted the light weighted goddess with utmost ease before putting her down on his lap. He then wrapped his arms comfortably around her waist to keep her in place.

"You don't really have a choice my dear Noire. I have you now, right in the place needed to set my evil pizza feeding plan into motion. You have no choice but to submit muahahaha."


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Marcus let out all of his discomfort in a single breath as his length was freed from his pants.  You could see the outline of his long cock just barely contained in his underwear.  It was thick, big enough that the vampire's hands would be unable to wrap around them.  The shaft rammed into her chin as it was loosened from its bonds.

"Well then, you better be able to satisfy me without it," he said, his eyes widening slightly with lust.  His voice was lower as well, more deep and commanding with a matter of fact tone.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 02:45:37 AM by yinsukin »


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Sakura Matou

Sakura had been getting read to cook while they argued, putting on her apron, washing her hands, but the last thing Jeanne had said struck a cord with her, it sounded reasonable. And what Vanguard had said afterwords was still problematic. So Sakura turned around and hugged Jeanne from behind, looking cutely at Vanguard. "She's right you know. No matter what happened in the past, that's over. You can only try your hardest in the present. And right now you've been pretty good to me, when I needed help alot. That makes you good in my book."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Eh, I wonder. She doesn't feel like something from the Aether. If Mimikyu was an Aetheric spirit, I would have already noticed that so up close. "I wouldn't be so optimistic. Such spirits can take many forms and incarnations. We cannot be sure with what sort of thing we will have to deal here with it."

It seemed as if Paladin on another hand was more pessimistic than her in a way. "A nature spirit would be actually a desirable outcome. Maybe her Wormy would have elemental affinity against it or in the worst case scenario at least match it. But with Abyssal creatures things would be more unpredictable. They're creatures of chaos, passions and other unrestrained emotions. Not only body but one's mind could be at peril if we lower our guard."

Wormy and Oka

Wormy suddenly began to chitter loudly, bouncing around all over the place, but also somehow allowing Oka to continue sitting upon him casually. "He's mad at you for acting like he's a weakling." Oka said, a bit peeved herself. "Wormy is strong, amoung the strongest pokemon in my world, probably.

"You should apologize." Oka told them.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 12:33:01 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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When Engetsu made an offer to stay at his inn, Shirou’s first reflex was to refuse. However, it was starting to get late. Perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea.

“It’s kind of you to offer, but I have no means with which to pay you,” Shirou said, meeting Blue’s regal smile with a self-mocking sneer. He may be used to not having any money, but that didn’t mean it didn’t still suck.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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The dark god blushed, shocked at how she could say such a thing casually. Messing with her was one thing,but this was a bit far. He looked away, only to puff his chest and pout.

"Of course. What kind of god would I be if I couldn't keep a single promise?"


She nodded to herself, content with his answer for now. Some part of the rider questioned herself on how it could be tested and how she could learn from this face of Methuselah. They had exchanged brutal honesty and revealing taunts, but the skeleton of his will was hidden beneath the flesh of different principles. It appealed to Rafalia Tredecim's need to dissect and rob what was precious.

"Promises are like contracts of the soul, and not even immortality will free you of them," she said, floating off the bed to grab his arm and pull him lyrically through the door. "Come on now, let us find the lair in which your darkness will roost while under my hospitality."

On her couch that was. Best to get that set up before the landlady came by with questions.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 02:41:28 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin looked up at Joe and said, "You're not going to offend my delicate sensibilities if you want seconds."  Her aquamarine eyes narrowed at him as a feline smirk crossed her features.  "In fact I might be offended if you don't want seconds."

She then reached over and refilled Joe's plate.

"I was a little pissed that I lost," Rin said with a frown before mumbling, "I don't like to lose."


"Well then, you better be able to satisfy me without it," Marcus said, his voice taking on a commanding tone.  She felt his eager cock head nudge her chin as she pulled down his pants.  It looked . . . potentially painful, but in a good way.

A way that made her shift her thighs ever so slightly as she felt the beginnings of liquid lust to trickle from her core.

Forest raised an eyebrow and said, "Theoretically I can satisfy you without touching you, but . . . "  Had she been able to, she would have turned bright red.  However, she still managed to say, "Well, I've always wondered what a virgin's seed tastes like." 

Then she reached down to guide his underwear the rest of the way down.  Her fingers couldn't wrap all away around his girth as she began to slowly stroke him, gently pulling the hood that protected the thick head down to expose it.  It's musky scent filled her nostrils as she lightly traced her tongue around where the hood was now pulled down over the head.


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Adjutor didn't move from her spot, if anything seeming even more relaxed than before. It was obvious enough that she was concerned, either that or her time training under that immortal lech had sharpened her perception when it came to picking up on things. On one hand, Gojira certainly didn't seem like the troublemaking sort, at least not in the usual sense. If someone got hurt, it was more likely to be because they'd done something that she'd taken in offense, similar to some amateur adventurer accidentally drawing the attention of a bear.

Ah, well that's a relief.

"Just opened a door between the shadow of this tree and the shadows of the people in front of us," Adjutor said, letting her eyes drift closed for a moment as an errant breeze drifted by, "Nothing special by itself, really."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"Yes dear..." Joe replied, hypnotized by Rin's glamorous blue eyes.

His head tilted down to his plate, water coming to the surface of his mouth.  He froze for a moment when he heard those words.  Then, his head tilted back up to match the magus's eyes.  "What are you talking about, we won the race!" he said with a triumphant smile. 


Marcus cocked an eyebrow at that first comment.  "Now im interested," he said, his commending tone replaced with one of genuine curiosity.  "How would you do that?" 

The second comment was met with a frown.  Whatever.  As long as your happy.

His cock flopped outward with a strange sense of weight.  A small bit of semen squirted from the tip. As her fingers traced his length, he let out a short grunt.  He just wasn't used to this anymore.  He groaned with impatience as she pulled down his hood.