Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 96638 times)


  • Moon Cancer
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Sigh. Time to use that Contract. For a trivial cause, yes, but she couldn't just give up and lag behind those two. So she used Fortune's Cornucopia to double effect of her efforts. Mordred was now back in the competition as luck and probability started working in her favor. Some targets just started appearing in right places for her to pick them off before Breeze or Sakura got to them. Her luck managed to match Sakura's reflexes and Breeze's adaptability.


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"Maybe the landlord from whom I rent the apartment. That is, if you don't mind a neighborhood with its own share of troubles. It's not completely peaceful." Honestly it was quite embarassing that there were no other options available to him. Quite hopeless.


  • The God Tongue
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"Hmph. Indeed I do." He said in a snarky condescending tone, yet with a surprisingly pleasant smile about it. "Why not have a contest of cookery skills?"


One final clash was all it took, but the blood blade faltered and shattered in a moment's notice. Costin didn't have the time to dodge or parry, or perhaps she didn't, and instead the chi sword stabbed right through her. For a moment, her legs gave out, and she nearly fell over. For a moment, she completely stopped moving. That is, until she grabbed Rikuyo's arm and smiled.

"Yes...that's right.... deeeeeeeperrr.... fu fu fu...." She giggled before laughing maniacally, pushing herself further and further, driving Rikuyo's arm deep inside her until it looked like her shoulder and her chest were connected and she felt the drenched walls of her vagina clamp and tighten madly.

"I really want to kill you right now, you know that?" She stroked the girl's cheek, looking at her as if she just became enamored. "Ahhh, but that's no fun. You play the human part pretty well, but I can tell from your eyes. You're a monster, just like me. Fu fu fu, it is humans who kill monsters, so I can't let you kill me, now can I?"

And suddenly, something plunged inside Rikuyo's stomach. Costin's hand, she had hardened it with her own spilled blood, with its shape and hardness, it was more fair to say it was something like a knife.

"Mhhh, so warm. I really want to taste you right now."


"Nonsense, it's the least I can do." He said casually, as a matter of fact as natural as the sky is blue. "Sorry, but I'm not one to take no for an answer. Besides, you look like you could use a meal."

He lowered his back, almost as if expecting him to do something. "Hop on."


  • Moon Cancer
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"Playing the part of human? How exactly "humans" and "monsters" are different, smartass?" Even with her intestines stabbed, she ignored her the pain and responded to those inane ramblings. "No. There is no difference. Let me tell ya something. That farmer who bashed his brother's head in with a stone was a human through and through. Honestly, you cannot measure up to him."

He was such a piece of art. Ahh, she still remembers him to this day, even if his name was unknown to her. Beauty incarnate. His magnum opus is what set her on the path to get convince her youngest half-siblings to dispose of that complacent good for nothing parent of hers. Out of all Firstborn she admired humans the most. As if she let anyone shittalk humanity in her presence like that. Humans were among the best of the best when it came to being monsters.

"You can have my stomach, but I'll take you arm." Rikuyo declared as she hit Costin's arm that was stuck in her body with her knee charged with the aura.


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"I've dealt with harder things than rowdy neighbors. I'll be fine." Besides, she could always help clean up the streets while she was there. The adventurer then addressed the barman and paid for both of their drinks. "Help yourself to the tip. I'll be back when I can find the mood and time."

As he polited thanked them for their patronage, she proceeded to get up and wait for Julius. "Shall we, good sir?"
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Sigh. Time to use that Contract. For a trivial cause, yes, but she couldn't just give up and lag behind those two. So she used Fortune's Cornucopia to double effect of her efforts. Mordred was now back in the competition as luck and probability started working in her favor. Some targets just started appearing in right places for her to pick them off before Breeze or Sakura got to them. Her luck managed to match Sakura's reflexes and Breeze's adaptability.

Auspicious Breeze

".. huuu... you are both as worthy as opponents as you are beautiful as girls." Breeze sounded way too serious and into this, but she didn't notice. She was too focused on winning this one. She was definitely going to, she was creeping ahead! Oh, please let her win...


  • The God Tongue
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Rikuyo kicked Costin's arm, severing flesh and splitting bone unsightly to the point it popped out of her limb. But once again, she had made a mistake, because as soon as her leg made contact with her arm, blood red lightning cracked on Costin's limb, and it turned into a bomb. A massive explosion ravaged Rikuyo from the inside, completely annihilating her torso and the vampire's arm and blowing both back.

Of course, the blast and collateral ripped most of her face's skin off and broiled her chest, but it was a small price to pay. About three lives left, but against such an opponent, it may as well be her last one. If she took fatal damage again, it would take too long to recover.

"THEN COME, HUMAN BEAST!!" She roared before charging again, this time unhindered by her madness. The time she would recover from the explosion, her arm would grow back, coated with an armor of thorns and blood just as the other arm. She would strike her with full killing intent and destroy her.

Umbra of Chaos

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Beneath his helmet the man frowned. Was the creature surely so powerful? On a mountain of sufficient age everything was a weapon. The earth could swallow them up, the snow could cut them to shreds, even the air could blast them away. There were few beings mighty enough to not only defeat such a spirit but keep three other people safe as well.

Still, if the worst possible event comes... he reached into the bad at his side and felt the rags of the demon he had slain with his compatriots prior, still cold with the rites of worship he had prepared with its sacrifice.

"I apologize. I meant no disrespect. It is simply in my nature to be rather cautious."


So the sword master left with her newest and most loved blade, taking her to a more private area. A room that she rented out with some of the leftover money she had acquired before unsheathing the sword, gently stroking it, and then taking out her equipment.

A piece of cloth, cleaner than anything that the girl was wearing, was made lightly damp with high quality oil. Then she took the cloth and wiped down the entirety of Katase, giving copious amounts of attention to every inch of her. She was gentle but firm. "You're so lovely, Katase."


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Muramasa Katase

It was difficult to tell if the demon blade had moved Meti's body, or if Meti had done it on her own. Really, it was quickly getting difficult to tell where any action the body took came from on the way there. Katase's would-be wielder was just so accepting of her control that there wasn't any resistance to indicate a barrier.

It was only when Meti took out the cloth and began to rub that this Muramasa knew exactly who was doing what. And what Meti was doing was absolutely wonderful. 'A-Ahhh~! Soft...'

The blade's bloodlust settled down beneath the expert hands of the girl cleaning her.

Umbra of Chaos

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Encouraged by the sword's reaction Meti continued to provide her service, a gentle smile appearing on her face as her hand went back and forth. As she gave even Katase's edge special attention Meti made sure that the cloth would not undergo too much damage.

"I am glad that you appreciate my help, Lady Katase." Formality had returned to her. The blade was after all a lady.


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"Alrighty, time to get serious..." Sakura suddenly muttered to herself. As if she had suddenly flipped a switch, her speed and accuracy somehow doubled, no, tripled. "Try to keep up with me~" She teased them, watching her score shoot ahead.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


  • Moon Cancer
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As if she would give up just now. It was time to use another Contract while the Contract she still used lasted. She would use Fickle Fate to bring some bad luck to Sakura in the game. Sorry, but it was a serious competition so she couldn't hold back either, not even against a friend. Then she would use Favored Fate at a right moment to try to get ahead of Breeze.


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Encouraged by the sword's reaction Meti continued to provide her service, a gentle smile appearing on her face as her hand went back and forth. As she gave even Katase's edge special attention Meti made sure that the cloth would not undergo too much damage.

"I am glad that you appreciate my help, Lady Katase." Formality had returned to her. The blade was after all a lady.

Muramasa Katase

To not even tear the cloth...! Truly, she was in the hands of a prodigy. Or a savant, as it were. The chorus of souls within her steel had become rather placid, lulled into a sense of contentment despite the aggravating events of the day. It would be foolish not to admire such skill. That is all.


  • Moon Cancer
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Huh, she might have bit off more than she could chew. There was no point holding back anymore. She couldn't get to her thick skull anyway. Whether she was a human or hybrid didn't matter anymore. She was an out and proud monster in either form. So her aura surged and her destroyed torso regenerated at rapid speed until she completed transformation into a hybrid form. She expended lot of aura to jumpstart that, but she would take no gamble anymore. She took a durable form as she couldn't afford any more internal damage to her organs. Rikuyo grew plate like scales of cordylid lizards so to protect herself better from Costin's blades. Whatever Costin would attempt, she would block that.


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Sakura suddenly tripped, falling faceforward towards the arcade machine. Unless they somehow stopped her, it'd be crushed.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end