Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 96677 times)


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Muramasa Katase

That was a question that had many answers, but she supposed she should start from the beginning. So while she enjoyed Meti's attention to her true form her puppet began to elaborate. After sighing, preparing herself, Katase began to explain. "I was, to begin, merely an excellent example of my father's work. Muramasa's will had bled into the sword you now hold, and I killed many people along the way. But it was only when I came into the possession of a wealthy samurai family that I was set on the path that led to me."

She poured some more tea for herself, and for Meti, and sipped it to calm her puppet's nerves.

"A young lady was to be wed to a man, and another man in the family disapproved of this. They came to blows, and in their anger I was drawn to slay one of them. I'm honestly not sure which - I don't recall much of the particulars." She shook her head, and sipped more tea. "In the end all three were dead, and the family split down the middle to begin killing one another over many days and nights. I was passed back and forth, slaying their kin for them and feeding on every sin. In the end there was no one left, and I picked myself up to walk away from the mess they left behind."

Umbra of Chaos

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 Meti's eyes were filled with loving admiration at the tale. How much killing intent had those people mustered? A great amount indeed to have nurtured such a fine mind within the blade that was Katase. After all this time Meti had not kindled a single entity such as Katase despite the blood she had spilled.

There was history behind Katase. Strong feelings and a bloodlust nurtured by years of struggle. It made her heart throb. Enough that she lifted the sword, taking it under her clothes and pressing it against her heart. So it could hear that steady beat for violence in her too.


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 Meti's eyes were filled with loving admiration at the tale. How much killing intent had those people mustered? A great amount indeed to have nurtured such a fine mind within the blade that was Katase. After all this time Meti had not kindled a single entity such as Katase despite the blood she had spilled.

There was history behind Katase. Strong feelings and a bloodlust nurtured by years of struggle. It made her heart throb. Enough that she lifted the sword, taking it under her clothes and pressing it against her heart. So it could hear that steady beat for violence in her too.

Muramasa Katase

The puppet giggled at the sight, and the feeling coming from Katase. Whatever that was. "I believe, in hindsight, that it was the will of my father that served as the seed. The of kinslaying on such a scale merely catalyzed my true awakening from that."

Unfortunately she could not hear a heartbeat like that. But it was the thought that counted.


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Adjutor found herself being dragged away from the crowd, to her minor confusion. If the lizardwoman wanted to hide, wouldn't it be better to try to slip into the crowd? Then again, Gojira was rather conspicuous, so that probably wasn't an option. The woman's request brought a slight frown to the monster hunter's lips as she looked around where she'd dragged her. With the alleyway being what it was, there weren't exactly usable shadows for getting out of sight available to her.

Stepping in a nearby puddle, Adjutor pointed one hand skyward as a little water magic pulled the water off the ground, sliding up a metal spine so thin that it was barely visible to coat the thin plate of thoughtmetal, turning it into an impromptu mirror. Grabbing hold of Gojira once more, Adjutor pulled them into the shadows of the alleyway, reality fading away only to pop back in as they popped out of the shadow of some strange white box with fans and metal grates that gave off a disturbing low groan.

"So what do you have against that guy, anyway?" the monster hunter asked, leaning back against the metal box for all of a few moments before thinking better of it and standing there, one hand toying with the hilt of her sword while she shook the other dry.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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The Hunter cocked an eyebrow at the events Ron described, finding it a bit odd that they'd meet vampires at a doughnut shop of all places. The cowgirl's hand twitched before she reined herself in, reminding herself that she couldn't exactly expect him to stay out of trouble in a city like this. Accidents were bound to happen after all. Part of her didn't want to see how long he'd wait before asking and just go ahead and tell him now, but it would just make things worse to interrupt him like this, especially when she was the one to ask.

"Mhm, how'd it go?" she said with a nod, "Seems like you handled yourself pretty well."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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The once predestine restaurant, cluttered with tables and happy customers was now a barron wasteland, decorated with blood an bullets.  The floors were spotted with the blood of the customers.  Many of the tables collapsed under the weight of the dead bodies thrown into them.  The few tables that did remain were covered with holes and blood.

Two men stood in the center of the restaurant.  One was a tall burly man with enough muscle mass to be mistaken for a bear.  The other was the tall, black haired handsome man who walked in the restaurant with the boss before.  Both men wielded smoking Tommy gun's.

"Holy shit man!" The bear like man exclaimed.  He poked one of the bodies on the ground with a big childish smile. "Yo, Parker Did you see that?  They were all like 'aahhhh' and I was all like tatatatatatatat!"

Parker, the black haired man from before, rolled his eyes and said,  "Yes Kuma, I saw it. Now, lets get out of here."

All of the sudden, a thing came crashing through the ceiling and smashed into the ground with a boom.  The smoke cleared, revealing a little girl.  She took one look at the corpses and let out a mighty roar.  "WHO DID THIS!?"

Parker took note of whatever was smashing the ground in response to her rage.  However, Kuma, unaware that the smashing was not related to her original decent simply raised his hand and shouted, "Oh, oh me!  I did it!"


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The girl’s eyes brimmed with cold fury, but she didn’t say another word. The smoke shifted and one could swear there was a shimmer in the air, like a distortion that was visible for a second.

Immediately, a piece of rubble next to the girl levitated as if raised by some invisible force, and was flung at the fat bag of meat with supersonic force, enough to rip a normal man’s torso from his lower body.


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Kuma and Parker

Parker's eyes widened as a piece of rubble shot past his face, striking Kuma in the chest.  The large man went flying into the wall, cracking the surface on impact.  "That's what you get for bragging like that," Parker said, slowly walking towards the opponent.  "Leave now, or face the consequences.  While I understand your pain, I cannot allow you to attack my comrade."

The moment he halved the distance between the two, he opened fire, shooting a volley of bullets toward the mysterious girl.


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As she pulled her face up from the ground, the sound of footsteps became apparent, someone was approaching her from behind. Whoever it was was approaching rapidly.

Nooo, this is too embarassing. 

It turned out to be a man, she saw as he kneeled down to help her get back on her feet. She graciosuly accepted the help and bounced back up with much gusto.

"Thank you so so much kind Sir. I'm not usually that clumsy Hehehe. You see I was thinking really hard on how to get hired now that I'm unemployed and in dire need of money. But then I started thinking about what kind of people would hire a maid here and that they might be be really weird and do all kinds of creepy stuff to me. Then before I knew it I crashed."  Somehow she miraculously managed to say all of that in one breath.

"Oh so sorry I forgot to introduce myself. Stupid stupid me getting distracted again. I'm Molly professional Maid and Hunter, I even have this nice looking card." She pulled out a lisence that looked like it had seen better days.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 02:08:56 PM by Thedoctor »


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The crimson girl’s eyes narrowed when the man pointed his gun at her and opened fire.  There was a shimmer the moment he pulled the trigger, and the hail of bullets shot forward only to stop and bounce off right in front of her, as if they hit an invisible wall. She seemed to struggle at first, but she was used to being shot at. This was nothing.

Compared to the bloodied bodies around her, this was nothing at all. The moment the man ran out of bullets, she’d strike.


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He smirked as he brought the pizza slice ever closer to the awaiting godesses' mouth. He was tempted to eat for himself but decided against it. She most likely wouldn't aprreciae it at this point going by how much her stomach was growling.

As the slice was gently pushed into her mouth he struck with his next question. "Oh would be so kind to enlighten me then?"


Noire leaned forward and took a giant bite out of the delectable pie, chewing slowly and savoring the divine taste of the grease, cheese, bread, and toppings all mixing together to make one scrumptious meal! And then she swallowed it, leaned forward, and attempted to take another bite.

Thank you for the food, William The goddess answered, giving him her proper thanks. Now please feed me more.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Parker took note of the light as the bullets were frozen in mid air.  He kept up his firing, knowing full well that she would simply block it.  His head darted left to right, quickly scanning his surroundings.  It didn't take long for him to find a thick, undamaged table. knocked on its side.  With inhuman speed, he dodge-rolled to the table, placing himself between cover and his opponent.  Finally feeling safe, he let out an exacerbated sigh.

It was her move now.


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The psychic was strained by the pressure only slightly, but her eyes widened when the man suddenly darted for cover. Immediately, she sent her arms to surround him and block his escape, intending on trapping him with his back cornered by the table before grabbing him. Four of her seven branches moved quickly, but the distance was enough to weaken their psychic power, while the rest kept covering her body.

More importantly, covered by less than half of her initial protection, she was more vulnerable than before.


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"Of course. Are you an idiot?" He asked as a matter of fact, though more in a joking manner than anything. Humans were so peculiar at times, asking obvious questions with obvious answers like that. Well, he didn't dislike it.

With that, the poor Shirou rode the blue streak of lightning, surely regretting the fact he didn't have a saddle. But thankfully, before long, the two found themselves before the inn. It looked like a modest enough place,  as mundane and unassuming as it could get while barely conforming to the most basic of traditional japanese designs.

"Still there?" He asked his poor rider with a smile.


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Parker and Kuma

Parker's head snapped to the side as something shifted.  There was a distortion in the light.  Before he could figure it out, something grabbed him.  His arm morphed into a mace and slammed downward in front of him.

Meanwhile, a figure emerged from the wall.  His upper torso was caked in blood.  Kuma's voice roared with defiance and concern.  "PARKER!" The bear like man grabbed the peice of rubble from his chest and chucked it at the girl.  Then, with the speed of Usain Bolt, he charged the girl.  His arm cocked back, eager to pay the girl back for his pain.

Meanwhile, the blond got off the back of the car and glanced at the building.  What's taking so long?  All they had to do was kill some people with guns.  She thought as she grasped the cigarette between her fingers and let out a puff of smoke in a deep exhale.  "Well, it IS Kuma," she wondered aloud.  "I should probably check on them."