Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 96698 times)


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Marcus lowered his eyes.  Just because your cute doesn't mean ill let you keep secrets THAT big.  He placed his hands on her shoulders and raised an eyebrow.  "You know we are living together now right?  If you try to keep secrets from me, you'll be punished."


Joe's eyes darted around the "guest house".  Of course she can get anything.  He thought, as he let out a sigh.  He grabbed a napkin on the table and started playing with it.  "You guys are that close in strength?"
« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 02:49:48 AM by yinsukin »


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"Yes. And even my parents were civilized enough to understand the importance of fresh vegetables, which is more than I can say for some savages I've had the pleasure of knowing. Besides, you've asked me to prepare the meal without the slightest instruction or direction, is playing with one's thumbs a new head chef's practice nowadays? " He said coldly.

At that moment, he was staring into her eyes with a glare that seemed to shoot lightning and a terrifying and menacing aura that dwarfed the terrifying and menacing aura that dwarfed his terrifying and menacing aura. If someone didn't stop them soon, there might just be a very different kind of meat being served for dinner.

Alternatively, you could grab the popcorn.

« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 02:43:48 AM by francobull3 »


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"Oh, I'll be punished?" Forest said as Marcus rested his hands on her shoulders.  "Maybe it's for your protection."

She ran a finger up and down his chest, before leaning into him. "And who says you'll lead all the time?"


"Well in our general output yes, but she has more of a well of power to pull from than I do," Rin answered with a shrug.


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Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli

After seriously injuring the Pillar-man Wham, and forcing the foe to retreat back to his castle to avoid the sun's direct gaze, with his focus and breathing at their peak and a plan to use the open hole in the wall as a tool to seal the Pillar-man's fate, Caesar readies himself to end the decisive battle once and for all. As he makes his way to the hole in the wall created by the retreating foe, something strange happens as he passes through to confront his foe. In that moment, it is almost as if the air... no the very fabric of space around him is twisted and warped as he crosses with should be an ordinary hole in the wall. Uncertain of the situation he finds himself, the proud ripple warrior thinks to himself if he is caught in an enemy trap.

What's this?! What on Earth is going on! Is this one of Wham or Cars's attacks, was I set up!? JoJo... LisaLisa what the hell is going on.

In brief moment, the man who had readied his breathing and mind for optimal fighting conditions is thrust in a distortion of space for some yet unknown reason. As the space around him begins to settle down and he begins to come to his senses once again, he quickly notices that though he is near a similar castle in a snowy location, it is not the same one where he was previously in front of, the one that held his enemies, Cars and Wham. As he gazes upon, his new setting in shock, he clenches his fist enraged at the events that have unfolded before.

"Mamma Mia! What the hell just happened?! Where am I?!"

He turns his head back and forth to take in the surroundings, the castle in front of was as foreboding as the one where he had just faced his previous foe, yet it lacked the two enemies that for whom he spent time rigorously training with JoJo to defeat. Even so, his confusion mixed with rage at missing his chance to finish off one of his hated foes, as well as a hint of fear at the unknown that has just happened to him, causes the proud warrior to stand in the snow clutching his fist so hard it draws blood, at the events that have just unfolded to him before his very eyes.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 05:38:51 AM by theunknownhero »
Even I have something I must protect.


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Marcus cocked a smile at Forest's comment, hardening at the thought of punishing the vampire.  "For my protection?" he asked thinking loud.  He could feel her breasts pressing against him as she leaned in.

A loud clap echoed through the streets as Marcus's hand slammed into Forest's ass, pulling her even closer to him.  "Because you'll have to work harder than that to get a lead on me," he retorted with his typical smirk.


Joe's eyes widened.  Oh god I was right. he thought, as his eyes returned to normal.   His fidgeting intensified as he glanced at Rin's plate to see if she finished. "That reminds me, are you older or younger than her?" 
« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 08:36:14 PM by yinsukin »


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"Just don't underestimate whatever may lair here. Don't miss any sideway tunnels, it's a common mistake." For beginners, but she didn't say it out of loud. Even with her Pokemon if she didn't pay attention to surroundings a one dart from a blowpipe of Night Goblins or Ratlings could poison her. An armor was really useful for such incidents. As the trio ventured into deeper into the cave, they stumbled into Goblin bodies splattered all over the place. Something or someone have ripped them apart. While she was relieved that such dangerous pests got rid of in such a gruesome way, she was concerned whether whatever slumbered in the deepest part of the cave system was responsible for that.


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka suddenly and dramatically pulled two pokeballs off of her belt, releasing the two pokemon with a practiced throw. Out of the light emerged Sylveon and Gengar, the latter of whom began to laugh manically. "Go keep watch around us. Attack anybody or anything that isn't us three, ok?" She asked, rubbing the creepy ghost on the head with a happy smile.

She then turned back to look at Anastasia and Paladin, walking towards them with the large semitransparent ghost in tow, her Sylveon happily following behind her, prancing down the cave. "Guys, these are Haunter and Sylveon. They're also my friends, so be nice!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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It was almost hypnotic the way she devoured the slice, the sheer level of joy was quite spectacular. She barely had time to finish her request before he was on it and brought it closer to let her have a second bite.

"I could feeding you all day if you're gonna keep looking that damn cute while eating."


Noire chewed and swallowed her pizza again before responding to William's statement. "G-good, I'll hold you to that!" She proclaimed leaning in and taking another big bite. I won't forgive you if this is a lie!

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Well duh. Cooperating with a lad whose powers you don't even know seems like a pretty bad idea. Even I'm not that dumb." He said casually, putting his back against a tree. "Consider this your 'job interview.' Now come on, don't be shy, impress me. Though I do suggest keeping your strength for later."


"Hm, well then, do'nt mind if i do."

Not a moment later, he lowered his center of gravity as several dark lumps about the size of a head dropped from the hems of his coat. Before the pirate could clearly make out what they were, four of the lumps shot toward the tree, blurred by the speed to what seemed like red, blue, green and black shadows. The sunlight reflected off what seemed like lines of silver connecting them to the doll's hands as red and black approached Lorenzo directly while green and blue circled around to cut off his escape.


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The skeleton immediately reacted the the blurs dashing for him and jumped out of the way. He was circled, so going around would be a bad move, which was why he had tried to leap over the attack.

"Woah woah woah woah! Are you an idiot or something? Don't attack me! These trees aren't just standing around for nothing."

Suddenly, he heard a rumbling shaking. Instinctively, he dodged to the side and avoided the shattered tree, avoiding a crushing defeat. "Tch. Well, good job. It's kinda amazing I must say, never thought I'd ever see a puppet puppeteering other puppets. The more you know." The skeleton sighed and put a hand on his hip.

"S'that all though?"
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 12:51:50 AM by francobull3 »

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Shirou and Sakura

Sakura and Shirou laughed as they chased after Moko, using reinforcement to run faster as they attempted to grab hold of the cute Pokemon.


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"What, didnt you wanna see what i can do?"
A boyish grin had contorted the porcelaine face, making him suddenly seem almost human.

"Sorry, i have'nt fought in a while so i got carried away; but thats not enough to get you down, now, is it?"

With that, Coppelius contorted his fingers, prompting the dolls to turn around again. A tremendous amount of killer intent emerged from the red doll as a sound like scraping metal emerged from it's joints; with a sudden crack, a bundle of blades burst out of it's left arm, speeding toward the Skeleton like an assassin of old.


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Shirou and Sakura

Sakura and Shirou laughed as they chased after Moko, using reinforcement to run faster as they attempted to grab hold of the cute Pokemon.


The pokemon suddenly seemed to split into five different pokemon when they tried to capture him, and then continued bolting. It was almost as if he was laughing at them.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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She let out a breezy 'hmph' at the dark avatar's shameless lairing. "Don't be too much of a lazybones, or I might throw you to the sharks to see how you fare," she said, dropping a pillow on top of the bundle that was his form beneath the covers. But she could let him sleep for now. Maaaayyyybe some soft, forgiving and sentimental part of her thought he deserved it.

That didn't mean she was gonna stay here and get bored. Methuselah could deal with any questions from the landlady if she was filled in with the basics. Call it 'rent'.

Rafalia hardly noticed until now, but it had gotten late while she was out playing with Methuselah. Dusk was falling over the sky, letting the strong reds and yellows of the sun melt into the horizon, casting long shadows on her walk. The coming of darkness called to her like family, the likely reason for her restless mood even after a day of cavorting with the divine and the monstrous.

Her steed carried her quietly over the broadwalk, ignoring the occasional odd look as they wandered through greener streets and she waved at the owners of the local shops they passed, as they prepared for the night or readied to close for the day.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

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The man was somewhat perturbed by the new shadowy beast that Oka had summoned, but he calmed his heart. It would be rude of him to doubt such a skilled master of monsters at this point. Instead he turned his attention to the ravaged bodies scattered around the area.

No human could have done this. At least, no normal human. He would keep his guard up. There were few creatures that could remain truly hidden from him if he maintained focus.


But the pale rider came to a stop as someone stood in front of the horse. A tall woman whose hands stroked the steed whose eyes were filled with falling night as she looked at Rafalia with a neat, expecting satisfaction.

The Messengers hid themselves, carefully picking at and sifting through the strange girl's thoughts and feeding them directly to Lucy. "Raf, you never showed me your horse before! You didn't think it important to share this with me. You both have such lovely eyes."

Lucy smiled. Using her toys to gather information on people like this was surprisingly fun.