Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 96710 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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Then Lucy laughed. A triumphant sound that was as clear as the blaring of a trumpet at the conclusion of a battle. "Your heart is such a difficult thing to wrangle, Raf. It must have taken a miracle to slip a chain around your hollow self. I admire him for it."

For now the Messengers withdrew their intrusive mental footholds as she continued, uncaring of the slightest degree of tension in the air. "But you know me, Raf. Even the riders must pray to me. The tower that is Victory rests its foundation on my soul and my dominion is Conquest." She bites the excrucian's neck, just hard enough to leave a bit of a mark on her skin but still soft enough to send shivers up anyone's spine.

"And lo and behold, I find a rider kissed by evil. Can you blame me for attempting this little campaign?" Pressing her palm to the girl's face for another kiss.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 04:40:59 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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He followed Forest into a rundown building.  Not his first choice, but it added a fun edge to the whole experience.  Even as he walked, his cock never softened, as if retreating back into his pants would change her mind.

She opened herself up for him, displaying her drenched pussy.  "Damn," he said, moving his head closer.  "I did all of that with a bite?  What would happen to me if you returned the favor?"

He pushed her legs out father, opening her up a bit more.  Then, he leaned in, licking her outer folds a bit to test the waters.


Joe pointed at her with a raised eyebrow.  "You have been dodging the question this whole time," he said, sighing a bit after that opening statement.  "She doesn't care about the details, but do you?"


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"If I bit you?  Well, you'd have a really intense orgasm complete with spilling your seed and what not," Forest answered as he pushed her legs open even more before leaning his head forward.

A moan escaped her lips at the first touch of his tongue on her cool flesh.  She arched back, her hands going to entangle in his hair. 


Rin bit her lip at Joe's question and sighed.  She answered, "Yeah, I care about the details.  I want to help her, but I also want to get back to my Sakura.  Or at least let her know I'm okay."


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That arched back was his signal.  He glanced at his target, planning his assault on her clit when he noticed something.  Her Hymen... Its still there... That sneaky... he thought, as his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth curled into a bitter frown.

No, ill punish her later.

At the very least it looked nice.

He pushed his tounge into her cool tissue, rubbing it on the folds with a careful pace, making sure he is consistent with his stokes.  As he moved up towards the clit, he increased his pace, moving his tongue more rapidly.  Eventually, he reached its target, the clit.  His tounge could easily be mistaken for a vibrator at this insane level of speed.


Joe rested his head on his hand and looked towards the door.  So even if she stays here, a part of her will belong to that other world....

After that thought passed, his head moved back to its original position.  "It sounds like she can probably help herself," he finally said, thinking about supergirl hitwoman Rider.


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Forest felt her hips begin to twitch in response to Marcus's warm tongue prodding her folds.  She felt him move his tongue upwards to the little, swollen nub that was peeking from under its hood.  He flicked against her faster and faster, until it suddenly came in contact with her weakness with that intensity.

A cry tore from her lips as she writhed against him, feeling pressure well up within her rapidly before she felt oddly heavy and weightless at the same time.  She became taunt and suspended, trembling with tension from within as he drove her with his tongue.  Until one rapid flick broke her.

She arched hard like a pulled bowstring with a scream, a splash of lust pouring out from her as her inner walls greedily gripped at nothing.


Rin toyed with her glass and sighed. "I know Sakura can take care of herself.  She also has Shirou, but . . ."

"I feel responsible.  I was a bad older sister you know."


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Forest's moaning were like a grand symphony, an orchestra of pleasure that he created.  With each twitch, his satisfaction grew.  That final cry was like a crescendo, dancing through his ears and igniting his brain with pure satisfying pleasure. There was nothing he loved more than that sound, nothing more satisfying than the intense pleasure in her voice.

Marcus pulled away from her, a grin painted on his face as he did.  "See?  Told you."


Joe's head perked up.  "Why?" he asked.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 04:59:53 AM by yinsukin »


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Forest leaned against the counter, her thighs still trembling as her inner walls fluttered with pleasant little aftershocks.

She looked up blearily at Marcus's pleased, grinning face that was wet with her juices.  Then she smiled herself, going somewhat boneless before stretching slightly.  "You can do that whenever you want," Forest said in her lust filled daze.


"It's a magus thing," Rin said looking down at her plate.  "I was sort of forced to act like she wasn't my sister when she was given away to another family who . . . mistreated her."


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Gojira's mind was swirling - this was certainly an odd place. She looked around, trying to figure out where here was. Adjutor's question brought her back to focus, "It's not like I have anything against him per se," she began, "It's that his eyes are...wrong.

"Joshua is kinda the security of those apratments. You know, watches the front, yadda yadda.  If you look him in the eyes and he's nowt wearing those sunglasses, your body just...crumples." Gojira found this out the hard way. A former neighbor of hers was playing music too loudly. She confronted him, and things escaladed to the point where she picked up the sod and was prepared to toss him out the window. That was when Joshua came in. The moment she looke dhim in his uncovered, snake-like eyes, her body collapsed onto the floor, utterly paralyzed.

The memory brought a shiver down her spine. That sense of powerlessness. It was different than before, back when she was humbled on that beach so many years ago. She wasn't able to crawl away to safety, to lick her wounds. No, her body refused to respond - she was defeated by just looking at the man. Such a power terrifies her.

Ever since then, she had as little to do with Joshua as possible. But that was easier said than done, what with her clashing with the other tenants.

"Where are we now?" Gojira asked, trying to change the subject.


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"Of course." Julius replied, but insisted on paying for the drink as well. He wasn't that impoverished as a noble. Without saying anything, he put another sum of the money on the table.

After a walk they reached the neighborhood he mentioned. While it didn't look like a ghetto, it does seem have its share of problems, like homeless on the street. And armed thugs breaking and entering into a shop. As local denizens weren't particularly well off, authorities prioritized many other districts unless something major happened. So smalltime crime like this thrived. Not under his watch on!

"Surrender yourself, you villains!" He adressed the robbers. Their faces were concealed with masks and they wielded a crowbar and a baseball bat. Those two miscreants ignored him at first as a lady and a loonie shouting at them wasn't considered a threat by them. One of the criminals was finishing gathering the loot while the one standing on guard just nonchalantly stood there while observing those two. If they had more courage than a brain, he wouldn't hold back even against a woman.


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That shadowy beast also caught Anastasia's attention. Looked like a giant spectre. Oh, well, it was time for anti-poltergeist precaution number 1.

"Are you hungry?" Anastasia approached Haunter, holding one of rations she kept for the trip, a bar of chocolate. Appease a spirit with what was in practice a bribery was a standard conduct in her culture.


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Oka Kurosawa

"Um, he doesn't eat food, you know." Oka raised her eyebrow as she spoke. "He's a ghost."

The Gengar cackled merrily at them before he suddenly disappeared into the ground, vanishing from sight.

"Ghosts eat other stuff, like dreams and fear."

Oka gazed around at the dead bodies and whistled. After being in the Nexus for a few months, this didn't really surprise her anymore. It wasn't really much worse than some of the stuff team rocket had done, anyway. She did notice that Sylveon seemed to be getting agitated, pacing around her and on complete alert. She looked down at him quizzically, at which pint he suddenly pointed down a tunnel with one of his feelers and made some indecipherable motions with his other ones.

"He says something's sleeping down that tunnel. Probably only one thing." She informed the others of his findings. "Doesn't sound like it's that big either."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Yes. And even my parents were civilized enough to understand the importance of fresh vegetables, which is more than I can say for some savages I've had the pleasure of knowing. Besides, you've asked me to prepare the meal without the slightest instruction or direction, is playing with one's thumbs a new head chef's practice nowadays? " He said coldly.

At that moment, he was staring into her eyes with a glare that seemed to shoot lightning and a terrifying and menacing aura that dwarfed the terrifying and menacing aura that dwarfed his terrifying and menacing aura. If someone didn't stop them soon, there might just be a very different kind of meat being served for dinner.

Alternatively, you could grab the popcorn.

Sakura Matou

"Oh, are you saying that you couldn't figure it out from what I'd taken out? Very well, I'll go get the meat. It seems like you have much to learn after all. Go throw together a salad from what you've cut, there's no point wasting it at this point." Sakura sighed, before she pulled some ground beef out of the refrigerator along with some lettuce and onions. "Go prep some potatoes as well, cut some fries if you know how."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Marcus placed a hand on her toned belly.  "That's a pretty dangerous offer," he said, rubbing it gently.  "I could end up abusing that."

He moved his hand to the ground next to her, pressing down in order to move his head close to hers.  Now only a few inches away, he brushed her cheeks with his other hand, taking in the feeling of her soft skin.  "I think you owe me now," he said, his pupils pointing towards his cock.


Joe's eyes widened.  He leaned in, resting his elbows on the table.  "Wow, that's horrible!  Why would you ever do something like that?"
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 11:29:57 PM by yinsukin »


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He kept feeding her the pizza while also saving some for himself, and just like that the pizza was gone. The heavenly treat had fulfilled it's role and reached the end of it's existence.

"I'm sorry I can't keep that promise, the pizza is gone." He said with an overly serious voice.


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It was unfortunate that low grade street scum seemed intent on ruining her day. She hated to have a good mood spoiled by those who didn't know what they were getting into. Calmly, she closed the distance between her and the robber standing watch, who readied his baseball bat as she approached, no doubt sneering under the mask.

"Walk away, before you get hurt," he snapped. To that, as soon as she was in arm's reach she simply responded with a question.

"Did you not hear the gentleman?" Her closed fist flew, and before the crook could even express surprise he was loudly backhanded, careening to the ground with a bone-cracking smack. "Surrender."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts